He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 188 Swallow, finally become supreme!Rule all realms!

Chapter 188 Swallow, finally become supreme!Rule all realms!

It started from the moment the Lord God was suppressed and refined.

In the world of the Lord God, everyone who fought bloody battles suddenly discovered that the remaining technological creations and gods suddenly lost their power one by one, and fell to pieces from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Shi Hao and others stopped and looked around.

In the world of the Lord God, the city that was already in ruins due to the war began to completely collapse, turning into ashes and disappearing into the sky.

The aura of the Lord God that was suppressed in the entire world also disappeared without a trace, and the heavy burden on everyone's shoulders also disappeared completely.

"This feeling……"

Kalafar subconsciously raised his head and looked out to the world with great excitement.

"Father God, he—succeeded!"

Shi Hao swung his sword, and the gods who lost their power turned into ashes and dissipated on the ground.

He suddenly reacted when he heard Kalafar's voice.


"Win! The group leader is awesome!!!"

In this broken world, everyone who stayed here embraced each other and celebrated happily.

"I knew Annan would definitely win!"

Quan Wang, whose little hands were covered with blood, didn't bother to wipe off his disgraced appearance, and excitedly pulled the great priest into a circle in the air.

"What shall we do next?"

Groudon, who had recovered his true form and was as big as a hill, sat on the ruins, back to back with the golden-horned beast.

"As a subordinate of God the Father, I, and you, are all obliged to witness until the very end!"

Kalafar raised his hands with great fanaticism, stimulating his own power to transform the ruins beneath his feet into a green land.

"I will be born soon...the realm that Father God is the first to step into among all the worlds."

"The great world!"

The supreme realm...

Everyone who heard these words raised their heads and looked at the sky of the world where nothing existed.

Only Quan Wang and other creation god-level beings can see through the extremely huge and dazzling existence beyond the world barrier.

But whether it was an illusion or not, Annan's figure became clearer and clearer in their eyes, making it increasingly difficult to look directly at him.


The original power of the Lord God was completely controlled by Annan, and it was broken down into the pure source of the world bit by bit and integrated into his body.

bit by bit... bit by bit...

Annan could feel that the ethereal but real bottleneck in his body was breaking open and shattering bit by bit.

During this long transformation, Annan's already dazzling body, which seemed to illuminate countless worlds, now became even more dazzling.

The ultimate light illuminated the entire world of the Lord God into daylight, and the blood that originally shrouded the world was swept away.

Infinite light extends to the boundless Hongmeng space, illuminating an unknown number of worlds into a daytime scene, and this number continues to increase.

In those infinitely distant worlds, the originally dark universe was completely filled with light. People on every planet could see this strange scene, and even the light of the sun was suppressed.

At this moment, Annan could clearly feel that the half-step supreme power of the origin of the Lord God's world was echoing his own power.

So that's it... He understood why he felt in the dark that he had to defeat the world of the Lord God before he could truly enter the supreme realm.

The answer is simple. If you want to step into the realm of the supreme world, it is not enough to collect the origin of the world infinitely.

In that case, at best, you can only reach a half-step to the supreme state.

Just like the world of the Lord God, and Annan itself, after reaching a certain point, they can no longer move forward.

The only way to truly reach the supreme state... is to plunder the original laws of another half-step supreme world!

The battle between him and the world of the Lord God is destined!

Boom boom boom! ! !
Annan is surrounded by countless world laws, and the divine power in his body is constantly surging, surging and beating in the Hongmeng space.

A sea of ​​divine power comparable to that of the Half-Step Supreme World spreads across the void.

The infinitely expanding divine power seems to swallow up all the heavens and worlds, overturning all laws and existences.

Even the Hongmeng Space carries countless worlds and forms the most basic place of existence. As a void that carries countless worlds, it can be called 'infinite' in the true sense.

Now, under the influence of Annan's promotion to the supreme realm, there is also an incredible rumbling and trembling, and its power fluctuations have far exceeded the range reached by the promotion in the world of the Lord God at that time.

And it is still expanding, spreading further and deeper into the void.


The world of the Lord God.

Everyone raised their heads in an extremely dull manner, and their almost burning pupils reflected Annan's supreme figure, which was clearly engraved in their minds.

No need to explain, they knew that the group leader at this time was undergoing a transformation that they could not imagine!

"Is this the supreme realm..."

Quan Wang clenched his small fists, his eyes full of longing and hope.

"Annan, that's amazing!"

On the other side, Shi Hao and Qin Shi Huang fell silent.

Although they had been mentally prepared for a long time, the moment came when Annan was promoted to the supreme realm.

They discovered that their previous guesses were too conservative...

Boom! ! !

Under the influence of Annan's divine power, the laws of the entire Lord God's world were all transformed into a kind of mark and symbol, which spread all over the sky, exerting its own power to the maximum extent.

They can clearly feel that the internal laws of the Lord God's world are undergoing a fundamental change.

It was different from when their world was taken over by Annan as a subordinate world, and the laws between the two worlds merged and fed back.

In the current world of the Lord God, the laws of the world operating within it are like a bucket of colorful liquids, the quantities of which are so numerous that it is difficult to distinguish them.

But because of the existence of Annan, or because the power of the laws of the Ultra world swallowed and refined it all, like a huge sponge, it greedily absorbed it all into the body and transformed it into its own power of laws.

That's right, the laws of the Lord God's world are being swallowed up little by little, replaced by the laws of the Ultra world, and completely integrated into the Ultra world.

Not to become a subordinate world, but to merge as a universe in the Ultra World.

Even an ordinary person without any power can feel that the world of the Lord God itself is being continuously pulled closer by a huge attraction and moving in a certain direction.

And this direction, needless to say, must be the world where the group leader is!

When the two worlds completely merge into one, it is the moment to achieve the supreme state!


Buzz~buzz~!The golden ocean that spreads across the Hongmeng world splashes out circles of golden waves, constantly spreading outward.

Annan's body and mind have been completely integrated into it. At this last moment of promotion to the supreme level, there cannot be any distraction or carelessness.

Meanwhile, the world of assassins.

Wu Liuqi and Ji Dabao, who have not seen each other for a long time, are spending their days leisurely in the barber shop as usual.

Because of the different speed of time, less than half a year has passed in their world.

Suddenly, a dazzling light shone on Ji Dabao's face, causing him to subconsciously narrow his eyes.

"Aqi, why is it that it's autumn now and the sun is still so dazzling..."

Wu Liuqi squinted his eyes and looked at the brilliant light all over the clouds in the sky.

For some reason, these lights gave him a very familiar feeling...

"Answer the question...gold list?"

Soon, he denied this conjecture himself. Although this light was somewhat similar to the past gold medal list, it was completely different in its core.

At this moment, the earth suddenly shook, and the entire island was shaking violently, like a small boat in the stormy waves.

Wu Liuqi and Ji Dabao hugged the door beam in panic and looked around in fear.


No!Not only this island, but also the sky and ocean, the space itself of this world is trembling!
"It's the end of the world!!!"

Ji Dabao shook his head in panic: "I'm not married yet, I can't die like this!!"

"...Chicken Dabao."

Wu Liuqi stared blankly at the sky, his tense muscles relaxed, and he sat weakly on the ground with his eyes wide open.

The trembling fingers were raised and pointed to the sky.

Following his finger, Ji Dabao looked in the direction pointed by his finger, and stood on the ground with the same expression and the same posture, his expression frozen.

At the end of their sight, there was a bright sky.

Shrouded in light, the god overflowing with divinity stands here, overlooking everything in this world.

No one can use words to describe 'His' appearance.

But from the first sight of Him, every creature in the world knew it from the depths of their souls.

That figure in the sky is the ultimate existence that governs all things in the world and transcends all things!


Fairy Tail World.

Like the world of assassins, this world that has passed for a year has suddenly undergone changes.

Above the sky of the world, the figure of the supreme god shines upon everything in the world.

The whole world rumbled because of His existence, and all order and power experienced some incalculable changes.

The magicians of the entire world, and even the strongest dragon clan in the world!The city has no choice but to be under this majestic and boundless figure.

"Then...what the hell is it!?"

The only dragon-slayer in the world who is the strongest in the world and is known as the King of Dragons - Acnologia!
At first, he was not so embarrassed even when facing the gold medal list for answering questions. Now, in front of the projection of this supreme being, he fell to the ground trembling, unable to raise any resistance.

God... in the sky, it completely surpassed the concept of God and reached some ultimate existence!

Acnologia lowered his head silently, because as the strongest dragon slayer mage, he could actually feel the magic in the air surrendering to the existence in the sky!
Even time and space, and the world itself, will fall at His feet! ! !

It's like welcoming... the arrival of a great being who rules the world absolutely and supremely!

The blue world, the dark world, the god-killing world, the fighting world...

Annan's supreme figure appears in countless worlds.

Even those so-called gods, viruses that are dubbed as destroying the world, are as fragile and insignificant as microorganisms in the face of the absolute supreme existence.

The dazzling and warm light shrouded countless worlds, all laws of order were reversed, all abnormalities were corrected, and the gods and powerful men in countless worlds fell at His feet.

Time flies, and a year has passed since the integration of the Lord God World and the Ultra World.

The main god world and the Ultra world have almost collided together, and Annan's body has become larger and more powerful.

at last!

Annan opened his eyes, and endless light particles flew out from the Ultra World and the Lord God World.

Together with the endless power of laws and the origin of the world, the two worlds turned into a sea of ​​light.

Like stars in the sky, they are scattered throughout the Hongmeng space.

Dragon Ball World, Perfect World, Mythical Ancient World, Immortal Qin World...

Fusion world, One-Punch Man world, Three-body world, Pokémon world...

All the subordinate worlds in the Ultra World, like the stars surrounding the sun, flew to Annan's side and started to rotate in an orderly manner.

The centermost Ultra World and the Lord God World were constantly rotating around him, constantly approaching, touching, colliding, and finally merging into one!
Boom! ! !

The unprecedentedly huge beam of light of the original law reaches the sky and the earth, penetrating the endless Hongmeng space, continuously expanding and amplifying with Annan as the center, and wrapping all the worlds including the world of the Lord God in it.

The barriers of the Lord God's world completely collapsed in the light pillar, decomposed into countless fragments, and integrated into the laws of the Ultra world.

If we say that what Annan, who was once born as the God of Creation, needs to achieve is to transcend the trinity of soul, divine power, and body, merge them into one, and evolve to the supreme state.

So now, what the Ultra World itself has to do.

It is to integrate and sublimate the world itself, the laws of the world, and the origin of the world, the same trinity, and step into the supreme realm together with Annan who created this world!

The moment when the world of the Lord God completely becomes a part of the Ultra World.

In the eyes of all subordinate worlds, all creatures, all group members, and countless worlds shrouded in light and descended by gods.

Annan opened his hands, and countless world origins poured out, and together with the Ultra World, he broke through the final hurdle!

... Silence, full of nothingness, a vast space with no end in sight.

Now, a ray of light appears.

It's like coming from an infinitely distant place and going to an infinitely distant place.

Countless creatures in the heavens and worlds only saw that all the visions in the sky disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

The next second, a ray of light penetrated the world and lit up on the distant horizon from the east of every world.

Stepping into the supreme realm, the supernatural power disappeared completely, just like an ordinary person, standing quietly in Annan in Hongmeng space, staring at the infinite world of Hongmeng space, and calmly raised his finger.

"I said, let there be light."

So... there was light in the world.


(End of this chapter)

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