Chapter 17 Codename: Destroy Tiga! !

Not just Naruto World.

From the different worlds of the heavens and dimensions, they all guessed through the battle in the picture that these people were not from this world, but from another world.

Countless dimensional powerhouses were shocked. Is there a world outside this world? ?

In the Wanjie chat group...

[The richest man in the world]: I don’t accept it, I don’t accept it!Why am I the only one in the group with no superpowers?Oh, God!Group leader!Why do I have such a tragic fate!
[Death Agent]: Are you miserable?You are now the richest man in the world, okay?You have whatever you want. Only an ordinary high school student like me envy you!
[The richest man in the world]: (Benefit) What are you talking about, a god of death? Go ahead and have fun!Birdman, please help me get a powerful Devil Fruit!No matter what weapons or supplies you want, I can get them!Hydrogen bombs and mushroom bombs are both fine!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: What are hydrogen bombs and mushroom bombs?I want a devil fruit myself!But this thing is not something that is only available on the street, not to mention that the red envelope is exclusive to the group owner! !
[The richest man in the world]: ("゜ロ゜)" Ahhh!hateful! !No, I'm going to have a party to vent my anger!
[Death Agent]: Hiss?Have a party! ?Could it be that it’s that kind of lying down! ?

[Ghost-killing Expert]: What is a party?I didn't understand it, but I felt like I was shocked! !But, Mr. Phoenix, what is the difference between Devil Fruits?It’s not like we’ve heard you say that yet.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Devil fruits are quite complicated. They are roughly divided into three types: superhuman, animal, and natural. I will write you the detailed information later.

In the following time, the group members also kept discussing about devil fruits.

Marco also explained in detail the ability of the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit he possesses.

After all, after watching the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy, which man wouldn't be excited about it?
Even "I can't fly" asked Marco if there was any fruit that could allow huge creatures to fly?

However, Annan did not participate in the discussion. He looked at the sky with some boredom. Jinbang was autistic and he had no fun anymore.

Forget it, let’s continue playing the game. The “Cry of the Kingdom” I downloaded just now hasn’t passed the initial island yet.

After playing for a while, Annan's ears suddenly heard a system prompt.

[The analysis of the Dark Fruit has been completed, and some of the rules of the Pirate World have been analyzed...]

[Current progress of One Piece World passage: 2%]

After analyzing a dark fruit, did the progress bar only increase by [-]%?A little less.

Annan touched his chin. It seemed that he would have to find other ways to speed up the progress in the future.


After the light on the gold medal list dimmed, half a day passed.

A few guys in the group were still chatting non-stop, and after a while there were 999+ unread messages.

Annan was still lying on the sofa, playing games leisurely.

Suddenly, a strange force enveloped Blue Star.

Annan subconsciously stopped what he was doing and looked out the window.

A scent of darkness?And it’s still Diga’s aura?
Dark Tiga?

"Strange, is this the power aura of the dark giant? How come it appears on the Blue Star now?"

That's right, what Annan felt was the power of the dark giant that originally appeared in the final holy war.

Tiga was once a member of the dark giant clan 3000 million years ago. Together with the dark giant's companions, he provoked a war between the super-ancient giants and then turned his back on the dark and sealed his companions.

But according to the development of the timeline, now is not the right time for it to appear.

Soon, Annan thought of something and took out the page that had become completely blank. "I see, it seems to be the influence of the gold medal list."

When the gold medal list appeared in the morning, it caused a mutation that affected the entire Blue Star and the universe.

Did the vision when the gold medal list appeared awaken the sleeping dark power?

never mind…

who cares!
As the Creator God, both light and darkness were created and born by him.

Whether it is the dark giant of chaos and evil, or the light giant of light and law, there is no difference to him.

Dark Tiga comes from part of Tiga, so let Da Gu solve it himself.


half an hour later...


The sea exploded, and the huge dark Tiga broke through the sea and came to the sky above S City on the seaside.

The figure that blocked the sky and sun immediately attracted the attention of the entire S city citizens.

Looking up at the terrifying giant, in an instant the whole city was in panic, and screams were heard one after another.

There was a huge commotion throughout the city.

But soon, someone recognized it as the giant who had defeated two monsters before and was called Tiga by the winning team.

The victory team also announced that Tiga is a righteous giant of light and law who will not cause harm to humans.

Officials from City S also announced on the radio, which calmed the chaos.Not long after, people who saw that Dark Diga had no movement at all stopped the commotion and gathered around to watch.

Some bold passers-by also came right below Dark Diga, ready to take some photos and send them to their circle of friends.

"Looking at it this way, this giant named Tiga is quite handsome!"

"But why did Diga suddenly appear here? Could it be that a monster will appear here soon!?"

"No way? I don't want it! I haven't even paid the down payment for my house yet!"

"When you said that, I started to panic. I'd better call the Victory Team!!"

"Hit me with a hammer, it will be too late by the time you hit me!"

There is a news helicopter trying to get close to Tiga and take first-hand high-definition pictures.

What everyone didn't expect was...

boom! ! !
Like swatting flies, the helicopter turned into a ball of sparks in the air.


Then Diga roared towards the ground, the terrifying sound waves shook the air, turning into sonic attacks visible to the naked eye, and the glass of all high-rise buildings and cars shattered.

Countless people feel like their brains are about to explode and their ears are deafened.

The entire S city was in panic again. In the area below Diga, everyone was running away frantically, and screams were heard one after another.

The huge body of Dark Diga fell from the sky to the ground without any warning.

In an instant, several kilometers of buildings collapsed, and the ground cracked, spreading outward like a spider web.

He seems to be looking for something!
In the hotel, emergency news is broadcast on the TV in Annan's room.

"Please pay attention, everyone! The giant Tiga who once protected us is now wreaking havoc in S City! Residents living nearby are asked to evacuate immediately. The victory team is on the way here urgently!"

In the TV camera footage, Dark Diga roared with unknown meaning, and moved like a beast, spreading dark energy, blowing all the nearby buildings into pieces.

The scope of damage expanded rapidly, and the entire city was reduced to rubble.

There was also an uproar on the Internet.

"I've known for a long time, this Tiga is really not a good thing!"

"Ahhhh!! Damn it, the information about the Victory Team is wrong. How can Tiga be a lawful and bright existence? He is obviously an evil existence just like monsters!"

"Damn, damn!!!"

"Where's the victory team!! Why haven't they come yet!!"

"Hurry up and kill Diga, kill the giant!!"

Public opinion on the Internet has completely swung to the side of destroying Tiga.

Even some comments that were skeptical about Dark Diga were instantly drowned in the abuse.

And in the winning team...

Dagu stared blankly at the pictures coming back from the front line.

Tiga! ! ?

Bah, what the hell is Diga? I haven’t turned into Diga yet, so what’s going on with this giant! ?Another giant?But why do they look the same as Tiga! ?

Hui Jian looked at the scene of Dark Diga wreaking havoc, her brows were furrowed and she was almost twisted into a ball.

"Could it be said that Tiga is really an evil existence?"

Obviously, the news they deciphered said that Tiga was a giant of light and a party of law and justice.

In the beginning, Tiga did protect them and defeated the monsters.

But now Tiga is completely opposite to his actions in the morning, only destruction and violence.

The faces of Xincheng, Lina and others are also very ugly. Tiga, who was a hero of justice before, has now become an evil alien destroying the city.

What has changed in this?
But now, there is not much time for them to think.

"Our mission this time is to completely eliminate Tiga! Victory team, move out!"

"Codename: Destroy Tiga!!"


(End of this chapter)

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