He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 30 Shocking humans wandering the earth, the divine seal reappears, the golden crow emerges,

Chapter 30 Shocking humans wandering the earth, the myth reappears, the golden crow emerges, and the sun appears! !
Three-legged Golden Crow! ! ?

Xiao Poqiu was in shock and sent a screenshot of the introduction and appearance of the Three-Legged Golden Crow to the group.

"Three-legged Golden Crow Cub": The top creature in all worlds, known as the Spirit of the Sun. When it grows up, it is also a terrifying existence in the world.

The three-legged Golden Crow in the picture is a red baby bird.

Although it is just a young bird, the feathers all over its body are hot, brilliant and extraordinary.

Everyone in the group felt stressed just by looking at the photo of the baby bird.

[I can’t fly]: Three-legged Golden Crow...the spirit of the sun! ?Although it looks a bit similar to the Flame Bird, compared with the two, they are not of the same dimension at all!
As the God of the Earth, Groudon can naturally clearly feel the difference between the flame bird and the three-legged golden crow, just like the sun and a small flame!
And this three-legged Golden Crow is just a baby bird now!

[Apprentice Death God]: Hey, in all worlds, are they all the top-notch creatures when they grow up?This description makes me kneel down!How awesome is this!

Facing the photos of these three-legged golden crows, the one who felt the most deeply was Marco, who has the ability of the Phoenix.

When he saw the photo of the Three-legged Golden Crow, the Phoenix ability in his body seemed to be fearing the Three-legged Golden Crow, which made him have the urge to worship and kneel down.

"Is this, personal suppression..."

"Is this... is this a top-notch creature among all... thousands of worlds?"

Marco took a deep breath, his face full of disbelief.

What is the top?

Everyone is no longer a novice in the chat group. Those who can be called top creatures are at least capable of breaking stars.


"Ten thousand points, I drew out the three-legged Golden Crow!!!?"

The most confusing and incredible thing is the small broken ball.

My head felt a little dizzy, as if I was in a dream.

As the will of the earth, it is well aware of the myths and customs of humans on the earth.

Naturally, we also know the meaning and representation of the "three-legged golden crow" in Chinese mythology.

That is synonymous with the sun! !

The three-legged Golden Crow, in mythology, is the incarnation of the sun!

In the myth of Hou Yi shooting the sun, the nine suns he shot down were the nine golden crows!

And now, he actually pulled out a sun! ?

Advanced lottery, YYDS, invincible! ! !
There is no need for me to leave my hometown and the solar system!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Poqiu's consciousness immediately exited the chat group.

Originally, the reason why humans proposed the plan to wander to the earth was because the sun in the center of the solar system had reached the end of its lifespan and began to decay into a red giant, which was no longer suitable for human survival.

If you don't leave, you will be swallowed by the sun and completely turned into nothingness.

But now, it has drawn the three-legged Golden Crow, the mythical incarnation of the sun.

Everything will be changed!

The extremely excited Little Broken Ball thought and directly pulled out the three-legged Golden Crow.

Beep~! ! !

At this moment, a loud cry echoed in the universe, crossed space, and reached the ears of every human being on the Blue Star with incomparable clarity.

On Blue Star...

At this time, scientists were still desperately studying the mysterious figure existing in space, trying to determine some information from the blurry images.

But at this moment, the sudden sound of birds chirping made them raise their heads with blank eyes and look around.

Bird calls?
Aren’t all birds extinct since the earth’s rotation stopped?

Where did this sound come from?

The next moment the birdsong sounded, panicked shouts came from the personnel monitoring the satellite images. "Quick...quick...look at the satellite display."

Hearing these words, the scientists who thought of the bird calls just now felt chills all over.

Here we go again, is there another supernatural phenomenon this time? ?
All the scientists, as well as the senior officials of the Earth Federation Command, immediately transferred the satellite images to the large screen of the command center and nervously watched the images from the satellite.

The next moment, their mouths opened wide, and their bodies that had been standing upright slumped on the seats, staring blankly at the big screen in front of them.

In the picture taken by the satellite, in the deep and empty space, from unknown time, a red bird appeared.

It was not big in size, just like the birds that once existed on the earth, but its feathers were as bright as sparks, its body was red, and its whole body was burning with terrifying orange-red flames.

The universe where the bird is located seems to be burning and distorted by its terrifying flames.

Just looking at this mysterious bird, everyone in the headquarters felt as if they were in a fire, and their clothes were soaked with sweat.

"What's going on in this world... In addition to the mysterious giant hand and human figure, there are actually birds that can survive in space..."

"Another existence that cannot be explained by science, buy it! This world has gone crazy! Science is no longer useful!"

"Science can no longer explain why it can fly in space. There is obviously no air flow!"

Amid the debate and gazes of the higher-ups at the headquarters, the crimson bird flapped its small wings and came to the front of the sun.

"The camera focuses on the sun!"

After arriving in front of the sun, the red bird did not stop there, but plunged into the surface of the sun and submerged into it.

boom! ! !
In an instant, an unprecedented violent reaction occurred inside the sun!
Countless solar flares exploded.

The red giant stopped expanding, and not only that, it also began to shrink visibly to the naked eye.

In their eyes, whose world view had been completely shattered, the fusion reaction that was happening all the time in the monitor also stopped, and the light dimmed.

This process develops rapidly.

Just like a "tungsten light bulb" that was still shining brightly one second, it burned out and became dim the next second.

It was as if the energy of the sun had been completely swallowed up by the bird.

Finally, in everyone's frightened eyes... they relied on the last ray of light of the sun to see... the sun they once relied on for survival turned into ashes and scattered in the universe when it was completely extinguished.

The light was completely extinguished, and the entire solar system was shrouded in darkness.

There are only sporadic stars and lights echoing on the surface and in the sky.

Facing this sudden scene, everyone didn't know how to deal with it, and they were stunned.

The planet was silent, the needle dropped silently, and there was no sound except the sound of my own heartbeat.

It might be a second... it might be half a minute... it might be an hour...

Beep~——! ! !
An excited and loud bird song echoed throughout the solar system again.

It's like the rising sun is rising, and it's like the heaven and earth are reopening.

The dark solar system ushered in light again.

On the horizon to the east of Blue Star, the sky glowed fish belly white, and the first dazzling light lit up.

In the solar system, a new rising sun is rising slowly.

It's not a description, it's the true birth of a sun.

Unprecedented warm sunshine shines on Blue Star again after decades.

Under the rays of the sun, the blue star covered by ice began to melt little by little.

All the high-level human beings in the command headquarters looked at the newly born... brand new sun in the observer in shock!


(End of this chapter)

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