He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 9 Groudon was so scared that he turned into a little magnet. Is this the terrifying leader o

Chapter 9 Groudon was so scared that he turned into a little magnet. Is this the terrifying leader of the group? ?

The information revealed by Groudon left Kurosaki Ichigo and others stunned.

The world...will be destroyed! ! !

They were a little panicked inside.

[The richest man in the world]: Group...Group leader, save...save, I haven't enjoyed it enough! !

[Members of the crowd]: +1+1+1
【Big bones boiled into soup】: +1, hey, why do I need +1 too? My world seems to have no gold medal list for answering questions, so that’s okay.

The only ones who were slightly less panicked were Groudon and Dagu.

After all, in Groudon's eyes, Arceus, who created the world and gave him the laws of all things, is also an omniscient and omnipotent being.

Arceus may have a way to solve this sudden appearance of the gold medal list, he just needs to wake it up.

[Light of All Things]: It’s okay for the time being. The origin of the world is not so easy to steal. Let’s take a look at the method of answering the gold list first. Even if it is stolen, it can only be done in a cyclical and gradual manner. It is not achieved overnight. Just steal it if you say it is stolen. Then the origin of the world is too childish.

[Light of All Things]: Just wait and watch the changes.


Annan was also very curious as to what methods this question-answering gold medal would use to steal the origin of the world.

If you want to steal the origin of a world, you need to disrupt the order of the world. The order here refers to the 'order of laws', making the laws of a world chaotic.

This is very difficult.

The world has its own laws of development. Rules and time form a long river, flowing from the source to endless unknown existences.

It represents the inevitable and objective law of world development.

If you want to disrupt the law and order, you must break up the long river of rules + time.

"On this gold medal list for answering questions, except for the worlds of the few people in the group, other worlds that have not entered the group may have been invaded."

He was very curious about what "that book" composed of the gold medal list was, and it actually wanted to steal the original power of countless dimensional worlds.

What does it want to do?
Is the origin of the world really difficult to obtain?

He glanced at his system panel
【Creation God System】

[The power of creation (power of origin): +∞ (automatically refreshed every day, strictly speaking endless)]

It's just a pity that these creative powers can only be used in the dimensional world opened by Annan himself, and belong to him alone.

This is why he has no worries about the origin of his world being stolen.


While meditating…

There was another movement in the group.

[The richest man in the world]: @光之光, Boss of the group, Boss of the group, something bad has happened. There has been a change in the gold list of answering questions. Could it be that it has absorbed the original power of our world and is about to begin to destroy it? Is he dead?
[Apprentice Death God]: There is also something strange happening on our exam winning list, it’s so dazzling! !
[Ghost Slayer Expert]: So are we.

[Groudon]: Our gold list here also has a vision. It blooms with a dazzling golden light, illuminating the whole world. Lunayala, who represents the authority of the night, appears, and it enters the scene! !It's in! !This golden light is too dazzling. As the owner of the power of the night, what Lunala hates most is the light. It turns the sky into night and itself into the form of a full moon. It wants to devour this gold medal list, damn... …Lunayala fell and degenerated into her original form, becoming Cosmog.

Groudon was dumbfounded...

Lunayara is also a divine beast, even more powerful than herself. It represents the night. Because of its existence, there is night in the world, otherwise there would be only eternal day.

But...Lunaiyala was actually defeated and transformed into her original form - Cosmog.

It's a little uncertain now. Can Arceus really solve this question-answering list?
It was exactly what Annan had guessed.

It’s not just the world of chat group members that has been invaded by the question-answering charts.

In many different dimensional worlds, there are also gold medals for answering questions.

at this time…

Shadow Assassin world, One Punch Man world, Genshin Impact world, re:0 world, Fairy Tail world...

Many worlds that are not in the group also have gold medals for answering questions.

All the world's question-answering lists are blooming with billions of golden lights at this moment, floating in thousands of lights, reflecting the heavens.

Writing began to appear on it.Pirate World…

Among the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco looked up at the gold list with a sad face. This thing is actually stealing the origin of the world and will lead to the destruction of the world.

"There's writing on it. Look, there's writing on it."

Some crew members pointed at the gold list and exclaimed in surprise.

Marco looked at it, and sure enough, there was writing on it. The writing on it was not a known word and he couldn't understand it at all.

But the moment they saw it, everyone understood its meaning.

--Please get ready.

Without hesitation, Marco immediately took a photo and sent it to the group.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Group leader, there is writing on the answer sheet. [Picture]·jpg.

As expected, Kurosaki Ichigo and others also bubbled up, saying that the same handwriting appeared on their side.

[Light of All Things]: It seems that its methods of stealing the origin of the world are about to begin to show.

Annan was very interested, he wanted to see what method the other party used.

[Big bones boiled into soup]: Huh? ?It feels like we are chatting across screens. Damn it, I can’t fit in. We don’t have it in our world.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, why didn’t you let Nico blow your ass!If you get a bargain and behave well, how about we change the world?
[Light of All Things]: You have to observe the gold medal list and chat in the group at the same time. It is easy to miss key information. In this case, then watch it together in the group, so that the 'big bones make soup' can also participate.

----Ding!The respected and great group leader "Light of All Things" has opened a video conference. Click to accept to enter the conference live broadcast room——

The crowd was full of black lines.

Respectful and great...

Damn, this chat group is so shameless, they are better at licking than us.

No shame! ! !
After making some complaints, everyone clicked in immediately.

I found that the scene played in the live broadcast room of the conference was exactly the one from the gold medal list, but it was slightly different.

The group leader's answer list is just a piece of white paper, like a curtain, with writing appearing in the center.

It's not like the gold medal list in their world, with its dazzling golden light.

[I Can’t Fly]: Does the world where the group leader lives also have a gold medal list for answering questions?
[Light of All Things]: Yes, it made me unhappy, so I erased it and then it became my property.

[The richest man in the world]: (⊙⊙)
【Ghost Slayer Expert】: (O_O)?
[Apprentice Death]: Σ (дlll)

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:…(⊙_⊙;)…

【I can’t fly】:コ(⊙)ㄈ

Everyone was stunned and stunned, and the shock in their hearts made them numb. Is this the group leader?Even the gold medal list for answering questions can be easily destroyed.

[Light of All Things]: Damn, @I can’t fly, Groudon, why did you become a little magnet?

Groudon looked at the replies in the group and his body was shocked again! ! !
Groudon, the little magnet! ! ?
The group leader actually knows his real name, but he has never revealed it.

Or even an elf who knows the world he's in called Magneto? !

Just then...

The whole world is filled with golden light along with the gold medal list for answering questions.

In everyone's mind, a cold and emotionless voice sounded.

[First answer, let’s begin! 】

On Jin Can's answer list, a line of writing appeared and was displayed in front of everyone.



ps: I am new to this website. I used to work in other websites. I don’t know the rules of Qidian and QQ reading~~~ and I don’t know what to do when publishing books. I beg you all the book friends to give me some encouragement~~ Come on. Book review recommendations, monthly passes or something like that~~~~
You can watch it with confidence. The subject of chat groups is very old and many people are tired of it, but don’t worry, this book is different.

(End of this chapter)

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