He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 130 It’s time to die! ! !Wild Arceus appears and Groudon throws the Poké Ball! ! !

Chapter 130 It’s time to die! ! !Wild Arceus appears and Groudon throws the Poké Ball! ! !
Pokémon World…

The endless chaos, this is the periphery of the main Pokémon universe.

What is the main universe?
The Pokémon world is a vast world with many universes.

Arceus, the God of Creation, sits above all universes, watching the world he created.

The so-called main universe... is the first universe created by Arceus, which is... the main universe.

It is also the universe beloved by the will of the world, and the universe where the children of destiny exist.

It is also the universe where Groudon and Kyogre reside.

The mythical beasts that are the incarnations of the major laws almost all live in the main universe.

The periphery of the main universe is wrapped in the endless aura of chaos, if you look at it from a high-dimensional perspective.

You will see that there are three different-dimensional spaces on the periphery of the main universe.

Time and space.

Space is a different dimensional space.

Antimatter extradimensional space.

These are the three basic laws that constitute the framework of the world.

The corresponding one is Dialga, the mythical beast that controls the laws of time.

The divine beast that controls the laws of space - Palkia.

The divine beast that controls the antimatter world—Giratina.

These three are all existences created by Arceus himself, and are the basic laws of material existence and activities.

The three combined together form the framework of a world.

It is different from other mythical beasts.

Other mythical beasts can live in the main universe.

And they can't, after all they don't form the basis of a 'planet', but they form the basis of a 'world'.

The power of these three is too strong. Once they enter the main universe, the laws of the main universe will be disordered, causing the planet to collapse.

and so……

These three can only open up different spaces outside the main universe as their own habitat.

The three major spaces do not intersect with each other.

Palkia's alien space is located on the left side of the main universe.

Dialga's alien space is located on the right side of the main universe.

Giratina's reverse world is located on the back side of the main universe.

The three of them support the main universe.



In the alien space of Palkia, the god of space, no other creature has visited since ancient times...

Suddenly, a ripple in space appeared.

The light flickered, and two uninvited guests appeared in this space.

One was red all over, like a dinosaur.

One is blue all over, like a whale.

It's Groudon and Kyogre.

In the center of the alien space, Palkia's huge body was lying quietly in it.

On its pale body, powerful space laws rise and fall, and the divine radiance shines, extremely extraordinary.

With every breath, the space around it breaks into countless fragments and then regenerates into a new space.

It's like a cycle of destruction and creation.

Looking at Palkia sleeping in the distance, Groudon sighed in his heart.

Who would have thought that the way to the place where Arceus' clone sleeps can only be entered from the alien space of the God of Space or the God of Time.

As for... Palkia's extraordinaryness and the terrifying visions she had while sleeping?
Groudon didn't feel anything at all. He had seen the battles of so many bosses and the group leader's actions. A small area of ​​space was shattered. It was so weak!

"No... aren't you looking for the place where Arceus sleeps? How did we get here?" Kyogre couldn't help but swallowed hard, and his body trembled slightly. This is Palkia! !The god who is at the top of the mythical beast and controls the laws of space!And it was an existence created by Arceus himself.

Groudon glanced at Kyogre, who was shivering at the side, and gave him a look of disdain.

"Are you too hopeless? What is there to be afraid of, Palkia?"

Kyogre, who was swallowing hard and trembling slightly, was stunned for a moment.

No need to be afraid of Palkia?
And Groudon is so calm, could it be possible that... Groudon knows Palkia? !
It was a little excited. It didn't expect that it could meet a boss of this level!

"Introduce me quickly. When I get back, I can brag to Mana Fei that I know the God of Space." Kyogre patted his huge fins excitedly and roared from his mouth, echoing in the space.

Groudon: ? ? ?

You, you call me a hammer!
It's so damn good that Kyogre's roar immediately woke up Palkia!

In an instant, scarlet pupils opened.

Palkia immediately noticed the uninvited guest who came to his space.

It was in a daze before it was fully awake. Why were there other mythical beasts in its own different space?

And this look...it knows him!It is Groudon and Kyogre, the owners of the authority of the earth and the authority of the sea...

Immediately, in less than half a second, Palkia became completely furious!
Damn guy, how dare you wake yourself up and break into my territory! ?



Ka Ka Ka Ka! ! !

Palkia's roar reached every corner of the alien space, and the terrifying aura exploded, shaking the entire alien space to its core!

The space above and below Kyogre and Groudon was like glass, about to be completely shattered!

Facing the power of space, Kyogre completely panicked!

Groudon was a little panicked, but feeling Palkia's angry space power, he became a little suspicious.

what happened?

Why does it feel so weak? The God of Space seems to have not been able to use space to his own strength?

Following this, Groudon also exploded the power of the Space Law he had mastered, and used an even more powerful momentum to directly push Palkia back.

At this moment, Palkia was stunned.

It was shocked to find that this space was out of its control, and instead began to squeeze itself from all directions.

It's like... there is a person with higher authority who has control over this space.

A familiar feeling appeared on Groudon in front of him.

But...how is this possible! ?
A god of the earth, mastering the laws of space!And even stronger than myself? !

While Palkia was at a loss, Groudon clenched his claws and used the power of space.

Just keep sleeping for me!

Boom boom boom! ! !
The layers of space were superimposed, and an extremely heavy violent shock erupted, hitting Palkia's head hard.

Palkia, who had no way to counterattack, only felt a pain in his head and an unprecedented dizziness. He tilted his head and fell to the ground.

The two poles were reversed. Kyogre, who was completely confused, looked at the unconscious Palkia, and then at Groudon. The CPU was running crazily.

ah! ?My head hurts so much that I need to grow a brain.

Groudon...he is so strong!Even Palkia was instantly killed!
Groudon was also confused. Damn it, after he extracted the Space Law from the group, his control over the Space Law was actually better than Palkia's! !

The group leader is awesome! !The chat group is awesome! ! (Breaking sound)

Its eyes narrowed slightly, and it used the laws of space to sense this place.

"Let's go! Little brother."

Groudon's roar interrupted Kyogre's thoughts. It had found the node anchoring Arceus' sleeping space.

The laws of space flowed, and a whirlpool-like passage appeared on the space wall.

The moment the two of them entered it, they felt a dizzy feeling.


Dizziness disappears.

What appeared in front of him was a black space with countless stars shining.

In the innermost splendid nebula in the space, a vague figure sits here, sleeping.

Facing it is like facing the whole universe, the whole world, an unspeakable pressure rushes towards the face, making people feel like kneeling down.

Countless energy turned into a huge egg-shaped shell, wrapping it inside.

But if you look closely, you can see that there are fine cracks in some places on the surface of the eggshell.

Since the last time it resisted the world-destroying meteorite, Arceus' clone has fallen into a deep sleep and has been repairing its body and strength.

The cracks on the eggshell are proof of this. When the cracks disappear completely, Arceus's injuries will also be fully recovered.

Kyogre kept flapping his fins, looking at the existence in front of him with great excitement.

This is Arceus, the God of Creation who created the world, and also their Father God!
Even if it is the God of the Ocean, I have only seen it once when it was born, and once when a meteorite destroyed the world.

Kyogre was extremely excited and kept swimming in the air: "Guroud, Master Arceus seems to be still healing. How can we become stronger? Could it be that you have a way to cure Master Arceus in advance, so you came here?" Find an adult, help it recover from its injuries, and then let it look at us differently and give us strength to make us stronger?!"

Its eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and their eyes are shining with the wisdom that it has seen through everything:

"I understand! It's a slate. The slate can speed up Sir Arceus' recovery! No wonder you want me to collect it!"

Groudon said mysteriously: "No, you guessed wrong."

Kyogre became more confused. Is there any other way?

"How is that?"

Without answering, Groudon looked at Arceus calmly. Sure enough, this was not the real Arceus.

In its perception, the healing Arceus in front of it was just a stone slab!
But it is extremely mysterious, a clone formed from the real Arceus Slate!
Then Groudon grinned: "That's it!"

"The Blade of Cliff Space!"


Groudon stamped his foot violently, and the laws of space and the laws of earth broke out at the same time. The red magma and the invisible space intertwined to form a terrifying move that was many times more powerful than the cliff blade!
Click! !
The space collapsed, and the overwhelming power of the two laws was fused, blasting towards Arceus without any error.

Kyogre: O(∩_∩)O
Kyogre: (▽)/
Kyogre: ( ̄. ̄)
Kyoka: (⊙⊙)
Kyogre: (O_O)?
Kyogre: (O_o)??
Kyogre: Σ(дlll)! ! ! ! !
Long live! ! !The wild Arceus appeared, and Groudon threw the elf... No, it attacked Arceus!

(End of this chapter)

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