He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 131 Special question answering gold list!Have you come into contact with the core of the Lor

Chapter 131 Special question answering gold list!Have you come into contact with the core of the Lord God’s world? !

Under Kyogre's extremely shocked gaze...

The huge explosion brought with it a red brilliance and turned into a red sword that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Groudon's terrifying blow first shattered the 'eggshell' on Arceus' body.

Click! !
There was a crisp sound of the eggshell breaking, revealing Arceus inside.

Then...the blade of the cliff space landed on Arceus without any trace of residual power.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, an earth-shattering sound came, and the light of the collision of energy and space raged in this different-dimensional space, turning into a white air wave that swept across the world.

It took a long time...

Kyogre was startled, and his eyes regained focus: "You...why did you attack Arceus?"

It was completely panicked: "It...it is our Father God."

"How can we harm it? Our power comes from it. It is completely immune to our law attacks."

"It's over, it's over, Arceus is going to be woken up by you, and we are going to be wiped out by it!"

Just now, Kyogre was just shocked by Groudon's unexpected attack, and didn't think it could do anything to Arceus.

But attacking the God of Creation is simply seeking death!

As the red light slowly dissipated, Kyogre gradually opened his mouth. His head was completely shut down. His mouth was open so wide that he could almost swallow a Divine Pillar King!

Finally, in its horrified gaze.

Arceus' body disappeared little by little, shattering into nothingness like a bubble.

Groudon...it hurt Arceus, no, that's not right!

It, it killed the Arceus who created the world, the Arceus who created these divine beasts that control laws! ?

Like the earth falling apart, Kyogre's entire fish collapsed.

It's over!
The universe is going to collapse and the world is going to be destroyed!

The mythical beasts all over the world will never let these two go!

What should it do! ?


There was a moment of doubt in Kyogre's desperate eyes.

Arceus, who was destroyed by Groudon in front of him, dissipated bit by bit until finally, he turned into a huge and mysterious stone slab!

Slate windless automatic.

It's spinning,
Not only that, what is engraved on the front of this stone slab is not an attribute, but a portrait of Arceus!

The supreme brilliance condenses into a large number of light balls on the stone slab, which are constantly rotating, and the whole body is emitting a dense light.

While facing this stone slab, an indescribable feeling of oppression came.

It's like being oppressed by the whole world.

Kyogre felt that the power he controlled was pressed to the extreme, making it difficult to use it normally.

But compared to these, what is more confusing is...

It was obvious that Arceus was indeed wiped out by Groudon's full blow just now.

But why, after Arceus was destroyed, would a stone slab with a portrait of Arceus appear?
Shouldn't he find all the stone slabs of Arceus?

At least, Kyogre had never heard of there being a stone tablet with Arceus painted on it.

Its mind was already in a state of confusion, confused by this confusing situation.

"What is going on? Why did Arceus turn into stone?"

Groudon calmly walked to the stone slab:
"This is not Arceus, this is the real slab of Arceus. The ones you were looking for before were all fake."

Groudon's eyes stared at the stone slab in front of him, shining with surprise.

Sure enough, that's what it was looking for.

A stone slab transformed from the true origin of Arceus.

It placed its paw on the stone slab, and after a prompt from the chat group popped up, it sold it immediately!
[The sale was successful and 30 points were obtained! 】

Seeing this number, even Groudon, who was mentally prepared, was shocked and speechless.

This stone slab is 30 times the size of the previous stone slab! ! !
Hiss...if the real Arceus also had 19 stone tablets.

Wouldn't that add up and be sold directly for a sky-high price of 570 million? ?

In an instant, Groudon's eyes almost turned into points.

But Kyogre is still a little confused: "Groudon, what is the real Arceus and the real stone slab you mentioned?"

The goal has been achieved, Groudon explained to his confused little brother.

"To put it simply, the world we live in is a vast world with many universes, and we just live in one of them."

"And Arceus, as the being who created the universe, sits on countless universes, overlooking all universes."

"The Arceus we have seen before is just its incarnation walking on earth, made from the real Arceus stone slab."

Kyogre tilted his head, still looking dull.

"I don't understand... Anyway, it means that there is more than one Arceus?"

Groudon: "..."

"Forget it, you don't need to understand, just follow me anyway. I said I would help you become stronger, didn't I just help you become stronger?"

Kyogre nodded, and that's what he said, it's better not to think too much.

It's all because of a lot of things that have happened recently. My head is itching and I feel like I'm going to have a brain.

And to hear Groudon tell it, what they do won't have a negative impact on the world.

In this case, there is no problem.

Groudon said: "The next step is to go to other universes to find other clones transformed from the real stone slab of Arceus."

Kyogre asked: "Other universes? How to get there, using the laws of space?"

Groudon was about to answer when his body suddenly froze.

Yes, how can they go to other universes?

Space teleportation is not unlimited. There must be a clear location or coordinates before it can be teleported directly.

If you wander aimlessly through the void, you will only get lost in some unknown corner.

Groudon did not know the coordinates of other parallel universes, had no similar experience, and had no idea how to go to other universes.

However, it seems to remember that Big Bone Soup once said that in his world, if you want to travel through the universe, you need to go to a place called hyperspace and travel through the hyperspace.

But here comes the question, is there a hyperspace connecting the universe in my own world?

After thinking for a while, Groudon gave up thinking.

Forget it, let’s go directly to the group and ask later.


On the other side…

Blue Star, in the hotel…

A system notification suddenly sounded in Annan's ears.

"Ding! Congratulations on obtaining a large number of world origins from the three-body universe!"

After being stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed with countless streams of light, carrying a large torrent of information.

"I see."

Annan knew the reason, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Lord of the Rings civilization, which returned to the Trisolaran World, has become one of the strongest civilizations in that world.

Hmm...are they currently fighting the "Zerozer Civilization"?

As long as the Nullifier civilization is solved, the Lord of the Rings civilization can completely control the three-body world.

The Zero Returner civilization has the terrifying ability to restart the universe and time and space. It can be said to be a god-level civilization in the Trisolaran world!Now, the origin of the world contributed by the Lord of the Rings civilization is enough for Annan's true body to come to the three-body world.

Just in time, let's go over there and take on another subordinate, Da Qian Shi Shi.

Annan took a step forward and his figure disappeared into the air.


The three-body universe is a cosmic battlefield.

In the cosmic space millions of light-years apart, two behemoths in the distant universe are waging a god-level war covering millions of light-years or even half of the universe.

The Lord of the Rings civilization has more than tens of millions of formation fleets, super-light weapons to attack, and a combination of technology and immortality such as controlling black holes to create anti-matter swordsmanship, as well as the power of law, launching an extremely fierce offensive.

The Zero Returner civilization uses two-way foil and various dimensionality reduction weapons, and uses the gravitational force between galaxies to pull two unmanned galaxies together, using a huge explosion to collide with the galaxies. Destroy all enemies.

The bombing between the two civilizations has destroyed countless planets in the universe, and large areas of the universe have been hit by dimensionality reduction.

Although the vast battlefield was extremely fierce, no one could win for a while and fell into a stalemate.

The upper echelons of the Lord of the Rings civilization looked embarrassed: "Damn it, it's been so long and we still haven't been able to win the Zeroer civilization."

The battle lasted for such a long time, making the Lord of the Rings civilization a little anxious.

The Returner Civilization is the most powerful civilization in the universe.

They have almost unlimited resources, and have mastered a large number of dimensional and regular weapons, which can render magical weapons ineffective.

However, the other party can't get any benefits.


Those who return to zero are civilized.

The length of this battle has exceeded their estimates.

According to their observations of their civilization, they could easily completely eliminate the middle-to-low-end civilization like the Lord of the Rings Civilization.

And without them taking action, the Lord of the Rings civilization should have fallen from the fourth dimension to the third dimension and been destroyed.

But to their surprise, not only was the civilization of the Lord of the Rings not destroyed, but it became extremely powerful!
The Zero Returner civilization can't figure out why the Lord of the Rings civilization is so strong and has such a weird technology tree.

Even if they stole some of the technology from the Lord of the Rings civilization, they couldn't recreate it.

However, there is no time for the two civilizations to think so much now.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Fleets collide with magic weapons, and laws and dimensionality reduction weapons clash fiercely.

The space is full of flashing sparks and explosions, and the battle situation has fallen into an extremely anxious situation.

However, just at the moment when the war reached its most intense stage.

The light has arrived.

In the center of the battlefield, everything stopped.

Both the two-dimensional foils were directly annihilated and disappeared.

Exploding sparks, collapsing planets, and everything-devouring black holes.

Everything seems to have stopped, frozen in the universe.

An unprecedented, indescribable and terrifying sense of pressure spread throughout the universe.

The intense brilliance is tens of millions of times more dazzling than the sun.

The incalculable Great Law appears in this world in a realm that cannot be calculated by science.

The ultimate power of an individual is now fully displayed in this universe.

Countless civilizations have discovered His existence and find it unbelievable, as if the eternal laws of the universe have been broken.

The universe is like a living body, fearful and trembling!
Within the Zero Returner civilization, there is already extreme chaos.

"The test can't be done! It's impossible to judge!"

"Where's the dimension detection!? Which civilization is responsible for this!"

"No, it's not a civilization, it's a living entity!!!"

"The test results are out. The dimension of the light source that appeared in the center of the battlefield... exceeds the limit of observation! It even... has even exceeded this world!! With our technology, we cannot detect its upper limit."


In the eyes of the Zero Returners as their civilization collapses, the existence of light on the screen clearly looks like an ordinary humanoid being.

Every pupil is shaking.

You must know that before this, there was no existence in the entire universe that the Zero Returner civilization could not understand.

Now, not only have weird things like the Lord of the Rings civilization appeared.

There is even one that directly breaks common sense!

The senior leaders of the Lord of the Rings civilization tremblingly aimed the battlefield screen at the center, their whole bodies trembling with excitement.

"Lord Shishen...it's Lord Shishen! He is here to help us!"

"Long live Lord Shishen!"

On the surveillance screen, a figure of light could not be seen, slowly raising a body part similar to an arm.

In an instant, the universe trembled.


It was not a dimensionality reduction strike, but all the weapons and fleets sent by the Zeroers turned into 'zeros' in an instant and completely disappeared from the universe.

At the same time, a phenomenon that has never been detected by the Zero Returner civilization also appeared.

In the constantly trembling universe, or in the interior of the Three-Body World, countless divine chains of order burst out, enveloping the space where light exists.

But this is not an attack, but a surrender.

The core underlying laws of the world took the initiative to appear in front of Annan, the being of light.

There is no way, Annan, as the master of the Lord of the Rings civilization, has mastered a large amount of the origin of the Trisolaran world.

Even if it wanted to die together, it could no longer do so.

In this case, it is better to surrender obediently and expose the true nature as soon as possible to end all this.

Annan poured his own power into it and turned it into a world mark.

From then on, he had an additional world of subordinates.

At this moment, the laws and energy particles from the Ultra world began to pour in.

Somehow, the Returner Civilization felt that something had changed in the universe.

A mysterious feeling appeared on them.

After the test, the civilized people who returned to zero were shocked and sluggish.

The universe is actually rising in dimension! ?
At the same time, the Ultra World has also undergone corresponding changes after integrating the laws of the Three-Body World.

From now on, in the Ultra world, civilizations with higher levels of high-tech civilization will be born, no longer limited to the power of individuals.

The purpose was accomplished, the Divine Chain of Order disappeared, Annan nodded in the direction of the Lord of the Rings civilization, and returned to Blue Star.


Come to the room...

Seeing that I have another subordinate in the world, yes, everything is moving in the best direction.


He turned his hand over and a gold medal list appeared in his hand.

The texture is completely different from the previous paper, but like jade.

He had a hunch that this page of the gold medal list would be very different.

after all…

This page of answer gold list was captured from Dragon Ball World.

The gold list booklet floated in the air, pulling together with the gold pages and merging together.


(End of this chapter)

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