He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 154 What the fuck?Funny anime characters joining the group? ?Big Big Wolf? ? ?

Chapter 154 What the fuck?Funny anime characters joining the group? ?Big Big Wolf? ? ?

The crisis of Journey to the West is resolved in a distant world at the same time.

Here, there is a vast, green and lush grassland.

There are all kinds of animals living on the grassland, and they also have their own territories and villages.

It's just that the shapes of these animals look subtly different from ordinary animals.

For example, right now, there is a gray wolf that is mainly black and gray and wears an orange hat. It is crawling slowly on the ground and muttering something.

"Hey, dear lambs, my Big Big Wolf is back again!"

He is holding a machine that looks like a pair of large pliers in his hand. As long as there is a trace of a lamb within his field of vision, he can immediately reach out and grab it firmly!

However, just as he was about to climb to the edge of the Yangcun entrance, his body suddenly sank slightly.


The result was no surprise. The ejection trap that the lambs had prepared pushed the Big Wolf's body into the sky like a cannonball.

A miserable cry echoed throughout the green grassland.

"I will definitely be back!!!"

After hitting the ground, Gray Wolf, covered in scars, shook his head and returned to his clean appearance.

"Alas... I failed to catch the sheep again today. When I go back, I will be beaten severely by my wife again."

Big Gray Wolf couldn't help but sigh. She had no choice but to marry Red Wolf for so many years, but she and Xiao Huihui had not been able to enjoy the taste of mutton.

I am so useless!
Just as Big Big Wolf was working hard and preparing to go back and develop more powerful equipment.

【Congratulations!The Wanjie Chat Group officially invites you to join the group chat. Do you agree? 】

Wanjie chat group? ? ?
Looking at the prompt that suddenly popped up in front of him, Big Big Wolf scratched his head in confusion. This thing didn't look like it was made by Yangcun.

Or, try?

Ultra World, Blue Star.

After knowing all the actions in the mythical world, Annan's gains can be said to be quite rich.

Therefore, he was prepared to sleep for a while to digest all the gains so far.

【Ding!I found a new group member. Dear group owner, would you like to invite it to join the group chat? 】

Newcomers, just in time to resolve this matter before falling asleep.

However, after Annan checked the newcomer's avatar and basic information, he subconsciously froze for a moment, and his expression became indescribably weird.

This time, the newcomer found by the Wanjie chat group is actually the Big Big Wolf from the world of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf".

This world in the past life was a funny children's animation.

Normally, the characters in this kind of world are not too strong, and can even be said to be very rubbish.

But among countless worlds, there is such an iron law.

Never, ever fight with funny people!
The world of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" seems to have low combat power, but anyone who knows this world will not underestimate the combat power of this world.

Just talking about Gray Wolf, he is a super inventor in his own right. He can use a push of scrap metal to create high-tech weapons comparable to Gundam, as well as all kinds of incredible props, which is only a little worse than Doraemon.

Not to mention he’s a funny guy!Even if you are blown up by a bomb, blown hundreds of kilometers by a trap, or pierced by a sharp weapon...

All kinds of injuries are enough to make an ordinary person die dozens or hundreds of times. Just a second ago, the whole body was burnt black by the explosion. With the explosive head on its head, it shook its head and recovered as before...

What's even more powerful is that Big Big Wolf can create technology that breaks the dimensional wall, and even traveled into the real world in a certain episode and became a human.

In this world, there are also various powerful black technologies, such as time shuttles, shrinking potions, potions that change body composition, and even the ability to transform oneself to gain powerful physical abilities.

With the development of the historical plot, they have a variety of powerful equipment and even extraordinary abilities!

Even without the status of a funny character, the fighting power of this world cannot be ignored.


World Chat Group.

——Welcome new group members [I will definitely come back] to join the Wanjie chat group——

[I Can’t Fly]: It’s been really lively these days, and here comes another group member from Zhongqian World.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Huh?Wait, this newcomer’s avatar is a bit strange, isn’t it?

[I will definitely come back]: This, where is this, why did a screen appear in front of me out of thin air! ?
[Supreme Treasure]: Huh?A newbie like me!Great, come on, let me tell you what this place is.

[The richest man in the world]: How long have you been here? Can you tell me clearly?Newcomer, please introduce yourself?
[I will definitely come back]: Don’t understand what this is?Forget it, I'd better catch the sheep to eat. It's Honghong's birthday soon, and I must let him eat mutton!

[Apprentice Death]:? ? ?Sheep...mutton? ?Is it the mutton I was thinking of?

[The richest man in the world]: No, the newcomer is in an apocalyptic world. It’s so pitiful that he doesn’t even have meat.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Damn it!How could the newcomers be so miserable?This seems to be the first time a group member has been so miserable. It's so pitiful...

After Xiao Poqiu sent the message, a big exclusive red envelope appeared in the group chat.

[Little Broken Ball]: No, take it. There are ten roasted whole lambs in it, which should be enough for your family to eat for a few days. If it’s not enough, you can ask me for more.

On the green grassland, Big Big Wolf blinked his eyes and subconsciously opened the exclusive red envelope.

In an instant, a large pile of roasted whole lamb wrapped in tinfoil, with the aroma of grease wafting from the cracks, landed on the grass in front of him.

Smelling the fragrance, Big Gray Wolf trembled and stepped forward in disbelief, as carefully as he would a delicate and fragile work of art.

With trembling fingers, he slowly opened the tin foil. At this moment, a golden light seemed to emerge from it!
The moment he opened the roasted whole lamb wrapped in tin foil, a powerful smell of spices and a scent that was both strange and familiar penetrated his nostrils.

As if his instinct had been awakened, Big Big Wolf opened his big mouth and turned the whole roasted lamb in front of him into bones at the speed of a wind.


After a long belch, Big Big Wolf finally turned his head.

This aroma, this texture, this feeling...this roasted whole lamb is real!

World Chat Group.

[I will definitely come back]: Oh my God!I actually ate the sheep!Who are you and how did you do this? ?Space transfer?Material transport?
[Little Breaking Ball]: No problem!Next, it’s time for popular science.

Soon, 10 minutes passed, and Big Big Wolf understood everything.

[I will definitely come back]: Countless different worlds... A virtual panel with the function of material transmission can also travel through space and connect various worlds together... What on earth is this? !It’s so unscientific!

[The richest man in the world]: Judging from your appearance, you are also a scientist, right?Don’t worry, I’m also a scientist, and I also don’t understand how the chat group does all this.

[Ghost-killing Expert]: But since you are a scientist, why do you want to eat sheep when you don’t even have to eat?

[I will definitely come back]: Oh, don’t say it. Catching sheep is the instinct of our family. Although I have never really eaten mutton since I was a child...

[Little Broken Ball]: It's too miserable... Brother, don't worry, we are here, and we can deliver just a little mutton to you at any time!
...At the same time, Madara Uchiha was diving in the chat group.

Suddenly he raised his head and looked in a certain direction with a frown.

Something is coming in the direction of this planet!
Outside the Hokage planet, in a dark space.

Suddenly, a space wormhole appeared.

A being wearing a white robe, with two horns on his head and white pupils, who was very similar to humans but completely different, walked out.

He is Otsutsuki Ginshiki, a patrol angel belonging to the Otsutsuki clan.

This time I came to Naruto's planet to inspect the fruits of the sacred tree planted by Kaguya more than 1000 years ago.

Otsutsuki Ginshiki stared at the planet below, his brows knitted together.

"Is this the planet that Otsutsuki Kaguya and Otsutsuki Ishiki invaded? Waste! They are two wastes. It has been more than 1000 years. Why is the energy of this planet still so abundant? Where is the sacred tree?! Why can't you sense the sacred tree!? "

"Two losers, do they want to take it all to themselves?"

Thinking of this possibility, Otsutsuki Ginshiki became even more angry.

The Otsutsuki clan is a supremely powerful race that transcends life and death!

Their goal is only to [devour the life of the planet].

In order to achieve their goal, the Otsutsuki clan will work in groups of two, carrying the seeds of the sacred tree, to planets, plant them and cultivate them into sacred trees, swallow the chakra of the entire planet, and turn it into huge chakra fruits.

As long as you eat this fruit, the Otsutsuki clan can evolve and become stronger.

So far, they don't know how many planets the destruction has invaded and how many planets' lives have been devoured.

But more than 1000 years have passed since Otsutsuki Isshiki and Otsutsuki Kaguya left.

After so long, let alone the fruit of the sacred tree, they didn’t even get any progress feedback!
Otsutsuki Ginshiki happened to be nearby, so he came over to see what they were doing.

But it turns out that this planet has not changed at all!

What's even more strange is that the aura belonging to the sacred tree exists in this planet.

Otsutsuki Ginshiki is almost confused, what is going on?

Where did Kaguya and Ichiki go?
"I didn't expect that the Otsutsuki clan would come here."

Suddenly, Uchiha Madara's voice suddenly sounded behind Otsutsuki Ginshiki.

"Who are you!"

Otsutsuki Ginshiki subconsciously took a few steps back and frowned. He didn't sense any chakra fluctuations at all, and this guy appeared quietly behind him.

"Indigenous people of this planet? No!"

After careful sensing, Otsutsuki Ginshiki's face changed slightly: "Although it is very weak, you do have the blood of the Otsutsuki clan, and the Rinnegan... are you a descendant of Isshiki or Kaguya!"

"Tell me, where are these two guys and what are they doing! Why didn't they report it for so long!"

However, there was a mocking smile on Uchiha Madara's cold and indifferent face.

"Otsutsuki Ishiki, Otsutsuki Kaguya? These two losers have been killed by me a long time ago."

Upon hearing this answer, Otsutsuki Ginshiki's expression gradually turned grim, and his surprised expression flashed away.

"So that's it. To say they are trash is to flatter them. They will be killed by descendants with such thin blood."

The corners of his mouth were raised, and he stared at Madara Uchiha condescendingly.

"But I am different from those two losers! I am the patrol angel of the Otsutsuki clan! If you know what is good or bad, tell me the location of the sacred tree seeds!"

Speaking of this, Otsutsuki Ginshi's greedy eyes unabashedly looked at Uchiha Madara's whole body.

Since Kaguya and Isshiki are both dead, the seeds of the sacred tree must still be somewhere on this planet.

As long as you find it, replant it, and bear the fruit of the sacred tree, you can directly eat it yourself!
The fruit of the sacred tree requires the life of an entire planet to form, and is extremely precious.

Even for him, it is difficult to get a complete one.

Not to mention, the energy of this planet is extremely abundant, and the fruits it produces must be very powerful!
"Want the fruit of the sacred tree?"

The mockery on Uchiha Madara's face was even worse: "Unfortunately, you are late."


hum! ! !
For a moment, Otsutsuki Ginshiki's pupils widened.

The pattern of the Samsara Eye is constantly rotating in it, and the huge chakra is instantly gathered. As long as it hits, it can seize the opponent's chakra and actively release it.

"Oh? Is this your blood inheritance snare?"

However, at the same time that Otsutsuki Ginshiki completed his aim almost instantly, Uchiha Madara's figure had arrived behind him at some point, showing an interesting expression.

"It's an interesting ability, but you're too weak."

Click! ! !

Otsutsuki Ginshi's arm was removed without him noticing, and blood spurted out into the universe.

"Ah... ah ah ah!!!"

"In this world, technique is not the means that determines everything."

Ignoring Otsutsuki Ginshiki's screams, Uchiha Madara walked past him as if he were taking a casual walk.

At this moment, Otsutsuki Ginshi's legs exploded in the air and exploded into a ball of bloody mud.

"Pure physical skills can also achieve this level."

Uchiha Madara's strength has been improving with the progress of the world.

What's more, after he has seen so many worlds and so many cultivation systems.

Although his realm has not improved, his own strength has reached an unprecedented level.

A mere patrol angel of the Otsutsuki clan, now he is not even qualified to use the Samsara Eye.

Under Otsutsuki Ginshiki's horrified gaze, Uchiha Madara used the power of the Rinnegan to seal it.

This guy is still useful to him.

Uchiha Madara's figure disappeared from the place with all the sealed Ginshiki.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in the transit universe.


(End of this chapter)

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