He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 22 A slap from the group leader, in the river! ! ?Is this scientific? ?

Chapter 22 The group leader’s slap, in the river! ! ?Is this scientific? ?
"A slap from the leader of the group"?
He opened the red envelope and saw what was inside.

Little Broken Ball's brain is a little down, and the CPU is almost dry and smoking.

As the will of the planet, it likes to observe humans on the earth when it has nothing to do. It knows all new and interesting things.

Red envelopes are no stranger to him.

In the past, red envelopes were only given out during the New Year and holidays, but in the era of mobile phones and smartphones, all chat software also has a "red envelope" function.

In its mind, shouldn’t red envelopes contain money?
What the hell is this slap?

I'll give you a jio, I'll give you a slap.

These 'slaps' are not entities, but conceptual things. Why can they be sent as red envelopes?

After you withdraw cash, no one will suddenly come out and give you a slap in the face, right?
With a little confusion and curiosity, what exactly is this 'group leader's... slap'.

Little Broken Ball clicked the withdrawal button under the red envelope.

boom! ! ! !

Like thunder on the ground.

The little broken ball felt the great terror that suffocated it.

At this moment, in one billionth of a second, a force that cannot be described in words appeared in this universe.

It was like forcing a dinosaur into a fish tank. The moment this force appeared, the solar system, the Milky Way, and even the entire universe were almost unable to withstand this terrifying force.

Even the galaxies at the edge of the universe and the black hole, the most terrifying celestial body in the universe, are trembling as if they are afraid of something.


The moment the trembling of the universe stopped, time seemed to stop flowing.

In other words, the matter in the entire universe has been imprisoned, and the operation of the universe seems to have been pressed on the pause button.

The colorful colors of the whole world began to disappear, fading away and turning into the most primitive 'black' and 'white'.

In a daze, the little broken ball that could not move felt a terrifying gaze that transcended the world itself... was coming! !
He...is overlooking the universe.

That is a dimension that life cannot observe with normal means, and it is a supreme existence that is completely different from any life.

Omniscient…and omnipotent!

As a small broken ball of the will of the planet, at this moment, an extremely strong impulse arose in my heart to worship and kneel down.

The next moment, it was as if there was an invisible force that calmed everything.

At the same time, all the luminous stars...the countless galaxies capable of generating scorching heat began to appear dim.

It seems that there is a more terrifying "light" coming than them.

The damage caused by Jupiter's gravity to Blue Star suddenly disappeared for some unknown reason, and the disaster on Blue Star also stopped at this moment.

Feeling the terrible movement outside calm down.

In the Blue Star Dungeon Shelter, everyone was in a trance:
"It's over? The last peace before destruction?"

"It turns out that the last moment when planets collide with each other is when everything returns to calm, waiting for the final heroic explosion."

"And you said we were dead?"

"I heard that the last second of consciousness before death will be stretched infinitely. Are we already dead?"


Except for dungeons.

There are also many people on the surface, all of whom are various high-level talents.

They were unwilling to give up and wanted to fight until the last moment. They had been making final repairs to the planetary engine.


They crawled out of their bunkers.

I don't know when the sky became incandescent, just like the 'blue sky' that only appears in dreams has returned again.

They looked up one by one.

In an instant...

Everyone's pupils shrank rapidly into black dots, their brains crashed, their throats convulsed, and their eyes widened to their maximum size.

It was as if he had seen something shocking.

Some people even sat down on the ground, pointing to the sky with trembling fingers, their Adam's apple squirming but unable to say a word, and their vocal cords seemed to have lost their function.

They saw... outside the blue star, in the space outside the earth's atmosphere, a hand that could not be described in words appeared.

It is made up of bright rays of light. The light is soft and not dazzling, but it illuminates the entire solar system.

It stretches across the vast starry sky and spans a small half of the solar system.

Even the star Sun, where krypton flash occurs, appears dim in front of it.

The palm began to shrink slowly, but in the end it became extremely huge. Its open palm was like the world in the palm of its hand.
The palm of his hand encompasses most of the solar system, including Jupiter and the Earth.

As the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter is like a small ball in front of this giant hand.

As for the Earth, it is 122 times smaller than Jupiter. In front of it is a glass marble that can be shot with a snap of a finger.Everyone on the wandering earth who saw this scene was horrified, and no words could describe their shock now.

In space, a human hand larger than Jupiter appeared? !

This scene has completely subverted their worldview and their understanding of the entire universe.

This scene, which was completely inconsistent with common sense and the laws of physics, caused the materialistic worldview of countless people to collapse.

In particular, the various top scientists involved in the "Wandering Earth" project could not even speak, as if they were in a dream.

Is this the hand of God! ?

What surprised them even more was what came next.

Little Broken Ball also stared with widened pupils.

I saw the hand of light that stretched across the starry sky move. It turned its wrist, pulled out streams of light with its fingers, and then slapped it down with a sudden slap.

Dunk on Jupiter's head.

A scene that made everyone's eyes pop out happened. The huge Jupiter, like a rubber ball, was slapped away and started to spin rapidly.

And...Jupiter itself was not damaged at all.

After a slap, the huge palm of light turned into thousands of streams of light and dissipated into the universe.

Jupiter was photographed away, and without the influence of Jupiter's gravity, the Earth's crisis was resolved.

But...is this reasonable?
When everyone wakes up from a dream, all people with common sense and basic education will have their views exploded and their CPUs will almost burn out.

The coffin boards of Newton and Einstein could no longer hold their weight.

In this river?Is this scientific? ! ! ?

But thinking of the palm that spanned half the galaxy, they fell into deep silence.

This requires farts reasonableness and farts materialism.


Is it...

Does God really exist? !

After Jupiter was shot away, the heart of Little Broken Ball was also in a turmoil, and the whole ball was unable to recover immediately.


Is this... the group leader's... slap?
That gaze that transcends the universe still makes it feel frightened.

With a thought... it entered the Wanjie chat group...

[Little Broken Ball]: The group...the leader of the group, what kind of existence is he! ?
Marco felt very regretful and gratified. He was gratified that finally someone could feel the terror of the group leader as close as him. Unfortunately...the red envelope this time was an exclusive red envelope.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It seems that you also feel the awesomeness of the group leader like me. I don’t know how to describe the group leader. It is probably an indescribable existence!

[The richest man in the world]: What kind of existence is the group leader?Ah!It's just a being that was licked and exploded by me!

[Apprentice Death]: You guys have finished speaking, what should I say?The group leader licks the dog +1?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: But what is the red envelope the group leader sent you?Is it also a ray of light?
[Little Broken Ball]: No, the red envelope is... "a slap from the group leader."

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:? ?
[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?

[Apprentice Death]:? ? ?

[Ghost Slaying Expert]:? ? ?You mean, the group leader slapped you? ? ?

[Little Breaking Ball]: No...no, the group leader slapped Jupiter away.

The group fell into an eerie silence.

After Tony Stark's popular science, Marco and Tanjiro, two illiterate people, also knew what the planet was.

More than half a minute later...

Group messages just popped up like crazy.

[The richest man in the world]:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ?
[Apprentice Death]:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ?
【Big bones made into soup】:! ! ! ! ?As soon as I came in, I heard such exciting stuff! ?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: ∑ (O_O;)
【Ghost Slayer Expert】:∑(っ°Д°;)っ

[The richest man in the world]: Hahahaha! ! ! ! ! !I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy! ! !Young Master, I am done! ! !

Everyone was so shocked that they felt numb inside.

One... slapped a planet away? ?
Doesn't that mean that the group leader can easily slap away the world they live in? ?
Just thinking about that scene makes people feel suffocated and horrified, and they no longer know what expression to use to face it.

What else can I say?
Many group members: The group leader is awesome! ! ! ! (Hysterical breaking voice)
Also at this time...

————The respected group leader "Light of All Things" uploaded the video file: "The Wandering Earth" ————



(End of this chapter)

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