He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 187 The Lord God is defeated! !The devastating Annan!

Chapter 187 The Lord God is defeated! !The devastating Annan!

Outside the world of the Lord God, in the endless Hongmeng space.

Nine huge main god's pillars stand here, with faint golden light spreading around.

Every time a bit of golden light falls, it will turn into little pieces of law, surrounding it, and condense into an indestructible transparent shield that surpasses the limit of power in the world.

If you look carefully, you can find that in addition to the power of law, there is also some invisible but extremely powerful energy floating around the nine main gods.

The origin of the world... Annan could see that these chaotic sources of power from different worlds were probably most of what the Lord God had not had time to absorb because he had interrupted them just now.

During the period of their confrontation, the original power of the world around the nine main gods was slowly being absorbed into his body.

"Oh? Seize every moment to strengthen yourself..."

Annan reached out with a palm. He, who was not in the world, was finally able to use all the power he had after his complete transformation.

boom! ! !
At this moment, the infinite space was enveloped by Annan's power. The infinite Hongmeng space was like a ball of mud. He easily squeezed it into a ball, poured in a large amount of law power, and turned it into a ball. The prototype of the top world.

If we say the Big Bang, it was the destruction necessary to create the universe.

So what Annan is doing now is to transform all the creative power born from the destruction of the world into the power of destruction.


At their level, trickery is meaningless.

The next thing he has to do is to smash it down with all his strength, using the purest violence that erupts when a whole world is destroyed, to block the fusion process of the Lord God.

At this moment, the nine main god's pupils erupted with golden light at the same time, and the answer sheet covering the main god's world separated part of its body, blocking the main god's eyes.


Boom! ! !

The entire world of the Lord God shook like never before, and everyone's power was cut off for an instant.

"what happened!?"

Uchiha Madara, whose power was cut off for a moment, almost fell from the sky. Fortunately, the world invaders from the main god's world were also affected, so no accident occurred.

"I don't know... I'm afraid the group leader did something."

Marco took a deep breath: "I could feel that at that moment, an extremely terrifying force of destruction appeared outside the world."

"Because of the influence of that force, all the energy in this world disappeared for an instant!"

Hearing Marco's guess, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but sweat streaming down his face.

It is clear that the Lord God and the group leaders have left this world to fight elsewhere, but they still affect this world!

Outside the world of the Lord God.

Along with the bursts of charred ashes floating in the Hongmeng space, nearly half of the answer sheet that withstood Annan's attack turned into charred rags.

Annan was not surprised to see that his attack had no effect, as long as it had a blocking effect.


Although no changes could be seen from the nine main gods, Annan could feel that the fire of anger in his heart had become stronger.

boom! ! !
In an instant, nine different torrents of power erupted from the Lord God's Gate at the same time, but the target was not Annan, but the phantom of the Ultra World behind him!

The nine different torrents represent the nine most basic powers of laws in each world.

Through the world passage connecting the two worlds, the torrent of laws released by the Lord God can easily destroy most of the subordinate worlds in the Ultra World!

Annan's eyes narrowed and he waved his big hand. In the world projection behind him, a large number of subordinate worlds drew out part of the world's power, passing through the world passage like meteors, forming a barrier to resist the offensive of the main god.

In an instant, time and space in the Ultra world stopped.

In the palm of Annan's hand, the half-step of supreme power exploded, turning into countless meteor showers of destruction, twisting the trajectory of the nine forces representing the destruction of the law, transferring them to other places in the Hongmeng space, and disappearing into the boundless Hongmeng. in space.

What the Lord God is waiting for is the short time for Annan to divert his attention and defend the Ultra World.

Buzz! ! !
The origin of the chaotic world lingering around the nine main gods all entered the body of the main gods in a very short period of time.

He forcibly absorbed all the origins of the world and wanted to make a breakthrough at this moment!
In the empty Hongmeng space, because of the overwhelming power of the Lord God, it actually began to collapse.

A powerful force that Annan was extremely familiar with burst out from the body of the Lord God.

Body, soul, divine power.

The strength of the Eye of the Lord God has reached the realm of the Trinity. What he has to do now is to forcefully take the ultimate leap, reaching the highest realm that has never been seen before in the world and will never be followed again!

At this moment, invisible power fluctuations shook the Hongmeng space and continued to spread towards the endless space.

All the heavens and worlds, countless small worlds, middle worlds, and great worlds, as well as the creatures in them, all without exception feel this great power that exceeds the limits of the great world.

The terrifying power shocked the heavens, and the nine main gods transformed into a tenth god at this moment, merging into one!

In an instant, a perfect Hongmeng humanoid body appeared here.

All the laws of order and the great avenues of heaven and earth contained in its body began to fully sublimate at this moment, turning into bright feathers of light that spread all over the sky, descending to all heavens and worlds like an extremely holy heaven.

The evolution of the Lord God's Dragon also brings about the sublimation of the entire Lord God World.
There is only one step away from entering the supreme realm!


At the moment when the ten main god's spears merged into one, turned into the real main god's body, and stepped into the supreme realm!
Pfft! ! !

All the visions disappeared in an instant. The Lord God was not able to step into the supreme realm, but stayed just a few steps away from that realm.

It is impossible to reach that state through a hasty breakthrough, and the origin of the world is not enough.

But the current power is enough for the Lord God.

On the face of the master god who had reached the extreme, ten golden pupils narrowed at the same time, facing Annan with incomparable indifference.

Its existence here caused the invisible void to tremble. The world invaders in the Lord God's world launched a crazy attack as if they had been given blood.

"Your calculations really surprised me, but that's where it ends."

"Now there is a fundamental gap between you and me. Failure to prevent me from completely integrating the origin of the world is your biggest mistake."

Faced with the Lord God's heart-wrenching words, Annan not only was not surprised, but asked calmly.

"Do you really think so?"

Lord God: "..."

It is clear that he has an absolute advantage, has integrated the origin of the world, and has reached the most tyrannical and ultimate power in the supreme realm.

But for some reason, an unknown feeling came to the mind of the Lord God.As long as he kills the guy in front of him and devours his origin, he can completely transcend and become the only supreme world among all the heavens and worlds.

But his palms were frozen in place at the moment. Although he still had plenty of strength left, he was so frightened by Annan's words that he didn't dare to step forward.

"Aren't you going to attack?"

Boom! ! !
Every time Annan's huge body took a step, it swallowed up the heavens with anger, overwhelming all the invincible faith and majesty, making all the heavens and worlds infinitely far away tremble.

The two opposing auras at their peak collided, the infinite Hongmeng space, countless small worlds within a thousand worlds were born because of them, and they were destroyed because of them.

In the past and present, there will never be such a spectacular situation again.


The Lord God roared, and the gold answer sheet completely peeled off from the Lord God's world, turning into a golden blood sword. It was activated with all its strength, containing countless evil spirits and resentments that destroyed the world and slashed down horizontally.

The curses and resentments from the world were slashed with a roar, manifesting the scene of countless killings of creatures.

This scene is too terrifying, and the power of terror is enough to erode everything into nothingness and cause all worlds to collapse.

Use the common people as a guide to bring out this absolute killing sword!Kill everything!

Annan fought back, pulling out the original power of the Ultra world in the Ultra world, condensing it into a weapon, facing this decisive blow, and suppressing it!

Boom! ! !

At the same time as the collision, the power fluctuations spread, and the vast murderous intention spread throughout the heavens and worlds, dyeing the skies of countless worlds blood-red.

The Lord God's sword was bounced away and raised high.

Under his unbelievable gaze, Annan waved the weapon of the world indifferently, cutting out gorgeous blood flowers and spreading them all over the world.


In this Hongmeng space at the origin, their power will spread to endless areas to the maximum extent.

The nearest main god world is already crumbling, and the world barrier is on the verge of destruction.

Under the influence of the Lord God and Annan, the power of all laws has become chaotic, and time and space have become ambiguous.

Time jump, time acceleration, time pause...

Space collapse, space fragmentation, space transfer...

One second the two sides were still fighting, and the next second the main god was all killed.

Various strange phenomena appeared on the battlefield, making the already chaotic battle situation even more difficult to see clearly.

The only thing that is certain is that the number of combatants in the main god's world has dropped to one tenth.

On the Ultra World side, at least [-]% of the combat power is left.

Most of the credit for this must go to the Immortal Qin Empire and the Mythical Great Desolation, as well as several members pretending to be the Lord God.

Their presence greatly reduces casualties.

At this moment, Kalafar suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then gave an order to the entire army: "All personnel below the top powerhouses in the world should evacuate back to the transit universe!"

Without hesitation, the vast majority of the remaining warriors returned to the Ultra World through the world passage under the cover of the drone armor.

Next, the battle between Annan and the Lord God will become more intense. Those who are not strong enough will not be qualified to stay here!


Black blood was scattered in the Hongmeng space, and the Lord God, who had suffered a huge loss, roared and released his power completely without reservation.

boom! ! !
The giant sword formed by the world weapon and the answer gold list collided again, and the violent storm of law power swept through the Hongmeng space, and all matter and existence turned into complete 'nothing' under the collision.

The main god and Annan fought with all their strength, and the pressure caused by their power alone was enough to destroy an entire world.

However, in the constant fighting, it was obvious that not long time had passed.

However, the Lord God feels that his power has been completely squeezed to the limit. His entire body, which is even larger than the Lord God's world, is constantly trembling because it has reached its limit.

No...it shouldn't be like this. He has more and more powerful power that he hasn't used yet!
"Have you reached the limit..."

Annan's voice brought the Lord God's divergent thinking back to the reality of battle.

The weapon of the world violently erupted with the dazzling power of infinite laws, forcing the main god's body back one after another.

Annan's weapon for changing the world turned into a quiet pure white sword, held calmly in his hand.

"what are you saying!"

The Lord God waved the sword that contained overwhelming evil energy. The ten golden swords widened extremely ferociously. In the round eyes, the endless murderous intention turned into a sword that filled the sky and slashed towards Annan.

Annan stepped forward with ease, blocked it with ease, and explained.

"Do you really think that I don't have time to stop you from integrating the origin of the world?"

Lord God: "..."

Annan said: "I'm afraid you have noticed that every attack I make is aimed at the laws running in your body, making it impossible for you to integrate and unify all the laws of the world in battle."

After the words fell, Annan's body was filled with a terrifying amount of world essence, which continuously emerged, pushing his strength to its peak again without any hint of fatigue.

On the contrary, the posture of the main god's body has shown signs of fatigue, not because of the consumption of power in the battle, but because of the conflict between the laws of the world in the body, which has reached an extremely serious level!

If it continues like this, not to mention the consumption of strength, even the realm that it has been forcibly raised to will be forcibly dropped.

"If you hadn't forcibly devoured and fused, it would have taken a lot of effort to kill you, but now... you destroyed yourself, saving me a lot of effort."

After the words fell, Annan waved his sword forward with an indifferent expression.

puff! ! !
The main god looked unbelievable. A deep ravine was cut into his body, and a large amount of black blood spattered into the air.

"Is all this included in your calculations!!!"

The Lord God roared unwillingly. The origin of the world that he had forcibly plundered for countless years turned out to be the last straw that overwhelmed him! ?

But he was still struggling and roaring, forcibly recovering his body, imprisoning and unifying the laws in his body, and fighting to the end.

Annan swung his sword and slashed out, and the main god's beaten body flew around and shattered into countless pieces of flesh.

The laws of the world that have not been fully agreed upon are now even more difficult to use because Annan's power is constantly struggling and conflicting.


Annan strode forward, exerted half a step of supreme power, tore out all the laws of the world that the Lord God had not yet integrated, and then devoured and refined the Lord God!

(End of this chapter)

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