He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 180 Tips for joining the group before the final battle!

Chapter 180 Tips for joining the group before the final battle!
a month later.

On the blue star, An Nan lay quietly on the armchair, sensing Yu Haiyang's activities in the distant world.

Under the mission instructions he issued, Yu Haiyang was successfully executing his plan.

After a while, he should be able to go directly to the Lord God World.

By then, he should be able to completely advance to supreme status.

Rule over countless worlds.

At this moment, a reminder came from the chat group.

——When a new person is detected, do you want to invite him or her to join the group chat? ——


Annan casually browsed the newcomer's news and nodded.

"It's him... let him join in."


DC world, Gotham City.

This is a city of sin, full of opportunities, money and corruption. It is the favorite city of criminals.

But at the same time, this is also the place where criminals fear the most.

Because...his existence!
Om-! ! !
In the dark night, a strange sports car that was soaked in deep darkness and looked like a giant bat was racing on the street.

In front of him were several criminals who were also driving vehicles and looked panicked.

"Damn it, why did Batman arrive so quickly! The intelligence said he was on another street!"

"The devil knows what's going on! It'll be over if he catches me!"

A fierce chase took place in the city for a while, with the roar of cars going back and forth around countless houses.

The residents who were woken up opened their windows and were about to curse the person who acted as a will-o'-the-wisp boy in the middle of the night.

However, when they saw the extremely familiar bat symbol, they immediately took back the words that had come to their lips and returned to their rooms obediently.

The person who is chasing the criminal is none other than everyone in this city, who is known to everyone as the No. 1 frontline in the fight against criminals and evil.

No one knows his true identity. They only know that from a certain day, Batman appeared in the city and began to fight against all the evildoers who appeared at any time and anywhere.

What's even more bizarre is that Batman also has a no-kill principle.

All the mortals caught by him were basically beaten to death and handed over to the police and courts for processing.

And it's the same now...

boom! ! !
On the Batmobile, several missiles passed by both sides of the wings and accurately hit the car in front of the criminal.

There was no roar of fire, and a very sticky substance was sprayed out from the missile, which stuck to the wheels and the ground, causing the car to overturn in an instant due to inertia.

After the criminals climbed out of the car in a panic, Batman in black had already been waiting in the Batmobile for a long time to arrest them.

The battle ended, and Batman once again disappeared into the darkness of Gotham City.

After disappearing from people's sight, Batman returned to his mansion from the secret underground passage, took off Batman's mask and high-tech suit, revealing his angular, always sad face.

Bruce Wayne, this is Batman's true identity hidden under the suit.

"Robin, get me a glass of water."

"Mr. Wayne, I'll be here right away!"

The answer came from his master Robin, also known as Wonder Boy.

Bruce Wayne, who was lying on the sofa and resting quietly, closed his eyes. Whenever this happened, he would always think of that night many years ago...

But today, it seems a little different.

With a bang, Bruce Wayne suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at the things in front of him as if facing a formidable enemy.

A strange screen appeared in front of him without his consent.

"Master? What happened?"

Robin heard the commotion and walked over curiously, holding a water glass and asked.

"No, it's okay. You can go and rest first."

Bruce Wayne remained calm for a moment and returned to his room alone.

——Welcome to join the Wanjie chat group, [Orphan Man]——

Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group... Orphan Man...

Is this the clown, or an illusion used by some entity on him?

Bruce Wayne immediately used various methods to expel the illusion in front of him.

But after he used hundreds of methods, he couldn't eliminate it.

He realized that the thing in front of him was definitely an existence beyond the scope of his knowledge.

In this world, if even you can't do it, then it's even more impossible for other superheroes to do it.

After much hesitation, Bruce Wayne made a decision.


World Chat Group.

Today, Nobita was talking about his experiences again, as well as the props he used.

In the past month, the group members, Nobita and Doraemon have exchanged a lot of specialties from various worlds in the form of red envelopes.

Especially the little broken ball, it simply wants to package its entire industrial chain to Doraemon in exchange for the world-defying technology of the 22nd century.

The technological trees of Trisolaris and Star World have been completely forgotten by it.

Perhaps because of Nobita's presence, Stark, who usually told dirty jokes, also restrained himself a lot, and often discussed the use of various props with Nobita in a serious manner.

Suddenly, the appearance of group messages diverted everyone's attention.

[Welcome the new Orphan Man to join the Ten Thousand Realms chat group]

When I saw the newcomer's name, the first one who became interested was naturally Tony Stark, who goes by the title of Iron Man.

[The richest man in the world]: Oh?This time the newcomer is also called xx hero. Could it be that he is also a hero like me?
[Little Broken Ball]: Impossible, right?Where in the world is there a superhero with such a strange name as Orphan Man?

[Nobikaihuang]: That’s right!Masked Superman is the most handsome superhero!

[Big Bones Made into Soup]: But judging from his name, the newcomer may have lost his parents. Let’s try not to mention this later.


Looking at the news that kept appearing in his conscious mind, Bruce Wayne felt that the veins on his face almost swelled into red lumps, and blood rushed to his head.

Bunch of assholes!
No matter what kind of existence these people were, he had to teach them a lesson to relieve their anger!
[Orphan Man]: You bunch of bastards, I swear, I will crack your methods and find you all, and kick your ass!
When you see someone new appear, they say this as soon as they arrive.

Everyone immediately realized that he saw them when they were talking about Orphan Man's parents.

[The richest man in the world]: Oh, man, don’t be so angry. We didn’t mean it. The main thing is that your name is really...right?
[Orphan Man]: Don’t act stupid for me!Although I don’t know what kind of evil organization you are members of, you still gave me such a nasty nickname!But I want to tell you, my name is Batman, not Orphan Man! [I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Good orphan... Ahem, good newcomer Batman, listen to our excuses, no... it's an excuse, we are not bad people or an evil organization.

[God-killing Ancestral Dragon]: We are not your enemies. After reading this, you will understand.

Soon, a lot of instructions about the chat group were sent to the group.

Bruce Wayne amplified the letter and read it word for word.

By the time he finished reading, half an hour had passed.

At this time, Bruce Wayne's eyes were completely narrowed, and his brain was running wildly, trying to parse the possible meanings contained in these words.

But no matter how he thought about it, he could only see the superficial meaning of these words.

Existences from outside the world, the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group with countless worlds, points that can be exchanged for strength, the Ten Thousand Realms Arena that can transcend the limitations of time and space and fight in the virtual arena...

Everything described in this text challenges the limits of Bruce Wayne's imagination.

Not a parallel world, not a multiverse.

But it really comes from another world that is completely different from his world and has no connection with it!
After rubbing his temples with bulging veins, Bruce Wayne took a deep breath.

[Orphan Man]: Everything mentioned above is too unbelievable. I need a piece of evidence to prove it.

[Orphan Man]: @ the richest man in the world, since you call yourself a superhero from other worlds, then fight me in the arena of all realms.

[The richest man in the world]: Of course, don’t regret it!

Swish~ All the members gathered on the Wanjie Arena, excitedly preparing to watch this battle between superheroes.

Nobita was even more happy jumping up and down in the audience, looking towards the ring with expectation, waiting for a real hero showdown.

Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark entered the venue at the same time.

Batman, who wears a black cape, black tights, and a bat helmet, forms a sharp contrast with Iron Man, who wears a striking crimson steel armor.

One stands in darkness, the other in light.

"Man, nice look."

Iron Man hooked Batman with his palm provocatively: "Come on, newcomers first."

boom! ! !
The next moment, Batman exploded with physical strength that exceeded human limits, wielding an electric baton containing terrifying current at extremely fast speeds, and attacked Iron Man.

However, his actions were instantly seen through, and Iron Man not only easily dodged the attack, but also took the electric baton from his hand.

"Want to use electric current to paralyze the armor? It's a good idea, but unfortunately your speed is still within human range, and my armor is not afraid of a little electric current."

As Iron Man spoke leisurely like a spring outing, Batman lowered his head deeply.

"In this arena, anything that belongs to me can be taken out, right?"

As he finished speaking, the cool Bat Sports Car instantly appeared on the ground.

Batman rolled over and sat on it, turning on the Batmobile's power system to the maximum extent.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Red exhaust gas exploded from the rear of the Batmobile, shooting out in an instant and hitting Iron Man without any deflection.

However, the Batmobile is only one step away from Iron Man.

Tony Stark took off his steel suit and snapped his fingers.

At this moment, under the power of the law of space, the entire space in the arena solidified.

Even though the Batmobile was still spitting out tail flames and its tires were still spinning, it couldn't get even an inch closer to Tony Stark.

Tony Stark asked calmly: "Sure enough, I have felt it from just now. You actually... don't have any abilities, right?"

Batman: "...so what?"

Tony Stark smiled: "I'm just asking. After all, in addition to being smart at the beginning, I was also an ordinary person with no abilities. It wasn't until I came to this chat group that I gained the power to control space."

Master... space?
Batman's eyes gradually enlarged. Did he get such terrifying power from this chat group? !
"No need to fight anymore, right? You should be able to understand that we are not your enemies, and our existence is genuine."

After releasing control of space, Bruce Wayne took off his bat helmet and chose to admit defeat in silence.


Returning to the present world, Bruce Wayne raised his trembling palms and covered his face.

Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group... Existences from outside the world...

Everything they showed was real.

But the problem is not here.

The most important thing is that this strange existence can make him more powerful than he is now, able to master everything and eradicate any evil super power.

Although there is already another being in this world who possesses super power - Superman.

But he is too kind and unwilling to use his super powers to eradicate all evil.

And among the countless parallel universes, no one knows whether a crisis that can destroy the world will break out at any time.

Although Batman wants to protect all humans and solve all evil forces in the world.

But no matter how smart he is, no matter how clever he is, he is still just an ordinary person.

There are far less things that Superman can do.

Just dealing with Gotham City's criminals was exhausting him.

But now, he seems to have ushered in the most significant turning point in his life.

"Using precious items, you can redeem points, increase your strength or extract props."

Bruce Wayne, who was mumbling to himself, already had several ways and means in his mind to get a lot of points.

A large number of technological artifacts, kryptonite, Green Lantern Corps rings, and even the artifacts of the gods hidden in the dark created in his own laboratory.

It's just that it's not easy to do these things. He must spend a certain amount of time formulating a plan before he can steal these powerful props.

But before that, he had to do one thing first.

Bruce Wayne came to the laboratory and sold all his carefully crafted equipment and spare Bat-suits to the chat group.

【Sales successful!Get 100 points! 】

【Sales successful!Get 200 points! 】

Soon, Bruce Wayne's total points reached 3000 points.

He took a deep breath and chose to exchange the history of his world.

He wants to know who killed his parents.

His eternal enemy, the Joker, who is he?

[Group member Orphan Man uploads world history "Batman" to the group file]


(End of this chapter)

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