Chapter 167 Hedao!Hedao! !The chaos begins!
Annan walked out of the palace and wanted to set off with Sanqing.

As a result, when they arrived at Sanqing's main hall, they found that the three of them were no longer here.

It seems that they can't wait to set off to Chaos Heaven.

In this case, I should speed up my pace a little.

Annan walked out of the hall, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the destination at high speed.

Beyond the 33rd Heaven, there is still an extremely long distance from the Chaos Heaven.

There have been gathered here people who came from all over the wilderness and are definitely considered strong in the eyes of the world.

However, as the first level of the preaching place, countless cultivators have been screened out.Densely packed in mid-air.

It's not that they don't want to go in, it's because there is an extremely terrifying chaos storm blocking them outside the 33rd heaven.

Those who have not reached the Golden Immortal cannot enter it.

Some cultivators under the Golden Immortal tried to use various magic weapons or magical powers to force their way into it.

Obviously, the final result was extremely miserable, and it would be a good thing to save even one life.

Countless cultivators could only watch helplessly as beings with powerful auras entered one after another, with envy in their hearts.

At this moment, an extremely dazzling and extremely fast stream of light passed through the barrier of the 33rd heaven in an instant and entered it.

The speed was so fast that the people around them didn't even see what it was, and it disappeared before their eyes.

A strong demon clan man who was blocked by the barrier narrowed his eyes, trying hard to find the trace of the stream of light just now.

"Who just passed by? It was so fast!"

The cultivator next to him gave an answer hesitantly after thinking about it.

"That stream of light just now, and its speed... was probably an Ultraman, right?"

"Ot Taoist? Who is this?"

"Don't you know? Almost a while ago, the first ray of innate light transformed into a human and began to practice. In just a few moments, he rose to prominence and gave himself the title of Ultra Taoist. "

"Yes! I heard that even among the many disciples of Dao Ancestor, his cultivation speed is extremely terrifying!"

"Hiss! Doesn't that mean that he is among the creatures most likely to become saints under Dao Ancestor?!"


Annan, who was advancing at the fastest speed, soon broke through the 33rd heaven and headed towards the higher level of chaos.

Boom! ! !

The world outside the 33rd layer of heaven is wrapped in endless chaos.

And at the end of the chaos, everything suddenly became clear.

What appears in front of you is a majestic palace that stretches across the chaos, like an entire boundless continent, sitting here with an extremely extraordinary aura that seems to dominate the heavens.

There are cranes facing the bright sky, the chaotic energy is dotted around the palace, the immortal energy is permeated, there are thousands of auspicious energy, the laws of heaven seem to be visible everywhere, and the whole body is filled with a mysterious, simple and natural atmosphere.

Annan returned to his human form, landed in front of the sapphire brick road in front of the main hall, and stepped into it.

Sure enough, when he arrived at the dojo, three familiar figures were already sitting on their respective futons, and they closed their eyes naturally.

Sanqing...they were indeed the first to come.

"I've met Master, I've met three senior brothers."

Annan nodded slightly and followed Daozu Hongjun and Sanqing with his eyes.

In the center of the three people, a Taoist wearing a Taoist robe and a pure aura slowly opened his eyes. In an instant, a majestic aura swept out, echoing the heaven and earth, dispelling the surrounding chaotic energy.

"You're here, junior brother."

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded. On the other side, the old man who was also wearing a Taoist robe and stroking his long white beard also opened his eyes and showed a calm smile.

"Junior brother Annan... no, should I call you Taoist Ultraman? Long time no see."

While talking and laughing, the old man seemed to have the laws of the Tao rising and falling around him, and a faint Taoist rhyme circulated around him, giving him an otherworldly look, smiling at the world.

"Senior Brother Taishang, long time no see."

After Annan replied calmly, his eyes fell on the last Sanqing.

He was wearing a Taoist robe, with the essence of ordinary magic weapons, and bursts of extraordinary rays of light enveloped his body. Although his expression was calm, his sharp edge was already revealed, and an unstoppable sharpness pierced the surrounding fairy aura.

The last leader of Sanqing Tongtian Cult, after seeing Annan, he snorted softly.

"It's really you."

Although the words of Master Tongtian were thorny, they were just appearances.

In fact, because of Annan's unparalleled cultivation speed, Master Tongtian has been paying attention to him for a long time, and his relationship with him is also the deepest among the Three Pure Ones.

"Take a seat."

At the top of the pulpit, there are endless laws floating and rising in chaos. The sun, moon and stars are all included in it. It seems that there are endless laws surrounding it, containing all the ways and principles in the world.

Its existence here is the place of heaven and the pillar of the world.

The majestic voice of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, which contains the principles of the Great Dao, spreads throughout the universe. The sound is not loud, but it is deafening.

Under Sanqing's twinkling eyes, Annan found a futon and sat on it, looking around.

Sanqing, as the Qing Qi of Pangu, can also be said to be the existence that was born when the soul was divided into three.

From the very beginning, it has stood at a height that is difficult for anyone to reach, and will not be weaker than any existence in the world.

But - only with the talent of cultivation, they admired this young junior brother, Ultra Taoist Annan, who was born not long ago.


Suddenly, Annan's voice sounded clearly audible in the pulpit.

"Why are there only 7 futons here? Is there any hidden meaning in them?"

!! ?
After hearing these words, for a moment, the eyes of Sanqing and the others flickered with light.

For a time, various thoughts flashed through their minds, making their pupils seem to keep dilating.

In total, there are only 7 futons! ?

Logically speaking, these people can be regarded as the direct disciples of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and there are as many as a dozen in number.

The number of futons should be a dozen, or even more.

But why, there are only seven?
All of a sudden!
The pupils of the three of them widened slightly, and they thought of a possibility at the same time!
The holy throne is destined, and there are only nine fixed seats in total.

And the number of Dayan is fifty, of which nine are forty.

The missing one is the escaped one.

Of the nine holy thrones, Master occupies one of them, while Heavenly Dao has lost another one.

In the end, there are only 7 statues left! ! !
The three of them looked at each other, and there was already an unquenchable storm deep in their hearts.At the same time, there was also a sense of joy and joy in their hearts.

After all, they were the first to arrive and occupied three seats in advance.

After the three looked at each other again, they made a decision in their hearts.

After this, no matter what happens, they will never give up this futon!
Daozu Hongjun looked at Annan in surprise. Unexpectedly, he saw through the mystery.

However, he naturally did not answer Annan about the number of futons. This involved the Tianji Avenue and could not be said casually.

Swish swish! ! !
Soon, from outside the chaotic sky, figures flickered, landed in front of the pulpit, and walked in step by step.

"Brothers, long time no see."

The first one to appear was the demon Nuwa. She naturally sat next to the futon closest to Sanqing, and no one objected.

On the other side, Taoist Hongyun, who came quickly with flying red hair, and Taoist Kunpeng, who was dressed in black robe and had a strong demonic aura, also took their seats immediately.

The practitioners who arrived late could only stand far away.

They knew in their hearts that those who could sit on the futon and sit in front of Dao Ancestor must be in extraordinary positions, and it would not be their turn.

But at this moment, two embarrassed Taoists stumbled to the front of the futon.

Seeing that all the futons were occupied, I immediately covered my face and cried.

"Senior brother, our Western lineage has really been abandoned by heaven. Not only has the Western spiritual lineage been destroyed and the earth is barren, but now we are just a little late, and we can't even occupy a seat."

"This is Master's last sermon. In this case, it's better to crash to death and call it a day!"

The moment he finished speaking, the Taoist gathered his magic power without hesitation and really made a gesture of slamming into the pillar of the pulpit.

At this moment, Taoist Hongyun, who was sitting on the fifth futon, which was close to Annan, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Fellow Daoist!"

The Taoist's actions naturally stopped.

Taoist Hongyun stood up and showed an open-minded smile: "Since my fellow Taoists have come all the way from the west, the journey is long, and I can't bear to keep you standing."

"In that case, I will give you my futon."

After saying that, he turned around and left without any trace of nostalgia for the futon.

Seeing Taoist Hongyun acting like this, the two Taoists immediately showed joy. The one who wanted to hit the pillar immediately pressed his senior brother on the futon, and then walked up to Taoist Kunpeng who was at the bottom with a smile.

"Kunpeng, you are a flat-haired beast. You have not yet reached the level of cultivation, and you cannot be considered a capable person. Just because you... are not qualified to sit in this position, right?"

"If you get out of the way now, I won't make it difficult for you."

As soon as he said this, Taoist Kunpeng became furious and the three corpse gods became furious.

"Asshole, say it again if you have the guts!"

He rolled up his sleeves, his body was surging with magic power, and a battle seemed inevitable.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was sitting at the head of the futon without saying a word, suddenly spoke slowly.

"You, who are clad in hair, wearing horns, and your body has turned into an egg when wet, are indeed not qualified to sit with us. Why don't you give up your seat to this fellow Taoist?"

Yuanshi Tianzun did have a decision in his heart.

How can a mere flat-haired beast be able to occupy the futon and become one of the saints?

It is better to sell favors to these two Taoists, and there will be many conveniences in the future.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun spoke like this, Taoist Kunpeng's heart felt as if he had been cut into pieces with a thousand knives, and he was humiliated like never before.

But what was even more humiliating was that none of the Taoists present who had occupied the futon stood up for him and were all silently paying attention to the situation.


Kunpeng cursed the two Taoists, Hongyun and Yuanshi Tianzun fiercely in his heart.

Especially that damn red cloud!If he hadn't taken the initiative to give up his seat, he wouldn't have been pushed aside at all!
And who doesn’t know that Yuanshi Tianzun is the first disciple of Taoist Hongjun. If you start a fight with him just for a mere futon position, you will definitely have a hard time in the future!
There was no other way, Taoist Kunpeng could only stand up and give up the futon, and stood in the open space on the other side.

"Thank you Yuanshi Tianzun, thank you Taoist Hongyun!"

After the Taoist thanked him repeatedly, he sat firmly on the futon and saluted everyone.

"Poverty is allowed to mention."

"Poverty lead."

"Both of us brothers and sisters are from the West. We have met all of you fellow Taoists, and we hope to see Haihan."

These two people are the famous Jieyin and Zhunti Taoists.

The reason why they wanted to compete for the futon position was because they were vaguely aware that there might be something fishy in it. If they missed it, they would definitely regret it for the rest of their lives.

After the futons were distributed, Daozu Hongjun, who was sitting on the stage, opened his eyes and said, "The seats are all set. From now on, please sit according to this order."

As soon as the words fell, Taoist ancestor Hongjun began to preach. As soon as he opened his mouth, he held the Tianxian in his mouth. The sound of Taoism filled the air, the whole body was covered with Taoist aggregates, lotus blossoms bloomed on his tongue, golden lotuses gushed from the ground, and flowers fell from the sky.

All the disciples in the audience were mesmerized by what they heard. They did not miss a single sound of the Great Dao. They were all trying to absorb the insights. Especially the seven people sitting on the futon, their auras overflowed from their bodies. A small realm has been broken through.

Just like this, after 3000 years, the sound of Taoism stopped and Hongjun's sermon ended. The gods collectively woke up, restrained their auras, and then bowed to Hongjun.

"Thank you Daozu, thank you Master."


The sermon ended, and just before they dispersed, in a place other than the seven people on the futon, a Taoist asked.

"Tao Ancestor, there are only eight saints left in the world. How should we become saints in the future?"

Upon hearing this, Daozu Hongjun spoke calmly.

"The holy throne has been determined. Those who sit on the futon will possess the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and each will have the opportunity to become a saint of heaven."

"Refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi and finding your own path can lead to becoming a saint."

As soon as these words were spoken, the futons that the seven people sat on immediately turned into streaks of purple energy and disappeared into their eyebrows.

Only those who sit on the futon have the chance to become holy!
Outside the futon, all the practitioners who witnessed the purple energy dissipating had their faces changed dramatically and their eyes were about to burst.

Especially Kunpeng Taoist who once occupied a position but finally gave it up.

If all the Taoists here were not powerful and the master was watching, he would have rushed forward to fight Hongyun.

"Next, I want to practice in seclusion, so you can leave as soon as possible."

Daozu Hongjun waved his sleeves, and in the blink of an eye, everyone was expelled from the Chaos Heaven and returned to the 33rd Heaven.

Looking at the people dispersing, Annan touched his chin.

Hongjun is about to retreat. It seems that he is ready to completely conform to the way of heaven.

Then you can start officially doing things!

(End of this chapter)

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