He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 115 Annan wakes up, the Ultra world changes drastically, and the underlying laws change!

Chapter 115 Annan wakes up, the Ultra world changes drastically, and the underlying laws change!

The Ultra World is in a void shrouded in countless chaotic energies.

A pair of eyes as vast as the universe appeared from it, as if the scene at the beginning of creation slowly unfolded.

The void vibrated, everything resonated with it, and the energy and laws of the entire world became extremely excited.

A chaotic existence larger than the universe slowly stood up.

Hyperspace trembles, and countless parallel universes are enveloped in countless chaotic energy at this moment.

The source of all these changes...

only because…

Annan, wake up...

At this moment, the dazzling divine power, which was more powerful than ever before, spread to all parallel universes like the Big Bang.

The underlying laws and power of the Ultra world have simultaneously completed further improvements at this time.

Annan, who maintained his state of creation god, raised his head without joy or sorrow.

Calculated according to the time on Blue Star...he only slept for less than a month this time.

Compared with the previous sleep time, this time can be regarded as the shortest sleep in his 'divine life'.

Then, he closed his boundless eyes, and various energies continued to flash on his body shining with chaotic light, and then calmed down.

His whole aura became more restrained, and the dazzling divinity in his eyes no longer attracted people's attention, but instead seemed a bit ordinary.

But... only he knows that if he meets himself who does not regard the world of "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" as a subordinate world.

There is no doubt that he can beat his former self now.

can only say,
It is truly worthy of the vast world.

After harvesting a Great Thousand World as a subordinate world, the improvement in strength he gained was even more comparable to that of harvesting countless Small Thousand Worlds!

The degree of strength enhancement this time can be said to be unparalleled!
In addition to its own strength, the changes in the Ultra world are not just about the world becoming larger.

Even the countless chaotic energy that forms the hyperspace is faintly advancing towards a higher level of power.

Annan gently shook his hand, and countless chaotic energy was in his hands in an instant.

He squeezed it casually, and a brand new prototype universe appeared in the palm of his hand.

Creating a method of the level of the universe is now something that Annan, who has become more powerful, can do easily.

Even if it's just a grain of sand or a drop of water, he can use it to create a corresponding universe and form a unique worldview.

But the most important change lies in the underlying laws of the world.

Normally, even the system of the world has limitations.

Even in a world where technology and magic coexist, there will only be one type of power that thrives to its peak.

For example, aura, magic, technology, divine power, etc.

And now!
After absorbing the laws of the world of mortals cultivating immortals, the Ultra World has completely broken this shackles!
In this world and the universe, there will be the possibility of countless power systems being born!
The lives in countless universes in the Ultra world will not have powers that are limited to magic, fighting spirit, rituals, divine power, etc. that are common in countless worlds.

Instead, it will create more weird, extremely rare, or even unique power systems!A unique world law was born!
The rules and laws of the world will be further improved and become richer.

The most important thing is the status of the world itself, which has also taken a big step towards the realm of the central supreme world! ! !


Transit universe.

On a leaf of the World Vine, the vortex of the World Passage slowly rotated, and the figures of Han Li and others walked out of it.

They said respectfully to Karafar in front of the Vine of the World.

"Lord Karafar, we have taken care of this little world called "Tutor"."

A month ago, after the crisis in the world of One Punch Man was resolved.

While Annan was sleeping, Kalafar managed the gold list booklet according to his requirements and issued many tasks to the group members.

Like a snowball, while the group members completed their tasks, Kalafar then seized the gold list and continued to locate other worlds with answer gold lists.

Now, the gold list booklet has nine pages.

Han Li and others, who had performed many tasks, had become increasingly familiar with each other.

After seeing Han Li and the others, Kalafar nodded: "Well done, I have transformed it into a subordinate world."

However, Han Li and others felt a little pity: "Damn it, this cunning question-answering gold medal, when we entered, it immediately took the intruder and ran away, and we couldn't catch up!"

That's right, since the last time Kalafar had a head-on battle with the power projection of the Eye of the Lord God.

The answer gold list has become extremely cautious. Once it senses that the group members have entered, they will immediately escape with the world invaders.

And I don’t know what method it used, and it couldn’t catch up at all, which made everyone feel angry.

Karafar also felt very sorry for this.

As a result, the world that the answer sheet booklet leads to has almost completely been transformed into a subordinate world.

Except for the last world, Kalafar did not let the group members go.

There was only this world, and he didn't dare to claim it without authorization... because it was a vast world!

In the sky of the transit universe, a strange and huge light spot continued to spread.

What followed was the cheers and excitement of the entire universe.

Countless energy particles were flying in the air, and even the World Vine was swaying gently like a child.

The entire earth continued to shake, and in the end, Kalafar had to take action personally to calm down the excitement of the World Vine.

"What, what's going on!?"

Xiao Poqiu looked around in surprise. Han Li and others also looked confused.

Only Kalafar had an expression of great surprise on his face after appeasing the World Vine.

"Father God, he is awake!"

Is the group leader awake? ?
Everyone was stunned when they heard this sentence.


On Dagu, the Zaki cub and the Ultra cub also appeared.

the next moment.


The chaotic sky of the transit world now became like a black hole, sucking in all the light, darkness and energy.

In the sky, the moment the black hole disappeared, there seemed to be endless brilliant light, almost covering up everything in front of them.

Time seemed to pause.

A divine, supreme being descended.

Everyone could only detect that there was a supreme figure there, but their outline could not be seen in their minds.


Xiao Poqiu, Han Li, Da Gu and others took a deep breath, and the group leader became even more terrifying.

When he arrived in the past, he and others could still see a ball of white light and a vague outline.

I can't see anything now, my brain can no longer accommodate the existence of the group leader.

Everyone lowered their heads: "Group leader."

Annan nodded slightly, and his voice echoed in the transit universe. "You've done well these days, Carafar."

All changes and time and space in this world are under Annan's control.

As an omniscient and omnipotent being.

The moment he woke up, he knew the changes in this period of time.

Calafar is really good.

I will take care of things neatly and orderly during the days when I am not around.

After receiving praise from Father God, Kalafar suppressed the excitement in his heart and spoke with a trembling voice.

"This is what I should do. Father God's will is the direction we are heading forward."

Annan turned his head and looked in one direction. In addition to the things here, there were also achievements from the Lord of the Rings civilization that needed to be accepted.

More than 100 years have passed there, and it's time to go over there and meet the people from the Lord of the Rings civilization.

"Let's go to the Lord of the Rings civilization."

Annan had an idea and moved with Kalafar and other members to the universe where the Lord of the Rings civilization is located.

After arriving at the destination, what comes face to face is a large area of ​​high-rise buildings with a strong sense of science fiction.

Spaceships suspended in the sky and millions of humans equipped with technological equipment are constantly busy on this planet.

But what is extremely strange is that in addition to these people using high technology, there are also some people who keep traveling back and forth in the air with only their physical bodies.

It's just that they all wear a variety of exoskeleton armors made of various metal materials.

Everyone has more or less fluctuations in spiritual power.

Although the others didn't feel anything special, Da Gu and Xiao Poqiu opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen something incredible.

They still remember that the universe where the Lord of the Rings civilization existed before was a very primitive and wild universe without any life.

Even the planet is bare, with almost no plants.

But now, what is going on with these scenes in front of us! ?
At this time, Han Li looked curiously at the battleship roaring past them not far away.

"This? Magical weapon?? It's so big!!"

He actually felt the fluctuations of the magic weapon on this behemoth!
What surprised him even more was that the person driving this behemoth was only in the foundation building stage.

Where did he get the consciousness and spiritual energy to control such a powerful magical weapon that far exceeded his own? ? ?

Han Li's eyes followed the huge magic weapon, and he saw several huge planets in the distant starry sky, unexpectedly arranged in a huge circle, contrary to common sense.

Then, this huge magic weapon rushed straight towards the center of the hollow ring formed by the planets.

At the moment when the magic weapon sank into the ring.


The ring composed of planets suddenly erupted with a large amount of spiritual energy, and countless fine and exquisite lines emerged from it, covering the entire magic weapon.

The next moment, the magic weapon shrouded in the magic circle also lit up the complicated circuit diagram and disappeared directly from the place.

"Teleportation Formation???"

Han Li was confused. This was using the planet as a formation to transport it from the edge of the universe to the other side of the space.

But the key is... what exactly is required to achieve the goal of using the planet as the formation's chess eye! ?

Not only the formations but also the magic weapons. If you take a closer look, you can find that all the equipment in the entire city are closely related to the cultivation of immortality.

Annan said: "After reading it, let's go and have a look at their planetary mothership."

As soon as the words fell, several people were instantly transferred to the cosmic space where the planet mothership was located.

in cosmic space.

The mothership, which was originally created by a pure technological system, has been transformed by scientists and scholars from the Lord of the Rings civilization and has become a perfect creation that combines immortality and technology.

In the universe, various weird magic weapon warships, or individual small magic weapon ships, shuttle back and forth in and out of the planet mothership.

The huge magic circle visible to the naked eye enveloped the entire mothership.

Only through the dual judgment of the machine and the magic circle can the spaceship enter smoothly.

Everyone also flew towards the planet mothership, preparing to enter and observe inside.

At this time, Han Li finally couldn't help but be curious, and put his consciousness into space, hoping to take this opportunity to inspect the entire planet mothership and explore its principles.

Suddenly, it was like touching some taboo.

The blue array patterns that were originally all over the surface of the mothership instantly turned extremely scarlet.

Along with the color change, an extremely dangerous aura filled the air.

Countless red lines automatically extended and scattered across the universe, surrounding everyone.

This is a killing array!
Han Li could feel that as soon as they touched the red lines, they would be greeted by the strangulating power of the killing array!

In response, Kalafar directly released his own aura, bypassing the trigger of the killing array and directly conveying it to the planet mothership.


In an instant, the scarlet lines turned back to blue again.

At the same time, from the planet mothership, conspicuous and powerful auras continued to approach.

They are the senior leaders of the Lord of the Rings civilization.

After sensing Kalafar's aura, they knew that this was an inadvertent incident.

Not daring to show any signs of neglect, everyone put down what they were doing and came to worship.

"Lord Carafar."

Then, their heads almost lowered to their waists, and they bowed deeply to Annan.

"Lord Shishen, it is our fault for failing to welcome you."

"It's okay."

Annan spoke calmly. He had already known about the development and contributions their civilization had made in the past few years in the combination of immortality cultivation and technology.

I came here in person this time mainly to introduce Kalafar and other members to a long experience.

"You have developed well and have lived up to my expectations for you."

Upon hearing these words, the senior leaders of the Lord of the Rings civilization trembled with excitement and their heads became lower.

"This is all your favor! We just did our little bit!"

After Annan raised his hand and motioned for them to look up, his eyes focused on Han Li, who was still extremely curious and seemed to want to dismantle all these spaceships for study.

"Han Li, are you interested in these?"

Han Li nodded, a little embarrassed: "Because this is completely different from the magic weapon I saw in my own world..."


The corners of Annan's mouth curled up in an imperceptible arc at this moment.

"These things are the result of the combination of technology and your world's immortality cultivation system."

"Han Li, do you want to try it? Is this any different from your traditional power system for cultivating immortals?"


(End of this chapter)

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