He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 27: The world passage is opened, and the world of Little Breaking Ball arrives! !

Chapter 27: The world passage is opened, and the world of Little Breaking Ball arrives! !

See the group information appear.

Everyone clicked into the group file immediately.

Sure enough, under the Wandering Earth video file, there was a new video file - "One Piece"!
[The richest man in the world]: This is really a name that fits your world with a group of pirates. This time, let me systematically understand what the devil fruits and various domineering powers are in your world. I still don't quite understand it.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: I also want to know, what are the differences between Haki and Reiatsu?
All group members clicked the play button immediately to open the video.

[The richest man in the world]:? ?
[Ghost Slaying Expert]:? ? ?

[Apprentice Death]:? ? ? ?
[I can’t fly]: Huh?
【Big bones boiled into soup】: I’ll go! More than 2 minutes of video, which takes more than 300 hours to watch!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Let me go!So long! !
The length of the "One Piece" video was beyond everyone's expectations. It only takes a few hours to know the grand history of Little Broken Ball!

Marco also didn't expect that it would take more than 300 hours to watch the history of his world.

Even if you don't sleep, it will still take more than ten days!

"But judging from the length of time, do I make a profit?"

You know, no matter what world history it is, it costs 500 points to start, but more than 300 hours of video only costs 900 points!

[Apprentice Death]: ╮(╯_╰)╭Unexpectedly, I still have to watch dramas in the chat group for a few hours a day. Who can watch more than ten or twenty hours a day?
[The richest man in the world]: I don’t care. I just change my time for partying every day to watching TV shows. I need to ask the housekeeper to prepare some snacks and food.

[I Can’t Fly]: (^ω^) The human body is fragile, it’s too messy, it seems I have to be the first to read it.

Everyone clicked the play button of the video and started watching "One Piece".

In the next period of time, the group will be quiet for a while.

Ultra Universe, Blue Star.

At this time, Annan was more concerned about the news in the group than the news in the group, which was the gold medal list that had not seen any action in the past seven days.

He didn't expect that this guy could be autistic for so long. Could he be really scared?
at this time……

【Ding!World passage progress completed! 】

When the system prompt sounded, Annan was shocked.

He noticed that the aura and power contained in him became visibly stronger.

The world channel was constructed successfully!
Holding back his slight excitement, Annan said: "System, open the channel!"

The moment he finished speaking, the space in front of him suddenly began to distort and deform.

Accompanied by the whirlpool of space and the sound of clicking.

An unremarkable vortex appeared in front of him, with black lightning jumping from time to time, as if it carried the power of destroying the world.

Behind this is the wandering earth world of Little Broken Ball.

However, Annan only got slightly closer to the passage when he discovered that it was showing signs of collapse. Black lightning flashed out crazily in the passage and the vortex was oscillating.

Annan frowned.

Is the small world so fragile?

I am the one who rules the world, which means that I am a top-notch world.

Can't this small world accommodate a high-status existence like mine?

Once I enter, the laws of the great world that I carry with me will crush and disintegrate the laws of the small world of wandering earth.

The entire wandering earth world will explode like a balloon.

Only by wandering around the earth world, completely becoming my subordinate world, and being tainted with my aura, can I come in my true form.

"In that case..."


Annan's eyes moved, and he differentiated a ray of his own thoughts, turned into a clone, and entered the world passage.

Instantly, as if sleeping in a black hole, there was a feeling of dizziness.

When he came back to his senses, Annan's thoughts had already reached a strange space in the universe.

This place is filled with the atmosphere of laws that are completely different from the Ultra Universe.


Annan frowned and looked at the universe.

In this world, Annan, even with only a glimmer of thought, feels an indescribable sense of emptiness.

It's like a creature that has always been active in the deep sea, but once it comes to the atmosphere, it cannot touch the sea water at all.

Although I can still survive, I just feel uncomfortable all over.

The rules are backward, weak, and vulnerable.This is the small world.

First find the location of the small broken ball.

Annan's spiritual power was released.

Soon, the location of the solar system was found.


solar system.

At this time, the Blue Star was stagnant at the position where Jupiter was before, without any action.

Xiao Poqiu later learned about Moss's rebellion and the world line of his world was changed.

From time to time, he caused various earthquakes and hurricanes to interrupt and prevent humans from restarting the planetary engine.

Although it is the will of the planet, it is not yet able to communicate with humans and can only influence humans in this way.

But at this time... it was doing two things, watching the history of the "Birdman" world.

While wandering around Blue Star, looking for things that can be sold to the chat group in exchange for points.

all of a sudden...

Little Broken Ball was shivering all over and felt inexplicably frightened.

It felt that a terrifying gaze fell directly on itself, which only existed as a spiritual will.

It was trembling all over its body, as if it had goosebumps like humans.

At this moment, it heard an exclamation coming from the Blue Star Federation command.

"How, how is that possible! Someone is in space!!?"

At the headquarters of the Earth Federation, everyone’s eyes widened.

Screen shot captured by satellite:

In the boundless starry sky outside the atmosphere, a vague human figure is walking towards the earth step by step like a leisurely stroll.

Every step he took was like stepping on their hearts, shocking their hearts to beat together.

"That's a human?? Impossible! How can humans walk in the sky!"

The worldview they had finally recovered felt like it was falling apart again.

"Quick, get a clear look at his appearance, satellite camera, focus!"

Someone shouted at the Human Federation Command Center.

But what scares everyone is that no matter what angle or how close the satellite camera is, it cannot capture its specific face.

No matter how you look at it, the face of this figure seems to be hidden in the wind and sand, blurry and vague, and it is impossible to confirm whether it is a man or a woman.

It was even difficult for them to look directly at this figure with their naked eyes, as if his existence was something that humans could not look directly at.

This figure...he, who is he? ! ?

All the top scientists and scholars had dull eyes and blank expressions. What happened to Dashou seven days ago clearly emerged in their minds.

Coupled with the figure walking in space, they felt that all their previous experiences were brought to life in the dog. It was as if they were living in The Truman World, where everything was arranged.

It wasn't until the giant hand and the figure appeared that they escaped and came to the real world.

On the entire Blue Star, the only person who could see this figure most clearly was the Little Breaking Ball.

As the will of the planet, looking at it from its personality and perspective, you can feel more shocking things.

This figure that people dare not look at directly, the moment he appeared, the stars in the universe trembled, and their light dimmed in front of this figure.

The sun, moon, ice and fire, thunder, light and wind, countless laws linger around him, and the chaos of the entire universe seems to be crawling under his feet.

Every time he took a step, an inconspicuous starlight gathered at his feet, forming an avenue of stars.

The little broken ball took a breath, and even...the whole world itself was suppressed by this figure!

It struggled to move its spiritual will towards the darkness.

what on earth is it?In its world, is there such an existence that can break stars with one hand and frighten the whole world? !



(End of this chapter)

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