He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

The second question on the gold list of Chapter 13 is a trap! !

The second question on the gold medal list in Chapter 13 is a trap! !

[Question [-]: Which two parties engaged in a bloody battle, and one party lost, and was handed over to the navy as a surrender letter by the other party, in exchange for his identity as the Shichibukai, and became the fuse of the war? 】

[Countdown: 59:59]

[If no one answers correctly within the specified time, a ray of luck will be drawn from all the selected people]

[You need to enter the full name of the person in the question. If the name is missing or is not the real name, it is also an error]

Another new question appeared on the answer list.

It’s just that after the audience from all over the world saw the questions raised on the gold medal list, they became confused again.

Shichibukai?Heading to war?

What are these things? ? ?Never heard of it! !

Genshin Impact World.

In mid-air in a field, Wendy stared at the winning list, which came from the existence of "Beyond Heavenly Law".

From the moment it arrived, he clearly felt that all humans and gods in the world were locked by its inexplicable power.

To their gods and humans, this golden answer list is definitely not a friendly thing.


The heart of God is suppressed, as if the superior person is absolutely suppressing the inferior person.

"What does this thing from outside the world want to do?"

"The picture that appears is also a picture from outside the world..."

"Vaguely, I felt malicious..."

Pokémon world.

At Team Rocket's base headquarters, Boss Sakamoto was staring at the surveillance screen with an unhappy expression, with several possibilities flashing through his mind.

"The Shichibukai is starting a war. Could it be that a newly rising force is preparing to provoke a war?"

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

Sakamoto issued an order: "Collect information about the Shichibukai and the so-called war on the top, and... let me continue to collect information about Marshall D. Teach."

"However, why in the previous scenes, neither Marshall Teach nor the unlucky guy named Sage, there was no elf around them?"


The world of pirates, the country of Dressrosa.

In the territory of the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo sat on the throne, shaking the red wine glass, but he was not in the mood to taste it, but stared at the questions displayed on the gold medal list.

"I exchanged my name certificate for the identity of the Shichibukai. How can something like this happen?"

The meaning behind the question on the gold medal list is self-evident. In the future, one of the existing Shichibukai will be removed from the list! !

He narrowed his eyes.

The Shichibukai, together with the Yonko and the Navy Headquarters, are the three major forces in this world known as the Great Line.

Each one of them is a big pirate who dominates one side.

The fact that a new Shichibukai is on the throne means that one of the old Shichibukai was defeated and deprived of his position... Doflamingo laughed strangely. He was very curious now, which Shichibukai was removed and which one was deprived of his position? Who took his place?
In an unknown sea in the new world, a small boat lit up white candles and sailed through the sea without a sail.

Suddenly, a huge sea king jumped up from the sea.

Its target is the man in the red and black cloak on the boat.

For the Neptune type, a small boat plus a weak human being can swallow it up with just one bite and crush it to pieces!

However, the moment it fell from the sky, it opened its bloody mouth and was about to eat the man.

Along with a cold light, time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Tear -! ! !
A cold light flashed, and the ferocious Sea King was split into two halves in an instant, and blood spurted out from its body and fell onto the ship.

The man who can kill a Neptune-like man with one sword is none other than one of the Seven Warriors under the King and the world's number one swordsman - Hawkeye Mihawk!

While Hawkeye sheathed his sword, his sharp eyes looked at the gold medal list in the sky.

"Has anyone been removed from the Shichibukai under the Future King? I hope that person is me."

If he is removed from the list, it means someone has defeated him.

It shows that there is a higher level of swordsmanship.


Whitebeard Pirates.

Marco breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the question on the gold list.

Although this time it is about his own world, at least it has nothing to do with the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Shichibukai is nothing more than a pirate force formed by the World Government to restrain the Four Emperors.

As for strength, that's even worse. Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai, was defeated by my father and couldn't even make it past one round.

In the Wanjie chat group.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: This time the question is about our world again, but fortunately it is not the bastard of our pirate group, so I shouldn’t need to worry about it.

[Death Agent]: Is that so?The world over there is really chaotic.

[Light of All Things]: @I am a phoenix, not a birdman. Actually, this is still about your Whitebeard Pirates.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Σ (дlll) group...group leader, save, save
Looking at Marco and the question on the gold medal list, Annan laughed out loud. Isn't this the same answer as the first question?
Moreover, this question-answering list also specifically added a stipulation that you must enter your real name.

For people in the pirate world, this is a big pit!
The correct answer to this question though is that Marshall D. Teach captured Ace.

But in the entire pirate world, only a few people know that Ace's real name is not Portcas D. Ace, but Gol D. Ace.

He already had a picture in his mind of how arrogant he looked when he got two questions with the same answer on the exam board.

Question-answering list: Although you got the first question right, I don’t believe you can still get the second question right!And the answers to both questions are the same, and I dug a hole in them!Look how you are fooled!
[Light of All Things]: The answer this time is that Marshall D. Teach captured Gol D. Ace. Enter the answer.

After seeing the news, Marco was stunned. He didn't expect that the answer to the second question would be that bastard Teach!And Ace was actually caught by him.

No wonder the group leader said that this is still a matter for their pirate group, etc.
Gol D. Ace! ?

(End of this chapter)

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