He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 107 Spiritual Time Room, special world history! (1 update)

Chapter 107 Spiritual Time Room, special world history! (1 update)
After seeing the Lord of the Rings civilization, he began to study the Xianxia system, and sparks of thought sparked.

Annan ignored it.

The training system I provided is just a simple introduction.

Because of the differences in the underlying laws of the world, even if they obtain the cultivation system, they cannot apply it mechanically.

Certain parts of the system must be localized in order to practice successfully.

However, the process of modifying the cultivation system, even if it involves gathering the wisdom of the entire civilization, will probably take a long time.

That being the case...

Then he would speed up this group of people a little and create a 'spiritual time room'.

Of course, the Spiritual Time Room is just a name, a space-time realm similar to the one in the Dragon Ball world that slows down the flow of time.

Immediately, Annan snapped his fingers.


The deserted universe is the planetary mothership of the Lord of the Rings civilization.

They had just obtained the Xianxia system...

There was still intense discussion at this time.


The originally gray atmosphere suddenly became dark, and even the sun was blocked.

As if something terrifying was coming, everyone was aware of it and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

In an instant, his eyes widened.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, a path of light spread across the starry sky.

The entire space and time of the universe seemed to have come to a standstill at this time.

The movements of all the Lord of the Rings civilized people became extremely slow, just like slow motion in a movie.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, a long winding river with turbulent waves appeared in the universe from the void on the road of light.

In the endless river, waves splash, and various past scenes appear everywhere in the universe.

When the time flow of the Lord of the Rings civilization returned to normal, all of them were shocked speechless by this scene, and the scientific outlook of the entire civilization seemed to have been shattered.

They slowly opened their eyes, unable to believe the sight that appeared in front of the sky.

This...this is time! ! ?
Time, an abstract concept term used to describe the movement of objects, actually exists? !

Buzz! ! !
The long river of time and space appearing in the starry sky and universe is constantly undulating, and turbulent and illusory waves are constantly splashing out.

The extremely mysterious and incomprehensible power of time and space, as the waves continue to fall over the Lord of the Rings civilization, turn into translucent energy and continue to interweave.

In the end, a translucent invisible barrier enveloped the sky over the planet, covering the entire Lord of the Rings civilization.

Everyone in the Lord of the Rings civilization discovered...

They looked toward the outside world through a transparent barrier.

Everything in the outside world became extremely slow, and the stars flickered at a turtle speed.

Kalafar's voice echoed throughout the planet.

“One day passes outside, and one year passes inside.”

"I hope you can make good use of this opportunity and don't let Father God down."

The people of the Lord of the Rings civilization opened their mouths.

The pupils are round and round,

The expression on his face was so shocked that he was almost numb.

The strong man in this world can actually change the flow of time...

In what dimension of life can this be done?


In the Wanjie chat group...

Han Li finally understood what was going on.

At first he thought he was in an illusion.

Until... I accidentally clicked on the group file, discovered the video file in it, and watched it.He finally believed that what these group members said was true! !

Outside of this world, there really are other worlds!
The other people in the group all come from a completely different world than myself.

And each world is divided into levels: small world, middle world, and large world.

The world you are in is the universe.

He has a very strong receptive ability. After all, he just learned that there are immortal cultivators in this world not long ago!
It is not unacceptable that there are other worlds outside the world.

[The richest man in the world]: Phew, the newcomers finally believe it, it’s time to look at world history... Wait! ?Why is there one missing person in the history of the world? I remember I can’t fly, didn’t I upload it?
[Apprentice Death]: Could it be that you saw it wrong?Let me see... Damn!It’s really gone!
The other group members were also confused for a while, what is going on?

Why are all the good group files gone like this?
[I can’t fly]: Ahem, maybe the chat group happened to be upgraded when I uploaded it, so I swallowed it.

Of course, this is just superficial rhetoric.

In fact, Groudon deleted the files he uploaded as soon as the chat group was upgraded in order to avoid being completely socialized in the group.

How could he let these people see him walking back in such a mess!
[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Huh?No, I didn’t know how to fly. I finished watching the historical video posted by Mr. I Can’t Fly within 1 minute before the chat group was forced to go offline.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: That scene was really awesome!Arceus, the God of the Sky, the Twin Gods of Time and Space!There is also a very powerful Pokémon called Hupa, which can actually summon mythical beasts!
【I can’t fly】:─=≡Σ(((つ benefit つ, shut up!!!
Tanjiro's message was interrupted in time, and Groudon's face was about to turn black to charcoal.

Never thought of it!

Besides myself, there are other people who have watched the historical video.

hateful!This guy, the ghost-slaying expert, must be silenced for sure!

Seeing Groudon's uncharacteristically weird attitude, the others immediately became aware of it.

[The richest man in the world]: Oh?Could it be that there is a big secret in the historical video of I Can’t Fly?

[Little Broken Ball]: The group file disappeared. Could it be... I can't fly and you deleted it yourself?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Upload it quickly!You can’t keep good things to yourself!
[Do you want to dance too?]: Yes, you have seen our history, so what’s the harm in letting us see yours?
Faced with the siege of the group members, Groudon simply chose to pretend to be deaf and mute, pretending that he had not seen any news from them.

This embarrassing side of myself must not be known to a third person!
[I am still an egg]: Um... I would like to ask you all, how can I get the historical video of my own world?
[Big bones made into soup]: It’s very simple, as long as you have points, just redeem them directly.

[Wrowning and running super fast]: I would like to ask everyone, what is the source of these points?
[Little Breaking Ball]: Group points can be exchanged by selling special items from your own world to the chat group. The rarer and more powerful the items are, the more points you can get.


Devour the starry sky world.

Inside the dome, the golden-horned behemoths had fully understood the role of points through their explanations.

Now it just needs to find the right items and sell them to the chat group.

A slight vibration came from the dome.

The golden-horned giant beast sensed that somewhere on the seabed, there was a large amount of energy reaction, which should be some kind of special mineral.

So, it rolled its huge egg body and reached its destination at an extremely fast speed.

[If you discover a mine that contains huge energy, you can get 4000 points. Do you want to sell it? 】

【Sales successful!Earn 4000 points]

In the chat group at this time.

Other group members are still working hard to get Groudon to re-upload World History.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Why did you delete it? We don’t understand your world yet.

Groudon remained silent, showing no intention of answering.

——I am still an egg and uploaded the world history "Swallowing the Stars"——

[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?Haven't you hatched it yet? Where did you get the points?
[I'm still an egg]: I was lucky. I happened to find an energy deposit near the seabed. After selling it, I got 4000 points.

[The richest man in the world]: Why is the gap between the world so big... Are points so easy to obtain?

If I were still an egg, Tony's heart would suddenly feel stuffed.

You know, I spent a long time and couldn't find anything that could be sold.

If I hadn't gotten Thor's hammer by chance, got the first bucket of points, and gotten the space gem through luck.

I am afraid that until now, he has not been able to obtain points stably.

There is a new world history. Everyone entered the group file and clicked on the new world history "Swallowing Starry Sky"

However, after entering the viewing space, everyone's expressions were dull for a moment.

What they saw was not the same video footage as before.

In the center of the viewing space, there is a huge book floating, and the pages are turning automatically without wind!

The world history of "I am still an egg" is not a video but a book? ?

(End of this chapter)

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