He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 113 Cell invades the world of One Punch Superman! ? Enter C-class hero Saitama!

Chapter 113 Cell invades the world of One Punch Man! ? Enter C-class hero Saitama!
The world of mortals cultivating immortals.

After learning that you can travel to the worlds of other group members by traveling to the transit universe.

Han Li tried to ask the chat group if he was qualified to travel to other worlds?
Sure enough, a prompt popped up immediately.

["The group members frowned and ran super fast" and have become the subordinate world of the group leader, the Light of All Things]

[Do you want to choose to place the world channel? 】

Han Li suppressed his excitement and made his choice.

The chat group then reminded him that the world channel could be set up somewhere.

After thinking for a while, Han Li decided to set up the world passage in a secretly built mansion in the human world.

There is a formation guard arranged by oneself here.

No one in this world can enter except yourself.

hum! !

After the setting was completed, as the space continued to twist, a black vortex as tall as a person continued to expand until it became the shape of a portal.

It was clearly a door to space, but Han Li felt a magical power from this vortex that he had never experienced before.

After taking a deep breath, Han Li stepped forward into the whirlpool.

A sense of space distortion that was even more severe than when he ascended continued to spread, and even Han Li, who was driven by an immortal, felt a great sense of dislocation.

A few seconds passed, when the scene in front of him returned to normal again.

The scene of the transit universe was displayed in front of him without reservation.

The huge green vines that stretch straight to the sky support the heaven and earth like divine thorns.

Even though Han Li had seen a lot in the immortal world during this period, he still felt a little shocked for no reason.

The aura—or energy particle concentration—in the air far exceeds that of the fairy world! ! !
After calming down, Han Li sent a message in the chat group.

[Frowning and running super fast]: Everyone!I have arrived at the transit universe and am waiting for you.

[Big bones boiled into soup]: OK!I am coming over now.

Other group members also responded one after another, preparing to go to the transit universe in their respective worlds.

Not long after, an extremely dazzling meteor flashed across the sky.

Countless rays of light condensed in the sky, and a huge figure appeared in front of the World Vine.

Dagu - Tiga form!
A spiritual thought came from Diga's body.

"Are you the one who [runs super fast with a frown]? I am a soup made from big bones. My real name is Dagu. This is my giant form. Please give me some advice!"

Han Li swallowed hard and nodded: "You... hello Dagu, my real name is Han Li."

The moment Dagu transformed into the Giant of Light appeared, he immediately felt two forces that were not weaker than himself, and even more powerful than him!
Faintly, it also gave him an extreme sense of threat.

It seems that there are two completely opposite energies dormant in the giant's body...

If Dagu knew what he was thinking at this time, he would know that Han Li's feeling was not wrong.

Now, the Zaki cub and the Ultra cub are sleeping in his body, absorbing power.

However, like Han Li, Da Gu, although he is a member of the group leader's world, this is his first time in this transit universe.

At this time, he was also looking at the universe with some shock.

It was completely different from the traditional structure of the universe. The continent under his feet, which spanned most of the universe, was really too vast.

Countless stars, sun and moon have become the embellishment of this continent itself.

Immediately afterwards, the whirlpools of the world passages on the vine leaves fluctuated.

Different figures appeared from it, and other group members had also arrived.

The round little broken ball flew into the air and looked around.

"Everyone is here! Our chat group can finally have a normal offline sex session."

On the other side, Marco spread his wings and flew in front of Dagu and Han Li. He was immediately startled by Diga's huge body.

"I'll go! Dagu? Your posture after transformation turns out to be so big!"

After hearing these words, Dagu realized that it was a bit inconvenient for him to use Diga's body to communicate with other people.

"It's okay, I can change back."

After releasing the transformation, Dagu returned to his human form and landed on the ground.

"Hey! Uchiha Madara, long time no see."

"Haha, expert in killing ghosts! This should be the first time we meet in reality, right?"

Everyone who was very familiar with each other in the group quickly became familiar with each other after meeting offline.

But should it be said that it is a matter of course that Chen Duo, the Gu Body Holy Child, did not participate in this offline gathering.

Everyone understands that after all, her situation is really special, and it would be great if she is alive and talking.

This girl, Chen Duo, has a very introverted personality, and she often just peeks into the background in the group.

Then Qing Mimi came out and posted a cute picture of the cat she adopted, accompanied by various texts.

To everyone, the only one who was relatively unfamiliar was Han Li.

After all, he has only been in the chat group for a short time, and he has not read the world history of his world, so he has no idea what kind of person he is.

However, Dagu also thought of this, and he enthusiastically immediately acted as a middleman and began to introduce it to everyone.

"Ahem, this is the new guy who just arrived and ran super fast with a frown on his face. His real name is Han Li."

“Let’s welcome him to the chat group!”

Except for Uchiha Madara, who was quiet and liked to show off, everyone else greeted Han Li enthusiastically.

Although he was a little embarrassed at first, Han Li quickly adapted to the rhythm of everyone and became familiar with them.

"Now that we all know each other, let's go and play in Han Li's world this time."

"The vast world!! I have never been to the vast world!!!"

Marco spoke at the right time.

Everyone also looked forward to it.

The transit universe can also be said to be the universe, or a universe within the group master world.

But the problem is...

They are restrained here, just like a small employee who comes to the chairman's house as a guest.

Do you dare to mess around?

Can you not be restrained? ?I can't let go at all!

It's different when you go to the world of friends (group members), you're not afraid of messing around.

Just when Han Li was about to say yes.

An extremely powerful and indescribable aura of terror permeated the entire universe.

The sky became half black and half white, and an extremely contradictory yet harmonious black and white figure slowly stepped out of the rippled void, facing the group members expressionlessly.

Seeing this existence appear, goosebumps suddenly appeared on Han Li's body.

Even though he is now called Han Tianzun, he is respected and admired by hundreds of millions of immortals.

But in this existence, he felt a kind of power that was more unfathomable than in ancient times or now, like a bottomless abyss, rushing toward him, suffocating him.

And there is also a feeling that is very similar to the power given to him by the group leader.

On the side, Da Gu saw Han Li's nervous expression and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, this is Lord Kalafar, the subordinate god of the group leader, and the creator god who manages this transit universe."

Hearing these words, Han Li breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I was a little shocked.

Is this the god Carafar whom Marco and the others had talked about in the group, the god of the group leader? After meeting Carafar, Han Li had a deeper understanding of the gap between himself and the group leader. Deep understanding.

Just being a subordinate god gave him such a terrible sense of oppression, like an insurmountable mountain.

Standing in front of everyone, Kalafar's voice echoed through the space.

"Everyone, your plan to travel to other worlds has been postponed. Next, I have a task for you."

Hearing Kalafar's words, Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up as he had mission experience.

There is a mission released! ?

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Kalafar waved his palm, and several world cards flew into the hands of various group members.

At the same time, the booklet with the gold medal list flew out and landed on one of the leaves of the World Vine, turning into a new world passage.

"The world connected by this world passage is on the verge of extinction and needs you to save it."

“This time, everyone can participate.”

Group mission!Everyone can participate! ! ?
As soon as these words came out, everyone became excited.

Tanjiro was also very happy. He was still worried about what he would do if he was not strong enough this time and could not participate in the mission.

Through the information on the world card, others have also learned about this item's usefulness.

Kalafar then added: "The world we are going to this time is a top-notch Middle Thousand World."

There is no reason to refuse...

Everyone immediately came to the new world passage and walked into it.

After a feeling of dizziness, when they opened their eyes, they found themselves in the ruins of a city.

The remains of houses were everywhere, and raging flames were devouring everything on the ground.

Before the group members could discuss how to act, suddenly, large swaths of monsters appeared in the sky and in the shelter of the buildings on the ground, roaring and waving their claws at them.

"Leave these goods to me to clear."

Uchiha Madara stepped forward first, with the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes spinning in his pupils like a kaleidoscope.

Heavenly Dao·Shenluo Tianzheng!

Boom! ! !
In an instant, the ultimate power of the reincarnation eyes exploded towards Uchiha Madara, centered on him.

The terrifying impact tore the earth apart, and countless buildings and ruins, along with countless monsters, were instantly killed and blown away.

The ground in front of me suddenly became smooth and clean.

But after closing his eyes, Madara Uchiha frowned and looked at his hands in confusion.

Logically speaking, the blow just now was enough to level an area dozens of miles away.

Seeing Uchiha Madara's doubts, Marco said: "It's normal. The power system of the Small Thousand World will be suppressed miserably in the Middle Thousand World and the Great Thousand World. Be careful and don't overestimate it."

"You are not like me who drew the "Law of Fire" from the group lottery. You are prone to overturning. "

Uchiha Madara:  …

Don’t you just want to show off your own rules?

Marco released his Haki and shook his head.

"In my perception, there are no other living people around this city."

Han Li also used his consciousness and said, "I just scanned the entire planet and found that there are still living people on this planet."

"It's just that... there are only a very small number left, and they are all hiding in the last small city. The rest of the planet has been completely occupied by monsters."

"It seems that these last humans can't last much longer."

Marco: ?

Damn it, spiritual consciousness is something similar to seeing, hearing, and seeing.

Because of the suppression of the world's personality, my own domineering energy can only cover a few miles around here.

And Han Li, in a single thought, knew the situation of the entire planet?
Come on, this is too exaggerated!

Tanjiro said anxiously: "The situation is so bad! Let's get over there quickly!"

Dagu nodded: "Lord Karafar also said that there is a gold medal list in this world, but it is hidden in another form, not floating in the air with as much fanfare as before."

"We must also be careful not to miss anything suspicious!"


The last barrier in the One Punch Man world is also the city where the hero's headquarters is located.

Sky, ground, ocean.

Countless powerful weirdos and monsters of various shapes are wreaking havoc and killing humans in every corner of the world.

The power of just one Hero Association cannot protect all humans, and it is difficult to survive alone.

Finally, after a difficult decision, the defense line was reduced to a city to protect the only remaining humans.

At this time, outside the protective wall that surrounded the last city.

Uncountable weird monsters are constantly attacking the high-tech walls.

The heroes struggled to kill the fish that escaped from the air and climbed the wall, and were almost exhausted.

Boom! ! !

Boom! !
Continuous bombs with large yields, enough to destroy a small town, were thrown away among the monsters by the heroes and the robots of the Hero Association for free.

The violent explosion destroyed countless monsters in the sea of ​​fire.

But even so, it only temporarily stopped the progress of the weirdos.

"We can't hold on much longer, damn it, you monsters! You all deserve to die!"

"Go to hell! Go to hell!!!"

bang bang! ! !

In an instant, an extremely terrifying punch blasted out from behind the heroes.

The entire land was suddenly blown into a ravine nearly a hundred meters deep by this inhuman force, and the clouds in the sky were also split in half by the fist wind.

Any weirdo who got a little bit of the power of this punch would explode into scarlet powder and scatter in the air.

Then, a bald man wearing a yellow tights and a red cloak appeared in the sky and shot towards the weirdo.

"That's... Saitama!?"

"How is that possible!! Isn't he a C-class hero???"

"Saitama, is he so strong?!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Is Saitama, a C-class hero, a man with dead fish eyes, so strong?With this strength, even S-class heroes feel a terrible sense of oppression.


On the other side, at the edge of the atmosphere.

A strange look was looking at Saitama's powerful figure as he punched out and killed countless monsters.

"Not bad! Very powerful! As long as I swallow this guy, I should be able to evolve to the next stage!"

The speaker is the world invader this time.

His whole body was covered in green skin of varying shades, dotted with countless black spots, and his figure was extremely tall and strong.

If Annan were here, he would definitely find it.

The appearance of this world invader is very similar to Cell in the Dragon Ball world!


(End of this chapter)

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