He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 21 Anchoring the world, the fixed future that has been changed!

Chapter 21 Anchoring the world, the fixed future that has been changed!
The breath of the world has been collected, and the world coordinates of the wandering earth have been captured?

So fast?
Annan was a little surprised. Among the known worlds in the chat group, the Pirate World, which has the fastest progress, is only about 3%. How come the world coordinates of the Wandering Earth have been captured?

His eyes narrowed slightly:

"Is it possible that the "little broken ball" who joined the chat group is the reason why he wandered into the earth's world? "

"Or...are there other objective factors?"

But no matter what, capturing the world coordinates is equivalent to anchoring the location of the wandering earth world.

This means... he can open the world channel and go to the wandering earth world.

"System, establish a channel between the Ultra Universe and the Wandering Earth World."

[Coordinates determined...world anchoring...anchoring successful...]

[The channel is being established... Estimated time... 7 days...]

Annan pondered, would it take seven days to build a world passage...

But the current little broken ball is estimated to collide with Jupiter in a few hours, and the human ball will die together.

As the creator god of the world, his state of mind, no matter what kind of destruction of the world, cannot cause him any mood fluctuation.

Although the divinity has been suppressed and the insignificant memories of countless years have been diluted.

But in the final analysis, he is still the omniscient and omnipotent Creator God. He has always overlooked the entire universe and even all the worlds in the group from a high-dimensional perspective.

The world of Wandering Earth is going to be destroyed, and he doesn't have much feeling in his heart.

What concerned him a little was the "little broken ball."

As a wandering earth world without any special power and low status, which is somewhat weak among the small worlds, a planet with its own will was actually born.

This is an extremely special situation. You must know that generally speaking, only a powerful world can give birth to a world with the will of a planet.

This kind of planetary will also has a thunderous nickname... it is also called... the way of heaven!
Control the rotation and changes of the world and coordinate the rules of the world.

When the origin of the world changes by some chance, the will of the world will be born.

Just like the way of heaven in the vast world.

However, Xiao Poqiu is still far from becoming the Heavenly Dao that truly controls everything. At most, it can be regarded as a "prototype of Heavenly Dao".

In terms of world status, the Ultra Universe, created by him personally, already belongs to the level of the Great Thousand Worlds.

The reason why the way of heaven or the great road was not born is because I, the creator god, did not die.

Unlike that weakling Pangu who exhausted himself to death at the beginning of the day, he incarnated himself into all things and promoted the birth of the way of heaven to control all the operations of the prehistoric world.

What a dish!
Just creating a sky, not creating the world from scratch, is this exhausting? !

So Annan was very curious as to why a planet with thousands of small worlds gave birth to the prototype of the way of heaven.

Logically speaking, with the personality and conditions of Xiaoqian World, it is impossible to support the birth of the prototype of Heavenly Dao.

Just like an egg, there is no way to hatch a dinosaur.

In addition, the plot was different from the original plot of Little Broken Ball, as well as Moss's rebellion, which also aroused his strong interest.

"Interesting, it feels like... something interesting is happening in the world of Wandering Earth."

The last time Marco was in the pirate world, Annan only captured sporadic auras, so sending red envelopes could only carry the power of a ray of light.

But this time in the wandering earth world, the world coordinates have been completely captured.

It can carry more power.

——The respected group leader "Light of All Things" sent a red envelope——

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:! ! ! !
[The richest man in the world]:! ! ! [Death Agent]:! ! !

[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! ! ! !
【I can’t fly】;! !
【Big bones made into soup】:! ! !

As soon as they received the group chat message, everyone turned into Kato Takashi and frantically clicked on the red envelopes.

Especially Marco…

As the last lucky recipient of a red envelope, Marco knew how awesome the red envelope sent by the group leader was, and how a ray of light could make him a Yonko-level being.

As for Tony Stark, he was also crazy about red envelopes. As the only weakling in the group, he expressed that he also wanted to become stronger and become an inhuman being.

But when the red envelope was opened, everyone was stunned.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:? ?
[Death Agent]:? ?
[Ghost Slaying Expert]:? ? ? ?
[I can’t fly];? ? ?

【Big bones boiled into soup】:? ? ?

[The richest man in the world]: Exclusive...exclusive red envelope? ? ? ?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Oh, send an exclusive red envelope to "Little Broken Ball"! !But little broken ball, you are saved!

Little Broken Ball felt a little strange, and at the same time he had some doubts about what this group chat was about. It didn't feel like visions and memory flashbacks before death.

Wanjie chat group...

Is it possible to really communicate with people from different worlds?
It looked at the exclusive red envelope sent to itself by the group leader "Light of All Things" with some confusion.

Wandering around the earth world...

In the vast and icy universe, the star "the sun" that mankind once relied on for survival is expanding at a high speed in a macroscopic state, swallowing up the surrounding space and matter.

Violent activity reactions erupted inside the sun, and solar storms containing huge energy swept and disturbed the magnetic field of the entire solar system.

On the other side of the solar system, all human wisdom and abilities were gathered together in an attempt to escape from the blue star that was destined to be destroyed, and encountered Jupiter.

Because the planetary engine is shut down, it cannot escape Jupiter's gravity.

The entire Blue Star was captured by Jupiter's gravity, pulling the Blue Star bit by bit into the abyss of destruction.

The atmospheres of the two planets clashed violently.

Under cosmic-scale observation, just like two water droplets touching, the edges of the two planets began to touch and merge.

Immediately afterwards, the entire blue star began to collapse, shatter, and split into countless dusts at an extremely slow speed...

The other half of the earth, covered in ice, began to melt under the tremendous heat and turned into a red sea of ​​fire.

Inside Blue Star, the entire world was trembling and shaking. Scenes more terrifying than a magnitude [-] earthquake appeared in every inch of the world.

Volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, plate collapse, earthquakes, typhoons, gravitational abnormalities.

All natural disasters that humans can imagine have mercilessly demonstrated their ability to destroy lives at this moment.

The world has embarked on the road of irreversible destruction, and power or money has lost its original value at this moment.

No matter they are high-ranking officials or powerful people, they can only tremble in the face of the end of the world and stay in the underground shelter with other humans.

In these last moments, hug each other tightly with your family, or relatives and friends, waiting for the doomed time to come.
at the same time….
Feeling its own disappearing little by little, the little breaking ball of the will of the earth clicked on its own exclusive red envelope.

His eyes were glazed over and he looked confused.

The group leader's...slap! ?
What the hell is this? ? ?


(End of this chapter)

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