He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 12: Not willing to give up even a single bit of origin?Isn't this too fussy?

Chapter 12 Don’t give up at all about your origins?Isn't this too fussy?
Saatchi looked at Marshall Teach, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something...but in the end he said nothing.

The entire Whitebeard Pirates also fell into a strange atmosphere.

It's too real... The picture of the gold medal list showing up is too real.


Some people still said: "Dad, this must be something created by the World Government or other hostile forces."

Marshall Teach also looked like a victim: "Yeah, Dad, it can't be me."

Whitebeard didn't speak for a while, and then said: "Marco, what do you think?"

"The 'one' who made me stronger confirmed the existence of the gold medal list. And if the world government really has this ability, how can there be a place for pirates to survive in this sea."

The final conclusion.

Marshall Teach looked horrified and wanted to say something.

next second...

boom! !

A terrifying aura erupted from Whitebeard, and his huge palm pinched Marshall Teach's head hard.

A round of white light shrouded the palm, and the power of the shock fruit was activated.


Then... Marshall Teach instantly turned into blood mist, floating in the air.

The future stirs up troubles on the sea, ends the era of Whitebeard, and opens the era of extreme evil. Blackbeard, one of the future four emperors, dies.

All the squad captains were silent. They wanted to say something but couldn't.

They were companions who lived together day and night, and we didn’t even know the authenticity of the gold medal list. Why did dad kill Teach like this? ?

Fortunately, the question-answering list in the sky moved again, diverting everyone's attention.

[A member of the Edward Newgate Pirates, "Marshall D. Teach" will kill his companions and take away the Dark Fruit]

[Marco answered correctly...award...award...]

In the Wanjie chat group.

After seeing the word "reward", the group members were a little curious as to what kind of thing the world invader's "Q&A Gold List" would give.

But after more than half a minute, there was still no writing on the gold list, leaving them a little confused.

[Apprentice Death]: What's going on?Why don’t the words at the end of the answer sheet appear?What's the reward? ? ?

[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?How come a reward has to be delayed for a long time? Isn't this like our world, those garbage capitalists who default on their employees' wages? Such capitalists should be hung up on the street lights.

Annan laughed out loud after looking at the list of answers that had not shown subsequent subtitles for a long time.

This thing is probably confused. It probably never thought that anyone could really answer this question.

He wanted to see what exactly the gold list would reward in this case. He had to know the "rules", but he had to follow the principle of equivalent exchange.

Since a wrong answer requires the extraction of something owned by the [wrong answerer], then the reward after a correct answer is naturally something owned by the answer gold list itself.

That is to say, it must use its own [World Origin] to create prizes and reward them to Marco.

Finally, a few minutes passed... and the words on the gold list appeared bit by bit, like squeezing out toothpaste.

[Award...reward to Marco who answered the question...a side-effect-free version of "Dark Fruit"]

After the reward appeared, a stream of light fell from the gold list in the sky and landed in front of Marco.

What appeared in front of him was a dark fruit exactly like the one in the picture!

The eyes of the Whitebeard Pirate crew widened.

Dark fruit?Appeared suddenly like this! ?
At this moment, everyone who had been concerned just now no longer had any doubts. What was shown on the screen was true, and Tiqi would really kill Sachi in the future! !

There is more than enough to die!

Then they were shocked.

A version of devil fruit without side effects?Then we don’t need to be afraid of sea water and sea tower stones! ?
I'm afraid this will make the whole world crazy!

After taking care of the rest of Tikki's affairs, Marco returned to his room. Today was really full of twists and turns, so many things happened.

At this time, in the Wanjie chat group.

[The richest man in the world]: Is this the reward?That's it?A fruit? ? ? ? ?What the hell is no side effects?Could it be that the original fruit was poisonous?
[Death Agent]: But to be remembered like this by that Teach, the Dark Fruit must be a very powerful thing, right?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Devil fruit is not a fruit, but a terrifying existence. After eating it, it will give people special superpowers.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: But now that the side effects have been removed, it is equivalent to only gaining the elemental power of the Dark Fruit, which can manipulate gravity and create black holes!
[Death Agent]: I am super!Gravity and black holes? ? ?

[The richest man in the world]: Small black hole? ? ?Is this secret fruit so awesome?Give me some, give me some!I'll trade high technology with you!
[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Can I ask a little question?What is a black hole?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: (rolling eyes) I want to give this to the group leader, so don’t think too much about it.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Wait, why can’t I send out red envelopes?

[Light of All Things]: Red envelopes are my exclusive function, you can’t send them out.

After sending the message, Annan felt a little regretful.

If you can get the Dark Fruit, you might be able to learn more about the pirate world by analyzing the Dark Fruit and break through the world barrier as soon as possible.

Annan was stunned because... a prompt box popped up in front of him.

[Dear group leader, do you want to spend '100 points of origin' to purchase the Dark Fruit? 】Is there still such an operation?

The chat group itself should have no origin. It does not need an origin. In the final analysis, the chat group is a special law and needs the laws of all heavens and realms to perfect itself.

After you become the leader of the group, it means that it considers itself the master, and you can control its life and death.

Annan: Cost.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Wait, group leader!A prompt popped up in the chat group. You can use 100 group points to buy the Dark Fruit in my hand. Do I want to sell it?

[Light of All Things]: Sell it.

After Marco traded the Dark Fruit to the chat group, the Dark Fruit disappeared.

Instead, there was an extra box with 100 points under his personal nickname.

At the same time, the chat group also popped up a prompt in front of Annan.

[It has been detected that the group member "I am a phoenix, not a birdman" is selling an item containing the origin of the world. Do you want to withdraw it? 】

Annan was not polite and directly extracted the Dark Fruit.

Put it in your hand and look at it carefully.

The devil fruit in the world of pirates is exactly what it says in the original work. It is a devil-like fruit, but——

"Isn't this gold medal list too restrictive? Do you need to save this little bit of the world's origin?"

Annan was speechless. He originally thought this was a new dark fruit created by the Q&A Gold List using its own 'origin'.

But I didn't expect that this was the original dark fruit. It was just upgraded with the world's origin to get rid of the side effects.

It is estimated that the gold medal list for answering questions has not given Marco a reward because they are searching for the whereabouts of the "Dark Fruit". If they find it, upgrade it and give it to Marco as a reward.

"It feels so embarrassing for an opponent who uses everything he has to dig into Sosou."

"Forget it, Devil Fruit is a unique item generated by the 'World Origin' of the Pirate World. It contains the laws of the Pirate World. Let me study the laws of the Pirate World."

Annan crushed it directly and turned it into pure power and law.

In his hand, a ball of black energy slowly rose and floated into the air. This was the original power of the Dark Fruit and belonged to the laws of the pirate world.

"As expected, it is very weak. The ability of the Dark Fruit is limited to the strength of the Pirate King."

"The Pirate World should belong to the 'lower world'. According to the classification in a certain novel, it should be a world with relatively high combat power in the Xiaoqian World."

Suddenly, Annan let out a light sigh.

The black mist floating in the air looked like a demon, baring its teeth and claws in mid-air.

According to the official setting of the Devil Fruit in the Pirate World, there is a demon of the sea sleeping in it.

If you eat one, you will be disgusted by the sea and will be banned from entering the sea for the rest of your life.

And if you eat two Devil Fruits, your body will explode directly because you cannot withstand the curse and power of the two devils.

It seems that the explanation is not without purpose.

"It's interesting. Let me know what your reasoning is." Holding the black air in his hand, Annan's lips slightly raised.

[The breath of the original law of the pirate world is detected, and the progress is improved]

[Analysis of the legal structure of "Devil Fruit"]

[Current progress in Pirate World: 1%]

Annan nodded with satisfaction, simply absorbing the breath could improve him so much.

After he analyzes the laws contained in the Devil Fruit, the progress bar of the world passage should increase a lot.


While Annan was studying Devil Fruit, people in other worlds were also discussing the scene where the Golden List had just ended.

world of assassins.

Ji Dabao curled his lips at the golden list, looking very disgusted with the Devil Fruit: "The fruit looks really ugly! This kind of thing can be used as a reward. It is really shameless to introduce the golden list!"

Wu Liuqi nodded in agreement: "It looks terrible! This thing is actually valued so much by that guy named Tiqi. I really don't understand what these pirates think."

"The beef offal I make is much more delicious than this!"

In the jojo world, after watching the scene on the gold list, Jotaro snorted, and the substitute quietly appeared behind him.

Although he is a bad boy who smokes and drinks without paying, he cannot tolerate such an insidious villain who takes action against his companions!

"If I meet that guy named Teach, I will definitely punch him and send him to the hospital! Don't even think about getting out of bed for me for a year and a half!"

Following Jotaro's angry thoughts, the substitute behind him suddenly struck out, twisting and deforming the fence beside him.

After more than ten minutes passed, there was no response from Jin Bang.

"Is it possible that your mentality has collapsed??"

"No, it's just a question. Is this how you get it?"

Just when Annan thought it was about to give up, there was a roar, and the golden list in the sky burst into light again, and the writing appeared.


(End of this chapter)

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