He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 184 The highest attribute of all members!

Chapter 184 The highest attribute of all members!
Boom boom boom! ! !
In the transit universe, in the empty spaces near the World Vine, there are various arenas of different sizes floating.

From time to time, the sound of fierce collisions can be heard from these arenas, the air vibrates, and silent fluctuations are transmitted into the space.

During this period of time, the strong men in various worlds have made maximum use of resources to practice in their respective worlds.

After practicing for a certain period of time and reaching a certain level, they will come here to compete with the strong men who are also in the transit universe and test the results of their training.

boom! ! !
The sound of explosion sounded, and Saitama's figure fell from the ring in the smoke and dust of the explosion. He stayed in mid-air with Wu Kong Jutsu, and wiped the sweat from his face in embarrassment.

"Ah... damn it, it was just a little bit close!"

The one fighting him was Krillin, a martial artist from the world of Dragon Ball.

The two men, who were both bald, fell in love with each other after meeting in the transit world. They could often be seen sparring and fighting in the ring.

Saitama's body, which broke the limit of human potential, began to improve at an even more terrifying speed after obtaining the training methods of other worlds.

In the beginning, Krillin's strength can overwhelm Saitama and defeat him without any resistance.

But it didn't take long, after mastering the use of ki, Saitama was able to compete with Krillin and exchange blows.

Up to now, while the strength of both sides continues to soar, the battle between them has reached a [-]-[-] split, only slightly losing to the experienced Klin.

"Saitama and the others did a great job."

Swish, swish, swish! ! !As the sword flashed, the figures of Kurosaki Ichigo and Tanjiro continued to turn into afterimages on the ring. Wherever the two passed by, there would inevitably be countless hideous cracks left.

Those were all the remaining sword energy that accidentally fell on the ground when their blades collided.

"We can't lose to them either."

In the extremely high-speed battle, Kurosaki Ichigo was still able to carry out conversations with ease, waving the blade to release spiritual pressure.

Their current strength has far surpassed their past selves, and they have even broken through the bottleneck of realms that they could not reach in their own world in the Ultra World.

At the same time, the movements on the other side of the arena were even more terrifying.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

"Garik Cannon!!"

Boom! ! !

The blue-white energy torrent and the purple energy collided together, and the violent explosion shook the space, almost destroying half of the arena.

Of course, because it is in the Ultra World, this destructive power is relatively small.

If placed in the Dragon Ball world, the thing that would be blown up would probably be the Milky Way.

After the sparring session, Sun Wukong and Vegeta sat on the ground to rest together. Whis beside him took out a lot of food from the storage space and let them eat it.

This situation has happened many times.

In the Intermediate Universe, Son Goku and Vegeta can be said to be one of the two people with the highest enthusiasm for learning.

As long as you come to the transit universe, you will inevitably look for strong people in other worlds and learn their power.

After that, he fought Vegeta to test the results of their training.

"Enough rest, let's continue!"

After sucking the last plate of noodles into his stomach, Sun Wukong patted his belly and stood up, getting into a fighting stance and fighting Vegeta again.

On the leaves of the World Vine, Beerus was lying on an armchair, drinking a drink and watching the battle between them.

"Really, they have worked too hard. Are you really not tired of fighting every day?"

There was a hint of envy in Beerus's tone.

Without him, the two of them have progressed too fast during this period of time.

It even gave Beerus a premonition that he would be completely surpassed in the near future.

"Beerus-sama is the one, you are too lazy."

Weiss sighed helplessly: "Didn't Lord Quan Wang say that not only them, but us gods also need to undergo training?"

"Am I not training to break the law?"

Beerus snorted and turned his head awkwardly: "You also know that at our level, just exercising strength is of little use. You must cultivate the power of law."

Weiss didn't answer, just smiled lightly.

Just like what Beerus said, these gods seem to be loose, but in fact they are secretly cultivating the power of their own laws.

The greatest advantages of gods are their long lives and their ability to master laws.

This is not just the world of Dragon Ball, but also the gods of other worlds, such as the world of Genshin Impact.

As the world where the power of law is most prevalent among all the worlds.

Although their own combat effectiveness is low, with the power of the law, they can display a more powerful level, but this improvement has a certain limit.

Therefore, as the god of thunder, Lei Momo chose to go to Shi Hao's perfect world to seek more powerful power of thunder and lightning laws and sword skills.

Other gods have also chosen a similar approach. If they cannot break through the laws they master in their own world, they will go to other worlds to obtain the possibility of breakthrough.

On the other side, on the boundless land of the transit universe, rows of Xianqin Empire soldiers marching neatly and equipped with various super technologies were conducting drills before the war.

In front of the soldiers are practitioners from various sects in the ancient world of mythology.

As world-class rivals, they are perfect opponents.

"Space-time fixed-point strike cannon - fire!!!"

Boom - boom! ! !

Xian Qin soldiers hold individual weapons and fire the strongest weapons that can be used by individual soldiers in combat.

Ignoring the distance between time and space, bombardment with the purpose of distorting the world itself can easily destroy the time and space of a small world with one blow, let alone hundreds of rounds fired at once.

Faced with such a terrifying attack, the disciples of the saints from the mythical prehistoric world used their own methods to defend themselves.

Magic weapons, supernatural powers...all kinds of strange moves and powers intercepted hundreds of time-travel strikes.

Buzz buzz~ The resisted attack turned into invisible fluctuations and spread to the entire space, disappearing in the transit universe.

"It seems that the power and strike speed still need to be improved."

The leader of the Xianqin soldiers groaned, ordered the equipment to be changed, and continued to test more new weapons and equipment.


All of this was seen by Kalafar, who was above the sky and could not be noticed by anyone.

"Twenty years... time flies too fast."

Looking at everyone below, Kalafar couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Over the past 20 years, the actions of all the subordinate worlds to communicate with each other have closely linked the relationships between them.

Not only the top experts and backbones in each world, but also those who have no power but want to embark on the path of spiritual practice.

After 20 years of training, the face of the entire world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Of course, although there are occasional troublemakers, they are only a very small number, and they will be found and thrown into cells by the strong men from all over the world in an instant.

Now, God the Father has not awakened.

But during these 20 years, Kalafar could feel that the world was getting stronger and his foundation became deeper all the time.

Once upon a time, those laws were integrated into the Ultra world after being accepted as subordinate worlds.

Because the integration was too fast, although it was mixed with the laws of the Ultra World, it was not perfectly integrated into it.

But now, after God the Father has been sleeping for 20 years, the laws of various worlds have finally been completely integrated together under the power of God the Father, and have perfectly become an inseparable part of the Ultra world.

All preparations have been completed. Now, all we have to do is wait until Father God wakes up.


Ultra world, hyperspace.

A cocoon of shining light spanning countless universes, lying quietly in hyperspace, with countless laws entwined around it, as if it were breathing, the light flickered and dimmed.

As the light changes, chaos and law also flow.

Even if you observe from the universe, you can still see the strange scene flickering outside the universe from a distance.

But at this moment, the power of the law that was constantly flowing stopped at this moment.

Click! ! !

With a clearly audible cracking sound, the outermost shell of the light cocoon began to crack at this moment, peeling off bit by bit, turning into the power of law floating around it.

Suddenly, inside the light cocoon, Annan, who was sleeping in his true form, suddenly opened his eyes.

In an instant, all the subordinate worlds in the Ultra World stopped for a moment.

All laws, substances, phenomena, and concepts have come to a standstill.

The next second, the light cocoon surrounding Annan exploded completely, and the fragments scattered into countless laws and chaos, spread throughout the endless Ultra World, and spread to all universes and all subordinate worlds.

This extremely familiar power has made people in countless worlds aware that the supreme existence has awakened from the center of the world.

He will appear in the world again!

The world of the Lord God.

The atmosphere in this world, which is still surrounded by a faint color of blood, seems much more relaxed now.

Above the sky, the eyes of the Lord God that had been used for surveillance had already been closed, with no intention of opening them again.

In the past 20 years, the powerful person at the same level who has been targeting it has stopped and no longer targets the gold medal list.

Without the target of powerful people at the same level, the Lord God World naturally gave up its 24-hour surveillance.Prospering along the way, he once again launched plans to invade various worlds.

Today is the perfect day for the Lord God to select ten from the strongest men in this world to become his subordinate gods and contribute to this plan.

The existence of gods can not only share some of the pressure in the world of the Lord God, but can also serve as an excellent chess piece to invade the world.

clang clang! ! !
The heavy ringing of bells spread throughout the entire world of the Lord God. The god's coronation ceremony is extremely important, and all world invaders must participate in it.

The moment they heard the bell, the world invaders rushed towards the coronation ceremony using various means.

The later you go, the further away you will occupy. There are too many creatures in the main god's world. By then, you may not even be able to see the face of the new god, and the ceremony will be over.

Soon, the world invaders felt the edge of the venue one by one.

Standing inside the venue, the ten people who were about to undergo the coronation ceremony were already standing on the stage, facing the gazes of countless world invaders without changing their faces.

And among these ten people... nine are the members that Annan sent in!
The only silly boy, who still doesn't know the real situation now, keeps a straight face and happily fantasizes about the beautiful days when he becomes a god of the Lord God, and will be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

It didn't take long for the coronation venue to be surrounded by three floors inside and three outside. However, there was no crowding at all and it was incomparably harmonious.

That's because all world invaders understand one absolute principle.

Absolutely, don’t act recklessly in front of the Lord God!
Otherwise, there is only one way to be wiped out!
hum! ! !
Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a heavy and bloody pressure came down from the nine heavens.

The power of the law of formation fluctuated in the space, and crazy thoughts and emotions were heard. The creatures and invaders in the whole world were infected by this crazy emotion, and began to shout crazily.

Amidst the fanatical shouting, above the center of the venue, an extremely huge golden pupil that covered the sky and the sun finally slowly appeared.

The moment the Lord God's Dragon completely appeared in the world, the terrifying pressure it brought spread throughout the entire Lord God World.

With an absolutely transcendent sense of existence, it weighed down with a sense of terror that no one could resist.

Except for the ten people on the stage, all the world invaders in the darkness were kneeling on the ground, unable to even raise their heads.

Is this the true form of the Lord God...

Feeling the power fluctuations coming from above, Shi Hao and others did not dare to move at all, and just stood stiffly in place.

"The divine coronation ceremony... begins now!"

The voice of the Lord God, like crawling out of the abyss of hell, spread to everyone's ears, soared into the sky, and stood at the apex of the infinitely distant sky.

In an instant, nine beams of light containing the laws of the world fell from the main god's oracle, shining on the bodies of the ten new gods.

This is...a way to forcibly raise your life level! ?
Feeling the power falling on themselves, Shi Hao and others were extremely surprised.

The world invaders below were even more envious.

With their divine status, even the top and most powerful world invaders can only bow and kneel in front of them!

Damn it, why wasn’t he the one who became God’s?
After a long time, the light pillar completely disappeared.

Groudon and others could feel that the brand of a world completely different from Arceus was covering this body.

The task assigned to them by the group leader was completed, and they became the gods of the Lord God!


In the Ultra World, Annan's body, standing high above the sky and in hyperspace, raised his eyes and looked at countless subordinate worlds. Countless lines of law were connected again and spread throughout all worlds.

"All preparations have been made and now is the time."

"The war of the world begins!"


(End of this chapter)

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