He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 150: Watch the big chapter of Journey to the West, world history, multi-dimensional connecti

Chapter 150 Watch Journey to the West, world history, multi-dimensional connections?
Without saying a word, Zhizunbao consciously entered the chat group and frantically sent out n messages.

[He looks like a dog]: Dear brothers and gods!I am short-sighted. Please don't take me seriously!
[I can’t fly]: Hahaha, you’re so scared, I like it!

[The richest man in the world]: It’s good to be able to bend and stretch.Don't worry, I was just an ordinary person before. You will have the opportunity to become stronger in the future.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Everyone here is a good person, let’s get along well in the future.

Seeing that his previous oral pleasure was taken away, Zhizunbao also breathed a huge sigh of relief and felt soft all over.

At the same time, an incredible feeling came to his mind.

The Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group, group members from different worlds, and the Ten Thousand Realms Arena that connects myself and the talking monster...

I didn’t expect that everything these guys in the group said was true!
At least he has never heard of any monsters or gods with such strange abilities to obtain treasures and do such magical things!

This kind of power may be more powerful than those aloof immortals and gods.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: But I think you, newcomer, come from a middle-aged world. Maybe if you work hard, you can escape from the level of ordinary people.

[He is like a dog]: In a thousand worlds, what does this mean?
【Big bones boiled into soup】: Ah, did we forget to mention it?There are different classifications and differences between different worlds, which are divided into the Great Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World and the Small Thousand World. By the way, I come from the Great Thousand World.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: I come from the Small Thousand Worlds. The biggest difference between the worlds is the level of development of power and law.

[He looks like a dog]: The difference between power and law... In other words, I come from the Middle Thousand World, so I am quite powerful, right?
[Little Broken Ball]: You can put it this way, but ordinary people in the middle and large worlds are still the same. They must master some kind of power to be extraordinary.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: That’s right!If you want to know more about our world, you can click on the group file to view our world history, which records the past and future of most group members' worlds.Moreover, time is paused when viewing files, so there is no need to worry about consuming too much time.

Go ahead, time pause is so awesome! ?

Zhizunbao's curiosity was suddenly raised.

Can group files view the past and future of other worlds, as well as the specific appearance of the world...

I don’t know how it is different compared to the immortals and gods in my own world.

Immediately afterwards, Supreme Treasure clicked on the world history at the top.

After a long time in the group file space, Supreme Treasure finally read all the world history and slowly returned to the chat group interface.

"Oh my God."

After reading the group document, his mouth could no longer be closed, and his whole body was so shocked that he was almost numb.

A god who can destroy island existences with one punch, who can turn his body into light, or even shatter planets with one punch, who transcends time and space...

All kinds of terrifying existences have completely destroyed the world view of Supreme Treasure, leaving not even the scum left.

World Chat Group.

[He looks like a dog]: Are the powers that appear in these group files... and the various gods and powerful men all real? ?This is too awesome!I feel that even if all the gods and Buddhas attack together, they are no match for these powerful men!
[Favorite to drink animal milk]: All gods and Buddhas?Are there still immortals and gods in your world?
[Frowning and running quickly]: This is not surprising. After all, this is the Middle Thousand World. However, I am also somewhat interested in these so-called gods and Buddhas. Can you elaborate on them?
[He looks like a dog]: Are you interested?Hum, then I will... okay, actually I don't know very detailed things, I only know some general information, such as the Heavenly Court, Supreme Laojun, Tathagata Buddha and so on.

Next, Zhizunbao told most of the various rumors and legends he knew about immortals, gods, and monsters.

As the leader of the Ax Gang, he still knows more rumors and legends than the average person.

After listening, some group members fell into thinking.

[Little Broken Ball]: Hmm... Are there any Tathagata Buddhas in heaven? The names of these gods and Buddhas are very similar to the myths and legends in my world, but those are just things imagined by the ancients. Our civilization has changed. After going out of space, I knew that all this was just false, and there was no such powerful existence as in the myth.

[Little Broken Ball]: However, your world is a middle-aged world, and there are also strange existences such as monsters and monsters.Then there should indeed be many powerful gods and Buddhas in your world.

[The richest man in the world]: I just checked the myths and legends of various countries and found that there are certain similarities and commonalities with the gods and Buddhas of your world.

[Favorite drink of animal milk]: It’s interesting. Do different worlds have similar myths?

This discovery made Shi Hao and others a little excited.

Maybe there is some kind of secret hidden in it that no one has discovered yet.

[Apprentice Death]: That’s right!If new people post their own world history, wouldn't we be able to get more information from it?

[He looks like a dog]: But, to get world history, don’t you have to use points to redeem it?I don’t have any points to use.

[The richest man in the world]: This is simple, you just need to find extraordinary items and sell them to the chat group.

Zhizunbao scratched his head. All his wealth was in the Ax Gang. They were all ordinary things, and there were no extraordinary items.

[He is like a dog]: I am a mortal, and I have nothing to sell points for. Alas, it seems that I cannot embark on an otherworldly path... It's okay, I still have Jingjing!
[Light of All Things]: In the Pansi Cave, you can find a magical object called the Moonlight Treasure Box, which can be sold.

The sudden appearance of the group leader shocked everyone.

[The richest man in the world]: Mr. Group Leader! ?
[I can’t fly]: The group leader actually gave advice himself! ?You kid, you are lucky this time!
[He looks like a dog]: Group leader... Sir?
[I am still an egg]: There is no doubt that the leader of the group is the greatest being in our group... no, in all the worlds!If the group leader says there is, then there must be!
Seeing this news, Zhizunbao was murmuring in his heart.

You know, Pansi Cave is a super dangerous and terrifying place where monsters are said to haunt!

But when I think about it, what if I don’t have the guts to find the treasure and I am laughed at by the big guys in the group...

Thinking of that scene, Supreme Treasure immediately stood up straight.

"That's right! The head can be broken, but the spine can't be lost! Isn't it just a Pansi hole? Let me break it in and show it to you!"

Moreover, if I can gain points and gain otherworldly abilities, then I will soon have more confidence to marry Jingjing!

Just do it!

Zhizunbao immediately went to the legendary Pansi Cave and sneaked into it carefully.

The cave was dark, with only the flickering light of fire lighting the way forward.

"Hey, hey...this Pansi Cave is not as scary as the legend says, there is nothing."

The Supreme Treasure moved forward cautiously step by step. After reaching the deepest part of the cave, it searched everywhere for its treasure called the 'Moonlight Treasure Box'.

Judging from the name, it should be a box-shaped thing. "found it!"

Supreme Treasure held the rectangular moonlight treasure box in his hand, and his awe for the group leader suddenly rose in his heart.

Being able to cross the world and accurately tell him the news about the treasure, no wonder he is so respected by the big guys in the group.

In other words, he is the best among the best!

Back at the Ax Gang, Supreme Treasure sold the Moonlight Treasure Box to the chat group in exchange for [-] points.

Seeing the changes in points, each group member, especially Stark, was more or less confused.

[The richest man in the world]: Oh my god, what on earth is this moonlight treasure box? It can be sold for [-] points! ? ?
[I Can’t Fly]: Quickly change world history, there should be an introduction to this!

[He looks like a dog]: Hey, so [-] points are a lot, so I’ll exchange them.

Soon, at the top of the group file, there was another file called Journey to the West.

What appeared in the viewing space was a huge black screen.

[Frowning and running quickly]: This time it's not a book, it's a bit similar to the "Iron Man" file.

Zhizunbao stared at the screen with great interest. World History records the development of the entire world center.

Maybe you can see your future here, whether you can grow old together with Jingjing!
The picture began to appear slowly. The first thing that appeared was a monkey with a hairy face, a thunderous mouth, ears checked, and a broken nose, confronting a woman dressed in pure white.

From their conversation, the group members knew that Sun Wukong and Guanyin were having a dispute over something.

And the Moonlight Box mentioned in their conversation.

Only then did the Supreme Treasure know that the Moonlight Treasure Box turned out to be the artifact of Fairy Zixia. It was taken away by Sun Wukong and then wandered into the world.


Looking at Sun Wukong's face, although it was obscured by monkey hair, he felt that it was [-]% or [-]% similar to his own...

As the screen progresses, the leader of the Ax Gang, Supreme Treasure, also appears in the screen.

[I'm still an egg]: Leader of the Ax Gang... I'm super, isn't this a newbie! ?
[He looks like a dog]: Let me rub it!This is really me, what's going on?How could it be from my main perspective?
Zhizunbao already knows that characters who appear from the main perspective or sub-perspective in world history are usually very important figures in the world.

How could he, a small ax gang leader, be from a secondary perspective inferior to the legendary Sun Wukong?
[Little Broken Ball]: Is it possible that there is some relationship between Sun Wukong and you?
Under the curious eyes of everyone, the picture continued to change.

The appearance of Spider Spirit, Bai Jingjing, and Bull Demon King confirmed the existence of immortals and gods in this world.

However, what made them even more unbelievable was the appearance of Patriarch Bodhi and the astonishing words he said.

The Supreme Treasure is the reincarnation of the legendary Sun Wukong!
[Little Breaking Ball]:? ? ?The newcomer turned out to be the reincarnation of the legendary Sun Wukong!
This time, Little Broken Ball was really shocked. You must know that Sun Wukong is a great hero who is known to everyone in Chinese legends and is an absolute childhood idol!
Now this new person is actually the reincarnation of Sun Wukong!
[He looks like a dog]: I don’t believe it!I'm just an ordinary mortal, it's impossible!
Seeing the extremely tough-talking Supreme Treasure, no one continued to say anything.

Facts speak louder than words. As long as you continue to read, the truth will come out.

In the entanglement between the Supreme Treasure and the two monsters, the Moonlight Treasure Box finally appeared.

In order to save Bai Jingjing's life, Zhizunbao used the power of the Moonlight Box.

hum! ! !
In an instant, under the shocked eyes of everyone, time in the picture began to flow backwards.

The Supreme Treasure has returned to the time before Bai Jingjing's death!

[Apprentice Death]: The Moonlight Box... is actually an artifact that can travel through time!
[Frowning and running quickly]: This is a divine object condensed from the law of time!I didn’t expect that there would be such a powerful thing in Zhongqian World!

[The richest man in the world]: Awesome, awesome... Although you can’t freely control the time travel, this is still a very powerful treasure!No wonder it can be sold for a full [-] points!
Although the items condensed by the law of time have not reached the level of the world, so they can only exist as artifacts, they are still very powerful.

However, the more he watched the development of the scene, the deeper the frown of Zhizunbao became.

After going back in time several times, Bai Jingjing and Chun Shisanniang, in order to protect the Supreme Treasure and the Second Master, prepare to be locked up with the Bull Demon King in Pansi Cave forever.

In order to save them, the Supreme Treasure activated the Moonlight Box again.

But this time, he went back 500 years ago!

And, he met the real owner of the Moonlight Box - Fairy Zixia.

In the entanglements again and again, all the truth was finally revealed.

It turns out that the Supreme Treasure's previous life was really Sun Wukong, and his true love was the Zixia Fairy from the sky.

In the end, in order to save Fairy Zixia, she ended the 500 years of grudges.

The Supreme Treasure finally put on the tightening spell and transformed into the infinitely powerful Sun Wukong. He defeated the Bull Demon King and saved Zixia and Tang Sanzang.

But he can no longer stay with his beloved forever, and he can only be separated by heaven and earth.

Seeing 500 years later, all grudges are understood.

After another person similar to himself finally got married to Zixia's lover, Zhizunbao understood what was going on, and he and Tang Monk set out on the road to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

When the scene ended, everyone silently widened their eyes.

Everything turns out to be a 500-year cycle of cause and effect.

Zhizunbao didn't say a word, clenched his fists and lowered his head.

Is the cause and effect of all things actually like this...

He is Sun Wukong.


(End of this chapter)

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