Chapter 29 Little Broken Ball: I...I sold my world!
In just a small world, Annan easily invaded the origin of the world and left his mark.

Breath imprinting completed...

The wandering earth world is already in his shape.

As the prototype of the way of heaven wandering around the earth, the little broken ball is also blessed with its soul at this time, aware of it, and digesting the information fed back to itself by the "world" itself.

Its mouth opened slightly.

Has your own world become the subordinate world of the group leader? ? the group leader?
It is a bit confusing, the amount of information is too much, and it is a bit difficult for me. I have heard of recruiting armies, but I have never heard that the whole world can be recruited.

But after being stunned, I felt excitement that was hard to conceal.

It’s compiled! !

This was collected by the group leader!There is someone above me! !

Xiao Poqiu also felt that his world became a little different after being included by the group leader.

After becoming an affiliated world, a special energy particle began to emerge in the world where he was, and it was slowly spreading to the entire universe.

No harm…

Because of the appearance of energy particles, it sensed that the laws of the world were cheering.

Obviously, this is exactly the kind of feedback this world has received after becoming a subsidiary of the world.

As the world itself changes, Breaking Ball feels its own changes too.

Both his spiritual will and his own strength are getting better.

Not only has his control over Blue Star become stronger, but he also vaguely feels that if he can continue to become stronger, he will be able to do more things that he could not do before with Blue Star's will.


Ultra Universe…

Annan slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of consciousness that went to the world of the small broken ball had returned.

at the same time…

The Ultra World itself has become extremely different.

His eyes moved.

The suppressed divinity breaks out.

He felt that he was constantly 'elevating'.

The earth, planets, galaxies... and finally the entire universe, the entire world shrank in his eyes.

What appeared in his eyes was a sphere wrapped in a circular film, and his perspective was looking down from outside the sphere.

This is a high-dimensional perspective on the vast world created by oneself - the "Ultra World".

The circular membrane is the world barrier.

In the sphere wrapped by the world barrier, there are several small spheres, which are other dimensional universes of the Ultra World.

Now in the Ultra Universe where Annan is located, there are only two giants of light, Tiga and Dyna.

It can be regarded as an Ultra Universe with a relatively backward combat power system.

In the past, Annan could only see his own world. Outside the world barrier, there was nothingness.

But now, he saw that outside the barrier of his world, there was a small round ball rotating around his world.

——"Wandering Earth World".

A smile appeared on Annan's lips.

Sooner or later, one day, he will have three thousand worlds guarding his Ultra Universe.

Countless small and medium thousand worlds follow the great thousand worlds like dust.


It has become the subordinate world of the group leader.

Xiao Poqiu was in a good mood and realized that the group leader had left the world where he was.

It stopped blocking the start of the planetary engine, and its thoughts came to the chat group.

Come into the group, the group friends are discussing something.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: This is Hawkeye, the greatest swordsman in the Phoenix world!It is indeed awesome, a slash of the sword can split the sea, and split the entire fleet of the East China Sea Overlord Crick with one slash. [Ghost Slaying Expert]: Extreme strength and speed... Being able to have such destructive power without even using sword moves is amazing!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hawkeye's swordsmanship is indeed extremely terrifying. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best in the world, and he is considered the top powerhouse in the entire sea.However, I am no weaker than him now!
[Small Breaking Ball (30000 points)]: Swordsmanship?Hawkeye?What are you talking about?

The sudden appearance of the little breaking ball caused everyone's eyes to be instantly fixed on the astonishingly large number next to its nickname.

Everyone took a breath and exclaimed in disbelief.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: 30000! ? ?

[I can’t fly (10000 points)]: 30000! ! !

[The richest man in the world (0 points)]: 30000! ?What have you done! ?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: (°д°)30000? ? ?

[Apprentice Death]: 30000 points! ! !You're cheating, little broken ball!

Not only the other group members, but also Xiao Poqiu himself was in a very confused situation.

[Little Broken Ball]: What's going on? I can't get there!When did I get the extra 30000 points? ? ?

[Little Broken Ball]: Wait, wait, don’t worry, let me check...

Later, Xiao Poqiu checked the transaction details of the points, and in the same sluggish situation, uploaded the screenshot to the group.

[Little Broken Ball]: Take a look at the "photo"...

After everyone clicked it curiously, a line of large characters appeared on the screen.

——Points details: "Help sell a world and get 3 points."

[The richest man in the world]:! ! !

[The richest man in the world]: Helped sell a world? ?Damn it, what the hell is going on here, you’re not going to sell the earth! ?
[Apprentice Death]:! ! ! !Little broken ball, aren't you the earth itself? sold yourself to the chat group! ! ?
[Big bones boiled into soup]: Damn it, for the sake of points, you even sell yourself? ?

Seeing what was shown in the photo, everyone's eyes almost dropped in surprise!

Little Broken Ball actually sold himself to the chat group!This operation was beyond everyone's expectations and left them all stunned.

Groudon, in particular, was even more open-mouthed. He originally thought that selling Arceus' slate was an exaggeration.

But I didn't expect that Little Broken Ball was even better than his predecessor, and even sold his own world! ! !
As a result, the guilt he felt for selling the Arceus Slate disappeared in an instant.

[I can’t fly]: Please tell me!How can I sell the world? I want to sell it too!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: +1!Be sure to tell me too!

[The richest man in the world]: Are you giving up your face just for the sake of points?Are you selling everything in your world? ! @小 Poqiu, I am a capitalist, I have no face, tell me first, how to sell my planet.

[Little Broken Ball]: Uh...become the planetary will of a planet first?

[I can’t fly]: ...Excuse me!

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Sorry, I spoke too loudly just now.

[The richest man in the world]: Excuse me!
[The richest man in the world]: But since you already have [-] points for the little broken ball, why not draw from the highest level pool to open our eyes?

[Little Broken Ball]: If I can’t fly, why don’t I still have [-] points?Why don't you smoke?

[I can’t fly]: You are three times as powerful as me and can draw the highest prize pool three times. You draw one first to explore the way for us!

[Little Broken Ball]: ...Okay.

Little Broken Ball is also curious about what can be drawn from the advanced prize pool.

With a thought, it opened the lottery's most advanced wheel page.

"I hope to extract props that can solve the Blue Star crisis and the Krypton Flash crisis."

After thinking silently in his mind, the little broken ball clicked to start drawing.

In an instant, a golden light dozens of times more dazzling than the 100-point roulette wheel bloomed from it, and countless items whose specific appearance was unclear flashed past one by one.

But even if you can't see clearly, you can still feel the horror of these items.

The little broken ball watched the roulette screen extremely nervously, and finally stopped at a golden creature.

——Receive the raffle prize: the cub of the three-legged Golden Crow——


(End of this chapter)

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