He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 151 The mixed bloodline crushes Ling Xiao!

Chapter 151 The mixed bloodline crushes Ling Xiao!

"It turns out that everything in my life and the past 500 years has been arranged by others."

With a long sigh, Zhizunbao felt that his life seemed to have lost its meaning, and he sat on the ground in despair with his head lowered.

White crystal, moonlight treasure box, purple clouds and green clouds...

Everything was constantly churning in his head like a ball of paste.

But what can he do even if he knows everything about the past and the future?So what if he knows that he is Sun Wukong and must embark on the road to the west?
As long as Tang Seng's journey to the west continues, as long as countless powerful beings in the sky are still watching the world and controlling all developments.

Then no matter how hard I struggle, there is nothing I can do...

Do not!
With a snap, Supreme Treasure suddenly stood up and stared at the interface of the Wanjie chat group.

He couldn't accept that Zixia and himself would face such a fate!
The power to change the future is right in front of you now!
Wanjie chat group!
Didn’t those big guys say that!As long as he has this chat group of all realms, he can get the power to change his established destiny and create his own future!
One of the bosses also used the power of the chat group to change his father's death.

A high-level lottery with [-] points... As long as you get power beyond the gods and Buddhas...

Supreme Treasure immediately clicked into the lottery space and drew the high-level prize pool without hesitation.

hum! ! !
In an instant, the golden light shone.

Incomparably brilliant brilliance shines in the lottery space.

"Okay, so dazzling!"

After the light dissipated, a golden object slowly fell into his palm.

[Lingming Stone Monkey Bloodline]: One of the four monkeys in the world, possessing great power and powerful innate abilities, a rare bloodline in the world.

Looking at the dazzling drop of blood wrapped in golden light in his hand, Supreme Treasure swallowed a gulp of saliva.

A drop of...blood?

The big guys in the group should know what this is for!

He hurriedly found the photo button and sent the picture to the group.

[He looks like a dog]: Dear bosses!Can you guys help me find out what this thing is used for?Is it powerful?

In an instant, the golden light of the photo blinded many people's eyes.

[I am still an egg]:? ? ?Damn it, golden legend!You won the lottery! ?And it's still a soul?
[I can’t fly]: Come on, this luck is much better than a certain giant beast!

[He is like a dog]: Yes... I want to get the power to change the future like the big guys in the group!
[Little Broken Ball]: Then you are in luck!Golden items are of the highest level, and they are of the bloodline of the Lingming Stone Monkey... No!Isn’t it the Lingming Stone Monkey that you fucked with?Don’t you know this?
Xiao Poqiu, who knew the myth and legend of Sun Wukong, was completely confused when he saw the Supreme Treasure and didn't know what the Lingming Stone Monkey was.

You are the reincarnation of Sun Wukong!Don’t you know even this most basic thing?

[He looks like a dog]: What is the Lingming Stone Monkey?Does it have anything to do with Sun Wukong?

The Lingming Stone Monkey is one of the four monkeys in myths and legends.

They are: Lingming Stone Monkey, Red-necked Horse Monkey, Brachiolobus Monkey and Six-eared Macaque.

The Lingming Stone Monkey is the origin of Sun Wukong. He has powerful abilities such as being able to understand changes, know the time of the sky, know the location, and move stars and fights.

In the original historical development of Journey to the West, one of the dilemmas between the real and fake Monkey King is the duel between the Lingming Stone Monkey and the Six-eared Macaque.

Because the four monkeys in the world are too powerful, even most gods and gods, including Guanyin Bodhisattva, cannot distinguish between the two.

[Little Broken Ball]: Forget it, anyway, the bloodline of the Lingming Stone Monkey is the most suitable treasure for you!And more importantly, this is the bloodline of the world, you make a lot of money!

[Little Broken Ball]: But you don’t know about the Lingming Stone Monkey, and it’s not mentioned in world history. There may be some differences from the myths I know. Maybe... there is no Lingming Stone Monkey in your world. One thing to say.

[Favorite drink of animal milk]: This is normal. The similarities between the myths of the two worlds are already very magical.

But at this time, Zhizunbao didn't care about the news at all.

The big guys say that this golden item is very powerful, so you don’t need to think so much!

He couldn't wait to take out the reward and integrate it into his body.

In an instant, golden blood seemed to flow through his limbs and bones. Zhizunbao felt that every piece of flesh, every cell and blood in his body was trembling and boiling, and there were extremely drastic changes.


At the same time as the bloodline merged, an extremely huge ape appeared behind the Supreme Treasure, roaring into the sky.

Under the severe pain, Zhizunbao's consciousness became trance-like.

The scene in front of him began to shake, and the dilapidated Ax Gang stronghold turned into a vast and bright starry sky in the hazy night.

Zhizunbao felt as if he was wandering freely in the sea of ​​stars, and his whole body felt extremely comfortable, as if he had returned to his original place.

Suddenly, his eyes were shrouded in darkness.

Raising his head, he saw a huge demonic ape with its feet on the endless stars and the universe above its head letting out a ferocious roar. The ferocious ape had an extremely savage laugh on its face, and kept hammering its chest with its fists, exuding a suffocating and terrifying energy. Coercion!

Catching the stars and the moon in one leap, countless stars turned into points of light in the mouth of the demon ape, swallowing up the huge power contained in them.

It's so freeing and fun!

No matter the gods and Buddhas in the sky or the endless stars in the universe, they can't stop it and can only become an insignificant stumbling block on its way forward.

For some reason, the Supreme Treasure watching this scene was breathing rapidly, and his whole body felt as if it was on fire. He wanted to let out a roar that reached his chest like the demon ape.

At such a close distance, he could clearly feel the terrifying power contained in the body of the demon ape in front of him.

But the strange thing is that not only did he not feel afraid, but he also felt an inexplicable kindness, a resonance and recognition that came from his blood.

Even if they are countless light years away and countless worlds away...this blood connection can never be severed.

The Supreme Treasure opened its arms, closed its eyes, and gradually floated towards the Demon Ape.

The Demonic Ape seemed to be being pulled, and he opened his arms. Countless stars circled around, and tiny bits of starlight fell.

Finally... two become one!

He - turned into a demon ape in the starry sky!

boom! !

At this moment, the starry sky above his head shattered.


Above the nine heavens, there is Lingshan, where Tathagata Buddha lives.

The clouds and mist are lingering, and the sound of Sanskrit is faint.

There are three thousand Arhats and nine thousand Buddhas with their palms united and their faces pious.

In front of them was the supreme Tathagata Buddha of Lingshan Mountain, with his hands transformed into lotuses, expounding the supreme scriptures among the Six Paths.

Suddenly, Tathagata Buddha stopped speaking and looked into the distance, as if staring at something.

"Guanyin." Guanyin Bodhisattva replied: "Yes."

"There seems to be some problems with the pilgrims from the lower world."

Tathagata Buddha said with a faint smile: "The journey to the west is very important. Guanyin, please go and have a look."

"I understand."

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded slightly and counted with his fingers.

"This feeling...is the reincarnation of Sun Wukong."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva frowned. Just now, Sun Wukong's reincarnated Supreme Treasure and all the secrets about him were suddenly confused, making it impossible to detect his information.

Could it be that... someone from Heaven is interfering with Sun Wukong?


Zhizunbao suddenly opened his eyes and found that he had returned to the Ax Gang. Everything was as real as an illusion, as if he had experienced a long-lasting dream.

But the explosive power contained in his body told him that all of this was something he had actually experienced.

He walked up to a big stone pier, clenched his fist, and punched it down with a simple punch.

Boom! ! !
In an instant, the stone pier exploded and shattered into countless stones.

"This, this is my power now!? It's even more powerful than those martial arts masters!"

In the Wanjie chat group.

[He looks like a dog]: Everyone!After I just merged with the bloodline of that spiritual stone monkey, my strength suddenly increased by leaps and bounds, and I directly smashed a huge stone!This is amazing!
[I'm still an egg]: That's it?What's the point of being proud of smashing a rock? I can destroy a planet with just one breath!
[I can’t fly]: Hahaha, don’t listen to him, he is just jealous that you drew the golden item.However, you can continue to use points to directly redeem your strength to become stronger.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Yes, with enough points, even surpassing the former Sun Wukong will not be a problem!

After reading the messages from the group of friends, Zhizunbao took a look at his remaining points, which were still 29000, and took a deep breath.

Then...just use up all the points!

Boom boom boom! ! !
While the points were cleared, Supreme Treasure suddenly felt a huge energy appearing out of thin air in his body, expanding infinitely like a balloon.

It was as if endless power was violently washing over his limbs and bones, and the muscles all over his body seemed to glow with light, which was extremely magical.

boom! !

A roar like an ape spread throughout Wuyue Mountain in an instant, waking up the members of the Ax Gang who were still sleeping one by one.

A sense of fear stemming from survival instinct made them hurriedly flee from the place where the Supreme Treasure was located one after another.

Boom! ! !

The next second, the entire desert where the Ax Gang was located roared, and a huge crater with a radius of nearly a hundred miles exploded.

The powerful power reaching the sky, along with the unrivaled momentum that soars into the sky, reaches to the nine heavens!
Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The civil and military officials who routinely gathered in the palace to report everything to the Jade Emperor were all frightened by the terrifying momentum and pressure.

Some soldiers and officials even sat down on the ground with horror on their faces.

"This this this..."

Taibai Jinxing stammered, almost unsure of his guess.

"How come this momentum and aura...are so similar to that Monkey King who caused so much trouble in the sky 500 years ago!?"

However, wasn't Sun Houhou already plotted by Tathagata Buddha, and after being trapped under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years, he became one of the guardians who escorted Tang Sanzang on his journey to the west?
The Jade Emperor was shocked and undecided.

"Even if it's really that Monkey King, this momentum... is a bit too scary!"

Only he had experienced such pressure when he was a boy sitting down with the Tao Ancestor.

But if this is really Sun Hou's aura, doesn't it mean that his power has reached the level of Dao Ancestor! ?
But...but...how is this possible! ?

At the same time that the Supreme Treasure exploded with power, countless Buddhas up and down the entire Lingshan Mountain felt this powerful aura.

The gods and Buddhas in the sky were all in disarray, looking for the source of the terrifying aura with horrified faces.

The fact that he can go straight to Lingshan Mountain with his momentum and breath alone shows that this is definitely not an ordinary person!

Guanyin Bodhisattva, who was about to set off to observe the current situation of the Supreme Treasure, changed his face drastically and subconsciously took a few steps back.

This breath is extremely familiar to her!

Tathagata Buddha's eyes widened slightly, and his heart was full of disbelief.

Yes, this is Sun Wukong's breath!
But why does his aura become so strong?
According to the development, the current Sun Wukong should still be the reincarnated Supreme Treasure, and should not have such power.

Even if he went against development expectations, he transformed back into Sun Wukong's form ahead of schedule.

But even so...

Before Tathagata Buddha could think deeply about the problem, suddenly, the aura that went straight to Lingshan expanded several times in an instant!And it becomes more violent and powerful!

It was the first time that Guanyin Bodhisattva felt so panicked, and he had completely lost his calmness as a Bodhisattva.

"Sun Wukong...he is rushing towards Lingshan!"

The gods and Buddhas in the sky all widened their eyes and looked at each other in astonishment after hearing Sun Wukong's name.

Sun Wukong? 500 years ago, Sun Wukong caused trouble in the Heavenly Palace and was finally subdued by Tathagata Buddha! ?
Shouldn’t he still be on his way to the west to obtain Buddhist scriptures? ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !
There was no time to think as a huge force kept approaching Lingshan from the lower realm.

Most of the gods and Buddhas have been forced to stay away from Lingshan by this force, and some weak ones have fled this sacred place in panic.

As the Buddha's place of practice, Lingshan had never experienced such a huge commotion.

But today, Sun Wukong did it!

The surface of the mountain range carrying Lingshan was blasted into pieces in a thousandth of a second by an unprecedented brute force.

In the panic-stricken eyes of countless gods and Buddhas, a vigorous figure wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, chain-locked gold armor, and lotus root silk steps pierced through the Lingshan Mountain while waving a golden hoop that was bigger than the mountain peak. .

Boom! ! !
The golden cudgel stood on the ground, and the earth-shaking figure that conquered all the gods and Buddhas once again stood in this familiar yet unfamiliar area.

Facing the gods, Buddhas, and the heaven and earth, he let out a roar that had accumulated for 500 years!

"Come out, Tathagata!"

"My grandson is back!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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