He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 108: The body was taken away!Something worth 50 group points! ! ! (2 updates)

Chapter 108: The body was taken away!Something worth 50 group points! ! ! (2 updates)
[Big Bones Made into Soup]: The history of the world when I was still an egg is not a video, but a book! ?
[Do you also want to dance?]: Interesting, is this also a special feature of the world?
The next moment, a strange scene appeared!

The book floating in mid-air trembled violently, and countless words splashed out from the book, floating in the viewing space.

Mysterious power permeates the air.

Everyone's eyes were in a trance, and these words began to evolve and turned into video pictures.

Everyone follows the text picture.

The perspective is fixed on a human named 'Luo Feng'.

They saw Luo Feng rise in a very short period of time.

I also saw the magnificent world view.

Warriors, spiritual masters, mutant beasts, alien civilization inheritance...

Luo Feng continued to hone himself and improve his strength level.

Elementary warrior, intermediate warrior...junior general, intermediate general...god of war...beyond god of war...

Until the end, he became the top powerhouse on Blue Star... on par with Hong and Thor.

[I'm still an egg]: Damn it! ! !The inheritance of the Fallen Ink Star! ?That is the inheritance of the immortal gods, and this kid got it through his luck!
[I am still an egg]: No wonder, I said why Blue Star has not been discovered by other civilizations until now. It turns out that the Lord of the Fallen Ink Star covered up the coordinates of the Blue Star before his death!
[Little Broken Ball]: Nonsense, the scenes of this world's history are all from Luo Feng's perspective. He must be the son of luck in this world, so it is not surprising that he has been inherited.

[Apprentice Death]: But is this the son of destiny in the world?It only took such a short time to become the top human being?
[I am still an egg]: Beyond the God of War?Top powerhouse? ?I want to laugh. Didn't I say it before? Only the Immortal level can be regarded as the top powerhouse. The so-called God of War is just an apprentice in the vast universe, not even an entry-level person!

[I am still an egg]: Even if it surpasses the God of War, it is only comparable to planet-level strength. Because the life level has been improved, it can change the magnetic field, can survive in the universe without breathing.But in the universe, planet-level people are just the most basic citizens. They can barely make ends meet and are only qualified to be slaves and cannon fodder!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hiss... The strong ones who can survive in the universe are just slaves... The world is too terrifying.

Text connections continue to emerge, evolving into more pictures in the air

Soon, a huge egg appeared on the screen and hatched.

A ferocious dark golden beast hatched from the bottom of the sea and began to crazily devour all the mutant beasts around it.

[Apprentice Death]: Why does this egg look familiar?The hatched look looks a bit familiar.

[I can’t fly]:? ? ? @I am still an egg, something is wrong!Isn't this what you hatched?

[I am still an egg]: Huh?I'll probably be able to hatch them in a while.I thought this scene was from the distant past or the future, but to my surprise, it was actually now.

[Apprentice Death]: Then don’t you want to destroy the earth?This is not possible!
[I'm still an egg]: It's not me who has the final say. Human beings are just food to me, just like you humans eat all kinds of livestock. After hatching, our race will devour an entire living planet. as nutrients.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Mr. Dan...you are indeed a bad guy...

[The richest man in the world]: "Ghost-killing expert" Don't panic. Judging from my experience of reading so much world history, the so-called villains are just stepping stones to give experience and treasures to the children of luck.Before long, you will be finished!
[I am still an egg]: Haha, are you kidding me?I am a giant beast in the starry sky!Even if he has received the inheritance of the immortal gods, he has not grown up yet. How can he be my opponent?
Then, the words continue to evolve into images.

Everyone can't wait to know how things will develop next.

In the picture, the golden-horned giant beast hatched began to devour humans and all life.

In order to protect Blue Star, humans gathered all their strength and launched an unprecedented war with the golden-horned behemoth.

All the human masters came out in force, but they were no match for the golden-horned giant beast.

At the critical moment, Luo Feng chose to seize the body of the golden-horned giant beast and occupy its body.


Seeing this scene, the golden-horned giant beast was completely stunned.

Was your body taken away by humans?The soul is devoured and the body is occupied by humans? ? ?

This scene brought a small human shock to this unborn starry sky beast.

It was immediately numb and dumbfounded.

[I am still an egg]:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ! ! !
[I am still an egg] I am such a majestic starry sky beast, and my body was actually taken away by a human! ?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hahaha!Calm down, these are all basic operations. The Son of Destiny has many more outrageous operations than this. Who told you to go against the Son of Destiny?

[I am still an egg]:...

…In the speechlessness of the golden-horned giant beast, the picture continues to evolve.

After seizing the body of the starry sky beast, Luo Feng officially entered the interstellar universe.

A vaster and broader world view of the world is unfolding before everyone's eyes.

In the vast and endless starry sky, thousands of races compete for hegemony, and bloody competition for survival is staged all the time.

More powerful power systems are constantly emerging from Luo Feng's perspective.

Apprentice level, planet level, star level, universe level, domain lord level...

Realm Lord Level, Immortal Level, Universe Venerable, Lord of the Universe, True God...

True God of Void, True God of Eternity, Lord of Chaos, King of Gods!
One by one, a higher and stronger level of powerhouse appears.

Its terrifying and boundless strength, the power that shook the starry sky, caused the entire chat group to become completely silent.

Even the golden-horned giant beast's pupils widened and its mouth opened wide in shock.

[I am still an egg]: I...the pinnacle of our golden-horned behemoth clan can grow to the realm lord level.But I didn’t expect that the World Lord level was only ranked sixth from the bottom in the entire universe... In my opinion, the top level Immortal level is just... a weakling? ? ? !

[I can’t fly]: Oh my god, isn’t your world too powerful?The "Lord of the Universe" of System 12 can actually stop the operation of the laws of the universe!The "Eternal True God" of System [-] can even create a micro-universe of tens of thousands of light-years under his control, and all the mysteries are no different from the real universe!
[Little Breaking Ball]: It’s unimaginable... the 'God King Realm' can open up its own universe and breed all kinds of strong people!Wait, doesn't that mean that the God-King level and Lord Kalafar are on the same level? ? ?

[Apprentice Death]: Damn it! ! !When you said that, I remembered it!Lord Kalafar also created an entire universe.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Although I already knew Lord Kalafar was very awesome before, it was only after seeing the picture of the evolution of text in the history of the world that I knew exactly how awesome Lord Kalafar was. ah!

[I am still an egg]: An existence equal to the God-King level...Karafar?who is he?

[Little Breaking Ball]: Lord Kalafar is the subordinate god of the group leader!

【I am still an egg】:щ(゜ロ゜щ)
[Wrowning and running super fast]: (⊙ω⊙`)!

The two of them were stunned for a moment!

Is it so scary? ?

In the vast world where the golden-horned giant beast is located, the most powerful person, the God King, can open up a universe alone.

In the world of the group leader, he is just a subordinate god!

[I can’t fly]: Calm down, it’s rare to see many strange people. You know, that is the world of the group leader and the group leader! !
[The richest man in the world]: Indeed!I feel depressed when I think about it. When can I become the subordinate world of the group leader and experience the awesomeness of Master Kalafar up close?


The world of mortals cultivating immortals.

At this time, Han Li was once again hit by the huge amount of information, and his chest continued to rise and fall.

Now, although his strength has not improved, his horizons have been infinitely broadened!
This is the Great Thousand World!
This is the real powerhouse!
Are the legendary immortal cultivators as powerful as these powerful men?

I don’t know what the history of my world will be like.

But if he wants to watch the history of the world, he needs to redeem points, and he doesn't have points yet.


Suddenly Han Li remembered and took out a small green bottle from his lapel.

I wonder how many points this mysterious little bottle can be sold for?
【Ding!Can sell 50 points]

【Is it for sale? 】

Seeing this huge number, Han Li's pupils shrank violently in an instant, his body subconsciously retreated, and he almost lost his grip on the small green bottle and dropped it to the ground.


How much... how much? ?

50 points! ! ?

(End of this chapter)

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