He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 23 New function in the group, upload the movie "The Wandering Earth"!

Chapter 23 New function in the group, upload the movie "The Wandering Earth"!
Marco and others were startled.

The group owner uploaded the video of "The Wandering Earth"?
What is this stuff? ?

And they discovered that the Wanjie chat group also had a "group file" function.

new function! ?

Each and every one of them moved extremely quickly. After all, it was the group leader who created the thing. He must be an awesome being!

The "Group Files" function is a bit empty.

Only one video file exists.

——"The Wandering Earth".

What is this?

With doubts, they clicked on the document and found that it was a video file divided into two parts, with a total duration of more than five hours.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: What is the group leader doing, wandering the earth?

[The richest man in the world]: The video file is quite long, but since it was created by the group owner, there is no doubt that it must be good stuff!
[Apprentice Death]: +1+1+1+1
When everyone was wondering why the group owner would upload a video file.

Little Broken Ball looked at the name of the video file...


It has a vague feeling that it seems to be related to itself.

"The Wandering Earth...is this name...an accident...or..."

Click the video playback button to start watching.

At the same time, Tony Stark and other members of the group also clicked play.

The picture slowly unfolds...

The first thing that catches the eye are a few big words:
——The Wandering Earth Project!
[The World’s Richest Man]: It’s really just a video, Wandering Earth Project. What does this mean?
[Apprentice Death]: I don’t understand.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Daring, are you questioning the group leader?Just look good and that’s it!
[The richest man in the world]: Just...just bullshit! !How could I possibly question the group owner.

As the plot unfolds on the screen...

All the ins and outs and major events appeared in front of everyone...

Solar crisis, space elevator, artificial intelligence 550w, moon plan, planetary engine, digital life backup plan, planetary engine...

And...the Wandering Earth plan is finalized! !

see here...

Everyone in the group finally understood what this "Wandering Earth" video was.

Even Marco and the others, who had been shocked countless times and were beginning to feel numb, had their mouths slightly widened.

The nouns and scenes in the picture are almost exactly the same as what Little Broken Ball said before.

This... is actually a video of the world of Little Broken Ball! !
Especially the awe-inspiring plans and inventions in the picture,

A dungeon built by gathering the power of all mankind!
Operation to eliminate the tidal gravity of the moon! !
Human Fire Project! !
A space elevator that goes directly from the surface to space! !
Backup plan: Digital life plan, which transfers human consciousness to virtual space to achieve conscious immortality.

There is also the huge and spectacular planetary engine, which is like 1 steel behemoths crawling on the ground, full of cygpunk style.

Everything... everything is stimulating the nerves of everyone in the Wanjie chat group.

Although these things have been mentioned by "Little Broken Ball" before.

However, how can the description in words be more shocking than the picture that comes to you?

Even Tony Stark, the only highly intelligent scientist in the group, felt his scalp numb when he saw this, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and his body was trembling slightly.What a grand gesture! !

What a big brain, digital life, and the plan to realize human immortality! !
Tony Stark felt that his horizons had been infinitely improved.

Even he is like this, not to mention the other illiterate people in the group who have never seen high technology.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were wide open, their mouths were wide open, their minds were confused, and one sentence after another kept coming out of their throats: "Fuck, fuck!!"


Among all the group members, the one who felt the deepest feeling was undoubtedly Little Breaking Ball.

This... Since this is everything that has happened in his world, the group leader made it into a video and uploaded it to the group! ! !
After a long pause, the group members finally came to their senses.

[I Can’t Fly]: Humans are so crazy! !I feel like I have always underestimated human beings. They actually have such terrifying technological means!

[The World’s Richest Man]: Yes, I feel that the Wandering Earth Project in the video is far more ambitious than what Xiao Poqiu described. @小PoQiu, we will have time to communicate in the future.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: My hands and feet are numb now. Is this the horror of developing technology? ?Vegapunk counts a ball! ! !No, I have to ask dad to recruit technology talents! !
[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Who am I?where am I?
[Death Agent]: Oh my god, this digital life plan is just another form of soul separation!And it’s the kind that Death can’t control...

[Big Bones Made into Soup]: The group leader is too scary. Does he know the past and future of the world of Little Breaking Ball?Doesn’t that mean that we even know the past and future of our world? !
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Nonsense, how else would the group leader know about things in our world?

As the video plays, the two video files are coming to an end.

Behind him is human lieutenant colonel Liu Peiqiang, who crashed into Jupiter with a space station containing the seeds of human civilization, igniting Jupiter and generating a shock wave that gave the earth an escape velocity capable of escaping Jupiter's gravity.

see this scene...

Everyone in the group was startled.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:? ? ? ?Didn’t the little broken ball successfully escape Jupiter’s gravity?
[The richest man in the world]: Yes, humans escaped from Jupiter by relying on their own wisdom and courage.

【大古成 soup】: Moss doesn’t seem to have rebelled.

Everyone looked at each other, which was contrary to what Little Broken Ball said.

Little Broken Ball himself doesn’t understand why the final outcome of what happened in his own world is different?In the video, Moss did not rebel, and humans successfully escaped Jupiter's gravity through their own efforts.

[The richest man in the world]: I understand, @小波球, has the established future of your world been changed? !Your world line has changed!

[I Can’t Fly]: It seems to be true. This document sent by the group leader should be your original world development process.

[Apprentice Death]: Could it be that something has changed the world of Little Broken Ball?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: A gold medal for answering questions?That’s not right, there is no gold medal list in the world of small broken balls.

Listening to the answers from the group members, Little Broken Ball himself fell into deep contemplation.

The timeline of my own world has changed? !

What exactly is going on?

It had no doubts about the timeline being changed. After all, that was the terrifying leader of the group.

The video file he uploaded should be the original development history of his world.



ps: Thanks to the administrator of the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group "Shiwang_da" for the reward of 1666 reading coins...Thanks to the administrator "Song of Liyue" for the reward of 100 reading coins~~~~~ (The Ten Thousand Realms Chat here The group is the group clam in the book~~There is not really a QQ group that you don’t know about.)
Also, thank you to all Shuaibi readers for your monthly votes and recommendation votes~~~~
I am new to this website to write a book, so please bear with me if there are any shortcomings~~ Don’t worry about the plot. I have written the Tianbang book in Xulu before, so don’t worry about the bad points (as long as you are not acclimatized)
Updates are basically done at night, around 20:23 and [-]:[-].


(End of this chapter)

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