Chapter 114 The Eyes of the Lord God are coming!
above the sky...

The world invader "Sara" looked at the humans struggling to fight monsters on the surface with a ferocious smile.

His green skin with black spots symbolizes the power of blood that Cell possesses in the world of Dragon Ball.

In order to celebrate that he had obtained such a terrifying "bloodline", he deliberately changed his name to the same surname as Shalu.

Changed to "Sara".

"Too weak, too weak, even Vegetable Man can't handle it."

The strong men on this planet were defeated one after another under the attack of a large number of vegetable people.

The smile on Sharo's lips became even wider. He was worthy of being a biological weapon in the world.

This planet is about to perish without him even needing to take action personally.


boom! ! !
The earth shattered, and countless pieces of gravel and soil splashed from the ground into the air.

Countless vegetable people were blown away by this terrifying and pure power and shattered into pools of green fragments.

After a long time, it fell to the ground from high altitude, dyeing a large area of ​​land green.

After the smoke cleared, a bald man wearing a yellow tights and a red cloak slowly put away his fists.

The only man on the planet who can easily eliminate so many vegetable people - Saitama!
Although a large number of enemies were eliminated, Saitama's brows were still furrowed.

Within a few seconds, a large number of vegetable people gathered on the ground unknowingly.

Although they are all short in appearance, their green round heads are like a cabbage, which is very funny.

However, the power of these monsters is comparable to B-level heroes, and some even A-level heroes have difficulty dealing with them.

But the most troublesome thing is not their power, but their quantity.

There are endless killings, and after killing a group, another group will pop up from nowhere...

Saitama is now about to become manic.

boom! ! !
Another unreserved punch was thrown out, and the invisible shock wave shattered countless vegetable people again.

Saitama looked at his fist strangely, and a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

The feeling of killing Vegetable Man... was completely different from the weird monsters he usually killed. There was an instinctive discomfort that could not be expressed in words.

It simply... doesn't look like it was born from this world.

From what corner did these weird monsters emerge?

Moreover, these vegetable people are only the weakest first form.

They will even actively seek out weirdos and monsters, and after merging with them, they will become even more terrifying and powerful!

All of this started ten days ago.

Ten days ago, Saitama was an ordinary person with bald hair. He had just passed the hero test and became a C-class hero.

The heroes are also killing monsters and maintaining peace as always.

This scene, as always, was soon destroyed by vegetable man monsters that appeared out of nowhere.

These endless monsters, with their powerful strength, launched attacks on major human cities.

At the beginning, humans could barely compete with them by relying on the large amounts of technological equipment provided by heroes and the Hero Association.

But as the number of vegetable people increases, the heroes who will eventually feel tired are defeated one after another.

There is no end to the killing and there is no end to the destruction.

This time the invasion of vegetable people was also rated as a super god level by the Heroes Association - a disaster enough to destroy the entire earth!

Under a flood of attacks from vegetables and other weirdos, the Hero Association finally made the decision to abandon most of its land and huddle in the last city.

It was also through this disaster that the Hero Association and the major heroes learned about Saitama's existence and his extraordinary power.

on the other side of the battlefield.

"Saitama's power has exceeded specifications, and we can't help at all..."

The Atomic Samurai witnessed Saitama fighting against countless monsters with one person's power, and the shock in his heart could not stop for a long time.

If it weren't for Saitama's invincible power, he would continue to eliminate a large number of vegetable people.

I'm afraid that humans have long since become extinct.

But Banggu on the other side sighed after dismantling a vegetable man.

No matter how powerful Saitama is, if he cannot find the source of the appearance of Vegetable Man,

Sooner or later, he will be exhausted to death. Saitama is also a human being and cannot keep fighting like this.

Soon, another group of new vegetable men appeared, and Saitama was about to punch.

Suddenly... all the vegetable people's movements stopped strangely.

A burly figure appeared in the sky in the surprised eyes of all the heroes.

"Okay, let's take a break."

Sara clapped her hands, and in a strange atmosphere, she stared at Saitama greedily and licked her tongue back and forth.

"I didn't expect that there would be an existence like you in this world. You must be the son of luck in this world, right?"

"I'm really lucky. As long as I swallow you, I should be able to advance to the ultimate form!"

Upon hearing these words, all the heroes' eyes instantly glared at Sharo.

Is this guy the source of the Vegetable Man? !

Saitama raised his head expressionlessly and looked at the intruder floating in the sky.

"Are you the one who caused all this?"

"That means that as long as I kill you, all this can be ended, right?"

Sara nodded lightly: "Indeed."

After saying that, he hooked his fingers at Saitama, as if inviting him to come forward.

Without any politeness, Saitama kicked the ground.

Boom boom boom! !

Centered around his feet, the earth cracked layer by layer, and then suddenly collapsed downwards.

The powerful reaction force made him rush in front of Sharo like an arrow from the string, waving his fists.

dong dong dong dong dong dong dong! ! !
Like a violent storm, he continuously punched the air without stopping, shaking the entire atmosphere and sky to a continuous roar.

The clouds on the entire planet were blown away by the strong impact, revealing a blue sky.

The ground was gradually lifted open by the wind pressure generated by Saitama's unreserved bombardment, creating bottomless cracks.

After attacking continuously for more than half a minute, Saitama clenched his fist tightly again, and like a punch from a falling comet, it landed firmly on Sharo's body.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the wind pressure generated by this blow almost tore a deep ravine into the surface of most of the earth.

In the ocean on the other side of the planet, a huge dividing line was drawn that divided the sea into two.

Countless vegetables and monsters were also wiped out in the aftermath of this attack.

The surrounding heroes who were almost affected looked at the ravaged and shapeless surface and swallowed hard.


So... so strong, he punched the earth in the middle.

What kind of monster is this.

"Should... be resolved?"

No matter how powerful a being is, it may not be able to survive under such power, right?


After the smoke and dust formed by the fist wind gradually dispersed, the pupils of all the heroes suddenly shrank.

Sara's intact figure still stood in mid-air, majestic and motionless.

After Saitama landed on the ground, he patted the dust on his chest and showed an extremely mocking smile.

"That's it? Is this the level of a top-notch child of destiny in the world?" "Now that you've finished fighting, it's my turn next!"

The moment the words fell, Saitama's hair suddenly stood on end. It was too late!
Sara's flying speed broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and she arrived in front of Saitama in an instant.

Boom! ! !
Before he could defend himself, Sharo punched him firmly in the stomach.

Saitama vomited out a mouthful of gastric juice, and for the first time since becoming invincible, the expression on his face became distorted with pain.

But this is just the beginning.

Bang bang bang bang!

Saitama's continuous attacks were exactly the same as before, but Sara returned all of them to him.

But every one of his attacks was more powerful and violent than Saitama's.

Every collision makes the entire planet tremble and the earth tears apart.

The dull thumping sound can be heard clearly from all over the planet.

As if the end of the world was coming, several strong typhoons blew up on the ruins on the surface of the planet due to the unreasonable wind pressure.

Every friction between Sharo's fist and the air made the planet wail and mourn.

Saitama, who was treated like a sandbag and crazily hit in the air, had completely lost the power to resist.

The heroes were in complete despair.

An enemy that even Saitama cannot defeat, humanity is completely hopeless!

Boom! !

last blow!
Saitama's body instantly streaked across the sky like a meteor, and hit the ground heavily, creating a huge crater with a diameter of more than tens of kilometers.

Saitama opened his eyelids with difficulty, and all the bones in his body seemed to be shattered. He climbed to the edge of the pothole with great difficulty.

Sara, he looked at Saitama disappointedly and shook his head coldly.

"Is this the son of luck? Boring, let's end this mission."

"You are too weak and not qualified to be absorbed by me."

Immediately, Sara raised his hand, and the pale terrifying energy continued to gather in his hand, aiming at the last city of mankind.

Just then...

Boom! ! !
A huge meteorite fell from the sky and hit Sharo, interrupting his energy accumulation.

After the explosion subsided, Sharo walked out of it unharmed and patted the dust on his shoulders.

"Who? How dare you attack someone so weak?"

At the same time, on the other side of the ruins of the battlefield.

"Damn! Is my "God·Tianyu Zhenxing" injured at all? "

"I told you that Xiaoqianshiji's attack would have no effect!"

Appearing together with the sound were a group of strange figures who came from nowhere.

Seeing them, Sara frowned.

People I've never seen before... But why didn't I feel their aura just now?
No...there's something wrong with these guys!
He took a closer look and took half a step back in shock!
Marco's bloodline! ?

There are also Uchiha bloodlines and Kamado Tanjiro bloodlines! ? ?
wrong! !
These people can't be me! ?

Suddenly, Sharo felt even more frightened. He took a few steps back and almost fell into the pit.

He had heard a rumor!
When some invaders perform their tasks, they will encounter obstacles from other world-famous powerful people.

Could it be that this is true!

run! ! !
Without saying a word, Sharo quickly retreated in a flash.

However, no matter how fast he is, will he soon become Han Tianzun, the supreme immortal?
Among the crowd, Han Li stretched out his palm and imprisoned his body and mouth with the huge energy between heaven and earth, floating in the air like a condemned prisoner.

"Is he a world invader? He comes from other worlds, and his purpose is to destroy each world and seize the origin of the world?"

Han Li was a new member of the group, and he had never seen anyone on the gold medal list.

At this time, his curiosity suddenly rose.

"Let me see what secrets are hidden in your consciousness."

Han Li stepped forward, and his powerful spiritual consciousness directly penetrated into Sharo's mind and soul to search for his soul.

He wants to see the deepest memories hidden by the world invaders and know the secret of the main god's space.

But what was waiting for him were huge golden eyes, supporting him deep in his soul and consciousness.

This golden eye directly blocked Han Li's consciousness, shutting out all prying eyes.

The next second, accompanied by Sharo's extremely desperate wail, his body exploded in mid-air and turned into nothingness.

The endless vegetable people on the earth also stopped functioning.

Han Li retreated violently, the hair on his body standing on end, as if he had touched some kind of taboo.

He clearly felt that his existence was locked by something extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the situation changed.

"Look! Gold List!!"

above the sky,

The golden answer list, which had been hidden for many days and no longer appeared in the sky, once again stretched across the sky.

It turned into a teleportation portal, countless golden lights filled the air, and then turned into a golden cyclops in the sky.

Incomparably sacred, more dazzling than the sun.

It stared at Han Li, and a terrifying aura filled the entire planet.

The remaining humans could not bear the pressure and fell to the ground.

The hair on the hair of the group members also stood up. If Han Li and Dagu hadn't been sharing the pressure, they might have fallen to the ground.

"This, what is this thing!?"

Han Li's eyes widened, and all the cells in his body were issuing warnings.

The eyes in front of them brought the threat of death to all of them!

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a black and white light suddenly fell from the sky, blocking all the pressure from the golden eyes.

The sky of the entire planet is divided into two completely opposite scenes.

It's day on one side and night on the other.

The appearance of this extremely powerful force made the group members raise their heads in surprise.

A familiar figure slowly walked out of the light.

"No wonder Father God said that you will explode if you show up again. This time's attack turned out to be to lure the snake out of its hole!"

"Crush this mere power projection to me!"

It's Calafar!
Kalafar stretched out his big hand, and the giant hand of chaos formed by the fusion of light and darkness directly covered most of the sky of the planet, imprisoning the time and space of the planet.

The two forces collided suddenly, and the golden eyes burst out with incredible resistance!
If Kalafar hadn't imprisoned time and space, I'm afraid this planet... No!The entire galaxy will turn into nothingness!

The unprecedented energy collision lasted less than three seconds before the winner was decided.

The inevitable golden eyes were crushed directly by Kalafar's giant hand and returned to the original state of a golden page.

With this golden page, Kalafar disappeared into the sky, and the world returned to normal.

Only the group members who saw golden eyes for the first time were left in silence for a long time.

I don't know how long it took for everyone to calm down.


They took a deep breath.

Those golden eyes...

Is he the mastermind behind the gold medal list? !

(End of this chapter)

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