He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 168 What a planting! ! One person occupies 1 holy places, the world is ruined!

Chapter 168 What a planting! !One person occupies seven holy places, and the world is ruined!

The crowd dispersed, shortly after the third sermon ended.

In the wilderness, a great piece of bad news came. Taoist Hongyun was killed by his enemies!

This incident alarmed many powerful beings. You must know that Taoist Hongyun is a well-known good person and has many friends. Who would kill him?
But at the same time, a voice appeared in the wilderness. The death of Taoist Hongyun was related to the fact that Taoist Kunpeng was deprived of his holy throne!
No one dares to be sure or make wild guesses. After all, Zhunti and Taoist Jieyin, who have seized the holy throne, have obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi. They do not want to offend these two people who will become saints in the future.

Regarding this matter, Annan did not intervene.

If Hongyun was not killed, he would not have been able to obtain the last burst of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Therefore, the moment Hongyun was killed, the moment Hongmeng Ziqi escaped.

Annan, who had been waiting outside the chaos for a long time, easily caught the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Looking at the two beams of Hongmeng Purple Qi in his hand, Annan showed a faint smile of joy.

Very good, the goal is achieved, everything is under his control.

The prehistoric time flies by in the blink of an eye.

Nearly a while has passed. During this period, many major events have happened in the wilderness.

The seven people who were originally assigned to the Hongmeng Purple Qi, including Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Leader, Taishang, etc., have all become quasi-sages during this period of time and are exploring the path to sainthood.

boom! ! !
On the side of Kunlun Mountain, along with the roar of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth and the vibration of the world, the light of law flickered, as if there were auspicious clouds falling from the nine heavens, and the power of the quasi-sage was overwhelming, as if to suppress the world.

This familiar feeling made the Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Leader, and Supreme Being on the other side all open their eyes and look emotionally towards the direction from which the quasi-sage aura came.

"As expected of his junior brother, he became a quasi-sage almost one-tenth of the time later than us."

Yuanshi Tianzun stroked his white beard. Even though he was as steady as he was, he couldn't help but show emotion.

"Hmph, this guy's talent is indeed one of the best!"

Leader Tongtian said: "However, after becoming a quasi-sage, you will be on the real starting line with us. The most important thing now is how to become a saint!"

The Supreme Being couldn't help but said: "I really don't know who among us will be the first to step into the realm of saints and become the second saint after the teacher."

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head: "It's difficult, after becoming a quasi-sage, my cultivation level has not increased at all. Obviously, to become a saint, I must have some kind of opportunity to do it."

The other two people nodded at the same time and let out a long sigh.

It is easy to become a quasi-sage, but it is even more difficult to become a true saint!
The most important item needed for sanctification, Hongmeng Purple Qi, has been distributed to the seven of them through the hands of Master Hongjun, the Taoist ancestor.

Now, they have all fallen into the most critical bottleneck period. Only by finding an opportunity to become saints other than Hongmeng Purple Qi can they become saints.

The key is, what exactly is this opportunity?
Regarding this issue, it is what the three of them have been comprehending and thinking about since they were promoted to quasi-sages.

If he cannot become a saint, then the Hongmeng Purple Qi in his hand will be no different from waste.

At this moment, Master Tongtian's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"What is that guy doing all of a sudden?"

In the perception of the three people, Annan, who had broken through and became a quasi-sage, suddenly flew out of the palace and stood on the top of Kunlun Mountain.


At the top of Kunlun Mountain, Annan raised his head, with magic power surging in his golden eyes. In an instant, he passed through the world of 33 heavens and came to the endless chaos.

Amidst the chaos, Zixiao Palace was peaceful, without the usual scenes of cranes singing and Taoist rhyme shrouding it.

It seems that Hongjun completely retreated into seclusion and went to conform to the way of heaven.

At this moment, an unconcealable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The biggest obstacle has disappeared, so now...it's time to cause trouble!

In an instant, Annan's body was filled with magical light, illuminating the sky and the earth.

His powerful voice resounded throughout the wilderness and reached the ears of all living beings.

"In the ancient land, innate creatures, the ancestral Lich clan, and all the creatures in this world will turn into innate bodies after their cultivation reaches a certain level."

The innate body is the original shape when the Great God Pangu was born, that is, the human form, which is the most suitable form for practice between heaven and earth.

"I have a feeling when I look at myself today, and I specially created a race of innate shapes - named: human race!"

Boom boom boom!
As Annan's words fell, the entire prehistoric world began to undergo unprecedented changes!
Colorful clouds are flying in the boundless sky, the clouds are almost filled with auspicious aura, and countless bright golden lights are gathering and about to condense into shape.

Through the palace, Sanqing and the other three people saw what was happening in the outside world. Their eyes widened and they stood up in disbelief.

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his finger to the sky in shock: "That is the golden light of merit!!"

Whoosh whoosh! ! !
A series of sounds rang out, and Nuwo, Jie Yin, and Zhunti, who noticed the movement in Kunlun Mountain, rushed over and looked at the scene in front of them with confused expressions.

The Ultra Taoist Annan actually triggered the golden light of merit?

Then, more and more powerful people came near Kunlun Mountain.

But Annan turned a blind eye and took out a jade bottle from his sleeve and opened it.

What is contained here is the extremely precious Three Light Divine Water.

He came to the foot of Kunlun Mountain, poured the Sanguang Divine Water into the mud in front of him, grabbed the wet mud with his fingers, and began to squeeze out the first human race.

As Annan's movements continued to change, the golden light of merit gathered in the sky became stronger and stronger, and the auspicious aura became heavier and heavier.

The ancient sky was almost filled with this terrifying vision that had never been seen before. No matter how advanced the creatures were, they all saw this shocking scene.

Soon, three thousand clay sculptures of men and women appeared on the ground.

Looking at the original human race he created, Annan nodded with satisfaction. He cut his finger and scattered the blood essence, dripping down on all the clay sculptures like a rain of blood.

In an instant, all the clay sculptures were stripped of their clay bodies by the rain of blood, and turned into real flesh-and-blood creatures.

But the number is not enough, and the speed of creating human race is too slow.

Annan broke off a willow branch not far away, put it in the muddy water, stirred it constantly, and then lifted it up and waved it.

In an instant, countless muddy water fell to the ground and turned into different human-shaped clay sculptures. In a few moments, ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine human beings were created.

At this moment, the golden light of merit and auspicious aura in the sky was so strong that it seemed as if it was about to fall from the sky, making bursts of roaring sounds.

Annan spoke in a loud voice, his voice resonating with the avenue.

"I am Annan. I follow the way of heaven and create you. You are the human race!"

"Meet the Father!"

All human races face Annan and worship, expressing deep gratitude and awe to the Father God who created them.

At the same time, the Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world made nine deafening sounds in succession.

In an instant, Hongmeng purple energy emerged from Annan's body and flew towards the gathering golden cloud of merit.

Seeing this scene, how could Nuwa and others not understand?Everyone exclaimed almost simultaneously: "Sanctification!!!"

"Annan is going to become a saint!?"

Boom! ! !

The Hongmeng Purple Qi and the golden clouds of merit merged, and the roar of the sound avenue resounded throughout the world. The laws of heaven appeared in the world, as if hundreds of millions of creatures were cheering.

It's like the heaven and earth are joyfully celebrating the birth of a saint and blessing all living beings in the world!
All living beings can clearly sense the appearance of the golden cloud of merit. A new saint is about to be born between heaven and earth!
Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun and others looked at each other in disbelief at what was happening in front of them.

In the end, he became the master's disciple and the last Annan to step into the realm of quasi-sage.

Unexpectedly, he was the first among all of them to successfully achieve the holy status! ?

Annan said a faint word, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi made a swishing sound, driving countless golden clouds of merit and virtue, and rushed towards his body.

At this moment, Annan waved his hand, causing part of the golden cloud of merit to disperse and enter the human race.

This scene shocked everyone again.

What's happening here! ?The Ote Taoists did not become saints, and even distributed their merit and gold clouds to part of the created race.

Isn’t this a waste of natural resources?has a problem!

The remaining six people who were not yet saints immediately looked at the human race and began to make plans.

The results obtained made the six people's expressions suddenly change and they were in disbelief.

This newly created human race is actually closely related to the entire prehistoric world, and is the protagonist of the future! ?

Is the race created by Annan so amazing? ?

For a moment, their eyes flashed brightly, and they each made up their minds.

Since this human race is an existence favored by heaven, can the chance of becoming a saint start from the human race?
Only Nuwa looked at these acquired creatures with a look of despair.

How great would it be if Annan was not the one who created these creatures, but himself?

Just when everyone thought the matter was over and were about to leave.

Suddenly, Annan's rich voice sounded in the world again.

"I feel that the ancient wilderness is vast, and there are countless races and creatures. However, the human race is very weak when it is born. In order to protect the human race, I am here today to establish the Human Religion!!"

boom! !

In an instant, the prehistoric world once again erupted with a vibration similar to the one just now. After the nine rings of heaven, the golden cloud of merit once again filled the sky and enveloped Annan.

Others were already stunned and could not believe what was happening in front of them.

After creating the creatures loved by heaven, Annan actually triggered the great avenue of heaven and earth that is enough to become a saint! ! !

This is so ridiculous!

The Supreme Master's brows furrowed slightly at this moment. For some reason, when Annan said the word "human education", he felt something moving away from him at that moment.

But, this is not the end!

Annan spoke in a loud voice again: "I treat everyone equally, founded the Human Sect, and then created the Chan Sect!! All the innate creatures bred by the Great God Pangu can join the Sect!"

The prehistoric world erupted for the third time with terrifying vibrations, and the nine sounds of heaven were heard. On top of the second golden cloud of merit, countless golden lights of merit shrouded it, gathering into clouds.

The heavy scene seemed like it would fall and hit Annan at any time.

The first time I was shocked, the second time I was dumbfounded, and the third time I was completely stunned.

They no longer knew how to react. They could only open their mouths in silence, witnessing the scene in front of them that was worthy of being recorded in the annals of history.

Yuanshi Tianzun was not in a state of shock for any reason. There was an indescribable feeling of depression that enveloped his heart, as if something important was leaving him.

However, other innate beings are extremely happy about this. You must know that if Annan Guangshui receives innate beings, doesn't that mean that he will also have the opportunity to become a saint's disciple in the future?

However, some of the congenital beings, whose bodies were covered with fur and horns, and whose bodies were wet and transformed into eggs, were completely in despair.

"Ot Taoist actually only accepts innate creatures, then won't we never be able to turn over again!?"

Annan looked at the acquired souls and said calmly: "I feel again that the practice of cultivation in the ancient times has been different, and you have no way of practice or inheritance."

"Create - Jie Jiao! Jie Tian and Earth's ray of life, there is no distinction between education and distinction!"

Boom boom boom! !

The third golden cloud of merit gathered. At this moment, the size of the golden cloud in the sky was comparable to that of a continent.

Those people who wear hair and horns cheer, they are educated without distinction, which means that no matter what their origins, they can become disciples of saints and people with great magic power!

Leader Tongtian's eyes were in a trance, his expression collapsed, and his heels seemed to be unable to support the ground, and he took several steps back.

"Jiejiao, Renjiao, Chanjiao...the three religions are all mine!!"

Following Annan's words, Yuanshi Tianzun, Supreme Supreme Leader, and Tongtian Cult Leader.

The three of them looked at the golden cloud of merit in the sky that exceeded their imagination. The expressions on their faces were neither happy nor sad, and they were completely numb.

Nuwei, Zhunti and Yingyin's brains went blank, and a huge question appeared at the same time.

4 Paths to Sainthood…

All realized by one person.

Is there something wrong somewhere in this world?

But Annan was not yet sanctified, he was not finished yet!

Annan looked at the worshiping humans: "The human race is the race I created. It is not suitable to occupy the lands of other races. Therefore, I will let the humans live in the west."

In the Western Continent, due to the battle between Hongjun and Luo Hu, the spiritual veins were interrupted, and the entire continent was barren. No living beings wanted to live in such a place.

"The aura of the West has been completely lost and barren. I have made a great ambition to revitalize the Western Continent together with the human race!"

boom! ! !
The violent vibration of heaven, this time, completely made the entire prehistoric world tremble!

After hearing Annan's words, Zhunti and Taoist Jieyin breathed quickly for some reason, as if something important had been taken away by him.

All preparations were completed. Annan looked up at the sky, his arms vibrating.

"I Annan, become a saint today!!!"

boom! ! !
The golden cloud of merit that gathered in the nine heavens, as heavy and vast as the entire prehistoric continent, finally fell towards Annan with the roar of the avenue after these words fell.


(End of this chapter)

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