He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 185: All-out war, stop pretending, the final battle!

Chapter 185: All-out war, stop pretending, the final battle!
The ceremony of the main god ended, and the pressure of the main god's throne dissipated, standing in the sky.

The ten people who had just become gods were receiving looks of admiration or envy from the invaders below.

"It's finally over. I don't know how much time will pass until the next divine coronation ceremony."

The nine-star intruder closest to the scene sighed for an unknown number of times.

He has been promoted to the Nine Star World Invader for a long time.

But there is still a long way to go before being chosen by the Lord God as a god.

"Sigh, we veterans who have been at the nine-star level for so long are still no match for a newcomer who has just become an invader."

Next to him, the nine-star intruder like him also sighed, clenched his fists, and his face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Damn it, why are their talents so great! This is so unfair!!!"

"There is no way. In the Lord God's world, strength is the most important thing, and people with strong talents can be popular."

"Moreover, several such powerful talents appeared at once. It seems that the luck of the Lord God's world has exploded during this period. It is estimated that it will not take much time before the Lord God completes his goal."

"That's right! Our main god's world will be the most powerful world among all the worlds, sweeping away all enemies!"

"When the time comes, the world that keeps coming to cause trouble will only be our defeated generals!"

"I'm so excited just thinking about it. As long as we know what kind of world it is that keeps causing trouble, we will definitely be able to avenge our shame!"

While the world invaders were having a lively discussion, the most important step of the coronation ceremony had ended, and the final step of the coronation was about to take place.

The main god in the sky condensed into ten identical eye pupil marks in the sky, and slowly fell down as the symbols of the subordinate gods, which were about to be imprinted on the bodies of the ten gods.

However...at the moment when the mark was about to fall, a change occurred.

boom! ! !
Ten black-haired men headed by gods call themselves No. [-], one of the newcomers who is considered to be a monster in talent.

He suddenly raised his hand at this moment, and the power of the Lord God's Law exploded, instantly tearing the ten marks in the sky into countless pieces.

The moment the mark shattered, it was like a bomb igniting the fuse.

At this moment when everyone was stunned, the other eight people beside No. [-] also burst out the terrifying power of the laws of the Lord God at the same time. The divine power turned into a tornado, stirring in the world invaders around the entire venue like minced meat. in.


"Why, why!?"

Waves of frightened screams came from the terrifying divine power storm, and the next moment it was swallowed up and completely shattered.

The entire venue became extremely chaotic. In front of the gods who had mastered the laws of the main god's world, even the nine-star invaders had no power to resist.

"You, what on earth are you doing!?"

The only god who was not involved was completely confused and had no idea what was going on.

Of course, it wasn't just him, even the Lord God's Clan was in a state of downtime.

what happened?Are you hallucinating before your eyes?

Impossible... How could he have hallucinations in his own world?

The power of the laws of his own Lord God's world erupted in the space with great clarity, involving countless world invaders and being completely destroyed.


The fire of anger of the Lord God seemed to materialize and reached its peak at this moment.

Damn guy!
Now there is no room to think about why they did this. The Eye of the Lord God has spread its will to every corner of the Lord God's world, calling out to all gods.

What appears in the sky is not the main body of the Lord God, but the clone that the main body has differentiated in order to bestow divine power.

The next moment, high in the sky and not in the same seat as the world invaders, the old gods who were also watching this coronation ceremony burst out with the same power of the Lord God's law as the new gods, but it was deeper and more powerful.

At the same time, a golden light flashed across the eyes of the Lord God, and in an instant, the laws of the Lord God's world were stripped away from the bodies of No. [-] and Nine.

The cultivation system of the Lord God World that they practiced was also sealed.

Although he is a clone, Lord God still controls most of the laws of order in the world of Lord God. As long as it is a power belonging to this world, it is a plaything in his palm.

"go to hell!"

The only god whose strength was not sealed showed a sinister smile.

Although I don’t know why the other nine people suddenly went crazy, this development is exactly what he intended. As the only new god, as long as he is the first to kill them, he will definitely get more resources!

Hahaha!These nine guys will be my stepping stones!

However, the next second, the new god's eyes were dull.

The man next to him, who had dark blond hair and was deprived of his power by the Lord God, called Golden Horn, instantly raised his hand and pierced his chest easily.

"Okay, let's be the first person to deal with it."

At the same time as Jinjiao's words fell, the power that did not belong to the world of the main god exploded in the body of the new god, crushing the space together with the body into particles that were absolutely irrecoverable.


Until his death, this guy, who had only been a god for less than three minutes, could not understand what had just happened.

Why can a guy with no strength penetrate his own chest, and why can he explode with such terrifying power?Wasn't his power sealed by the Lord God?
And those veteran gods who were really ready to take action were even more confused. What's going on?Why can they still use power! ?
Shouldn't all their powers be sealed?
"The golden-horned giant beast has good tactics."

No. [-]... or Shi Hao said calmly: "From now on, we will go on a killing spree."

"It's finally here."

The red-haired Groudon grinned: "Fuck them all!"

Hearing that these guys actually planned to kill them, the veteran gods suddenly became furious.

"Kill the ungrateful guy!"

Boom boom boom! ! !
All the veteran gods have used their strongest means.

Boom!A huge flame giant stood between heaven and earth, and the roaring flames were like lava constantly erupting and splashing down on the venue.

One of the gods is wrapped in a battle armor made with the laws of the Lord God, and the other is shattering time and space to imprison them all on the ground.

The flame giant's flaming palm that covered the sky restricted time and space, and the laws of the Lord God washed down like a river, slapping towards the nine people.

Facing simultaneous attacks from several gods, Shi Hao and others did not show any signs of movement. "Just right, it's just right to use as a training object."

Shi Hao spoke calmly, no longer hiding his own power. The tide of chaotic power surged between heaven and earth, transforming into an existence that was no less than the flame giant, and easily resisted the flame giant's attack.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Han Li, Zhi Zun Bao and others also took action together, attacking their respective opponents.

The people who used their own power without reservation easily blew up the venue under their feet into ruins. Countless terrifying powers erupted, and the laws of the Lord God's world conflicted with the forces from other worlds.

The entire world of the Lord God began to tremble violently because of the conflict between laws.

The chaos giant created by Shi Hao strode forward. The giant hand mixed with the power of law suddenly reached out and tore off both arms of the flame giant, scattering them into countless law fragments and falling in the air.

The two giants seemed to be equal, but the flame giant among them was in a posture of being completely crushed during this terrifying battle. Even if he activated the Lord God's Law with all his strength, he could not resist it.

Tear! ! !

With the final blow, the flame giant was torn in half, turning into rain of blood and scattering in the air.

This frightening scene caused the other veteran gods to freeze on the spot and look at the Chaos Giant standing in the air in disbelief.

what did they see! ?

A veteran god, in his most tyrannical form, was violently torn in half! ?
boom! ! !
Seeing the tragic situation of their colleagues, all the veteran gods no longer relaxed, and the power of laws belonging to the main god's world exploded, and the blood in the sky in the main god's world became more intense.

Marco narrowed his eyes, and a burst of hot breath enveloped his whole body, and finally turned into a pair of wings of chaos, soaring in the sky.

The moment he flapped his wings, the bloody sky was burned by the fire of chaos and turned into sparks all over the sky, falling towards the ground like meteors.

dong dong dong dong! ! ! !
The earth overturned, and countless deep pits were smashed into the ground. The never-extinguishing fire of chaos seemed to burn everything to ashes.

Although such an attack cannot kill the gods, it can still cause them huge trouble.

Swish-! !

Many veteran attributes gods flashed and turned into bloody meteors, tearing out the dark abyss space and attacking Shi Hao and others with terrifying power.

Bang bang bang!
There were continuous explosions in the sky, and the stars hanging at the end of the world were easily shattered into countless pieces under this terrifying power.

The Lord God's world is boundless, and the sun and moon are countless times larger than normal stars, and there are more than one.

But even if the sun is enlarged countless times, its size is huge enough to compare with the universe.

In front of a strong person who has mastered the power of law, it is no different from an egg.

Boom! ! !

Batman and several gods fought on the sun, and the aftermath of the collision of their powers nearly shattered the huge star.

In the sky on the other side, there were continuous collisions and roars, as if it was about to fall.

The gods who fought with all their strength and released the laws of the Lord God without reservation made the laws of the Lord God's world begin to become chaotic.

With nine people against the crowd, the Eye of the Lord God, who was watching everything from the end of the sky, felt extremely irritated.

Can't drag it any longer!
The golden Lord God's Gate suddenly widened, and invisible fluctuations spread out from it, spreading throughout the world.

The world invaders who had already escaped suddenly stiffened and began to run back towards the venue and towards the battlefield.

Not only them, but the gods also gradually understood that they were definitely no match for these guys if they fought alone.

Ever since, the situation suddenly changed.

More and more gods came and gathered nearly a hundred veteran gods to attack one of them. The heavy pressure and the number of people overwhelmed them for a while.

In this world controlled by the laws of the Lord God, Shi Hao was unable to use his great method of transformation to create countless clones from the river of time to share the pressure.

Not only that, those world invaders who were forcibly controlled by the Lord of Gods turned into personal human shields in front of the gods, providing cover for their attacks.

Although most of them can be eliminated with one strike, there are too many world invaders in the entire main god's world.

Not to mention that the intruders at the world level can withstand a single blow at least. Among the top experts, the winner can be determined in one blow.

"How to do!?"

The golden-horned giant beast, which barely resisted the attack, roared in displeasure and started a dialogue in their minds: "There are too many ants! I can hardly see the ground!"

"There's nothing we can do. We're fighting away from home. If we can kill a lot of gods instantly, we're already very profitable!"

Tony Stark continued to use space laws to escape while replying in his heart: "It's better to delay time now. The laws they master are too versatile. They can be used for everything, but they are not good at anything. It is easy to delay time!"

Deciding on the method of combat, Lei Movie unsheathed his sword, and the purple-black thunder blade swept across the sky. After cutting the person and the space in half, he turned into thunder and flew away in a farther direction.

"Come on! Don't let them go!"

"If they escape! Lord God will definitely kill us!"

The veteran gods roared, these guys have caused such a big commotion, if they are not dealt with, even if they are gods, they will be crushed to death by the main god like insects!

The scene became extremely chaotic, with shouts of death and explosions caused by fighting everywhere.

Just when Shi Hao was overwhelmed, he waved his sword energy to cut off the encircling world invaders.

Suddenly, his face subconsciously looked in a certain direction, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally here!"

Tony Stark, who also felt something, laughed even more: "Haha! Do you think you are the only ones with more people! The situation is about to change!"

"Lord Leader! And those guys!"

The moment the words fell, boom! ! !
A passage spanning the entire Lord God World appeared in the air, and a boundless world shadow that was even larger than the Lord God World appeared behind Shi Hao and others.

The power of the world, which is completely different from the world of the main god, blasted away all the besieging gods and intruders, blocking them in front of them like a protective umbrella.

Looking at the huge phantom of the world standing in the sky, the remaining invaders' eyes widened in shock, and their bodies trembled and they retreated.

"Then, what is that!?"

"Projection of power from another world!? Who are they?"


(End of this chapter)

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