Chapter 11 The person who was killed...was me? ? ?
Pirate world.

Marco listened to the noisy sounds outside and felt helpless. These people were probably thinking about muscles.

He is actually proposing a direct war with the World Government, and still thinks that this is a conspiracy created by the World Government.

Is this a crazy thing? !Where does the world government come from with such awesome stuff!

But that's right, if there was no "Mankai Chat Group", if I were my old self, I would never believe that the Whitebeard Pirates, who believe in "family", would actually have a traitor who backstabs their friends.

His eyes were a little cold. As the Question Answering List was also an existence that could come to the dimensions of the heavens, Marco didn't think that the other party would be unintentional.

Since this "answer question" appears, it means that this situation has indeed occurred.

I rubbed my head, but who was it?

If no one answers correctly within the stipulated time, then the gold medal list will begin to steal the origin of the world.


Realizing that there was Aite himself in the chat group, Marco's mind sank into the chat group, and his pupils suddenly widened.

[Light of All Things]: @Marco, the answer is: Marshall D. Teach, fill in the answer.

The answer is "Marshall D. Teach"?
He had an impression of this name. He was a crew member under Captain Sachi.

and many more……

Marco's heart was shocked again, D? !
He clearly remembered that the other party's name was Marshall Teach!
Is there a D in your name? ?

Taking a deep breath, his eyes became cold.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Good group leader, thank you very much!I'll fill in the answers first.

He had no doubts about this answer.

After all, this is a person that even the "All Realms Chat Group" wants to kneel down and kiss openly and covertly. With a ray of light, he can be promoted to the top powerhouse in the sea.

His mind exited the chat group of all realms, and Marco began to enter answers on the answer list.

at the same time…

Marshall Teach was on the deck. He raised his eyes and looked at the gold medal list: "Kill your friends and seize the Devil Fruit... I didn't expect that besides me, there are other people in the Whitebeard Pirates who have ulterior motives. , after all, to join the Whitebeard Pirates, you only need to pay a cheap price, call each other 'family', and then you can get the protection of the Four Emperors. There are probably all kinds of monsters and monsters in this pirate group."


The answer sheet, which had been quiet for a while, once again glowed with golden light, and the handwriting began to appear.

[Marco answers the question correctly]

[Under the Edward Newgate Pirates, "Marshall D. Teach" will kill his companions and steal their fruits]

Marshall D. Teach's pupils shrank into a black dot. He was a little unbelievable and confused at the same time.

In the future, the person who will kill my companions and steal the fruit is myself! ?
how can that be!

and many more……

He suddenly thought of a question, why was he staying on the Whitebeard pirate ship?What would you do if someone got the fruit you dreamed of?
There was only one answer in his mind - kill the opponent and snatch the fruit.

Thinking of this, Marshall Teach was excited. So, the person who betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates was really himself!
Walk! !We must leave here immediately!

Just as Marshall D. Teach was about to leave secretly, a terrifying coercion enveloped his whole body - it was a domineering and domineering spirit!
Accompanying the domineering attitude was an indifferent voice in the sky: "Tich, where are you going?"

Marco was in the air, wrapped in blue flames, and the wings of the phoenix behind his back flapped slowly.

Knowing that Marshall D. Teach was the murderer, how could Marco let him go?

at the same time…

On the Moby Dick, all the division captains and Whitebeard also heard the news and came over.Seeing Marco and Marshall D. Teach, Whitebeard said in a deep voice: "Marshall D. Teach, your name also has a D in it, but I don't care what your name is, I only need one Explain, Teach, why did you kill your partner?”

Marshall D. Teach rolled his eyes and immediately began to quibble: "Dad, you know that I have been working hard and have no such ambition at all. How could I kill my companions for Devil Fruit?"

On the side, Saatchi also stepped forward and defended Marshall D. Teach: "Yes, Dad, I know Teach's character very well. Last time, he suffered a serious injury in order to help others. Damn, how could Tiqi betray his companions like this?"

Boom! ! !
At this moment, thunder was rolling, and there was a sound in the sky. The writing on the gold list began to melt, turning into a curtain, with light and shadow flowing, and a picture appeared on it.

In the picture, a hearty laughter came.

"Haha! What a good luck!"

Soon, many pirates recognized the man in the picture. He was Sachi, the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

He stood in front of a pile of overlapping boxes. After opening one of them, he showed a happy expression.

Following Saatchi's voice, the screen moved closer to the box.

Looking at the contents of the box, people in the world were startled. What was inside was a purple fruit with a weird shape.

In the pirate world, some powerful pirates with fruit illustrations narrowed their eyes: "This is... the dark fruit of the natural type!"

After Thatch's hearty laughter rang out, he didn't notice at this moment that behind him, Teach was staring at the fruit in his hand, his eyes full of greed and murderous intent.

[Sachi, who was unaware of this murderous intention, turned around with a relaxed expression and said: "Teach, look, I actually harvested a Devil Fruit this time!"]

The moment the words fell, with Saatchi's unbelievable look on his face, Teach behind him, unprepared, wrapped the weapon in his hand with extremely powerful armed domineering force, and easily pierced Saatchi's body. Crucial.

Killed in one blow, without any sloppiness.

Spitting out a large mouthful of blood, Sachi didn't even say his last words. He just stared at Tiqi with unblinking eyes and fell into a pool of blood.

In the scene, Teach picked up the dark fruit that was lying in a pool of blood, lifted it up, and laughed maniacally.

["Hahahaha, finally, my wish came true, I got the Dark Fruit!"]

Boom! ! !Lightning flashed in the air, illuminating Teach's crazy smile.

The scene on the gold list is frozen in this final scene.

At this moment, everyone in the pirate world stared at the scene in disbelief.

Thatch, the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, a powerful pirate who gave the navy a headache, would end up being stabbed to death by his teammates in the back!

In the Whitebeard Pirates, who are based on family ties, there is a pirate who kills his companions for the Dark Fruit!

Holy Land Mary Joa.

Seeing this scene, the Tianlong people said with a mocking face: "Betraying for a mere fruit, you are really a disgusting D clan."

"Sure enough, the D family is an existence that should be eradicated!"

The Red Hair Pirates.

Beckman walked up to the red-haired man: "The head of the family, if I remember correctly, it was this guy..."

The red-haired man nodded and touched the scar on his eye: "Yes, he was the one who hurt me in the first place. Sure enough, he is a terrifying guy."

At this time, the scene on the Whitebeard Pirates was completely silent.

Especially Sachi, his mouth was slightly open, his mind was a little stunned and shut down. He had not recovered from the shocking scene just now: "The person who was... killed was me??"


(End of this chapter)

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