He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 18 Dagu, you are really a loser. Can you play Tiga? !Sign in and let me play! !

Chapter 18 Dagu, you are really a loser. Can you play Tiga? !Sign in and let me play! !
Feiyan-[-] flies across the sky...

"There's another good show to watch."

Snapping his fingers, a translucent screen appeared in front of Annan.

Take out the potato chips and coke, and prepare to watch Dagu perform "I will kill myself." '

at the same time…

The live footage was also broadcast live via satellite.

"Coming, coming, victory team!"

"S City can be saved!"

"Is it too early to be happy? Is the Victory Team Tiga's opponent??"

"Don't worry, I heard that the latest energy weapons have been loaded!"

bang bang bang-

The Flying Eagle Fleet arrived in the sky above S City.

Looking at the huge giant Tiga who was constantly raging, without any hesitation, orders came from everyone's headphones.

"Attack!! Lure him out of City S and use the latest weapons to avoid accidentally injuring the city and its citizens!"

Boom boom boom! ! !
Cannonballs hit Dark Diga's body one after another, with fire and explosions, but they did not cause any harm to Diga.

But this annoying attack like a mosquito also angered Dark Diga, who roared and attacked the Flying Eagle Fleet.

"Okay! Just like that, while attacking, we will lure it out of S City and to the suburbs!"


Dark Diga was led to the deserted suburbs by the victory team.

"Attack, use the latest energy weapons!!"

The air vibrated, all the Eagle fighter jets trembled, and a muzzle emerged from the lower end of the fighter jet.

buzz buzz ~~~
The air vibrated, and the muzzle formed a suction force, distorting the surrounding air. The bright energy gathered at the muzzle, making it extremely hot.

Buzz! Whoosh! ! !
A series of terrifying energy beams blasted towards Dark Diga.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !
Small mushroom clouds emerged one after another, and the huge energy explosion also set off shock waves. The smoke and dust in the sky rose from the earth and expanded toward Yunei.

The smoke and dust in the sky made it difficult to see the specific situation.

"Is it...successful!?"

"The new weapons are awesome, so what about giants and monsters? They deserve to be defeated by human technology!"

Fortunately, Annan was not there...

Otherwise, the difference is two sentences: Have you never heard of the law of smoke without harm?
The team channel of the Flying Eagle Battleship...

Dagu frowned slightly as he listened to the excited voices of his teammates... Something was wrong. He himself was Diga. He knew that with an attack of this level, it was absolutely impossible to kill the giant in one go.

next second...


In the sky full of smoke and dust, the smoke spread rapidly to both sides.

Everyone's pupils shrank rapidly.

I saw that there was not even the slightest scratch on Dark Diga's body.

Everyone's brains were shut down and they were sluggish.

"How... how is it possible!?"

"No, get away quickly!!" Dagu said quickly.

Dark Diga crossed his hands and blasted countless black and purple light bullets towards the Flying Eagle fighter.

Many Eagle fighter planes were hit, and like birds with broken wings, they fell straight to the ground, exploding into groups of fireworks.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, many drivers came to their senses and ejected the driver's seat, thus saving their lives.

The Eagle No. [-] piloted by Dagu was also hit.

"Sure enough, there is a link to the fall of Feiyan No. [-]."

Annan, who regarded this as a new episode of Ultraman Tiga, was watching it with relish: "Next, should it be the traditional Shinjo coma and Dagu transformation session?"

In Feiyan No. [-], which was hit by a light bomb, Xincheng passed out due to the strong impact.

"How could this happen?! Why don't the new weapons work against Diga? Blue Star, is Blue Star going to be doomed!?"

Dark Tiga is killing the remaining Eagle fighters.

But next second...

A dazzling white light flashed between the sky and the earth. In the darkness, Diga seemed to have noticed something, and his eyes were fixed in one direction.

In endless white light.

A huge giant leaped out.One red, one black, two giants with the same appearance are facing each other.

The Giant of Light Tiga appears! ! !

Two huge giants stood on the earth,

Seeing this scene, everyone was blinded! !
Two...two Tiga! ! ?
Why are there two Degas?
Everyone's minds suddenly became confused.

"Sure enough, the deciphered information is correct! Tiga is a righteous existence. The first giant is Tiga's fake, and the second giant is the real one!"

Dark Diga looked at Dagu, he only had instinct, his eyes revealed deep desire, like a lone wolf, his eyes glowed scarlet when he saw the food.


An inhuman growl came from his throat.

It rushed towards Dagu, making the earth tremble with every step.

Da Gu was not afraid at all and also went up to him.

Bang, bang, bang! !

The two giants were fighting, and the terrible aftermath of the battle broke the mountains. Gravels the size of millstones continued to shoot towards the surroundings, like cannonballs, forming a crater when they fell on the ground.

The powerful impact turned into shock waves, cutting off the surrounding trees.

No one can intervene in this battle. The aftermath of the battle caused the fighter planes to shake left and right in the air.

All members of the victory team also withdrew.

"His movements and moves are exactly the same as the memories I received before!"

Dagu felt very incredible when he looked at the Diga body he controlled.

It's like facing another self.

Could it be said that this dark Tiga is really another Tiga?

dong dong!

Diga sprinted forward again and engaged in close combat with Dark Diga.

at this time…

In the hotel...

Annan looked at the light screen in front of him: "Hey, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, just fuck him like this. Damn it, Dagu, do you know how to play? You are really good at giving things away!! "

"Can you not make the mage a melee hero? If not, just switch to power form!!"

"Move, move, you can use this skill? Do you know how to play it!!"

Watching the battle between the two Ultraman in the picture, Annan felt like he hated iron.

Although many people have complained about Dagu not being able to play the full-level account of Diga, after actually watching it, Annan realized that this is really bad! ! !

But it's not his fault, Dark Diga may be the reason why he was born early. He has no consciousness, only instinct, all of which are fighting instincts.

It is normal for a big ancient bronze noob to be unable to defeat a silver weak dog.

"I feel like I can play better than you with the controller!!"

and many more……

Use a handle?
Annan grinned and thought of a fun thing. He picked up the switch controller that was placed aside.

"Since bronze can't beat silver, let me, the king, do it for me!!"

"Dagu, take the next number!!"

His eyes narrowed, and a law emerged.

At the same time, Dagu, who was trapped in a bitter battle, was suppressed by Dark Diga and was breathless.

The remaining time of the battle was only the last minute.

"So strong, why is it that he is even more powerful than me in a fight even though he is obviously an impostor!"

The light on his chest turned red and a ding-ding-ding-ding alarm sounded.

Dark Tiga is like a robot without any thought or will. Apart from fighting and destroying, he has no other actions and does not know pain at all.

Facing such an opponent, sooner or later he will be defeated. What should he do? !

next second...

A faint light fell on Diga.

During the fierce battle, Da Gu found that his body was out of control.

Then, under his incredible gaze, Diga's body completely ignored his will and moved on its own.

"What's going on? Is this Diga's will?!"


(End of this chapter)

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