Chapter 186 The final battle!Annan vs Lord God!

In the horrified eyes of countless world invaders and gods, the huge world shadow that appeared behind Shi Hao and others slowly approached and began to merge together.

The nine fused world shadows rapidly expanded until the edge of the world could not be seen at all.

The boundless Ultra World stretches across the sky of the Lord God's World. The sky, clouds, sun, moon and stars, and everything in the sky are blocked.

It's like two equally boundless worlds overlapped like two pieces of translucent glass. They seem infinitely far away, but are actually within reach.

In the hyperspace enveloped by the energy of chaos in the Ultra World, countless universes rotate and shine like stars, reflecting on the faces of the people in the Lord God World.

At this time, even the most stupid world invader can understand what is going on.

The world that appeared in the sky was obviously the backer of those guys who suddenly launched attacks!
They are moles from other worlds! ! !

While surprised, an unbelievable feeling also emerged in the hearts of the world invaders.

This is the world of Lord God!How did these guys from other worlds get in and be chosen to belong to God! ?

Even the Lord God couldn't see the clues.

"Could it be that……"

Suddenly, cold sweat ran down the face of the veteran god: "The world behind these people is the world that has always been against the Lord God. They have secretly learned the Lord God's invasion method!"

!! ?
As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized, and at the same time, they felt even colder in their hearts.

Doesn't that mean that the great enemy of the Lord God's World has mastered most of the information about the entire Lord God's World! ?

At this time, Shi Hao and others were standing under the world and had sufficient rest time.

"Now that the group leader is here, the situation has completely turned in our favor!"

Just after Tony Stark said these words, suddenly, a dazzling golden light lit up behind them.

After everyone turned around subconsciously, their eyes widened in surprise at the scene in front of them.

I saw that in front of the Ultra World that was originally completely spread over the Lord God's World, an infinitely vast golden answer list suddenly appeared, like a canopy, covering the Lord God's World within it.

While covering up the Lord God's world, the projection of the Ultra world was also completely blocked, and the connection between the two worlds was completely severed.

There is only one person who can do such a thing, the controller of this world - the Lord God!

In the Ultra World, Annan, who was standing in the hyperspace with his true body, looked indifferent. He had already expected this scene. It would be better to say that he was waiting for this moment.

Have you finally taken action, Lord God?

In an instant, a small booklet with a golden answer sheet flew out from Annan's body, flying towards the main god's world that was covered by the golden answer list in the sky.

The booklet and the answer list were one and the same. Now, through the power of the booklet, Annan directly tore a large hole in the answer list and transformed it into an extremely wide passage to the world.

The next second, armies from various subordinate worlds.The strong men flew out of the universe and stood behind Annan in a mighty manner.

At first glance, its quantity can no longer be judged with the naked eye.

The warriors were on par with the world invaders from the Lord God's world, and there were even more warriors with a majestic momentum that shot straight to the sky, and burst out with shouts that shook the universe.

Standing in front of the passage connecting the Lord God World and the Ultra World, Annan raised his hand and pointed at the Lord God World.

"Everyone, let's go!"

In an instant, a huge army from all the subordinate worlds was assembled in a mighty manner. The footsteps roared like the birth of the universe, and they all stepped onto the world passage.

From this moment on, the war between the Lord God World and the Ultra World officially breaks out!

At the same time, a huge aperture of more than hundreds of millions suddenly appeared in the sky of the Lord God's world.

In the circle of light, mechas as black as ink and as huge as the Milky Way fell from them.

This is the ultimate war weapon created by the Lord God after devouring the world origins of many technological worlds and combining their technologies.

The most powerful technological equipment that can only be redeemed by world invaders at the Daqian World level.

Now for this final battle, the Lord God took them all out without hesitation.

"That's it."

Among the troops of the Immortal Qin Empire, the Immortal Qin Qin Shihuang smiled coldly, waved his hands and shouted.

"Xianqin mecha troops, dispatch!"

After the words fell, hundreds of millions of soldiers took out a miniature mecha model from the space equipment. After enlarging it countless times, silver-white streamlined bodies stood in the air.

The soldiers of the Xian Qin Empire drove mechas, lined up in formation, and rushed towards the mecha troops in the Lord God World.

The first wave of offensive between the two worlds started with the battle on the technology side.

Immediately following into the battle were warriors from the mythical world and tens of thousands of derived worlds belonging to it.

Although compared with mechas, the size of the prehistoric gods and gods is as small as a speck of dust in the universe.

But in the face of absolute power, size has never been an absolute factor in determining victory or defeat.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

"Zhoutian Star Array!"

Boom! ! !

At the beginning of the battle, the creatures from the ancient world of mythology used their strongest magical powers or formations to crush all enemies in front of them with the power of thunder.

When the Zhuxian Sword formed, the evil and murderous aura between heaven and earth seemed to solidify into substance, and the terrifying sword energy penetrated time and space, cutting off the principle of cause and effect.

A sword flew out, and the next second, the corpse of a god who was extremely far away from the Zhuxian Sword Formation was separated. Dark red blood rose into the sky and fell to the ground without any reaction.

!! ?
Seeing such a terrifying scene, the gods suddenly stood up and spread out, using their own defensive methods to attack the leader of the Tongtian Sect who was in charge of the Killing Immortal Sword Formation.

"Don't forget we're still here!"

boom! ! !
Shi Hao shouted loudly, and the river of time appeared. Although there was interference from the laws of the main god's world, tens of thousands of himself appeared and attacked the gods.

The battle was completely ignited, and the battlefield expanded infinitely. In the main god's world where all the people were soldiers, the subordinate strongmen backed by the Ultra World, under the command of Kalafar and others, used their own power to launch attacks without any scruples. .

In less than a few minutes, the Lord God's world turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The city on the ground was completely stained red by the blood spattered by the battle. Broken space cracks and turbulent flow of time and space could be seen everywhere.

Under the collision of countless laws, the long river of time in the world of the Lord God has almost collapsed, and the structure of time and space is extremely chaotic.

However, the Lord God World is constantly investing in troops as if they are tireless. Although they are all vulnerable, they have just entered the Middle Thousand World level, but they are not stingy at all in producing a large number of soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Shi Hao suddenly thought of something, and immediately shouted anxiously through the world channel to Annan's voice transmission.

"Group leader! The main god wants to delay time. He must be fusing the origins of other worlds and trying to forcibly increase his power!" Annan nodded: "I know."

After saying that, his huge real body also moved and entered the world passage.

Annan was waiting for this opportunity.

The Lord God knows very well that the world invaders and the troops stored in its world cannot withstand the Ultra World that has been prepared for many years.

What's more, although he knew Annan's existence, he didn't know what level Annan's strength had reached.

Therefore, the Lord God must delay time, integrate the origins of all worlds, and use absolute power to suppress Annan and the entire Ultra World.

The longer it is delayed, the better it will be for the world of the Lord God.

But Annan was also aiming at this idea, taking action when the main god was merging its origins, disrupting the operation of the laws of the entire world and preventing him from successfully merging.

Buzz~boom! ! !
As Annan's true body appeared in the world of the Lord God, the cracks in time and space that had already appeared due to the war continued to expand, and a huge black hole like an abyss appeared.

An unknown number of buildings were sucked into it and crushed into pieces.

"Those who are not strong enough should leave the black hole! The group leader is here!"

"Father God has taken action himself! Everyone, please disperse!"

Everyone consciously left Annan's surroundings, trying not to affect his actions as much as possible.

No one can interfere in the battle between the creation gods that transcend the limits of the world.

I saw Annan slowly raising his hand as big as the universe. Infinite stars were scattered in it, and the power of law passed through like a meteor, surrounding him.

Different laws between the two worlds began to collide. Sensing that the laws were threatened, the Divine Chain of Order flew out and wanted to expel Annan.

But in front of Annan, who has mastered the divine laws and analyzed the world of the Lord God, the Divine Chain of Order is no different from a toy.

The moment the Divine Chain of Order touched Annan, it bounced away, shattered into law fragments and disappeared into the air.

"Show yourself, Lord God."

After Annan's words fell, the huge hand of law penetrated into the bottom of the world, bringing with it the power of law from the Ultra world, preparing to turn the bottom of the entire world upside down.

For a time, the world of the Lord God was like a computer with a bug. Extremely deep dark caves appeared all over the world, constantly sucking in various fragments and power, and exiled to places that did not belong to the World of the Lord God, nor to the world of the Lord God. In the void of any world.

The sky was shattered and the earth was shattered. Some gods even experienced backlash when using the power of law. Blood marks burst out all over their bodies, and they almost died.

If this continues, the entire world of Lord God will be destroyed.

At this moment, time in the world of the Lord God paused, and all the laws of time and space had no effect in front of the Lord God who had the most absolute priority in the world of the Lord God.

Except Annan.

In this still world, dazzling golden light appeared from the broken sky, filling every inch of the Lord God's world.

The world invaders illuminated by the golden light, no matter how injured they were, as long as they were not dead, all recovered to their full state at this moment.

Not only that, he even became powerful under the power of the Lord God.

All miscellaneous soldiers below the Great Thousand World level were forcibly promoted to the top level of the Middle Thousand World.

But the price is the rapid passage of life force, exchanging life for strength.

And the gods of the Great Thousand World and above have directly gained more power of laws from the main god world, and their strength has skyrocketed.

At the same time, nine identical golden eyes full of evil appeared in the real world from the bottom of the world.

The moment it appeared, the originally shaky laws of the Lord God's world began to be repaired and returned to normal.

The broken time and space automatically bonded together, and the weird black hole cracks disappeared.

The nine pupils of the Lord God floating in the sky all moved their eyes and stared at Annan.

He is the creator god who has been hindering himself from the beginning, preventing him from obtaining the origin of the world and achieving the supreme creation of another world!
He could clearly feel that the strength of Annan in front of him was definitely no less than his own.

If the war starts in the world of the Lord God, even if it is at home, he will not have much advantage.

At their level, there is no difference between home and away games. If they fight with all their strength, the world will only be completely destroyed.

The nine main gods spoke at the same time: "Outside the sky!"

Annan understood what he meant: "Go somewhere else? That's fine."

In an instant, the nine main gods disappeared into the air together with Annan, heading to other battlefields.

And the world's stillness was lifted.

"Eh??? Annan is missing!"

Behind the Dragon Ball World army, Quan Wang, who had been watching the show, saw Anan disappear inexplicably, blinked his eyes, and looked towards the place where he disappeared.

"So that's it... Hum, now it's time for us to take action with all our strength!"

Quan Wang flew forward, and the great priest followed closely to protect him.

"watch out!!!"

Quan Wang raised his little hand cutely, and two energy missiles condensed by the power of the law into the shape of Qigong cannons were continuously shot out from his palms.

Boom boom boom! ! !
The time and space that was finally repaired by the Lord God was once again on the verge of collapse.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of gods who had been enhanced by the Lord God gathered together to gather the power of the laws of the Lord God's world to fight against the King.

Boom! !
On the other side, Sun Wukong and Vegeta, who had merged into Vegito's form, were roaming freely in the sky. Every time they blasted the turtle style Qigong, countless world invaders would be blasted to pieces.

After the battle started again, it was several times more brutal than at the beginning!
Godly and worldly invaders are crazy!Many people actually chose to self-destruct directly and wanted to die together with the warriors of the Ultra World!
Faced with this self-destruction attack, the golden-horned behemoth united its tribesmen to open its big mouth and swallowed all the self-destruction power it could bear into its own body.

"Hahaha! Come again!"

The golden-horned giant beast is furious. It wants the energy brought by its self-destruction to help it break through to a higher realm!

"Let's get together too."

Noah and Zaki, who flew out of Dagu's body to fight, looked at each other from a distance. Under the wrap of infinite light of chaos, they merged to become the strongest Ultra Warrior-Noga!
The moment the fusion was completed, the light of chaos turned into destructive power and spread in the air. The moment it shined out, it destroyed countless main god mechas and world invaders.

Shi Hao, who was covered in blood, looked around the entire battlefield. Now everyone had taken out their trump cards and really used up all their strength.

But the most critical battlefield is still on the side of the group leader and the main god!

All they can do now is to wait for the return of the group leader while weakening the power of the Lord God World!


(End of this chapter)

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