He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 7 Pretending to be cool in Minecraft?Are you looking for death? !

Chapter 7 Pretending to be cool in Minecraft?Are you looking for death? !
The Whitebeard Pirates...

"My sons, please go down. In order to celebrate Marco's awakening of the Overlord Color Haki, our Whitebeard Pirates...are having a banquet tonight!!!"


This decision caused cheers to echo over the sea, and everyone went to prepare what they needed for the banquet.

The people around him dispersed one by one. Whitebeard withdrew his gaze, looked at Marco, and asked in a low voice: "Marco, what's going on?"

After living for so long, as the top strong man in the sea, he naturally knows that strength is honed in battle.

The pirate group has not fought for nearly half a year, and Marco has not done any special training recently.

It is impossible for the fruit's ability to suddenly increase dramatically, and it is even less possible for it to awaken its overlord color and domineering energy.

Generally speaking, people with Overlord Color qualifications will automatically awaken Overlord Color Haki when their strength reaches a certain stage, and will use Overlord Color Haki unconsciously at first.

Marco's previous strength was equivalent to that of a lieutenant general in the Navy Headquarters. If he had the aptitude for domination, he would have awakened it long ago.

It’s impossible to wake up now.

Although it is unbelievable, but... this domineering and domineering aura is probably given by something else.

"Dad, do you remember what I told you before? Something suddenly popped into my mind."

Marco didn't hide it, because his father already knew about the chat group.

At the beginning, when he was pulled into the chat group of all realms, he told his father about the chat group.

At that time, he thought it was the special ability of a certain Devil Fruit user. It would be terrible if it was a person with ulterior motives spying on the Whitebeard Pirates.

So he directly reported it to his father and asked him to use the Haki of Knowledge to detect whether he was a fruit ability user.

After all, no one can escape the perception of Yonko-level Haki.

After countless investigations later, I found that this was not a fruit ability, but a chat group that could really connect to all realms.

"The changes I just had were a gift from the group leader."

Marco told everything that happened in the chat group of all realms one by one, especially the "Light of All Things" who was begged to be the leader of the chat group, and then sent a red envelope, and grabbed the red envelope himself, which led to everything just now .

After a few minutes...

Whitebeard was silent, his chest rising and falling violently.

for a long time……

"Ku la la la la la!!!" Whitebeard laughed: "It seems that if I die one day, the Whitebeard Pirates will not fall apart."

He is not young now, and now he has to rely on infusions every day to maintain his body functions. The strength of the entire Whitebeard Pirates depends on him. He is very afraid that one day he dies and the Whitebeard Pirates will become like others. The prey of the pirate group and the world government.

Now that Marco has grown up, this anxiety has been eliminated.

"Marco, this is your great opportunity. Don't antagonize your so-called group leader. A ray of light can create a top powerhouse. His strength... I'm afraid it's beyond the limit of what I can imagine. , I’m afraid I can’t describe his horror even if I use all my words.”

"Understood, I will definitely not make enemies. All the friends in the group speak nicely and are very approachable."

"That's good."

The two of them didn't notice during the conversation that while the Whitebeard Pirates were busy bringing out food and drinks one by one...

In the corner of the deck, there was a bloated crew member with a missing front tooth and a black hat, his head lowered and his face gloomy.

"Damn...damn Whitebeard and Marco, what are these two people hiding? In order to prevent eavesdropping, Whitebeard actually filled his body with the domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge, causing the sound to not be heard."

He gritted his teeth and looked at Marco, who had become extremely powerful: "Is it possible that Whitebeard and Marco have mastered something that can quickly become stronger, or can make the fruit awaken quickly?"

"Damn it! Why did you only tell Marco? Aren't the others your sons?"

Marshall Teach was extremely agitated. Marco's strengthening might very well affect his future plans.

"It seems that the plan is going ahead. What I want can only be mine. No one can take it away!!"

"Whitebeard, just live well. Your abilities will be mine sooner or later!"

Marco and Marco did not know what Marshall Teach was thinking.

Chat room…

Boom! ! !
At this moment, the entire Whitebeard Territory sea shook again. The sea seemed to split open and huge waves surged into the sky. The ship was like a solitary boat under the turbulent waves and could capsize at any time.

This unusual movement made the crew look around in panic. They were stunned just now. What happened now?
Is there something under the sea?

However, they soon discovered their mistake.It's not just the sea that's moving, the entire sky, earth, space, and even the entire world are trembling inexplicably.

Suddenly, a crew member pointed to the sky in horror, his body softened, he sat down on the ground and shouted.

"Look, the sky!"

Everyone looked up and opened their mouths in shock at the scene in front of them.

A golden light fell and tore the whole world apart.
The sky split open, and dazzling golden light filled the entire world.

Creatures that only exist in legends, such as true dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, basalts and other huge mythical beasts are roaring and scattered throughout the world.

Those with the ability to possess the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit trembled all over, and a kind of suppression from their blood caused them to fall to the ground, unable to move.

Following the dazzling golden light, a curl slowly appeared and sat in the sky.

As it unfolded, all creatures in the world felt a terrifying coercion sweeping across every inch of space in the world.

Countless sea kings fled in panic, and all struggled to swim towards the depths of the sea. The beasts in the forest were trembling, and they did not dare to look up at the sky.

Countless civilians knelt on the ground, their voices trembling: "This is... a miracle from God!"

As this vast scroll unfolded, it stretched for hundreds of millions of miles in the sky, almost covering the entire world.


Changes occurred not just in the pirate world.

Altec universe...

blue star.

After Annan finished sending out red envelopes in the chat group, he lay on the bed and played handheld games.

The technology on this earth is far superior to his previous life, and the game industry is also very developed. Many game masterpieces have never been played before.

Suddenly, Annan's expression changed and the movements in his hands stopped.

"Huh? Something wants to invade my world again?"

Last time it was a chat group, what is it this time?
What is going on in this world? After all, they are all things that like to invade other people's worlds.

After complaining in his heart, Annan put down the game console impatiently and looked at the sky in the distance, sensing the unknown existence.

"Hmm? Question-answering list?"

From that existence, Annan perceived its origin and true name.

Annan: "????"

What the hell is this?Why is there such a mess?

It’s a chat group, and it’s also a gold medal list for answering questions. These elements are a bit too much, right? ? ? ?
"I want to see what the gold medal list is."

With a thought, Annan opened the dimensional barrier and gave him permission to enter the Ultra Universe.

next moment...

Something strange happened in the sky.

The rumbling sound resounded in the universe, and the whole earth was shaking.

On all planets with life, as the golden scroll unfolds, the earth trembles and the sky tears apart, as if the gods are coming.

Annan, who saw this scene, looked at a place in the void with emotionless eyes.

"Are you showing off in my territory?"

His voice was very calm. Although there was no one in front of him, it felt like he was talking to some unknown existence.

The moment these words fell, the golden list on the sky trembled violently, and its own golden light almost peeled off.

"And...are you looking for death?!"

Annan's words were cold.

Because... unlike chat groups, chat groups do no harm to the Ultra Universe, and... this so-called answer space is trying to steal the origin of the world.


(End of this chapter)

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