He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 179 Freezing time and space, supreme power descends on Fatty Blue’s world!

Chapter 179 Freezing time and space, supreme power descends on Fatty Blue’s world!

The news that Nobita revealed unconsciously made everyone in the group a little frightened.

A tool that could compete with the world's top experts was easily held in the hands of a child.

Even in the robot named Doraemon, there are more similar and extremely powerful props.

[The richest man in the world]: ...Are you really not joking?Are there really such terrifying robots in this world?

[Nobi Kaihuang]: Of course I didn’t lie!Doraemon also has many, many props, including arbitrary doors, time travel machines, devices for assembling a small earth... and many more! !

Nobita brought out Doraemon's props one by one, just like announcing the names of dishes.

The longer they listened, the more terrified the group members became.

A spaceship that travels through time at will, a pool that allows children to fish for stars, a phone booth that changes the world line, a sandbox that creates an entire world...

Use any door to shuttle through space and reach any place at will.

Even in a vast world like the Marvel world, the control of time and space is an extremely rare power that only belongs to the top.

These props, taken out casually, are enough to make living beings in the world look up to them with their regular power and technological level.

In particular, some of the props have reached the level of a weakened creation god.

What’s even more surprising is that these terrifying things all come from a cat-shaped robot created after the 22nd century.

One robot has so many powerful props. They simply can't imagine how many more diverse and powerful props they would have if they were replaced by humans in the 22nd century!


Doraemon world.

Seeing the stunned speeches of each group member, Nobita felt something strange and touched his head.

Although he knew that Doraemon was indeed very powerful, but these people came from other worlds?Are you actually interested in Doraemon's props?

Suddenly, bang!
The door to Nobita's room was pushed open with a loud bang.

"Da, Daxiong!"

Suddenly, Doraemon burst in, sweating profusely and looking panicked.

"Did you see... on the table?"

After seeing the black booklet in Nobita's hand, Doraemon sat down on the ground and let out a long breath.

"Great, the devil's passport is still there."

"Hey~ This is called the Devil's Passport. It's indeed Doraemon's prop. What's the use of it?"

After hearing Nobita's seemingly carefree speech, Doraemon straightened his face and sat on the ground to lecture him very seriously.

"Nobita! Listen to me! The devil's passport is a very dangerous tool! It can distort people's minds. As long as you hold this passport, you can do whatever you do or order others to do."

"Even in the society of the 22nd century, it is a prop that is classified as contraband. I put it on the table to take it to the future and destroy it."

Nobita exclaimed, recalling the appearance of those people in the ring. If he used this thing to do bad things...

"No no no!!!"

Nobita shook his head violently. If he used it to do bad things, his conscience would be uneasy.

Doraemon stretched out his hand: "Okay Nobita, since you know the danger of this thing, give it to me. I will take it to the future and destroy it."

"Wait a moment!"

Nobita dodged Doraemon's round palm and showed the proud smile that only appeared when he thought of some strange plan.

"If you want to destroy Doraemon, I have a better proposal."

"A better proposal?"

Doraemon tilted his round head: "Ordinary fire or machines can't destroy it. What are you going to do?"

"this way!"

Nobita opened the points option of the chat group with his mind and exchanged the Devil's Passport for points.

According to those strange people in the group, anything precious in this world can be sold to the chat group.

Selling it to the chat group will not only make the devil's passport disappear from the world, but you can also get points that can be used to extract items. It's like killing two birds with one stone!
【Sales successful!Earn 10000 points]

Seeing the devil's passport in Nobita's hand seemed to have evaporated, disappearing completely in an instant.

Doraemon's eyes suddenly stared as big as Dorayaki, and he stammered and raised his hand to point at Nobita: "Evil... the devil's passport disappeared!? How did you do it!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Nobita, who smiled proudly, felt for the first time that he had surpassed Doraemon.

"Doraemon, starting from today, I also have a backstage person!"

Doraemon walked forward with a confused look on his face and searched Nobita's body all over, trying to find the Devil's Passport.

But what surprised him was that there was really no trace of the passport on Nobita's body, it was as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

"Doraemon, let me tell you!"

Seeing Doraemon completely confused, Nobita sat on the ground and told it vividly about his experience just now.

Texts suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, as well as a group of beings claiming to be from other worlds, fighting in the ring, and using demon passports to defeat them...

Finally, there is this function they call the Wanjie Chat Group, point redemption.

You can sell all rare things to it and get corresponding points.

After listening to this, Doraemon's brain was completely overloaded and he didn't know what to do due to the huge amount of information.

"Also, that is to say, the devil's passport disappeared because you sold it to this chat group?"

"That's right, and I got 1 points in exchange!"

Immediately afterwards, Nobita excitedly opened Doraemon's treasure bag: "Doraemon, do you have any other useless props? Take them all out and sell them!"

"Yes, yes... don't grab it!!"

Doraemon sighed helplessly, and took out many items from his pocket that were useless or were about to expire, and gave them all to Nobita to sell to the chat group.

[Sales successful...]

[Sales successful...]

Continuous beeps sounded, and the total number of points after Nobita's name continued to rise.

Finally, when Doraemon’s last useless prop was sold.

All of Nobita's points have reached 102000.

The members of the Wanjie chat group also noticed this change immediately.

[The richest man in the world]: Are the points rising continuously... It seems that this kid has sold the props.

[Favorite drink of animal milk]: It should be that the robot named Doraemon is back, just in time to chat with it.

[Little Broken Ball]: @野比海皇, is my little brother here?I want to discuss the props trade with your Doraemon. I can exchange minecraft items with you, okay?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: @野比海皇, I want it too, I want it too!I can exchange it for special products from my world!
[Do you want to dance too?]: You really are... don't compete with me!
[Nobikaihuang]: Ahem, I saw your news. Doraemon said that it is possible, but only for some non-dangerous props.Moreover, the things being traded must be of interest to Doraemon. [Nobi Kaihuang]: Let’s not talk about it for now, we also have to draw a lottery to try out the advanced prize pool!


Doraemon world.

When the long-awaited lottery time came, Nobita rubbed his hands nervously, while Doraemon kept staring at Nobita to prevent him from having any accidents.

At the same time, it is also very curious.

What strange things can be extracted from this existence called the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group?


Nobita's consciousness came to the lottery space. He had never seen such a strange scene before and immediately started to float in it as if he were swimming.

"No, no! Get down to business quickly!"

Nobita came to the golden-glow high-level prize pool and clicked the draw button for ten consecutive prizes.

In an instant, a bright golden light burst out, and the excited Nobita had to squint his eyes.

After a few seconds, the golden light disappeared, and ten different items floated in front of Nobita.

Zhuyan Dan (White): It can instantly turn a person under a hundred years old back to his youthful appearance and maintain it until death.

Smalling medicine: After taking it, the body size will be reduced to one percent, which will last for one day...

There are also pills, cross-star ships, charm potions (disposable props), body sprays, miniature suns, small galaxies...

One by one, strange things appeared in front of Nobita, showing their respective functions.

"Wow! They are all different props..."

However, soon, Nobita realized a problem.

Although Doraemon does not have these things, it has similar substitutes!

In other words, I just used a bunch of useless props and exchanged them for another bunch of slightly useful props!

"Damn it! My luck is too bad!"

Just when Nobita was dejected, his eyes fell on the last item, which shone with a faint golden light.

"this is……"

As the golden light dissipated, a belt covered in red and black patterns with a strange prop embedded in the front appeared in Nobita's eyes.

[Masked Superman Belt]: After wearing it, you can transform into the image of any hero you imagine, but it can only be worn by kind people, otherwise it will be useless even if you wear it.

Looking at the prop in front of him, Nobita opened his mouth subconsciously, and his eyes changed from blank to extremely excited.

What he drew was actually the Masked Superman Belt!

The favorite toy in the hearts of countless people of the same age, there is no one!

And as long as you bring it, you can transform into Oxman, Fake X Knight, or Super X Team!

"I can become a real hero!"

After his consciousness exited the lottery space, Nobita held the belt in his hand. He looked dazed and stared at the belt in his hand with a silly smile on his face.

"Hehehe...Doraemon, I'm going to be a hero!"


Ultra World, Blue Star.

Annan opened his eyes and nodded lightly: "Okay, that's it."

Nobita is worthy of being a son of luck. He actually extracted props from the earth from a more distant future specifically for children to realize their dreams. The level of technology contained in them is far beyond that of the 22nd century.

Now, it's time for me to go to the Doraemon world and get down to business.

Annan took one step forward, crossed time and space, and arrived outside the earth's atmosphere in the world of Doraemon.

However, before he could go to the bottom of the world.

Sharp sirens sounded everywhere in the universe, and space-time police spacecraft appeared from everywhere, surrounding Annan.

"Time Destroyer! You are surrounded!"

The leader of the space-time police took out his loudspeaker and shouted: "Surrender obediently and follow me to the prison in the 22nd century!"

Annan looked at the space-time police around him without surprise. From the moment Nobita met the chat group of all realms, the space-time trajectory of the world was changed.

The space-time police have just arrived now. I'm afraid they are specifically waiting for him to come over. The technology tree of this world in the 22nd century is really powerful.

Annan glanced at them, and an invisible sense of oppression from high-latitude existence swept out instantly.

All the spaceship pilots and police officers felt cold all over, as if their blood was coagulating.

The next moment, Annan's figure disappeared from the place.

Before the time and space police could react, a huge vortex portal appeared above the spacecraft, sucking them all in.

This is the space-time passage to the headquarters of the 22nd Century Space-Time Supervision Bureau.

After opening the passage, Annan solidified the structure of this time and space.

No existence can reach this point in time with the help of any force other than oneself.

After all, if the time police keeps coming in waves, even swatting mosquitoes will get boring.

After casually solving the space-time police, Annan went to the bottom of the world and found the world's will to control the world.

boom! ! !
In an instant, a huge cat-shaped world will composed of countless laws stood in front of Annan.

It looks exactly like Doraemon!
boom! ! !
In response to the warning of the will of the world, Annan directly showed himself, the power that surpasses the creation god of the world.

Under the pressure of his terrifying power, the laws of heaven shook, and the bottom layer of the entire world seemed to be about to collapse.

Regarding the world of Doraemon, he cannot bear to conquer it in too rough a way. It would be great if he could understand the gap and surrender himself.

After the giant Doraemon and Annan looked at each other for a long time, they understood the huge gap in strength between the two and slowly lowered their heads.

"I understand, please."


Annan stepped forward, stood at the top of the world's will, and marked the subordinate world.

At this moment, the laws of the Ultra world and the Doraemon world began to merge.

The form of the blue robotic cat of World Will has also become more solid and smaller.

Energy fluctuations that ordinary people cannot feel spread throughout the universe in an instant.

"If you are interested, you are always welcome to come to my world."

After leaving such a sentence, Annan left this world.


(End of this chapter)

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