He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 153 The world of divine chapter level!Worlds merge!

Chapter 153 Myth...the world of rank!Worlds merge!
The underlying core of the world, where all underlying laws are located.

Hongjun, who was caught here by those inexplicable big hands, used all his strength to struggle desperately but still to no avail.

The big hand that imprisoned him disappeared from the sky, and was replaced by a hazy existence that could not be seen directly and was wrapped in infinite light.

He could only subconsciously raise his arms to protect his head, like a weak white rabbit encountering a dinosaur, retreating in horror.

Just by being face to face with the inexplicable existence in front of him, Daozu Hongjun already felt a terrifying aura that was difficult to describe in words, but made him extremely frightened and almost suffocated.

Even if the power of the entire world is combined together, in front of this brilliance, it is like a drop of water, as small and inconspicuous compared to the entire ocean.

Its mere existence here has caused the entire world to suffer unprecedented terror and coercion.

Just an accidental glance made Hongjun's eyes feel extremely stinging, his eyeballs almost exploded, and even his soul seemed to collapse.

My own Heavenly Dao is trembling even more, and it will collapse if it cannot withstand this tremendous pressure.

Ever since he combined his body with the Tao and merged with the Tao of Heaven.

He no longer has any emotions, and he is at the top of the world. He exists in this world as an impartial rule without any tendency, overlooking all living beings and gods.

All changes and changes are within his control and anticipation.

But now, when facing this existence, Hongjun seemed to have regained his long-lost feelings, and felt the emotion called 'fear' again.

His trembling pupils gradually dilated in his eye sockets, and panic gradually climbed onto his face.

It is impossible for such a powerful creature to exist in this world!

Who is this? !

Annan stared at Hongjun in front of him, confirming his guess a little bit.

Taoist ancestor Hongjun, in the prehistoric mythology, conformed his body to the way of heaven and transformed into the strongest prehistoric saint in the world.

Most of the ancient legends he had heard before were said to have nothing to do with the Journey to the West, just similar characters and names.

But now it seems that these statements are wrong. These two myths and legends are not in the same system, but legends that come from the same origin.

And more importantly...

Logically speaking, the prehistoric world should be a powerful world at the level of the Great Thousand Worlds.

No matter what Hongjun said, he should be the top creature in the world.

How could he be just a Taoist from a thousand worlds?

Things get more interesting...

Hongjun in a different world...Sun Wukong in a different world...An ancient mythological system in a different world...

Annan was thoughtful, and after connecting all the clues so far, he suddenly understood.

All that's left now is to verify whether your thoughts are consistent with reality.

Annan raised his finger and pointed towards Hongjun's head.

Hongjun felt the tremendous energy and pressure for the first time, and wanted to avoid it in fear.

But with his speed, let alone dodging, the moment he realized Annan stretched out his finger, he had already been hit in the head.

Hitting Hongjun, his body instantly collapsed, turning into bits and pieces of invisible laws and order, and reorganized into a new existence at the bottom of the world.

The world in this world - the way of heaven!
Annan stretched out his hand, directly imprisoning the rules of heaven, and penetrated into the deepest core of it.

At this moment, all the information in the Heavenly Dao of this world was invisible to Annan.

After learning everything, Annan's brows raised slightly.

This so-called order of heaven is not a complete existence!
And it's like, from a complete world rule, a small section of the details was intercepted, and it evolved into the rules of heaven for a thousand worlds.

In easier-to-understand words, it is the laws of heaven in this world, which are similar to the laws of heaven in this world, that is, a leaf that falls from a towering tree is replanted in the soil and emits sprouts.

What Annan needs to do now is to trace back to its origins and find out which towering tree it originally 'belongs to' from the rules of heaven derived from this section.

However, at the moment Annan put his consciousness into it and wanted to trace the origin.

boom! ! ! !

As if some restriction had been touched, a terrifying will came across the boundary from the deepest part of the Heavenly Dao.

The furious consciousness sends out a roar that shakes all directions within the rules of heaven, trying to destroy the existence that explores the secret.

The world...will!
Annan frowned. The level displayed by this furious world will has definitely surpassed the scope of the world. It is not the aura that the world should have!
Facing the furious power of the world's will, Annan burst out with brilliance, shooting out like a solar flare.

bang bang bang! ! !
Two completely different forces are colliding crazily at the bottom of the world.

The impact of the energy collision between the two made the whole world tremble and shake, and nearly a third of the buildings in Lingshan and Tianting collapsed.

Under this extremely powerful force, there is simply no way to withstand the rules of heaven at the level of thousands of worlds.


Finally, the rules of heaven were broken, and Annan was unable to find out which world was behind the rules of heaven.

He sighed: "Unfortunately, it's just a little bit..."

But the next moment...

【Ding!Detected the breath of the world of "Mythical Prehistoric", whether to open a channel]

Annan was stunned for a moment when he saw the message from the system.

Myth... prehistoric?
Immediately, Annan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there were many thoughts in his mind.

The prehistoric world...

Mythical world...

Although the difference between these two worlds is only two words, the difference in rank between them can be said to be countless!
Behind this big talk about the rules of heaven in the world of Journey to the West is the mythical prehistoric world!

From this point of view, the current situation is indeed as expected.

The ancient world of mythology is definitely a powerful world at the same level as myself and is transforming towards the supreme world.

However, the path of advancement in the world that Shinhwa Prehistoric took is very different from his own and the world of the Lord God.

If we say that Annan has improved his rank by connecting countless different worlds and turning them into subordinate worlds.

In the world of the Lord God, one can improve one's rank by forcibly destroying the world and seizing the origin of the world.

So the ancient world of mythology is to divide out the very fine parts of its own world laws and derive them by itself.

These world laws will eventually turn into different worlds, allowing them to grow on their own as subordinate worlds of the mythical wilderness.

After reaching a certain stage, all the worlds launched by Mythology have evolved into the level of the Great Thousand Worlds.

It can harvest like ears of rice, collect all these mature world laws, and help it impact the supreme realm of the world.In other words: Whether it is Westward Journey or other worlds that have been thrown into the ancient world of mythology and evolved independently, they are all a kind of [external incarnation] of the ancient world of mythology.

Therefore, the evolved worlds divided into the "mythological prehistoric world" all have one characteristic.

In these different evolved worlds, important characters, environments, and even the layout of forces in various places will have striking similarities.

Just like in every evolving world, there will be heaven, Buddhism, and monsters.

There will be Sun Wukong, the Jade Emperor, Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Laojun, and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

In every evolutionary world, Sun Wukong will be suppressed by Buddha for 500 years after causing a great cause in the sky, and there will also be the 81st catastrophe of Journey to the West.

In short, all these real characters evolved from the "mythological world".

Boom! !

With the destruction of the rules of heaven, the foundation for the entire world to run no longer exists.

If this continues, this rootless world will be destroyed and become nothingness!


The Jade Emperor, who had just reacted from the violent tremor, felt a wave of fear in his heart.

This terrifying feeling is simply like...the world itself is about to be destroyed!
"Could it be that giant hand?!"

Everyone in the heaven looked panic-stricken. Then the demon monkey came and the giant hand appeared. Even the Taoist ancestor was nowhere to be found.

Taishang Laojun also kept wandering around in the hall, and finally he sat down on the ground like a mess, his face full of collapse.

"It's over... It's over... The Taoist ancestor has disappeared, the demon monkeys are in chaos, and the world is hopeless!"


The Supreme Treasure, who was rescued by Annan, was standing on the lotus throne of Tathagata Buddha and laughing.

Beside his feet were Tathagata Buddha, whose face was as black as a pot, and Guanyin Bodhisattva, who had a sad face and did not dare to look directly at him.

Those who fell under the lotus seat were all ungrateful Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who rushed forward to avenge the Buddha, but in the end they all became defeated by his men.

At this moment, the world trembled and shook, causing the dark-faced Tathagata Buddha to raise his head, his expression becoming shocked and confused.

"Amitabha...is this world going to end..."

The other immortals and Buddhas were even more confused and looked around in fear.

In the Wanjie chat group.

[He looks like a dog]: Cool!It’s so cool for my grandson!That damn old Tathagata was finally beaten up by me, hahahaha!

[The richest man in the world]: Will the great revenge be avenged?It seems that next, you are going to marry girl Zixia. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really envy you.

[Ghost-killing Expert]: Congratulations, I wish you a baby soon!

[He looks like a dog]: Hehe... It's still early, but when I was fighting with Tathagata, a guy named Daozu Hongjun popped out of nowhere. I originally wanted to fight him!I don’t know why, but I can’t use my strength at all.

[He looks like a dog]: Fortunately, at the critical moment, a pair of big golden hands suddenly appeared!Only by capturing that Dao Ancestor can I be fine.It's a pity that you didn't see that scene, that terrifying pressure!It’s really a rare occurrence in billions of years!

[He looks like a dog]: But I'm a little panicked. Isn't this big golden hand going to attack me?

Giant golden hand?

Seeing this adjective, the faces of the group members became strange.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Ahem, are the giant golden hands you are talking about a terrifying pair of hands that are covered in light and cannot be looked at directly?

[He looks like a dog]: Yes, yes!It's just what you said!Eh?How did you know? Did you spy on me?

[I can’t fly]: Hehe, it’s not just him, we all know it.The owner of that giant hand is our group leader! ! !

[He looks like a dog]:? ? ?That's the group leader! ?

Zhizunbao didn't expect that the person who saved him turned out to be the leader of the group with great magical powers!

Now, his awe for the group leader became even deeper.

At this moment, the Supreme Treasure also felt an unnatural shaking.

At first he thought it was his imagination, but as the shaking and trembling became more and more terrifying, an indescribable feeling gradually emerged in his mind.

Soon, it became a reality!
Click! ! !

collapse! ! !
Above the Nine Heavens, the high-level spiritual mountains and heavens closest to the center of the world.

Under the constant trembling of the world itself, collapse and disintegration began.

The blue sky shattered into countless small pieces like a mirror, collapsing into black nothingness.

[He looks like a dog]: Help, help!My world is collapsing and disappearing! !
[Apprentice Death God]: Why panic? Didn't we all say that the group leader is on your side? With the group leader here, everything can be solved.

[I am still an egg]: That is, the collapse of the world will not be a problem for the group leader at all, right?
[Light of All Things]: This collapse is different from the collapse of the previous world. It is not because of the lack of origin, but because his world itself is an empty shell.

Lord group leader! ?
Seeing this news, Zhizunbao's heart suddenly rose.

Is your world an empty shell?
[Light of All Things]: The current plan is to merge this world with other worlds. Han Li, your two worlds are the most similar. I will let you merge with his world.

[Frowning and running quickly]: I understand.

Han Li will naturally not resist at all. The integration between worlds is a great thing!
hum! ! !
Outside the world barrier, Annan separated the entire Westward Journey world from the Hongmeng space, and after holding it in his hand, he instantly came outside the barrier of the mortal world.

After restoring the Westward Journey world to its original state, Annan's eyes glowed brightly, and he took hold of the world with one hand, integrating it into the barriers of the mortal world.

It's like a water ball composed of different liquids blending with another liquid.

Along with the ripples, under Annan's power, the two worlds merged with each other without any accidents.

Beyond the three realms in the mortal world, there is a smaller plane space that revolves around like stars.

The moment the fusion was completed, the trembling of the world also stopped.

Under the pull of the world's instinct, a large amount of spiritual energy was actively poured into the world of Westward Journey.

Whether they are humans, gods, monsters, or spirits... they all feel nourished by the incomparable power of spiritual energy.

Those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who were beaten to the ground by the Supreme Treasure and seriously injured included Tathagata Buddha.

In an instant, under the influence of spiritual energy, all injuries were restored.

Some strong men who were already on the verge of breaking through, broke through to the next level in just a few seconds.

And the Supreme Treasure, which was already extremely powerful, has reached another level!


(End of this chapter)

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