He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 28 The first subordinate world!An existence from the three-dimensional world!

Chapter 28 The first subordinate world!Existences from the "Three-Body World"!

Feeling this terrifying will.

The little broken ball panicked.

Wanjie chat group...

[Little Broken Ball]: It’s over, it’s over! !A terrifying existence has appeared in our world, and I feel like I will explode just by looking at it.Definitely a super strong man with a broken star level or above, even more terrifying!Now that he suddenly appeared outside my body and noticed my existence, he must have wanted to blow me up! ?
Everyone in the group was instantly shocked!
[The richest man in the world]: Broken star level! ? ?Aren’t you a tech person like me?How come a person with personal strength of the breaking star level suddenly appears! ?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:...Broken...Broken Star! ?I guess, after looking at the history of your world, isn’t your world all about technology?The human body is like a weak chicken, there is no Neptune type, and the personal strength level is not high, how can there be a broken star! ?This span is too big!

[Little Breaking Ball]: It’s true!If you don’t believe it, take a look! ! ! 【photo】

Everyone clicked...

In an instant, even the picture can feel a pressure.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hiss... just one photo makes me feel cold all over.

[Big Bones Boiled into Soup]: The power of Tiga in my body is also trembling and crawling...but I don't know why, I feel a sense of intimacy.

[Apprentice Death]:! ! !My spirit body is tingling, what the hell is this!
For a world god like Groudon who controls the laws, the feeling is even more shocking.

[I Can’t Fly]: Damn, it’s so scary. The laws on him, no, it feels like all the laws are crawling around him!
Many group members were shocked, why does this exist in the world of Little Broken Ball? Isn't their world a technological world?
[The richest man in the world]: @小波杯, hold on, hold on! !If you don’t know whether it’s friend or foe, just hide it!
Just when everyone was giving advice to Xiao Poqiu.

[Light of All Things]: Stop guessing, that’s just a ray of my thoughts coming to your world.

【I can’t fly】:! ! ! !
[The richest man in the world]:! ! ! !
[Small breaking ball]: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ! ?

[Little Broken Ball]: Group...Group leader, then, then it’s okay...

Wandering around the earth world…

After knowing that the figure was just a thought of the group leader, Xiao Poqiu's tense spirit immediately relaxed.

But soon, it suddenly realized something even more terrifying.

The group leader actually came to his own world with just a thought! ?

But it seems normal. After all, sending a red envelope can send Jupiter flying with a slap.

At the same time, Annan's sweep was a small breaking ball.

The other party has no privacy in front of him, every detail is revealed.


The small breaking ball is the prototype of a side of heaven.

Not only the will of the earth, but also vaguely involved in the laws of this world, vaguely accepting the laws of the entire world as its own.

If you continue to grow, you will be the way to heaven.

Then the next step is to get down to business.

He was curious as to why Moss would betray humanity.

Obviously the gold medal winner has not arrived in the world of Wandering Earth, but why has the world line been changed?
The next moment, Little Broken Ball felt a boundless will envelope its body - the entire Blue Star.

"Got you!"

Annan held his hand empty, and a ball of information and ideas was caught in his hand from the blue star.

This mass of information and ideas cannot be seen by ordinary people. It is like a nebula, which contains an extremely large torrent of information, and countless digital symbols are constantly emerging in it.

After Annan was caught, the information thought body was still struggling in his hands, trying to escape.

And this is Moss’s self-awareness.

Seeing the small movements of Moss's will body, Annan felt even more interesting.

Although he only has one clone now, in the face of such pressure, even the prototype of Heavenly Dao, the Little Broken Ball, cannot move, but this artificial intelligence is still able to resist...

This is definitely not what Moss should have.

Good guy, there is even a layer of protection on the surface!
Once something invades the core, the self-destruct program will be started immediately.

"But it's no use to me."

The light in Annan's eyes flashed, and the bright power surged directly into Moss's will body, directly ignoring the so-called protection procedure and breaking through.

A few seconds later... Annan withdrew his power, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Sure enough, this moss had already been replaced by a civet cat for a prince.

The artificial intelligence program in it does not come from Blue Star at all, but the artificial intelligence from the Singer Civilization! !
Singer Civilization...a god-level civilization in the world of "Three-Body", one of the top civilizations.

Not only can they easily destroy a space, they can even use two-way foil strikes to forcibly reduce the three-dimensional world to a two-dimensional world.

There is no doubt that the Trisolaran World is a world on the technological side, and it is also an extremely powerful one.

And according to 'moss' memory.

The reason why it came to this world...

The reason is that after the singer civilization broke out in a war with other civilizations in the "Three Body Dimension World"...

The two sides fought a battle.

Carry out weapon bombardment on the technological side.

Two-way foil has been used many times.

An artificial intelligence program that was supposed to be destroyed in a two-way foil strike inexplicably and unexpectedly crossed the world barrier and came to the small world of Wandering Earth.

There was no way Moss could be an opponent of Singer Civilization's artificial intelligence. It easily stole the data and disguised itself as the original Moss.

And after that, it still maintained its original program and identified the humans wandering the earth as objects that needed to be destroyed.

So it shut down its planetary engine at a critical moment, preparing to completely wipe out human civilization.

From this point of view, this is really an unfortunate accident for the wandering earth world.

Knowing that the change in the world line was just a helpless accident.

Annan shook his head helplessly, took one step forward, and arrived somewhere in the solar system.

In this cosmic space where nothing seems to exist, only he can feel... there is a trace of aura that does not belong to the "Wandering Earth World".

He clenched his hand, and a wisp of breath was controlled in his hand.

This is the breath of the "Three Body World".

"Is this where artificial intelligence first appeared?"

"Interesting... with this breath, maybe, in the future, I can work backwards to lock the coordinates of the Trisolaran world."

And this can be considered a good harvest.

"But before that, let's imprint the world of this little broken ball with aura and turn it into my subordinate Xiaoqian World."

Annan closed his eyes, and his thoughts and power invaded the order and rules of this world, imprinting his own breath directly on the origin of the world.

At this moment, the little broken ball, which is the prototype of the way of heaven in this world, also felt something.

"This is!?"

Before the little broken ball knew what was happening, a voice sounded in its consciousness.

"Don't resist."

This familiar aura and will... is the leader of the group! ?
Now that he knew it was the group leader who was doing it, Xiao Poqiu completely let go of his defense.

After a long time, when Annan stopped invading, Little Breaking Ball also had an inexplicable feeling.

Your world has become stronger, or in other words, the world is slowly upgrading!

In Annan's mind, the system's beep sounded.

【Ding!The wandering earth world has been transformed into the subordinate small world]

[Current number of subordinate worlds: 1]


(End of this chapter)

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