He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 149: A new realm, people exist in every world!

Chapter 149: A new realm, people exist in every world!
The battle that no one could detect was over, and the super-god world returned to peace.

At the same time, Han Li and others felt a burning sensation on their respective world cards, and information appeared at the same time.

[The mission is over and the return begins]

hum! !

Behind the five people, the vortex of the world passage leading to the transit universe appeared, and the breath of Kalafar came.

It was Karafar who sensed that the mission was accomplished and led them back.

A huge suction force sucked them in and disappeared instantly.


Annan nodded slightly and conveyed the message: "Then after I finish, the management and follow-up work of the Super God World will be left to you."

"Yes, Father God."

The next second, Annan took a step forward, crossing the void of the universe and arriving at the bottom of the world.

Because of the battle just now, the will of the super-god world was instantly wiped out by him.

The underlying laws and order of the world have reached the brink of collapse.

Although there may be no problem for a while, if this state continues, this world will disappear completely like the world's will.

"This is the first time that the will of the world has been wiped out."

After sighing, Annan gathered his own brand and covered it with the underlying laws of the super-god world, transforming it into his own subordinate world in an instant.

The reason why it went so smoothly had something to do with the disappearance of the will of the world and the origin of the world.

But more importantly, it is because Annan successively conquered various small and medium-sized worlds, and even the top-level Great Thousand Worlds.

His current strength is no longer at the same level as when he first woke up.

After the super-god world became a subordinate world, the world's laws and world barriers also stabilized.

The Super God World itself has also undergone tremendous changes under the influence of the laws of the Ultra World.

All major civilizations in the future will embark on a path of cultivation that is different from genetic enhancement.

As for the remaining conflicts and disputes between the major civilizations and the three major genes, just leave it to Kalafar to solve.


Transit world…

When the super-god world was conquered as a subordinate world, Kalafar immediately noticed the changes that had taken place in the Ultra world.

The Ultra World uses the laws of all subordinate worlds as a melting pot. When forging its own body, its power has been elevated to an unprecedented level.

But now, with the integration of the laws of the Supergod Thousand Worlds, the Ultra World itself has once again ushered in a huge change.

It’s not just the increase in the size of the world, but also the improvement and strengthening of the underlying laws.

Somewhere along the way, Kalafar could feel that the Ultra world itself was already in a state where it was about to break out of its cocoon and become a butterfly, with only one final step to step into a new realm.

But just with this last step, the realm of Ultra World is stuck here.

Three-body world, Dragon Ball world, perfect world, etc...

The gods of various subordinate worlds, or the strongest ones, were also aware of the strange state of the Ultra world.

At that time, as long as the Ultra World takes this ultimate leap and heads to a higher realm.

Even the subordinate worlds like them will achieve enlightenment one by one, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and enter an unprecedented realm!

Super god world…

Until Annan returned from the bottom of the world to the living universe, he was not attacked by the Lord God.

Since there are world invaders, it means that there is definitely a gold medal list in this world.

It seems that the answer sheet and the Eye of the Lord God are completely hidden and evaded until the last moment.

Annan slowly raised his hand, and his consciousness penetrated into the bottom of the world, taking in the smallest details of everything.

"found it."

The next moment, Annan's figure had arrived in front of the Styx Galaxy, the most powerful supercomputer known in the supergod world - the Big Clock.

The big clock that claims to be able to calculate the entire known universe has now been taken over by the golden dove, and its computing power is used by him.

This is also an important reason why the world invader was able to reach this point so smoothly.

hum! ! !
The moment Annan raised his hand, the big clock started running automatically, with countless numbers and information streams flashing on its screen.

A cluster of nebula-sized main gods appeared in front of the Styx Nebula.

In addition to the power of the main god world, it also has the genetic ability of the super god world, as well as a little bit of the origin of the world.

I'm afraid, it was accumulated bit by bit over tens of thousands of years.


"In front of me, using the origin of the subordinate world?"

Annan showed a sarcastic smile and merged with the origin of the super-god world. He was afraid that he would die faster!
boom! ! !
With Annan's grasp, Jin Can's main god's spear was directly crushed before he even had time to launch an attack, and he didn't even survive for half a second.

The golden answer list hidden in the big clock was naturally found out immediately and refined into one of the golden answer list booklets.

【Ding!The world passage completion time is shortened! 】

[There are still 700 million years left until completion]

The last remaining matters had been resolved, and Annan returned to the Ultra World after giving Karafar a few instructions about his arrangements in this world.


Ultra World, Blue Star.

Annan closed his eyes and lay on the sofa very comfortably, sensing the changes in the entire world with his spiritual thoughts in great anticipation.

In the countless parallel universes in hyperspace, due to the integration of many laws, new civilizations that do not belong to the giants of light have begun to be born.

After the addition of the laws of the super-god world, the Ultra world he created is about to undergo new changes and move to a higher realm!
According to his calculations, as long as he conquers another subordinate world, the Ultra World should be able to cross the threshold and break through the bottleneck to reach the next realm.

The peaceful time had not lasted long. Suddenly, a long-awaited group notification from the Wanjie chat group came to Annan's ears.

[Dear Lord Light of All Things, we have detected the presence of a new person, should we bring him into the group chat?]

Are you new? It's been a while since the last time a new member joined the group.

Annan did not open his eyes and directly used his spiritual mind to check the group member information obtained from the chat group.

"It's actually this world?"

Annan was slightly surprised after seeing the newcomer's information and the world he belonged to.

Supreme treasure?Big talk about Journey to the West?

"Let him join." - Ding!Welcome new member [He looks like a dog] to join the Wanjie chat group! ——

Supreme Treasure, the reincarnation of Sun Wukong from the world of Journey to the West.

Westward Journey is slightly different from the usual mythical Westward Journey world. There is an artifact called the Moonlight Box that can travel through time and space.

In the history of this world, the Supreme Treasure, in its entanglement with Fairy Zixia, used the Moonlight Treasure Box to continuously travel through the past and future, and finally embarked on the journey to the West to become a Buddha.

However, even if there are slight differences, Supreme Treasure is still Sun Wukong, and Journey to the West is also Journey to the West.

But in this case, an unavoidable problem will be placed in front of Annan.

The invader of the world he controls, "Yu Haiyang", is also following Sun Wukong in the world of Journey to the West.

The Monkey King of Journey to the West, the Monkey King of the world where the world invader "Yu Hai" is now.

These two Sun Wukongs are both sons of destiny in 'Journey to the West'.

He had not thought about this issue before.

But now the appearance of the Supreme Treasure and another Monkey King traveling to the westward world made Annan start to think.

Since Sun Wukong exists in more than one world, there are other Sun Wukongs in other worlds.

So is there some secret connection between Sun Wukong in these different worlds?

If it were in the past, Annan would probably think that there was no connection between Sun Wukong in different worlds, maybe it was just that there were similar parts of the underlying laws of different worlds.

But now he has conquered so many subordinate worlds, integrated a large number of different world laws, and has further understood the world.

Annan secretly had more different feelings about this.

There is no connection between Sun Wukong in different worlds!


World Chat Group.

[The richest man in the world]: Listen to me!We in the super-god world have encountered an unprecedented crisis!

After returning to his own world, Tony Stark immediately opened the chat group and shared his mission experience with others.

[Do you want to dance too?]: So exaggerated?The group leader should have taken action to save you, right?
【Big bones made into soup】: Indeed, if the group leader was not there, I can’t believe what the consequences would be.

[The richest man in the world]: Don’t interrupt!Ahem, the will of the world we are going to actually wants to capture us and use us as coordinates to invade other worlds!The group owner said it himself!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:! !
[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! ! !

[Little Breaking Ball]: I’m going! ?Such an exaggeration!

[Favorite drink of animal milk]: The will of the world actually came up with such a crooked idea... Didn't it almost become the second gold medallist for answering questions?

[I am still an egg]: Humph, this kind of garbage world will, as long as our great group leader is here, it is impossible to take advantage of it!
At this moment, the chat group prompt appeared, and new people joined the group chat.

[I'm still an egg]: There's a newcomer! ?Hiss...he looks like a dog?Isn’t this name a bit too funny?

[I Can’t Fly]: I feel it’s not as funny as if I frowned and ran away fast.

[Frowning and running quickly]:...Welcome newcomers, welcome newcomers!This is the Wanjie chat group. If you have anything you don’t understand, you can ask us.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Changed the topic... Welcome, newcomer, please introduce yourself?
[He looks like a dog]: Where is this!What the hell is going on with my name! ?
Seeing the newcomer appear, other group members enthusiastically stepped forward and posted his current situation to the group.

After being bombarded with information for nearly 10 minutes, Zhizunbao's head was already in a daze.

[He looks like a dog]: Wait... So what you are saying is that the world I am in now is a different world from yours?What kind of chat group from all realms did we go through to be able to chat here?

[The richest man in the world]: I understand quickly, yes, we are all people from different worlds!I feel like we are compatible. Tell me, what kind of person do you like?
[He looks like a dog]: Hey, of course he is a fairy-like existence!I am the majestic leader of the Ax Gang, and there is no woman I cannot get!
[Little Breaking Ball]: Ax Gang?Why do I feel like it's an ordinary gangster group name?

[He looks like a dog]: Ordinary people?Are you kidding!I, the leader of the Ax Gang, responded to every call!Who in the entire Wuyue Mountains doesn’t know my name!

[He is like a dog]: Although I don’t know what other worlds mean, if you are smart enough, I can’t force you to join the Ax Gang and be my little brother!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:...

[The richest man in the world]:...

[I see you are also a dragon]: Could it be that this newcomer hasn’t figured out the current situation yet?

[Apprentice Death]: Heh...it's very possible, what should I do?Do you want him to recognize the reality?

[Little Broken Ball]: Hehe, let’s play in the group arena!Let new people see the power of different worlds.

[He looks like a dog]: Arena match?snort!Just fight!See how I conquer you!

——The Ten Thousand Realms Arena is open, and players from both sides are invited to enter the arena——


Westward journey to the world.

Supreme Treasure looked at the messages in the chat group and snorted disdainfully.

Although I don’t know what this chat group is, how can there be something in the world where people who are far apart can come together to fight?
So when the option of Ten Thousand Realms Arena appeared, he clicked OK directly, and then turned around to do other things.

However, the moment he took the step, Zhizunbao suddenly discovered that the scenery in front of him had changed instantly.

What appeared in front of him was the arena that seemed to expand infinitely, and the sky full of stars, like a picture scroll.

In the dull eyes of the Supreme Treasure, a red figure as huge as a mountain appeared on the opposite side, swallowing lava and smoke.

Every time it takes a step, the earthquake will tremble one after another.

"It seems that you are the new guy [he looks like a dog], right?"

"That, that..."

"Hmph, weren't you very arrogant in the group just now? Why can't you say anything now?"

Faced with Groudon's condescending attitude, Supreme Treasure immediately lowered his head and shouted.

"I'm sorry! I was too arrogant! Please spare my life!"

"Hey, it's late!"

As he finished speaking, Groudon stepped down with a wicked smile.

boom! ! !
[The Ten Thousand Realms Arena Tournament—I can’t fly among the group members to win! 】


When Supreme Treasure regained consciousness, he was no longer in that vast arena and returned to the Ax Gang.


Zhizunbao raised his trembling palms. The unforgettable fear and pain were still engraved in his heart and had not dissipated.

[I can’t fly]: Don’t worry, no one will die in a fight in the Ten Thousand Realms Arena. I was just scaring you.

He looked at the Wanjie chat group in front of him and the various messages that were constantly appearing on it, and pinched his thigh hard.

"None of this is a dream! It's real!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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