He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 148: Killing for the first time, erasing the will of the world!

Chapter 148: Killing for the first time, erasing the will of the world!

According to the past rules, when the world invaders are killed.

The question-answering list, or the giant eye, will appear in front of them and confront them.

Han Li and the others looked around vigilantly, ready to deal with danger at any time.

But this time the situation seems a little different from before.

After the world invaders were eliminated, there was a deathly silence in the universe.

The only remaining living people of the angel civilization and demon civilization were completely shocked by the battle just now and were speechless.

But apart from the shock, what’s more is the countless questions lingering in everyone’s minds.

Why did Karl turn into a different person at the last moment?
Who are these five people in front of me?Is it an existence from a more advanced civilization?
"No, they do not belong to the known universe."

Just when Kesha fell into confusion, an old voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

In her surprised gaze, a large number of microscopic particles in the universe began to gather, forming a human shape that was extremely familiar to her.

"Time God...Kieran!"

What appeared in front of the angel civilization at this time was the time god Jilan, who had long since disappeared from people's sight and went to the edge of the universe to explore the unknown.

His own existence is no longer bound by the physical body, and has become a cosmic will-like existence similar to Mir's state, but completely different.

Kieran slowly turned his gaze to the direction where Mir disappeared, his eyes full of regret and sadness.

"Poor Carl, someone took over everything. It wasn't until he died that I discovered the weirdness of it."

"It's not the known universe, but it comes from the unknown universe, even an existence older than the void civilization."

Kesha and Morgana trembled slightly in their hearts, Karl...the person pretending to be Karl was an existence from an unknown universe! ?
Then, Kieran's eyes turned to Han Li and the other five.

"The same is true for them. I'm afraid they are here for our universe. Whether it is occupation or invasion, as the first god in the world, I cannot allow it."

Kesha was a little excited: "But didn't you see? Even Karl... no, that unkillable being from the unknown universe can't fight against those five people,"

"What's more, you have now become part of the will of the universe, how can you..."

However, Kieran's eyes were full of unshakable will to win.

He floated slowly in front of the angel fleet, looking at the five-person group in the distance.

"Yes, under normal circumstances, I cannot be the opponent of these unknown existences."

"But after they revealed their power, I gained the revelation and power of this universe... no, this world!"

In an instant, the body of Time God Jilan became extremely solid, and an extremely powerful and unfathomable aura emerged from his body.

The terrifying pressure caused the entire fleet to shake, and all the instruments were sounding alarms frantically.


at the same time.

Groudon and Han Li immediately sensed the malice coming from the world.

The entire universe, the entire world is rejecting their existence and weakening them.

“Do you mean it’s going to be the same as last time!?”

Han Li immediately activated his spiritual power, wanting to know how much he had been weakened.

But what surprised him was that although the world was rejecting them crazily, his power was not affected at all.

"It seems that there is no problem, but the reason for this repulsive force is probably because..."

On Tony Stark's helmet, an eye-catching highlight mark appears in the center of the screen, and it continues to become more powerful as time goes by.

Moreover, an unabashed hostility is constantly coming from this person.

Now that the world invaders have been eliminated, combined with the power of rejection they feel from the world.

There is only one answer - the will of the world has taken action!
The next moment, Kieran's figure appeared in front of the five people.

"Existences of the unknown universe, for the sake of this universe and the world, please disappear!"

boom! ! !
Energy greater than that of a supernova explosion poured out in the universe in an instant.

The dazzling light seemed to envelop the entire world, and even the divine body had to turn its head, unable to look directly at the dazzling light.

Kieran held his hand and limited the scope of the explosion to the universe, without affecting other planets and celestial bodies.

At the same time as the supernova explosion ended, Kiran created a huge black hole and placed it where the five people were.

Immediately afterwards, there were ten consecutive gamma ray bursts.

The power that is enough to exterminate life in several galaxies is now used by Kiran to deal with five life forms.

If possible, he would even want to control hundreds of black holes to achieve an unprecedented violent release of energy.

But if Kieran really does this, not to mention the Milky Way, even he himself will be swallowed up by this energy that exceeds the limit.

As the battle progressed, humans on Earth hid in shelters, waiting for the battle in outer space to end.

A weak civilization is not even qualified to watch the battle.

As the light dissipated, Kieran turned his head and sighed.

Unexpectedly, the first contact with the unknown universe would end in this way.

In the end, we can only rely on the will of this universe and the world itself to protect ourselves.

Our civilization is still not strong enough...

"What are you thinking? Do you think this is the end?"

However, the next moment, under Kieran's unbelievable gaze, a huge chaotic humanoid life clenched its fist.

All the attacks he released just now were actually gathered into this fist, without missing a beat!
"No, it's impossible!"

Kieran was shocked by this phenomenon that broke the laws of physics and stepped back. His wide-open pupils kept trembling. He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"How can a living body squeeze such a huge amount of energy into this! This does not comply with the laws of physics at all!"

"It's not physics, but it's a law."

Behind Chaos Giant Noza, four figures walked out one after another.

The attack just now poses no threat to them who possess the ability of two space laws. They can solve it by directly transferring to other cosmic spaces.

It was just that Dagu didn't want to hurt innocent people, so he woke up Zaki and adopted this solution.

"Your civilization and technology have indeed reached an extremely high level, but you don't know the nature of the world."

Tony Stark said calmly: "You can't even change the established laws of physics, and you still deny the possibility of others? It's really short-sighted."

While they were talking, Noza had already swallowed this huge energy into his body and had a delicious meal.

Silently, Han Li stood behind Kieran and put his sword against his neck: "Did the will of the world allow you to attack?"

"The will of the world...is this what you also call Him?"

Kieran let out a long sigh with complicated eyes: "What is your purpose and why do you want to come to our universe."

"It's not the universe, it's the world."

Groudon snorted coldly: "We are existences from other worlds. Our purpose is to destroy the invaders who invaded the world, the same guy who was eliminated by us not long ago."

From other worlds...not the universe?
After thinking carefully, Kieran's eyes suddenly widened: "In other words, you are not from an unknown universe, but a world outside the universe with different physical laws!?"

As a top scientist, Kieran instantly understood the huge difference between them!

Tony Stark nodded and said with an unhappy look on his face: "Obviously we helped your world and eliminated the invaders, but the will of the world actually attacks us. What a heartless thing!"

Before Kieran could speak with a wry smile, his expression suddenly changed, and his body began to dissipate at the same time.

A more extreme and violent world-suppressing force than before, pressing from all sides of the universe at the same time.The universe, which was clearly a vacuum, began to flash with countless purple-black terrifying thunder!
"The will of the world, you..."

Before disappearing, Kieran's last words made several people immediately look around with vigilance.

The thunder spreading in the universe became denser and thicker, forcing the fleet of the angel civilization to stay away from this area.

At the same time, inexplicable brilliance flickered in the vacuum, and the entire universe seemed to turn into a colorful ocean.

From the ocean covering the entire universe, a hazy human shape emerged.

Every time a point appears, the entire universe trembles.

The violent vibration caused all space-related devices to be scrapped, and the entire world's time and space was controlled.

"Is there...a world outside this world?"

"Tell me!! How to go to other worlds! Tell me how you came to my world!"

A voice like a bell echoed throughout the world.

There was a hint of impatience in his voice...even madness.

It's like something that has been bothering me for a long time finally knows the solution.

The next moment, a huge beam of light burst out from the void towards the five people.

Click! !
In an instant, the space where the five people were originally shattered into fragments like gravel, turning into a pitch-black void space.

If Noza hadn't taken the four of them away at extremely high speeds, they might have suffered some damage anyway.

Seeing that the attack failed, the will of the world in nothingness launched another offensive.

This is the world will of the super-god world.

His supreme thoughts are constantly rising and falling, causing turbulent waves in his heart, and the existence of other worlds.

There is still a way across the world!
The vast world is not the end that the world can reach.

As long as you catch these people, you can know how to go to other worlds, rule other worlds, and occupy other worlds.

Just when he gathered his strength, he wanted to catch the five people.

From another piece of nothingness at the end of the world, in this space blocked by the world, there was an extremely clear sound of stepping.

boom! ! !
The Being above all things, even the world, waved his hand.

The world's blockade collapsed in an instant, and the invisible chains shattered and disappeared.

When he appears, everything eclipses him.

The top world will also crawl in front of him.

Warm and hazy light spreads to the entire universe, the entire world, all lives affected by the battle, and the broken time and space of this world are all repaired.

The moment a miracle greater than a miracle appeared, Da Gu and others felt an unprecedented sense of security in their hearts.

The group leader has arrived!

"What an arrogant, stupid will of the world."

The figure shrouded in hazy light seems to be pacing slowly, but with every step it takes, it crosses an incalculable light-year distance from the void where the will of the world lies.

"Originally, I didn't want to take action against the will of a world. After all, you are the center of the world. If you were to be removed, it would have a huge impact on the world itself."

"But, do you also want to know other worlds, invade the origins of other worlds, and devour the laws of other worlds?"

Annan's dazzling divinity permeated the air, and no one in the entire universe could look directly at its edge.

His words were serious.

He now has many subordinate worlds, but... no world will or creation god has the idea of ​​​​devouring the origins of other worlds.

The world will of this super-god world, at the moment when it knows that there is a world outside the world, it thinks of plundering other worlds.

Occupy, colonize, and colonize other worlds.

Different road non-phase plan!

In your own subordinate world, there is no need for a worldly will that has such thoughts.

boom! ! !
The syllables of the words turned into monstrous fire of law, burning everything in sight.

Even the void that existed in higher dimensions was burned into dust in the universe under this power.

The group leader's words made Han Li and others hiding in the distance break out in cold sweat.

No wonder the will of the world would give power to the person just now to attack them.

No wonder they suffered so much malice after defeating the world invaders who revealed their true identities.

It turns out that the world will of this world also wants to take the same path of invading the world as those world invaders in the world of the Lord God!

"The creator god of another world!"

In the void, feeling the essence of Annan's super-god world will, the world roared angrily.

The next moment, an existence similar to a human body, but composed of endless galaxies and world laws, completely walked out of the sea of ​​the universe.

“Hand them over – get out of my world!!!”


From the moment the crisp crackling sound resounded throughout the universe, a battle beyond human imagination between the will of the world and the God of Creation began at this moment.

The world is broken.

Everything in front of people, whether it is light, darkness, planets, universe, stars, everything, burst into pieces at this moment.

Like a pot of 'world' placed on the table, due to the conflict between the two forces, it shattered into countless cracks and overflowed with water.

Time and space stood still at this moment, seemingly endless, and the long river of time and space with no end in sight also dried up at this moment.

The mind, body, and even spirit of life are all entangled in a chaos that can never be distinguished.

Countless lives have returned to the origin of everything, a small dot in the Hongmeng space.

There are no laws, and there is no existence of Tao and reason.

Some are just endless nothingness.

Then, in the midst of the chaotic and ambiguous existence, a point of light appeared.

boom! ! !
The dot exploded, and all the lives and laws wrapped in the chaos returned to where they should have been.

The world returned to its original appearance.

In the space where the world's will and the Creator God were supposed to be confronting each other, there was only one figure left.

Annan grabbed the light spot in his hand and squeezed it gently.

The light spots shattered and turned into some light particles, which entered his body.

He replaced the will of the world and became the master of the super-god world.

There is no need to pour in your own power, just put a brand on it, and the Super God World becomes a subordinate world of the Ultra World.

On the other side, Dagu and the others were completely unaware of what had just happened.

They only saw that after the will of the world manifested into a human form, it was as if time had skipped, and the figure of the will of the world was no longer in front of the group leader.

Yes, there is only one master in this world.


(End of this chapter)

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