He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 112 The world upgrades!Hidden mission, the traitor is myself?

Chapter 112 The world upgrades!Hidden mission, the traitor is myself?
Transit universe…

After the voice of Father God disappeared, Kalafar looked at the booklet with the gold medal list in his hand, and the doubts and confusion in his heart could not be suppressed.

what happened?

Why did Father God suddenly give this thing to Him?And give yourself full authority to take over the world passage?
Could it be that there is something difficult happening in the Ultra world that Father God has to deal with personally?
The moment this thought came to his mind, he extinguished it.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Destined to be above billions of worlds, how could the invincible Father God encounter difficult things.

at this time…

Carafar's head shot up.

The Transit Universe, or the entire Ultra World, experienced some kind of change at this moment.

Boom! ! !

This, this is!

Kalafar clearly felt that a large number of strange laws that were different from the Ultra world were constantly emerging from within the world and constantly being integrated into the Ultra world.

Not from without, but from within.

With the integration of unfamiliar laws, the world laws of the Ultra world are being continuously improved at an astonishing speed, and are constantly improving the power of the world itself.

As time goes by, the concentration of energy particles in countless universes continues to increase.

The kingdom of light universe.

Changes in the laws of the world have also affected the energy of light.

At this moment, the radiance of the plasma spark tower became even more intense, and the intense and warm radiance spread throughout the entire universe.

The Father of Ultra and other Ultra warriors were surprised to find that the light energy in their bodies was continuously strengthening.

In the transit universe, Kalafar also discovered that the energy in his body was constantly expanding, and the uncontrollable power of light and darkness permeated the entire transit universe.

The powerful energy dyed the entire universe in black and white.

As the underlying laws of the world are further improved and advanced, the scale of the Ultra World itself continues to expand with the increase in energy.

The edge of the world is also expanding in a more distant direction.

Feeling the changes in the world and himself, Kalafar held his breath and concentrated, sinking his consciousness continuously to the bottom of the world.

As a subordinate god to the Supreme Creation God, Annan also gave Kalafar certain authority.

Now, he can already feel the practice system contained in the laws of the Ultra World.

In addition to the power system of the Ultra World itself, he felt that at the bottom of the world's laws, a path of cultivation called the Xianxia System was derived!

After carefully experiencing and analyzing this strange practice system, Kalafar was frightened for a while.

this?What's the matter?

This Xianxia cultivation system... comes from the laws of another world!
To find out, Kalafar closed his eyes.

His consciousness continues to rise, and his perspective is advancing to a higher level of time and space.

The huge transit universe continued to shrink under Kalafar's eyes, and finally turned into a small dot.

Then, he saw the vast and boundless hyperspace, as well as countless parallel universes floating like bubbles in the hyperspace.

Affected by the power of the world's laws, all universes and hyperspace itself are undergoing certain changes.

As our horizons continue to expand, the world continues to shrink.

Until the end, Kalafar had a panoramic view of the entire Ultra world.

All changes and the expansion of the world's edges were clearly displayed in front of him.

Like an incomparably huge sphere, next to the Ultra World that was surrounded by world barriers, a circular world that was less than half the size of Ultra World appeared.

It is like a satellite, constantly rotating around the Ultra World.

There were originally several small and medium-thousand world spheres floating around the Ultra World.

They were all squeezed by the new balls to areas farther away and lower, and they all rotated around the Ultra World.

With his eyes closely following the new giant world sphere, Kalafar was so shocked that his mind trembled, and his mind suddenly shut down.

The Ultra World has one more subordinate world... and the additional world is a vast world! ! !
I see!He totally gets it.

As expected of Father God!
He can actually conquer a whole world! ! !

While Annan was sleeping.

The world of the Lord God.

Ever since Yu Haiyang failed in his last mission and returned to the reincarnation space of the Lord God's world in embarrassment.

The world of the Lord God has experienced an unprecedented chaotic situation.

No one, including Yu Haiyang himself, had expected it.

I don’t know why the Lord God’s world went crazy, but it actually brought back all the answer gold medals from all the worlds!

This move caused all the intruders to be in an uproar, completely unable to understand what was going on.

Without the gold medal list, they would have no way to complete the mission, nor would they be able to advance and become stronger.

Fortunately, after half a month of chaos.

Today, the world of the Lord God has been completely stabilized. Every invader has once again received the task of invading the world, and the same is true for Yu Haiyang.

He came to his own "return space".

Return to space…

The eyes of the Lord, which had been half-closed as if sleeping, opened at this moment.

In an instant, a strong golden light shone down,

Yu Haiyang's body was light, as if he had fallen into a bottomless golden channel, and the endless feeling of falling filled his whole body.

But Yu Haiyang has long been accustomed to this.

This is the world passage created by the Lord God. As long as you fall into it, you will lead to the mission you want to perform and the passage connecting the mission world.

Only this time, in addition to himself, from the corner of his eye, he saw four different figures falling with him in the distance.

Yu Haiyang understood in his heart that it seemed that this time he was not acting alone, but a group mission.

I don’t know what kind of world this mission is going to that requires so many people.

I just hope that this time, I will never encounter the same existence as last time.

Otherwise, he would not be so lucky to be able to escape safely.

Not long after, the golden channel disappeared.

Yu Haiyang landed firmly on the ground, and as his vision broadened, a desolate wilderness appeared in front of him.Next to him, there was another world invader.

Generally speaking, even if it is a cooperative mission to invade the world, all invaders will not be born in the same place.

This is to avoid accidents after landing in the world, and being directly eaten by the natives of this world.

Once upon a time, there was an unlucky team that encountered the Son of Luck not long after landing.

As a result, before they had time to take action, they were directly wiped out by the Sons of Destiny.

Their deeds can be regarded as a complete laughing stock in the entire main god space.

Yu Haiyang clicked on the mission introduction and various situations related to this world.

After a quick glance, he already had a general understanding of the world.

This world is called "Inuyasha", and it is a small world ranked in the middle.

The worldview of the entire world is mainly composed of two groups: humans and monsters.

This world is in a very backward era and is still in the warring States period.

But some special humans in this world are born with powerful powers, which are called spiritual powers.

The monsters, on the other hand, possess the power known as monster power.

Monsters and humans are incompatible with each other, and wars and conflicts often break out.

Then, Yu Haiyang clicked to view the main mission of this mission.

[Main mission: Collect all the fragments of the Four Souls Jade and synthesize them into a complete Four Souls Jade]

Jade of the Four Souls...

Yu Haiyang clicked on the detailed description of the Four Souls Jade.

According to the explanation of the data, the Shikon Jade is a magical jade that can increase the power of monsters.

If you can get the demonic power of the Shikon Jade, you can achieve all your ambitions or wishes.

And it happened hundreds of years ago, when a miko named Cuizi cast a spell to purify the four souls and make the monsters lose their power. After fighting a group of monsters, she was finally exhausted and about to be swallowed up.

She used the last of her power to take away the soul of the monster, integrated it into her own soul and released it from her body, creating the Shikon Tama.

Hundreds of years later, the shrine maiden Kikyo who guarded the Four Souls Jade was instigated by the half-demon Naraku and turned against her lover Inuyasha.

In order to prevent Inuyasha from getting the Four Souls Jade, Kikyo personally broke it into many pieces and scattered them throughout the demon world.

Yu Haiyang nodded, no wonder this time requires teamwork.

Collecting a few dozen or so small fragments from the entire world is really like finding a needle in a haystack.

Then, he looked at the second main mission.

[Main Mission 2: Kill Inuyasha, Naraku, Kikyo Soul, and Higurashi Kagome]

[Side mission: Go to the modern human world through the Bone-eating Well and destroy the human world]

But at this moment, suddenly, a white light flashed across the task panel.

All the words were instantly distorted and made a sizzling sound.

Haiyang still doesn't understand what this is all about.

The writing on the task panel keeps changing like ink.

[Main mission (hidden mission): Kill all world invaders except yourself]

Seeing this mission, Yu Haiyang's eyes suddenly widened and his expression became confused.

What the hell is this?Hidden mission? ? ?
In the world of the Lord God, you must kill your other accomplices! ?

In the Wanjie chat group.

Shortly after the group leader left, Han Li returned to the group and told the group members in detail what had happened in the past few days.

The group leader appeared and helped him kill his enemies. After unifying the three realms, his world also became a subordinate world.

After reading his narration, everyone was stunned and their expressions were dull.

Damn it, Han Li is so happy!

[Little Breaking Ball]: Damn it!You are simply cheating. You actually got some power from the group leader. Even if you only have a little time, I am so envious! !
[I am still an egg]:? ? ?The group leader gave you a little power and then directly killed a being who had mastered the law of time? !

The golden-horned giant beast was almost going crazy. A super strong man who had mastered the law of time was killed by "a frown and a super-fast run" after the group leader gave him a little power!

A little strength can achieve this level. What level of existence is the group leader himself?
[The richest man in the world]: The point is not whether this is good or not!Didn't you see that he, a newcomer who just joined the group not long ago, has become the subordinate world of the group leader! ?
[I can’t fly]: Stop talking, it hurts, it hurts too much! !We were obviously the ones who came here first, why did it become like this?

Groudon and Tony Stark were the first group members to join the group.

But until now, they have not been able to become the subordinate world of the group leader.

Instead, the super-fast newcomer got there first with a frown on his face.

A question from the past resurfaced in their minds: what are the conditions for becoming a group leader's subordinate world?
However, they could only think about it and did not dare to actually ask the group leader.

[The richest man in the world]: Alas...it is obvious that most of the new and old members in the group have become the subordinate world of the group leader. Why am I, "I can't fly" and "big bones make soup" , the world of the three of us has not become a subordinate world?

【Big bones made into soup】: Ahem!Sorry, actually you don’t need to count me, it’s just the two of you.

[I can’t fly]:? ? ?

[The richest man in the world]:! ! ?

[Big bones made into soup]: Actually... I am also a part of the group leader's world.

Dagu answered their questions ambiguously. After all, without the group leader's permission, he didn't know if he could directly say that he was from the group leader's world.

[I can’t fly]: Bastard!You actually secretly made a fortune without telling us.You must send red envelopes to make up for our psychological trauma!
[The richest man in the world]: We agreed that we, the "Three Musketeers", would grow old together forever, but you secretly changed your mind? ? ? ?

[Apprentice Death]: Dagu, are you telling the truth?Doesn’t that mean that in addition to the world of newcomers, we have another vast world that we can go through!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hehe, I didn’t expect that two different options for the world would suddenly appear.Should I go to the newcomer's world first, or should I go to the big bone world first...

[Do you also want to dance?]: Just in time, my strength has been stagnant for too long, and it’s time to go to the world to practice hard.

[Wrowning and running super fast]: So after becoming a subordinate world, you can go to other people's worlds?In this case, I welcome you to come over at any time. I have unified the fairy world and will definitely entertain you as a guest and host.

[Little Broken Ball]: Hehe, when you go to the transit universe, you will know what is going on. This is the exclusive benefit of our subordinate world!

[The richest man in the world]: Woo hoo hoo... stop showing off, damn it! !I also want to go to other worlds to find some treasures... Ahem, I also want to travel to other worlds!

[I am still an egg]: That... Actually, my world has not become a subordinate world... I... I am also the world, @「the richest man in the world」, @「I can’t fly」.Although Dagu has abandoned you, with me, we can form the Three Musketeers.

[I can’t fly]: Tu (_) Tu, who told you to be so arrogant back then? Just go and have fun!
[The richest man in the world]: Indeed!

[Little Breaking Ball]: Walk around, @「Wrinkle your brows and run super fast」, come and transfer the world!


(End of this chapter)

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