Chapter 14: I’m confused, it’s numb! !
Marco's eyes were dull.

Ace's full name is Portcas D. Ace! ?

Why did the group leader say it was "Gol D. Ace"?
"Is it possible that the group leader made a mistake?"

The moment this thought arose, it was extinguished. What a joke, how could the group leader make a mistake?

The fear of the group leader is that he is an unknown number of dimensions above the "Golden Question List". He is not in his own world, but he can know what will happen in the future of his own world.

In his mind, the group leader has been linked to "omniscience and omnipotence".

Then there is only one possibility...

Ace's real name is Gol D. Ace.

"Gol D...last name..."

An unbelievable idea popped out of his mind uncontrollably, making him breathe quickly.

I'm afraid Ace isn't... the son of Roger, the Pirate King! ! ! !

He took a deep breath and said, "It's better to fill in the answer first."

With a thought, enter the answer on the answer sheet.

The answer was generated, and the answer sheet in the sky trembled. The entire list shook, and the bright golden light flickered on and off.

"Haha, Marco got the answer right again. He was confused. The winner of the answer list was stunned. He was confused." Annan almost laughed out loud. If the winner of the answer list had an anthropomorphic image, he would probably have gone numb.

It took a long while...

The golden light on the answer sheet was stable, and each handwriting appeared in the scroll. Each handwriting seemed to be carved with gritted teeth.

[Marco answered correctly]

[In the future, Marshall D. Teach will defeat the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates "Gol D. Ace", hand it over to the Navy as a petition, obtain the status of the King's Shichibukai, and become The fuse of the war on top]

Marco breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I seemed to remember something...


He ignored one issue. Ace's surname was "Gol D", but he had always used "Portcas" as his surname.

Based on his understanding of Ace, and when everyone talks about Roger the Pirate King, Ace always has disgust on his face.

This shows that... Ace hates the surname "Gol D" and hates Roger. After all, to Ace, the so-called Pirate King is just a scumbag who abandoned his family and son for his dream.

The surname "Gol D" is probably something Ace is unwilling to recall and face.

If he published the answer like this and made it known to the whole world, then Esta
Marco quickly left the room.

When he came on deck...

Realizing that the atmosphere had become a little strange, all the squad captains and cadres looked up at the winning list.

Ace stood behind his father, his head lowered and silent.

"Dad" At this moment, someone hesitated and wanted to say something.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Whitebeard. He glanced at Ace first and said, "Ace, what are you frustrated about? Didn't I already know about this? I told you, you are my Whitebeard's son. !”

After he finished speaking, he looked around, and his rich voice echoed: "What? Did Gol D. Ace affect the fact that Ace is my son?"

"Isn't he your captain anymore?!"

"Do you have any opinions?!"

The deafening sound echoed across the sea.

The air condensed for a few seconds...the weird atmosphere was broken.

Each squad leader and cadre was laughing: "How can we have any objections? Dad, Ace will always be our partner!"

"It's just that this thing is a little too unexpected." Seeing them, Marco couldn't help but smile on his face. He knew that as long as his father and his family were around, he no longer needed to worry about Ace's problems. .

So he stepped forward and hooked Ace's shoulder: "Don't worry, no matter you are Portcas or Gol D, you are our Fire Fist Ace!"

"However, it's too shameful for you to be caught by a scum like Teach in the future!"

Looking at the friends surrounding him, Ace was moved in his heart, but still snorted coldly: "I don't believe that I will lose to Teach, I want to see what methods he used to defeat me! "

The other crew members are also quite curious. There is no doubt about Ace's strength. How on earth did Teach, the owner of the nature-type Burning Fruit, who took the Dark Fruit by sneak attack, defeat Ace?

At this time, on the sea, after the answer to the gold medal list appeared, almost all the pirates widened their eyes and stared at Ace's full name.

Gol D! ?Isn’t this the last name owned by the Pirate King Roger!

Naval Headquarters.

The navy officers who had participated in that execution couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw this familiar surname, and a strong sense of uneasiness suddenly surged into their hearts.

Warring States frowned: "It seems inconsistent with the rumors. Our old friend still has an heir in this world."

On the other side, General Akainu stared at the name on the list of candidates, as if lava was flowing on his body, and the blood vessels on his arms became red, faintly emitting a scorching light.

"Fire Fist Ace, you sinful bloodline should be punished by justice!"

Chambord Islands…

Rayleigh, the former subordinate of Pirate King Gol D. Roger, has experienced countless ups and downs and has long been calm.

At this moment, after seeing Ace's full name, his hands trembled slightly, and he murmured in disbelief: "Captain Roger... he has a son?"

At this moment, the gold medal list in the sky moved, and the writing spread out and turned into pictures on the scroll.

An inconspicuous island appeared on the screen.

As the screen quickly zoomed in and zoomed in, two familiar figures appeared on the screen.

One, the son of the Pirate King whose background has been exposed, Fire Fist Ace!
The other party was the bastard who stabbed his partner in the back in the last question, Marshall D. Teach.

At this time, the two of them were in ragged clothes, and their bodies were covered with wounds and dust.

There were traces of being burned by the flames all around, and it was a mess.

Obviously this has been a fierce battle.

Ace's angry eyes burned with fire in his pupils just like his abilities.

["Tiqi, I will kill you today and use your head to comfort Sachi's spirit in heaven!!"]

The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates guessed: "This should be what happened after Tikki got the Dark Fruit, right? So, Ace will capture Tikki?"

In the picture, Ace raised his right hand, and several huge circles of spiral flames erupted from around his body and then overlapped, spinning like a storm and converging.

["Tiqi, go to hell to atone for Sachi's sins! Great Flame Ring: Emperor Yan!!!"]

["You are the one who should lie down, Ace! Melt into the darkness!!"]

On screen...

The two people's bodies erupted with terrifying energy fluctuations.

The forces of one red and one black collided together, almost razing the entire island to the ground.

As the smoke dissipated, what appeared on the screen was Ace who had passed out, and Teach who was still standing there, laughing wildly.


This scene made the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates almost unable to believe it.

Captain Ace actually lost in a head-to-head confrontation with Teach!

(End of this chapter)

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