He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 109: The leader of the group touches me, and I become a true immortal! ! !

Chapter 109 The leader of the group caressed me, and with one thought... I became a true immortal! ! !

Han Li looked at the small bottle in his hand in confusion. This magical little green bottle was actually worth 50 points?

His mind was a little down. Could it be that group points are actually something that is easy to obtain?

But recalling what they said, points are something that can only be obtained by selling valuable items.

In other words, the little green bottle in his hand...is very valuable! ! ?

Thinking of this, Han Li began to get confused.

This little green bottle is so extraordinary, should I sell it?
But soon, his eyes became firm.

No matter how powerful the treasure is, he can't guarantee that he will have a smooth journey in cultivating immortality.

One's own strength is the only truth.

Everything outside the body is false.


In the Wanjie chat group...

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:? ? ?Damn it!The newcomer’s points... he he he he...

[Little Broken Ball]: What are you yelling about? After all, he is from the world. Points are easy to get. Let me know how much he got... I... Holy shit? !

[The richest man in the world]: Ah! ?Damn it!

Seeing these three people react like this.

The rest of the people glanced at the points number next to the ID nickname of "Frowning and running super fast."

Instantly sluggish.

50w points!

The most points in the entire chat group so far!

Even if all the points that everyone else has gained so far are added up, they can't compare to "running super fast with a frown on one's brow".

And 50 points are just enough to draw the highest reward!

The entire group chat was quiet for several minutes.

Then the screen was flooded like crazy.

[Apprentice Death]:! !Fuck? 50 points, what the hell did you sell! ?
[Little Broken Ball]: 50w! !I only earned 50 to [-] points from selling My World. What the hell are you doing with [-] points?You won’t also sell your whole world, right?

[The richest man in the world]: Wait...it’s equal to 50 Thor’s hammers? ? ?

[I think you are a dragon]: Say it quickly! !How do you get the points?

Faced with everyone’s doubts and questions.

Han Li did not hide anything, but told the truth.

[Frowning and running super fast]: Actually, these 50 points were obtained after I sold a small bottle I got by chance.

[I can’t fly]: Small...bottle? ?

[Do you also want to dance?]: Moreover, I got it by accident...

Everyone fell into a daze again, and a small bottle they unexpectedly obtained was worth 50 points! !

Groudon was even more dumbfounded, and the entire beast fell into chaos.

You know, even the slate of Arceus can only sell 1 points!

A small bottle can actually hold up to 50 stone slabs of Arceus?
What's more, the key is that Lord Arceus doesn't have that many stone slabs!

I'm afraid it would be impossible to get 50 points without selling Arceus himself.

[The richest man in the world]: ..., is this the European Emperor?

[Big Bones Boiled into Soup]: What kind of incredible luck did it take to be able to pick up such a treasure?

[Little Breaking Ball]: Wait!I remember that the points for the supreme lottery are also 50, right?Doesn’t that mean that we can witness the supreme lottery with our own eyes this time? !

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: That’s right!The highest lottery will yield [-]% golden items, and they are of a perfect level! "Run fast", take a quick shot and let us open our eyes! ! !

They have been coveting the treasure of the Supreme Lottery for a long time, but because it requires too many points, no one has ever thought about it.

Now, Han Li's appearance finally gave them a chance to witness!


Ultra Universe, Blue Star.

There was a small green bottle floating in Annan's palm.

This is exactly the item that Han Li sold to the chat group - the Sky Palm Bottle!

Through the Heaven Palm Vase, he collected a large number of world origins of the world of mortals cultivating immortals in one fell swoop.

Annan originally thought that because of Han Laomo's stability-seeking character.

Probably won't be sold.

But unexpectedly, he actually chose to sell it to the chat group instead of keeping it for himself.

The small green bottle in Han Li's mouth is also the Palm Sky Bottle.

It is actually the first Xuantian treasure born in the chaos when the way of heaven first appeared in the world of mortals cultivating immortals.

It not only contains all the laws of heaven, but also has the remnants of chaos, and has incredible abilities such as taking over the creation of heaven and earth.

It can be said to be an accompaniment to the birth of the world.

Not only that, the Palm Sky Bottle also contains the law of time owned by the "Lord of the Reincarnation Hall"!
The Lord of the Reincarnation Hall is the result of Han Li's different development on the same timeline.

It can be said to be his previous life.

He once fought against the Time Dao Ancestor "ancient or present", but was defeated and his success was in vain.

But when he was about to be killed, the master of the Samsara Palace poured all the power of the law of time he had cultivated throughout his life into the bottle, so that the bottle spirit was born, thus generating the ability to travel through time and space.

And returned to the time before his rise. Countless years later, he was obtained by Han Li.

Thus, a generation of "Han Paopao" and "Han Laomo" who are as steady as a dog were created.

Annan shook his head. There was no such thing as luck, it was all fate.

Looking at all the worlds, every child of destiny seems to be a low-level counterattack, but in fact, he has a great background.

Children of destiny are children of destiny, and they have never had an ordinary existence.

The next moment, the Palm Palm Vase shattered.

The moment the invisible laws and power floated in the air, they were captured by Annan and absorbed into his body.

When he opened his eyes again, his whole temperament had become completely different.

Annan used to be dazzling, with a presence that could not be ignored, like a sun hanging high in the sky that could not be looked directly at.

But now, after absorbing the power and laws of the Palm Palm Vase, his temperament has become as gentle as jade, full of fairy spirit, just like the swordsman in the world of immortals.

If you put on a white robe and go out, you might be thought of as someone who has traveled through time in some fairy world.

Feeling the changes in himself, Annan nodded slightly, very satisfied.

Now, he has absorbed a large amount of the origin of the world and can create a imprint of the world of mortals cultivating immortals that is as fake as real.

Even if you break into the world of mortal cultivators openly, you will not be rejected by the will of the world.

The will of the world cannot discover that he actually exists in other worlds.


Seeing Han Li's use of points, Annan was a little surprised.

"Huh? He holds 50 points. Instead of drawing him to the highest prize pool, is he using it directly to improve his strength?"

"Should I say he is worthy of being Old Demon Han? He is so steady."

"A very wise choice."


At this time, everyone in the Wanjie chat group was a little disappointed because of Han Li's choice.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, I can’t see the supreme lottery scene!You run so fast, can you actually resist not drawing a prize?That is the highest prize pool, and there must be golden items!

[Big bones boiled into soup]: Sigh... Why don't you run faster? Do you think again?
[I can’t fly]: Isn’t it too rational to run fast?Damn it, how can we see it if you don’t slap it!

However, in the face of everyone's persuasion, Han Li still insisted on his own ideas. [Wrowning and running super fast]: No, I don’t really like this kind of unstable thing. It’s more suitable for me to directly use points to steadily improve my strength.


The world of mortals cultivating immortals.

Inside the Medicine Valley wooden house.

After determining the rules for exchanging points for strength, Han Li nodded slightly.

Although all the items drawn from the supreme prize pool are of incredible quality.

But after all, these are still things outside the body, and they may not be able to protect them with their own mortal strength.

And it’s not like I haven’t experienced treasures that defy the heavens.

The mysterious little green bottle can be exchanged for 50 points. It is obviously on the same level as the items in the supreme prize pool, and he has not sold it yet.

Only your own strength is the most important!
After making a decision in his heart, Han Li clicked on the option and began to redeem his strength.


Instantly, he felt a terrible energy pouring into his body.

It was as if I had returned to my mother's womb, my whole body felt warm and indescribably comfortable.


Over the Medicine King Valley.

The wind and cloud are discolored.

In the dark sky, a large number of dark clouds began to gather.

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, as if the end of the world was coming, the entire mountain forest was enveloped in violent winds and rain, and thunderous thunder struck one after another.

The magic power in Han's body condensed into a liquid in an instant.

His realm has also been upgraded from Qi refining to foundation building realm.

At the same time, the people in Qixuanmen looked up at the sky in confusion, looking a little stunned when they saw this sudden climate change.

At the same time, an inexplicable sense of oppression came from the mountains and forests.

boom! ! !
On the other side, the mana in Han's body continued to increase.

The moment you enter the foundation building period.

Not even for a second,

The spiritual power that turned into liquid condensed and turned into a bright golden elixir!

At the moment when the elixir was formed, a powerful aura spurted out, like a roaring wind, howling continuously with the mountains and forests,

The terrifying aura of the Golden Core Realm permeated the entire 'Jingzhou'.

The overwhelming sense of oppression made the mortals of Qixuan Sect find it difficult to breathe, and their whole bodies felt inexplicably weak, as if they were instinctively afraid of something.

The birds and animals in the forest also fled in panic as if a natural disaster had arrived.

The next second, the golden elixir shattered, the Nascent Soul was created, and the Great Dao was first formed!
The pressure, which was several times more powerful than before, spread to a radius of tens of thousands of miles in an instant, and the entire "Yue Kingdom" was shrouded in the brilliant power of heaven.

Mortal life has no possibility of resistance under this pressure!
After reaching the peak of human strength in the blink of an eye, the surging power within Han Li showed no intention of stopping.

The level is broken again!

God Transformation Realm! !

The ultimate in the world! ! !

The transformed god is born, and the world is shaken!
At this moment, the power of the Divine Transformation Stage caused the entire Tiannan Continent to tremble.

Aura riots.

The thin spiritual energy in the world vibrated like never before, forming one turbulent wave after another, resonating with it.

Not only mortals, but also countless immortal cultivators half-knelt on the ground under this terrifying pressure, lowering their heads in fear.

Fortunately, these cultivation levels are directly introduced into the body from the chat group of all worlds, and there is no need to absorb spiritual power from the human world.

Otherwise, at this moment, the spiritual power of the entire continent will be drained directly!

Han Li's strength continued to rise without stopping even for a second after he reached the divine transformation stage.

The peak of divine transformation, the refining of the void... the peak of the refining of the void, the integration stage, the Mahayana stage... the tribulation stage! ! !

The spiritual world, a place rich in spiritual energy.

It is also the transitional world between the human world and the fairy world.

The moment Han Li broke through, the expressions of all the powerful men who felt this aura changed drastically.

"What's going on!? A strong man who has transcended the tribulation period has actually appeared in the human world???"

But not yet for them to investigate.

The terrifying spiritual power is like a whirlpool, forming a huge pillar of spiritual energy that runs through the world and rushes straight into the spiritual world! ! !
Let the entire spiritual world tremble.

The originally surprised expressions of these strong men instantly became extremely horrified and fearful!
Their bodies continued to tremble, and their faces turned white and blue.

His round pupils were trembling constantly.

"Really, the breath of a true immortal!??"


The entire human world was unable to withstand this terrifying force. The space trembled, and the earth and oceans were shaking.

Han Li was sitting quietly. The surging mana in his body finally slowly stopped after it reached the level of true immortal.

[Strength improvement stopped!Without relevant rules, we cannot continue to improve! 】

The notification tone of the chat group made him open his eyes.

He slowly stood up, feeling the terrifying power emerging from his body.

Han Li raised his palm and waved lightly.

In an instant, the space shattered.

After the broken space, there is a world completely different from the human world - the spiritual world!
With only the power of his physical body, Han Li shattered the space connecting the two worlds.

"This...is the power of a true immortal!"

After a few seconds, the space returned to normal.

Han Li took a deep breath, and a lot of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

The next level of true immortality is called golden immortality.

You must understand the power of the law and condense the threads of the law before you can reach it.

Less than 3 minutes ago, he was just an ordinary Qi training rookie, how could he possibly know such advanced things.

Without the power of law, the chat group cannot forcibly improve his strength.

He took a look at his points. After being promoted to the True Immortal Realm, he still had 15 points left.


World Chat Group.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: The points for running fast have not been reduced after reaching 15. It seems that the upgrade has been completed. @ frown and run super fast. How does it feel to level up?
[Frowning and running super fast]: It feels...very good!I am now a legendary true immortal.

Immortal? !
Everyone in the group was envious. They spent a total of 35 points to increase their points. Upon hearing this, this real immortal sounds awesome!

You know, when Marco raised his strength to the limit of the pirate world, he only spent a few thousand points!

[Wrowning and running super fast]: However, I encountered a bottleneck. The chat group told me that I must have the power of law to continue to improve my cultivation.

[I can’t fly]: Is it the power of the law? Sure enough, all the powerful people in the world need to master it, but it’s simple. You can just go to the advanced prize pool and draw it. There is a probability of drawing it.

[The richest man in the world]: That’s right!If you draw ten times in a row, you’ll get a free one!Your 15 points are more than enough! !
[Little Breaking Ball]: Finally!After such a long time, someone in our chat group finally appeared who can draw the advanced prize pool ten times in a row!

Seeing everyone's replies, Han Li nodded secretly.

[Frowning and running super fast]: Okay!I'm going to smoke it now!



(End of this chapter)

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