He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

I will directly spoil the first wave in Chapter 10. How will you respond?

I will directly spoil the story in Chapter 10. How will you respond?
Along with the dazzling golden light, writings appeared on the answer gold lists of many worlds.

The words it revealed were still unknown words, like a book from heaven.

But the moment everyone sees it, they naturally know what it represents.

[The first question on the gold list: Excuse me, under the Edward Newgate Pirates, ______ will kill his companions and steal their fruits? 】

[Only selected people can answer this question]

[Please do not fill in anything randomly, the answer is wrong, and one thing owned by the 'wrong answerer' will be randomly erased]


Look at the writing on it.

answer? ?
Annan raised his eyebrows, that's right, the name is called the Question Answering List.

The world of shadow assassins.

A barber squatted at the door of the barber shop, with the word '旟' on his chest. He looked at a rooster beside him in confusion: "Hey, Chicken Dabao, do you know the answer?"

Chicken Dabao shook his head: "The name sounds like a foreigner, but in which country are people so poor that they kill people just for a piece of fruit?"

"This gold medal list is too weird. Who knows the answer? We don't seem to have been selected, so don't worry, just eat quietly."

JOJO world.

"Jotaro Kujo", a sturdy boy wearing a black school uniform with a bad look on his face, is trying to capture this screen with the evil spirit behind him.

"No, this is not the same thing as the evil spirit behind me."

Jotaro frowned: "Yeah, yeah, that's enough. In addition to evil spirits, there are such things. What on earth is going on in this world."

"This guy named Edward Newgate is quite unlucky."


Joseph, who was in the United States, looked at the screen in front of him with an extremely nervous expression.

"It's not a stand-in attack."

"Whatever, if the sky falls, there will be a tall man holding it up, and I wasn't chosen."

"But who is this Edward Newgate? It seems necessary to check."

After speaking, his eyes looked into the distance, his expression full of sadness.

"I don't know how my grandson is doing now. He must have awakened his substitute now."

Genshin Impact World, Mondstadt.

Qintuan, who was dealing with paperwork in the office, let out a long sigh and leaned on the table, showing off her beautiful figure.

There have been too many things going on recently, and when she was so busy, there was another question on her list.
Moreover, she had never heard of a pirate group led by Edward Newgate near the waters of Mondstadt and Liyue.

She closed her eyes deeply and then issued an order.

——All Mondstadt residents are not allowed to answer questions at will. They must wait for the Knights to confirm the safety. If anyone is selected, they must inform the Knights as soon as possible.

At Liyue's singing place, a man wearing a black and gold coat was drinking tea and looking at the screen in front of him calmly.

"From outside the world."

People in the worlds of the universe, except for the original God world and some other worlds who know that this is from the world, most people are a little confused and think that Edward Newgate is a person from their own world.

Edward Newgate, who is it? ?

The powerful men from different worlds did not move. The gold medal list was too weird, and their power was far greater than theirs. They did not dare to act rashly.

But... there is one world that is an exception.

Pirate World...

"Huh?! I got selected and I feel like I can enter the answer on it."

"I...I seem to have been chosen too."

Such voices kept coming and going.

Furthermore, returning to the question itself, there was an uproar across the sea.

The name Edward Newgate is familiar to no one.

On the contrary, this name is like thunder.

Known as the strongest man in the world, the Four Emperors - Whitebeard, his real name is - "Edward Gaynut".

What makes them most unbelievable is...

In the Whitebeard Pirates, some people will betray the Pirates and kill their friends for Devil Fruit! ?
Is this still the Whitebeard Pirates group formed with the concept of "family"?

Lexus Kingdom...a man wearing a pink ostrich coat and weird glasses.

One of the seven warriors under the king, the joker of the underground world, the former Celestial Dragon - Doflamingo.

He grinned: "Coffee, off, off, I didn't expect that white beard would turn out to be a traitor? Father? Son? What a disgusting father-son game!"

As for the Whitebeard Pirates, it was now a chaotic mess and extremely noisy.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"How could there be a traitor in our pirate group? We are all father's sons and brothers. How could we kill our brothers and partners!"

"Yes, Dad, this so-called gold medal list must be a conspiracy created by the navy or other people. It must be a person with fruit abilities. The purpose is to cause civil strife in our Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Yes! Even if it's not a fruit ability, it must be some kind of technology. Maybe it's something invented by the Navy's chief scientist, Dr. Becca Bunker."

Listening to the noisy crowd, Marco felt his head hurt.

"Dad, wait for me for a moment." He whispered, and then he lost his concentration in the chat group.

Wanjie chat group...

[I can’t fly]: Only the selected ones can answer?How to be selected?

[Apprentice Death]: Confused·jpg, and the biggest question now is, who is Edward Gaynut...? ? ?
[Ghost Slaying Expert]: There is no abnormal movement on my body, does that mean I was not selected?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It seems that I have been chosen. This question seems to appear directly in front of me. As long as I think about it, I can fill in my answer in the blank space.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Moreover, it seems that most of our pirate group can fill in the answers above.

[The richest man in the world]: I wasn’t selected either, which means you were selected. Edward Gaynut, it sounds like a name from our Western side. What an unfortunate old man. Was he betrayed by his own men?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: ..., he is my father, he is right next to me.

[The richest man in the world]:? ? ? ? ?

[Light of All Things]: Pfft, it's not that you haven't been selected. It seems that I have taken a high look at this "Quick Answer List". The so-called 'selected' actually means that except for Marco's world, there must be no one in all other worlds. Man is chosen because he does not have this ability.

Annan sneered, he just said that if he didn't collect enough world breath, he couldn't anchor the position of other dimensions and break through the barriers of the dimensions of the heavens. How could this question-answering list be able to connect all realms at will.

Nowadays, it can only be successful in the pirate world, or in other words... the other party needs to steal the origin one by one.

But because the answer lists of all worlds come from the same source, the questions will also appear on the answer lists of other worlds.

But Annan was also a little confused: "Then how could it disrupt the rules of the pirate world?"


Another handwriting appeared on the answer gold list.

[Countdown: 59:59]

[If no one answers correctly within the specified time, a ray of luck will be drawn from all the selected people]

Poor picture dagger see.

"Interesting and interesting."

"The chick finally showed its black feet."

If you answer incorrectly, any item will be drawn from the 'wrong answerer'. If no one answers correctly within the specified time, a piece of luck will be deducted from all the selected people.

Every life is engraved with the breath of the world in which it lives, which is the brand of the world, which means that you are a person of this world.

This so-called 'breath imprint' can also be called - luck in a one-sided and easy-to-understand way.

Those with a strong aura brand will be loved by the world, can pick up money when they go out, can easily overcome difficulties, and can turn danger into safety when encountering life dangers.

That is what is called - the son of luck.

If a person without the aura of this world enters the 'Pirate World', everything will go wrong and he will be rejected by the world and be hostile to the world.

You might choke to death if you drink water, you might fall down if you walk on the ground, and a meteorite might fall on you if you step out.


What the Q&A Gold Board is doing now is to use this method to seize the luck of everyone in the Pirate World, invade the world bit by bit and subtly, and finally take the origin of the world as its own.

"This plan is indeed insidious. Who would stab Whitebeard in the back? Who knows what will happen in the future."

"This is so accurate that no one has answered."

"Unfortunately, you met me."

"I will directly spoil the story. How will you respond?"

[Light of All Things]: @Marco, the answer is: Marshall D. Teach, fill in the answer.


(End of this chapter)

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