He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 127 Breaking the dimensional wall, Annan VS Quan Wang, the battle of the Creation God!Subord

Chapter 127 Breaking the dimensional wall, Annan VS Quan Wang, the battle of the Creation God!Subordinate world!
this moment…

Everyone felt their scalps numb, and an unprecedented excitement surged into their hearts.

Could they actually witness the battle between two creation gods of the universe? ! !
In the audience behind Annan, all the members, including Kalafar, could not sit still.

"The group leader actually wants to take action himself!?"

You know, even those of them who are closest to the group leader have only seen the group leader personally take action a few times and seize the gold medallist for answering questions.

But now, the group leader decided to take action himself, and the other party was the creator god of another world.

Big profit this time!

Not only did we see a group of masters compete at their peak, but we also saw a battle between two creation gods.

"Creation God vs. Creation God...oh my God!"

The golden-horned giant beast trembled all over: "Is this really something we can see for free? Should I cut off a part of my own flesh and blood as a ticket?"

"Who cares about your meat!" Groudon complained subconsciously.

"However, the battle between the creation gods...hiss, can we really survive the aftermath?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

yes!This is a battle at the level of a creation god!

It is completely different from the previous petty quarrels. Let alone the aftermath, maybe the group leader will blow a breath and everyone present will belch!

"There is no need to worry. Father God's power is beyond the comprehension of those of us."

Only Kalafar said calmly: "But you are right, the battlefield of this endless arena is still a little too small for Father God and the others."

"I'm afraid that the battlefield will expand to the space outside the ring."

The auditorium opposite the ring…

The God of Destruction and the Angels on the Dragon Ball World side were standing sluggishly in mid-air at this moment.

The cold sweat on his face was almost flowing down like a waterfall.

"Quan...Lord Quan Wang...want to fight?"

Beerus raised his paws, covered in fur like a helpless cat, and kept retreating.

On the side, Kaio Shen was also a little unbelievable: "Lord Quan Wang actually wants to do it himself. His fighting posture is really unimaginable to me."

In the past, when Mr. Quan Wang took action, it was usually with a snap or a thought.

No matter it is the universe or anything else, it will disappear without a trace in an instant.

But now, just thinking about the battle between the two creation gods makes people shudder.

The audience present, including the angels, the God of Destruction, and the Kaioshin, were all sweating.

Are you sure that Lord Quan Wang will not destroy them all later?

They have seen how Lord Quan Wang wiped out a universe with ease. He simply put his hands together and with a snap, a universe was gone.

Stay here, are you sure you won't be killed in the aftermath of the battle? ?
"I...my stomach hurts a bit. How about...how about I...go to the toilet first?" A Kaioshin from the universe suggested.

"Good...good idea. I just need to pee urgently. I need to find a place to go." Beerus' tail waggled crazily behind him.

"Ah hahaha, what a coincidence, I need to pee too."

"Me...me too."


"Go together."

"Let's go and see who can pee the farthest."

"I...I know where there is a comfortable toilet. I...I will take you there..." the always aloof high priest said hurriedly.

"Lord Beerus, why are you running? Just hold it in if you pee, or just find a place to deal with it. This is a battle between the creation gods!!!"

Sun Wukong clenched his fists, his whole body trembling with excitement.

"You know nothing!" Beerus slapped Sun Wukong on the back of the head, just as he was about to find some excuse to leave.

On the stage…

Quan Wang, who was floating in the air, had already spoken.

"Then let's start, let's play, Annan."

"it is good!"

As Annan's voice fell, everyone saw that the vague figure in the audience began to move.

Step by step, he slowly stepped in the air and walked towards the top of the ring and the direction of the king.

The speed is obviously very slow, almost like an old man over eighty years old.

But in their minds, there was a feeling of extremely fast speed. This weird contrast and contradiction gave their brains a sense of dislocation, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Looking at An Nan coming step by step, King Quan's smiling face also showed a different and cute serious expression from before.

"Then, I'm going to start!"

In an instant, Quanwang, who had always seemed cute, gentle, and as cute as a child, appeared.


His whole body exploded with extremely dazzling and terrifying white light, and the supreme divine power filled the entire world.

At this moment, the stars, everything, and even time and space itself were trembling.

The supreme majesty of the God of Creation shrouded the entire universe. Looking at Quan Wang, it was as if he was facing the oppression of the entire world!

The invisible pressure spread, and gods and angels such as Beerus and Whis had goosebumps all over their bodies and their legs became weak.

Under the power of Quan Wang, they even felt that their own existence was about to be wiped out.

Marco people,
At this time, he also took a breath of cold air.

The feeling given to them by Quan Wang's explosive power was naturally more shocking than any previous battle.

However, although it was equally shocking, compared with the situation of the audience in the Dragon Ball world, it seemed much calmer.

After all, most people here have seen Annan take action in person.

Every time the group leader appears, there is never a time when he is not strong and full of pressure. Until now, no one has appeared who can support the group leader's two moves.

"Then I'm here too."

Looking directly at King Quan who was completely enveloped in the dazzling white light, Annan opened and closed his eyes.

For an instant, it seemed as if time and space had stopped and everything was still.

In Yu Annan's eyes, the dazzling divine light filled the air, covering the entire universe and even the entire world in an instant!

Unable to speak, the supreme divine power that shook time and space formed a series of great laws behind it like haloes.

It was not that he actively gathered it, but that after Annan released his own power, the laws of the great path naturally gathered together.

Under the countless laws of light, the figure that was already blurry in the eyes of others is now shrouded in infinity, and only the outline of a human figure can be faintly seen in it.

At this moment, everyone even had the illusion that even the air was filled with the power of law that made people break out in cold sweat.

It seems that if he makes a casual move, he will be instantly crushed into nothingness in the universe by the overwhelming power of law.

This scene was like a god playing games in the human world, finally beginning to show his true strength.

Just standing here, Annan seems to have become the center of the world, the starting point of everything.

The dazzling divine light and law enveloped the whole body, and the unspeakable terrifying pressure echoed throughout the world.

Beerus and the other Gods of Destruction and Angels were so shocked that they were speechless.

These so-called Gods of Destruction, the so-called Kaiohs, the so-called Super Saiyan Gods...

They all felt that the power in their bodies was trembling and fearful.

Even the power of the Law of Destruction, which can destroy everything, is huddled within the bodies of each God of Destruction, unable to even move.

Looking at Annan showing his true strength, King Quan showed a very happy expression.

"So strong! As expected, Annan, you are so strong!"

"Then I won't be polite. I have never used my true power since I created the world."

Annan also showed a faint smile: "Come on."


On King Quan's small body, a whole world of laws and avenues fell.

The terrifying momentum that crushed the heavens was like an infinitely large meteorite, suppressing Annan.

Annan was not afraid and faced him head-on with his own momentum.Everyone could feel that two auras from the Supreme God collided in the middle of the ring.

It was different from the previous battles between Shi Hao, Beerus, Kalafar, and the Great Priest.

Their battles have always been in line with everyone's imagination of strong men, shaking the world and tearing apart time and space.

But the showdown between the two creation gods, Annan and Quanwang, was different from the usual calm.

It was clearly a collision of divine lights between creation gods, but there was no deafening horrific explosion, no intertwining collision of countless laws, and no cracks in the space...

Some... are just calm... as calm as a water mirror.

I saw that the auras of the creator gods of the two worlds collided and turned into an invisible shock wave, passing through the entire seventh universe between Sumeru.

The invisible impact passed, in everyone's dull eyes.

The world itself slowly faded out of color, becoming like an old-fashioned movie, with only things in black and white remaining.

Their ears also became extremely quiet, no, there was no sound in their ears.

The heaven and earth lost their sound, and everything returned to silence.

The only thing that could be heard was the beating of the hearts in their respective chests, proving that they were still alive in this world.

Then...the world disappeared.

The arena, the planet, the galaxy... no, even this seventh universe, everything disappeared under the collision of the two forces.


Not annihilated, not broken, but like an eraser that erases its very existence and the 'concept' of the universe.

The entire universe has returned to the most primitive nothingness, or it can also be called - 0-dimensional space.

There was no time, no space, not even thought.

Beerus, Kaffar, and the Great Priest, they even felt that their own existence had been erased from this world.

Under their perception, their bodies have completely disappeared, and together with the seventh universe, they have turned into nothingness in the void. Only their own spiritual consciousness still exists in the same place for some unknown reason.

Maybe a second has passed, or maybe a year has passed...

They have completely lost the concept of time.

All he saw was a world that turned into nothingness, as if he had pressed the pause button and then pressed the reverse button.

Time began to go backwards, and everything that was wiped out returned to its original place like a rewind image.

Everyone's spiritual consciousness also returned to their physical bodies, and they could hear the heartbeat in their chests again.

The world returns to its colorful scene again, and everyone hears the sounds of all things again.

Kalafar, the Great Priest, Shi Hao, Beerus, Angel...these beings who have mastered the law are all wearing rough clothes.

Others do not have a deep understanding of the laws and do not notice the changes in the world in an instant.

And they truly felt that the entire universe and all life and existence in the universe had been completely wiped out.

It wasn't until the end that there was supreme divine power that allowed time to go back and everything returned to the way it was before.

Everyone looked up again to look at the confronting figures in the sky.

Annan and Quan Wang still stood on the same spot, not moving a step, and they were still fighting in the air.

But now they give the people in the audience the feeling that they don't exist here and no longer belong to this time and space.


Faintly, they could see that behind both King Quan and Annan, the outline of a complete world appeared, violently colliding with another space.

Every second that passes, the lights of countless stars are extinguished and fall into the darkness.

Countless laws, avenues and power are wrapped around the two bodies, and they are fighting invisible in the void.

The long rivers and oceans composed of countless laws roared again and again, destroying an unknown amount of time and space.

Finally, everyone saw that the river of law behind King Quan was defeated and dissipated.

It's been a long time...

The figures of Annan and Quan Wang once again returned to their original time and space, the location of the seventh universe.

"I lost, you are really strong!"

King Quan openly admitted his defeat. Beerus and others opened their mouths, not knowing how to speak.

Even Lord Quan Wang lost to the Creator God of the other world...

The group members on the other side were not surprised.

After all...the group leader is invincible! ! !
But what Quan Wang said next made people in the Dragon Ball world horrified.

King Quan: "I can feel that you are playing with me. Because I can feel that if you are willing, you can defeat or even kill me in an instant."

At this moment, Beerus, the high priest and others could no longer maintain the majesty of the gods, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

Instant kill! ! ?

Doesn't that mean...the Creator God of the other world has surpassed countless levels of the King! ?
King Quan blinked with great curiosity: "Annan, is there a realm above the God of Creation, right?"

Annan nodded: "Yes!"

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears, this was Xin Mi at the level of the God of Creation!How could this not be eavesdropping?
But... they clearly saw Annan's lips moving, but couldn't hear a sound.

"Why can't I hear the sound?"

Beerus pricked up his ears with a serious look on his face: "Did the disappearance just now leave any sequelae?"

The great priest on the side shook his head: "It is normal not to be able to hear. Secrets of this level are not accessible to little people like us. If you are below a certain level, even if you hear it, it will be automatically erased by your brain."

King Quan listened very carefully and nodded from time to time.

After listening, he immediately shouted excitedly: "So that's it! Then let my world become your subordinate world!"

"This is the underlying law of the world."

King Quan waved his hand, and the world changed.

Countless divine chains of order filled the sky and the earth, shrouding this space.

The core and most fundamental part of the entire world was completely exposed in front of Annan.

What to do next is simple.

He stretched out his hand and poured his own power into it as before, putting his own stamp on it.

And with Quanwang's assistance, the process becomes faster.

【Ding!The vast world of Dragon Ball has been successfully adopted as a subordinate world! 】

The moment the system prompt sounded, the two worlds were also connected.

A large number of energy particles from the Ultra Universe poured into the Dragon Ball world in an instant.

In an instant, all the Gods of Destruction, Kaiōshin and Angels felt the subtle changes in the universe.

Even the six universes that had been wiped out by Quan Wang reappeared.

As gods, Beerus and other gods of destruction and Kaioshins have a deeper sense of rules.

The power of different laws they mastered became stronger and more perfect.

The laws of creation and destruction have undergone an unimaginable transformation!

Bang bang bang! !

In a few seconds, the auras of the Kaiōshin and the God of Destruction from each universe shot straight into the sky, as if a real dragon had been born, majestic and majestic.

They looked at each other in disbelief, their faces full of disbelief.

"I... our strength has exceeded the limit?!"

Seeing this scene, King Quan jumped happily in the air.

"Wow! Is this the law of Annan's world that feeds you back? It's really amazing! I even feel that my power has become stronger."

"Hurry up, let me go to your world to play~!"

Annan shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, there are still things in your world that have not been settled."

"Another interesting guy seems to be trying to steal your rights."

"He's looking at us in the future."



(End of this chapter)

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