He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 8 The power of the Creator God, stealing the pages of the origin of the world? !

Chapter 8 The power of the Creator God, stealing the pages of the origin of the world? !
【Ding!It has been detected that something unknown is trying to get closer to the origin of the world! 】

Annan raised his eyes and looked at the golden scroll in the sky.

This thing is called "Quick Answer Gold List".

Different from the chat group, after entering the Ultra Universe, this thing actually tried to corrode the world and seize the origin of the world.

The origin of the world, this thing Annan is very assured of.

Under the whole world, looking at the countless dimensional worlds, no one can snatch a trace of the origin of the world from his hands.

Because the Ultra Universe was originally created by him and is completely controlled by him.

Although there was no loss at all, the gold medal for answering questions was not achieved.


The other party's gesture angered Annan. It was equivalent to inviting a guest to the home. The first thing this so-called guest did was to come to the owner's safe, wanting to open the safe and steal the owner's treasures. .

And this "gold list of answers" is this "evil guest" who tried to open the safe that contained the "origin of the world", but ended up triggering the safe's alarm.

"Are you courting death?!"

Annan's eyes were cold as he finished speaking.

Boom! !
Above the sky, lightning was densely covered, and the terrifying thunder snakes shone, as if the gods were angry. The sky seemed to split open, and the whole world seemed to change from colorful to black and white.

Time stood still, as if a pair of invisible hands pressed the pause button.

The golden scroll spread out over the blue star collapsed instantly.

Annan's face was cold.

He closed his eyes, as if looking for something.

The "Answer List" just destroyed was just a projection.

It's not just Blue Star that has this projection.

In the Ultra Universe, every planet with life activities has this kind of projection, which is not the main body.

half an hour...

"found it."

Annan opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with dazzling divinity. They could not be looked directly into or peeked into. There were countless patterns of laws flowing in his pupils.

Putting down the mobile phone in his hand, he gently raised his foot, took a step forward, and disappeared in an instant.

The edge of the universe in the ultra dimension.

Eternity, silence, and coldness, not even a trace of light exists, only darkness. This kind of blackness...cannot even be described by the concept of 'black'.

On the edge of the dimensional barrier, there is a golden scroll, small and exquisite, the size of a palm, which is constantly blooming with golden light, trying to open a gap and leave this dimensional universe.

No... using the word 'leave' is a bit loose. To be precise, it means...'escape'...this terrifying dimensional universe.


The air trembled, and a ray of light gathered at the edge of the universe.

The answer gold medal trembled all over, turned into a golden light, and ran away crazily.

Annan opened his lips lightly and said in a very light voice: "In the world I created, is it possible to escape?"

His eyes saw through the illusion and fell directly on the golden answer list.


The "Quick Answerer" who was running away like crazy felt a terrible will coming, and the entire universe was rejecting him. The space in all directions seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't move at all.

It was trembling, and the light on its body dimmed to the extreme just by being watched by the owner of the will, and might be extinguished at any time.

It is impossible to imagine what the scene would be like if the master of this will took action.

It was fine when I arrived, but I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to go back.

This universe obviously looks like a middle-aged world. Why...such a terrifying character exists?

This is not what the Middle Thousand World should exist at all, and it is even impossible for the Great Thousand World to exist! ! !Annan slowly stretched out his hand, his fingers slightly bent like claws, and then he clenched suddenly.

There is no huge movement, no deafening sound, and no colorful special effects scenes.

Some are just plain.

The golden answer sheet was shattered directly, the golden light was extinguished, and all the breath and will were wiped out, leaving only a simple piece of paper floating in the universe.

Annan moved his hand, and the paper appeared in his hand.

It was smooth and blank, with no writing or drawings on it.

The three corners of the paper are smooth, except for one edge that has an irregular tooth shape.

Annan was thoughtful, it felt like it was torn from a book? ? ?
"The system will check what this is."

[Ding, important information is missing and cannot be analyzed]

Can't you analyze it...

Annan shook his head, put away the pages of the book, the divinity in his eyes disappeared, and returned to the previous hotel suite.

Lying on the bed, with a thought, I opened the chat group.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn, it’s so scary. I thought the world was going to be destroyed. A huge picture suddenly appeared in the sky above the world.

He posted a very high definition picture.

It was a huge golden scroll unfolding in the sky, pressing on the entire world, as if it was going to destroy everything.

[The richest man in the world]: And when it appeared, it seemed to be innate, and its name automatically appeared in our minds. What is it called - Question Answering List.

[Apprentice Death]: (Shocked) There is also a gold medal list for answering questions in the world of Mr. Richest Man?It exists in our world too, and its appearance and vision are exactly the same as yours!

[Apprentice Shinigami]: When this thing appeared, the void in this world was purified and sent back to Soul Society and Hell. It was so terrifying!

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Moreover, according to Rukia, even the golden list has appeared in Soul Society, and they have no means to stop it. There is no way to prevent the golden list from coming.

[I Can’t Fly]: It’s the same here. I originally thought it was the work of that adult, but the power is completely different.My friend Rayquaza originally wanted to see what was going on, but before it even got close, he was directly bombarded. It was so tragic.

[I can’t fly]: But the adult didn’t take action. I don’t know if he was sleeping or doing something else.
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: You all showed up?My world has also appeared. Where are the other people in the group?Come and answer them all! @杀鬼expert, @Do you also want to dance? @大bones are boiled into soup.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Minecraft also appeared.

Everyone was silent and shocked. They boiled the bones into soup and drank it. Do you also want to dance? They didn't say anything. But according to the current situation, everyone in the group should have appeared on the gold medal list.

[Big Bones Made into Soup]: My world also appeared, but... it quickly shattered.

[I can’t fly]:?

[The richest man in the world]:? ?
[Apprentice Death]:? ?
[Ghost Slaying Expert]:? ? ?

[Big bones boiled into soup]: It was really broken, as if it was split by lightning.

[Members of the crowd]:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

What the hell is it broken! ! ! ? ?Or was it shattered by lightning? The world they were in had used various methods, but none of them could harm them. The lightning was shattered. Is this scientific? ? ? ?


Annan's eyes flickered as he looked at the chat in the group. The pictures uploaded by everyone were the same as the ones he crushed up on the gold medal list. The only difference was some subtle differences.

In this way, my guess is not wrong. Each golden scroll in this so-called golden answer list is just a page torn from a book.

Annan's eyes narrowed, coming to all realms to steal the origin of the world from all dimensions? ?
[The richest man in the world]: Could it be the function of a chat group?Otherwise, how could there be a gold medal list in our world?

[Light of All Things]: This is not from the chat group, this is something else, and it is not a good thing. To be precise... it is the enemy of your respective worlds, and it is stealing the origin of your world.

[I Can’t Fly]: Shock·jpg, origin, this thing is stealing the origin of the world! ?

Groudon's face was solemn. As the god of the earth, he knew his origin, his importance to the world, the support of the world, and the birthplace of the law.

[The richest man in the world]: Origin?Is origin important?
[I Can’t Fly]: If the origin of the world is stolen, there is only one outcome...the destruction of the world.

[Apprentice Death]:! ! ! !
[The richest man in the world]:! ! ! !
[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! ! ! !
【Big bones made into soup】:! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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