He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 128 Annan’s salvation, the paradox of time and space, the tributaries divided from the long

Chapter 128 Annan’s salvation, the paradox of time and space, the tributaries divided from the long river of time!

As Annan finished speaking...

Everyone's faces flashed with astonishment.

Especially the Gods of Destruction, Kaiōshin, and Angels from each universe, their expressions were filled with incredulity.

Someone stole the authority of Mr. Quan Wang?
When they heard this, their first reaction was to laugh, what a big joke...

You know, Lord Quan Wang is the creator god of this world!
All creatures and things in the entire world, and the "divine authority" and power possessed by all the Gods of Destruction, Kaiōshin, and angels in the universe are all given by Lord Quanwang.

The God of Destruction and Kaioshin both inherit the assessment system, and there are trainee Gods of Destruction and trainee Kaioshins.

When Beerus and others want to retire and enjoy life, they will transfer their 'god authority', that is, the functions of creation and destruction, to their heirs.

In order to prevent the gods from being dominated by one family, or possible unexpected situations.

The king divided the authority held by God into three parts.

One is the Kaiōgami, and the other is the God of Destruction. They live and die together, one has the authority to destroy, and the other has the authority to create.

The death of any one of them will lead to the death of the other party, balancing each other.

And angels are the existences responsible for supervising and balancing the God of Destruction and Kaioshin, and are extremely special.

Once the two of them die, the angel will fall into a deep sleep if no new God of Destruction and Kaioshin are born.

Beerus and others simply cannot imagine that with all the power in this world, even the world itself was created by Lord Quanwang.

These so-called gods of destruction, gods of creation, and angels look pretty awesome...

But if one's own family knew about one's own affairs, everyone would be wiped out easily if they came together.

Now you are saying that someone is stealing the power of 'Lord Quan Wang'?

If anyone else had said this, Beerus would have just fired a destructive energy bomb.


The person who said this was a being from countless dimensions who was more powerful than Lord Quan Wang.

This made them think deeply.

Who is it that has the ability to threaten Lord Quan Wang?



Suddenly, the heaven and earth changed, and time and space oscillated.

A long winding river stretches from the end of the world, bringing a sense of vicissitudes of life to our faces.

Looking at it is like facing the vast history of an entire world.

Every little splash of water above represents a period of magnificent events.

——The long river of time.

As countless waves rolled, all the history of the world since its birth also fluctuated, and various illusory images were reflected in the sky.

Annan pointed out.

In an instant...

The long river of time has undergone some kind of change, as if a thin layer of gauze covering it disappeared, revealing its true appearance.

"This...this is?"

Everyone was surprised to find that a tributary appeared on the other side of the infinitely extended time river.

But what shocked them the most was that the tributaries from the River of Time did not merge into the main trunk, but separated directly.

The underlying legal logic of the Dragon Ball world allows the existence of parallel time and space.

In the seventh universe, which is the universe where Sun Wukong lives, there are branches of different parallel time and space.

In the first time and space, Sun Wukong died of a heart attack, the earth was occupied by Sharu, and the entire human civilization was destroyed.

In the second time and space, Future Trunks went back in time and used special medicine for heart disease to save Sun Wukong, who died of heart disease.

Sun Wukong and other Dragon Ball warriors killed Cell and saved the earth's time and space.

However, when Trunks returned to the future after Son Gohan destroyed Cell, he found that the future world had not been changed.

This is because of the time paradox!
Although Trunks went back in time to save Sun Wukong and save the earth.

But because of the time refutation, his experience of returning from the future to the past changed the past, but it could not change the established 'future' that had already happened.

Therefore, at the point when he returned to the past and saved Sun Wukong, a paradox occurred in time and space, leading to the emergence of parallel time and space.

However, this period of parallel time and space is just a tributary as fine as a hair in the vast river of time.

The tributaries branch out for a while and then merge into the long river of time again.

However, now an abnormal situation has occurred.

They could see that the branch that branched off from the long river of time was no longer a hair-like branch that had no impact on the entire long river.

This tributary has completely grown and turned into a small river that cannot be ignored.

This branch meanders out for a very long distance and never joins the main stream again.

Instead, they continue to steal water from the main stream of the Time River to strengthen themselves.

"This... what the hell is going on here!?"

The faces of all the Kaiōshin and the God of Destruction turned pale.

The act of easily creating parallel time and space is a grave sin!
What's more, such an exaggerated and huge parallel time and space!

All gods, including angels, are aware of the existence of parallel time and space.

Kaioshin can also travel through the past and future and various parallel times and spaces with the [Master Ring of Time].

However, even God cannot interfere with time easily!

Because every time you interfere with time and historical development, a parallel time and space will appear.

Correspondingly, there will also be a corresponding "Time and Space Sub-Ring" at the Kaio Shen's place.

Since ancient times, there have been a total of 6 time-spaces in the seventh universe, 5 parallel time-spaces, and one main time-space.

If Kaioshin wants to change the past and future arbitrarily, it will touch the long river of time and create more parallel time and space, leading to chaos in time and space.

Then King Quan will destroy the universe and reset all time and space.


King Quan's little face was filled with anger, and his eyes were fixed on the tributaries that separated from the main trunk of time and space.

Once the scale of this stream exceeds the main stream, the world is equivalent to being stolen.

"Why didn't I notice it before?" Quan Wang was a little surprised.

“For there is cover, and His power is over you.”

Annan opened his lips and teeth lightly:

"In all the worlds, I am not the only one heading towards the path above the God of Creation. Besides me, there is also someone who is aware of the existence of a higher realm. However, the path he chooses to take is different from mine. Completely different, what he chose is...to combine the mighty power of billions of worlds into one body and become the supreme existence..."

After the words fell, Annan calmly stretched out his palm.

Om-! ! !
In the sky above the long river of time, a huge and boundless hand composed of countless rays of light sank into the long river of time, splashing countless waves.


In an unknown time and space.

A high and majestic divine realm is located here.

If gods like Beerus came from here, they would be shocked to find out.

The appearance of this divine realm in another time and space is exactly the same as the divine realm created by Mr. Quan Wang!
And sitting on the only divine throne was a figure.

If Bulma and others were here, they would be shocked to find that this person looks exactly like "Vegit" after the fusion of Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

There was a man with the exact same face as Vegito sitting there!

But compared to the genuine Vegito, he gives off the impression of being extremely evil, as if his whole body is shrouded in unconcealable malice.

This person's name is Kabir, and he is the ten-star invader from the world of the Lord God!
Generally speaking, the nine-star invader is the pinnacle that the invader of the main god's world can reach.

The ten-star invaders are the existence that surpasses the nine-star invaders!

It also has another more widely known name - Godly! !

That's right, the invaders from the Ten Stars are the subordinate gods of the main god's world.

Countless years ago, Kabir was born into this world and became a baby.

In the process of growing up, he was noticed by the Kaioh God of the tenth universe and became a trainee god.

However, in order not to attract attention, when Kabir was a trainee god, everything he did was very mediocre, neither high nor low, and no one cared about him at all.

Among all the trainee gods, the one with the most outstanding ability, and who has almost been designated as the next Kaioshin, is Zamasu.

The lifespan of a god is very long. Over the course of countless years, Zamasu used his talent and strength to climb up the ranks little by little, and finally became a trainee Kaioshin, and was officially selected as the next successor to the Kaioshin.

It's just that...Kabir discovered it keenly.

Zamasu, the next successor to Kaioshin, is not pure in mind and has unimaginably huge ambitions.

In Zamasu's view, there is no need for the existence of lower life forms like humans in this world, as long as there are gods, it is enough.

Kabir feels that Mas, who has this kind of idea, is worth taking advantage of.

So he pretended to approach Zamasu and claimed that he had the same dream as him and wanted to eliminate mankind.

Kabir naturally became Zamasu's subordinate and advised him behind the scenes.In the end, under his instigation, Zamasu personally killed his master, the Kaioshin of Universe [-].

The death of Kaiohshin led to the death of the God of Destruction, and the angel fell into a deep sleep.

Zamasu, who had obtained the power of Kaioshin and the ring of time, came to the seventh and eighth universes to find the Super Dragon Balls, and used their abilities to gain immortality.

But he felt that although he was absolutely immortal, his strength was limited.

No matter how much he trains himself, after all, Kaioshin is not a God of Destruction. He has no laws of destruction and his combat effectiveness is very mediocre.

Kabir then suggested that he use the time ring to go to the future, make a wish again on the Super Dragon Ball that has restored the wish-making period, and obtain the body of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, with power beyond the gods.

As he suggested, Zamasu not only succeeded in possessing the power of immortality, but also possessed Vegetto's infinite potential and powerful body.

At this time, Kabir finally revealed his true face!

He summoned the answer sheet, and with the help of the supreme power of the Lord God, he took everything the other party owned as his own, and completely killed Zamasu.

And because Zamasu used the time ring wantonly, time and space have been made a mess, and many different parallel time and spaces have appeared.

Kabir used these different time and space to bring them all together and became the master of parallel time and space, allowing the branches of parallel time and space to branch out from the long river of time.

Finally, with the help of the power of the main god's world, it is hidden in time and space that the king cannot detect, secretly accumulating strength and developing oneself.

When the tributaries of time and space controlled by Kabir completely surpass the main stream.

Even if King Quan discovers all this, he is not afraid at all.

Now, Kabir's parallel time and space has functioned as a base camp for world invaders.

Many world invaders are using this time and space as a springboard to complete their missions in different time and space.

The future is obviously bright...

However, Kabir at this time looked like he was still in shock, with cold sweat all over his face.

Because not long ago, Kabir noticed that in the time and space where King Quan was, a terrifying battle broke out in the 'past'.

This terrifying battle is not the original established 'past', but someone has traveled to the past from other time nodes.

Because in the original history, this 'battle' did not exist.

"Could it be that some Kaiojin used the "Space-time Ring" to transcend time? "

So, out of curiosity, he traveled back through time to find out who was fighting.


His eyes widened.

Marco, Groudon, Golden Horned Behemoth, Uchiha Madara...

These people from different worlds actually appeared in the Dragon Ball world, which made him completely stunned.

However, when he focused his sight on a vague figure.

His whole body was so cold that even though he was separated by countless time and space, he felt that his soul was about to be extinguished.

This feeling is like facing the 'Lord God'.

He suddenly understood and remembered the news he had recently received from the gold medal list and the various world invaders who came to complete the task.

This is the existence that has always been against the Lord God.

He secretly watched the battle between the strong men of the two worlds.


I saw that figure fighting with King Quan.

Witnessed the whole process.

At this time, he was shaking with fear, and cold sweat dripped from his face to the ground.

My goodness!
Even watching this battle across countless time and space, Kabir could still feel the terrifying power that penetrated his bones!
Even if he had mastered so much time and space, he would only be wiped out instantly in the face of power.

This is the Lord God’s greatest enemy…

And even King Quan's strength was more powerful and terrifying than he imagined.

After mastering so many tributaries of time and space, Kabir thought that his power was very close to that of the king.

Unexpectedly, there is still a huge gap between heaven and earth.

"Fortunately, fortunately, he can't find me."

"King Quan also has a very indifferent temperament. He leaves everything to the God of Destruction and Kaiojin. He's very stupid and can't find me."

Kabir patted his chest. He still had a lot of time to collect the tributaries of time and space. There was no need to rush, just develop slowly.

But, the next moment.


Time and space vibrated, and the divine world continued to tremble.

A pair of huge palms made of countless lights came out from outside time and space, crushing the sky and the earth overwhelmingly.

This feeling of power...!
Kabir was confused and completely panicked!
Isn't this the aura that the Lord God regarded as a formidable enemy when he fought against Quan Wang just now?
Without any hesitation, Kabir's first reaction was to run away.

But he sadly discovered that his body was as if it had been filled with cement. His whole body was extremely stiff and he could not move at all!
The terrifying power of these big hands has completely suppressed the entire time and space.

Everything seemed to have stopped moving and stood still.

In Kabir's horrified eyes, the golden hand kept approaching.

He was like a little shrimp, caught without any resistance.

Whoosh whoosh~!

Soon, figures appeared in this space one after another.

"What!? Son Goku Vegeta, you two actually want to rebel in the future and steal the power of King Quan!?"

"Thanks to Weiss and I for working so hard to train you two!"

After seeing Kabir's appearance, Beerus was instantly furious.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta were confused: "This... this, this, this is not us!"

"It's definitely not them." The high priest narrowed his eyes: "He has the aura of Kaioshin on him, he should be a Kaioshin."

As soon as this word came out...

All the Kaioshins panicked.

The most panicked person here was Kabir. Looking at the people in front of him, his brain was in chaos and his face was extremely pale, as if he was mourning.

Why...why would I be discovered?
What exactly is going on! ?
King Quan stared closely at Kabir, his little face frowning.

In his perception, this time and space is indeed no longer under his control and rule, and is completely separated from the main time and space.

boom! !

An incandescent light erupted from his body, and the radiant light emerged again.

Countless torrents of data flashed in his eyes.

Soon, he knew everything about the person in front of him.

"You...damn it!"


King Quan put his hands together, and the terrifying power of destruction erupted. The entire space and time erupted with intense light, and space and time cracked and were about to be completely wiped out.

"Lord God, save me!!!"



ps: Some cool guys talk about it, but it’s really not that good. I will only spend some space when I encounter problems that really need explanation or about settings.

Take this World Martial Arts Conference as an example. In fact, there were only 4 battles, right?If I want water.

Why am I ending so soon?Let’s start with the low-end battle, which will cost [-] words, the middle-end battle will cost [-] words, and the battle between Karafar and others will cost another [-] words.

Each fight can easily fill tens of thousands of words. The battle descriptions are easy to write and easy to write.

But I didn’t, right?I started with the high-end, and after finishing the high-end battles, I directly arranged for Quanwang to admit defeat and not fight the remaining mid-range and low-end battles.

The recent plot is also progressing steadily.

Because it will be completed in about 60 to 80 words. QQ Reading is a membership system. You only need to become a member, and you don’t need to subscribe... I can write very long...

After all, there are so many animation, film and television works. I wrote about the worlds one by one, from the small world, to the middle world, and finally to the great world.

I can write millions of words.

But I didn’t, right?From the beginning of the third volume, I switched directly to the war of the world and started the conquest of the vast world.

Skip the middle thousand world.

Because I feel that when writing about worlds one by one, they are all the same and clichéd. It is nothing more than that if there is a problem in a world, a task will be posted in the group, and the group members will go and save it.

Repeat and repeat, I don’t want to write like this, writing in a routine.

So starting from the third volume, there will be very few group missions, right?

In qq reading, under this membership system,
As long as someone looks at me, I can still get money, but I don't really want to do that. I want to finish telling the story without being embarrassed.


(End of this chapter)

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