He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 19 The wandering little broken ball joins the group chat!

Chapter 19 "The Wandering Little Breaking Ball" joins the group chat!
At this time, Annan, who was in the room, picked up the handle with excitement and pressed the movement button with a snap.

Under Dagu's incredible gaze, Diga's body launched an attack in a completely unreasonable posture.

Then, there was a flurry of continuous skills, hand knives, leg whips, and edge suppression.

In his opinion, Dark Diga, who was extremely powerful, had no power to fight back under Diga's continuous attacks.

"Okay, I've saved up all my special moves, let's do the final blow!"

Annan moved his fingers, and Tiga did a backflip to distance himself, and quickly made a "Zapelli Ao Ray" gesture with his hands.

Buzz-! ! !
At the moment when Dark Diga froze, huge energy light was released from Diga's arms and hit Dark Diga's body.

In its horrifying roar, the terrifying torrent of energy disintegrated it into countless black light particles.

After Dark Diga disappeared, Diga raised his arms and flew into the sky.

But except for Annan, not even Dagu could notice it.

Before Diga left, the black particles that should have disappeared quietly blended into his body and disappeared.


"Sure enough, stand on the right side of Pod!!"

After getting addicted to the real-person evolutionary fighting, Annan stretched out a big stretch.

He complained again: "Caibi Dagu!"

Isn't it easy to fight Dark Tiga?

However, the power of darkness has also been integrated into Tiga's body.

After the dark giant was exploded, all the dark particles entered Diga's body.
The dark power contained in these black particles, which was once part of the Dark Diga, was sealed in the ruins and has not been released until now.

Originally, Tiga and Dark Tiga were the same existence, but their power was divided into two different forms of expression. There was no way to say who was the fake and who was the real thing.

To be precise, the combination of Dark Tiga and Light Tiga is the truly complete Tiga.


Now Diga's power is estimated to be at the golden level, but I don't know if Dagu, the bronze kid, can win the golden game.


At the same time, Dagu, who had turned back into a human and was dragging Xincheng and others away from Feiyan No. [-] and No. [-], was thinking about the attack just now when Diga acted independently.

Obviously the speed, strength and agility have not changed, but under the influence of skills, Diga directly beat Dark Diga without the ability to fight back.

"Is this the difference between fighting skills and experience?"

Dagu was very unwilling. If he could be stronger, he wouldn't need the help of Diga's original will.

That's right, Dagu, who didn't know that Annan was behind the scenes, interpreted Diga's actions just now as the independent actions of Diga's remaining will.

After all, in the first battle when he transformed into Diga, it was with the help of Diga's body instinct that he could easily defeat the two monsters.

At this time, speculation about the two Degas is intensifying on major forums and websites around the world.

Some people believe that this is a self-directed and staged act by Dega in order to gain the trust of humans, so that when another Dega causes damage in the future, the responsibility can be passed on to another Dega.Of course, there are also people who firmly stand on Diga's side, believing that Diga, who was the first to destroy the building, is a fake.

The debate between the two sides intensified, and as a last resort, even the TPC personally stepped down and once again explained the super-ancient civilization text they had deciphered.

At least in the narrative of super-ancient civilization, Tiga is the righteous party.

But why two Degas appeared? They are also investigating this.

In the Victory Team base, because everyone else was seriously injured, Zhong Hui specially gave them a short vacation.

Dagu also took this opportunity to return to his room and open the chat group.

In the Wanjie chat group…

【Big bones made into soup】: @I am a phoenix, not a birdman, dear Mr. Phoenix!Please teach me how to fight!please!
Seeing Da Gu say such words as soon as he arrived, Marco was a little confused.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Huh?What happened, please elaborate?

So, Dagu told everything about Dark Diga just now.

But before Marco could speak, Iron Man complained first.

[The richest man in the world]: No, you must be too frustrated to be a superhero!You were scolded so badly by those people and you didn't even respond to them?

【Big bones made into soup】: I don’t want this either, but that fake Tiga suddenly appeared and destroyed the city. It’s normal for people not to believe me.

[The richest man in the world]: Hum, the hero behind the scenes is not so easy to be, you are still too kind!
[The richest man in the world]: If I become a superhero in the future, I will definitely let the whole world know my identity!Anyone who dares to scold me will just throw a pile of money at him!Let’s see if he dares to fart in his mouth!

[Death Agent]: 666!

[Big bones made into soup]: 666
[大古成 soup]: So Mr. Birdman, please teach me how to become stronger quickly. After looking at the picture, the humans in your world are very strong, and some can even catch bullets with their bare hands.

Annan glanced at Tony Stark's words and laughed directly.

Tony Stark is still too young now, and he underestimates the sinisterness and darkness of the human heart, as well as the responsibility that a hero needs to bear.

When he really becomes the superhero Iron Man, he won't be able to say such things.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Training methods: Our pirate group does have a method for training trainee crew members. In addition, it is the training method of the Sixth Marine Style. But according to what you said, humans in your world should not be able to master the Sixth Marine Style. , The physique is too weak.

[Dagu makes soup]: Okay! !Please, thank you very much! !
[Apprentice Death God]: Send your training methods to the group. I’m also curious about your training methods. Birdman, your world’s physique is really strong.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: I want it too, I want to learn it too.


Time passed little by little.

As night fell, Annan shook his head. It seemed that the top answerer in the world of pirates might be autistic for a while.

"Forget it, use your ultimate hand to make a "bomber" in Cry of the Kingdom to bomb the pig-headed monster! "

Just then...

【Ding!Dear group owner, do you want to invite "Little Broken Ball" to join the chat group? 】

(End of this chapter)

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