He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 3: Shout 3 sentences to the giant: Big bones make soup! !

Chapter 3: Shout three words to the giant, and the bones will turn into soup! !

Victory team base…

At this time, Dagu was waiting for instructions in the victory team.

"A huge energy reaction was discovered on the ground!!"

In the victory team, all the members were extremely panicked. This was the first time the victory team had encountered such a situation.

"Request the victory team to dispatch and go to the location of the incident to investigate the situation!"

"Dago, Lina, you two take the Feiyan No. [-] to investigate!"

"Roger that!"

After receiving the order, the two men flew a fighter plane together and rushed to the location of the incident.

At the same moment, Annan, who was in the hotel, was eating and watching TV, which was playing emergency news.

The butterfly effect may be due to Annan. The current Blue Star is different from the Blue Star in the original Tiga world.

Annan didn't pay attention and continued drinking coke and eating melon.

However, less than ten minutes after relaxing, the TV picture suddenly changed again.

A line of eye-catching red characters appeared on the screen, and the announcer's horrified voice sounded.

"Two huge creatures were discovered in Neon Shizuoka Prefecture! They are heading in one direction. Residents in this direction are asked to evacuate immediately!"

Then, in the TV screen.

Two behemoths appeared in front of everyone, one with a strong body and amazing strength.

The other one is thinner, but has a pair of wings that can fly in the sky. When it flaps its wings, it will set off a terrifying storm and destroy everything.

These two monsters, as huge as mountains, are heading in the same direction.

While advancing, all the cities on the way were badly damaged by them.

Countless people screamed and fled frantically. Cries and looks of despair were everywhere.

"Has it finally started?"

Annan's brows raised: "The plot has begun. It seems that it won't be long before Dagu is boiled into soup."

Later, Stark sent another message in the chat group.

The richest man in the world: @大 Bone的吃成肉, newcomer, how are you?Is the matter settled?

After nearly half a minute, Dagu replied.

Big bones made into soup: Sorry, this place has become a mess. Two huge alien creatures appeared in our world. Later, by deciphering the super-ancient time machine, we learned that they are called Golzan and Melba.

To deal with them, we can only find the pyramids and giants, but we have no clue now. Moreover, almost all the weapons on Blue Star have no effect on them.

If this continues, Blue Star will be doomed!

Trainee Shinigami: The giant monster, could it be said to be a Hollow?Can you let us take a look?

Big bones made into soup: [Picture], [Picture]

Seeing the two pictures uploaded by Dagu, everyone in the group couldn't help but take a breath.

Trainee Death: This is too big!He is not on the same level as Xu at all!
Ghost Slayer Expert: Wait, why do I feel that one of them looks a bit like Mr. "I can't fly"?

I can't fly:? ? ?Are you polite?Is this thing worthy of being compared with me?If an earthquake strikes me, will it be able to withstand it?
Stark: [suppressing laughter], but one of the monsters has wings and can fly.I can't fly: Mad, sooner or later I will give each of you a Cliff Sword.

Seeing the jokes and jokes in the group, Dagu became even more anxious.

The big bones are boiled into soup: Everyone, is there really no way to do it?Please help my blue star!We didn't find that pyramid!
Seeing Dagu's anxious look, Annan smiled.

The Light of All Things: The Pyramid is in the forest on the outskirts of the northeastern part of Neon.

Big bones made into soup: Really! !Thank you so much!
Although Dagu knew that it was stupid to trust a stranger now, he could only act like a dead horse.

What if what the Light of All Things says is true?

Seeing the light of all things appear, other people in the group also became commotion.

The richest man in the world: Hey, you, a newcomer, are not trying to deceive Dagu, are you?They are not in the same world, how do you know?

I can't fly: There are two things I hate in my life. The first is things that can fly, and the second is things that lie. I feel like you are lying.

Apprentice Death: It's really bad to lie to people, especially at such a critical moment.

Minutes passed.

During this time, Annan remained silent.

Big bones made into soup: I really found the pyramid, with three giant statues inside!It turns out that you really need to confirm it with the naked eye. No wonder we can’t find the pyramid. Thank you so much!Mr. Light of All Things!

As Dagu appeared again, the group of friends were surprised.

Unexpectedly, what this light of all things said was true!

Ghost Slayer Expert: Let me just say, Mr. Light of All Things must be a good person.

The big bones are boiled into soup: But we don’t know how to wake up the giant yet, the monster is coming!Their goal is to destroy the pyramids and giant statues!
Light of All Things: It's okay, just shout at the statue three times to make soup from the big bones.

Big bones made into soup:? ? ? ?
At this time, Dagu, who was in the pyramid, was looking at the chat group screen that only he could see with a confused expression.

Tell three giant stone statues to boil their bones into soup?Isn't this his nickname in the group?

Not to mention whether shouting this sentence will cause death in front of the members of the victory team, whether it is useful is also a big doubt.

Is this a joke?This must be a joke!
Are you kidding yourself?
Just as he was struggling, Golzan and Melba had arrived.

As the earth shook, the extremely strong Golzan directly overturned the top of the pyramid, revealing the three giants inside.


Melba next to her began to destroy the outer wall structure of the pyramid, and countless rubbles fell.

In this extremely critical situation, Dagu gritted his teeth and decided to make a desperate move.

Light of all things, I will believe you just once!
He took a deep breath and shouted over the crashing rubble and explosions.

"Big bones are made into soup! Big bones are made into soup!! Big bones are made into soup!!!"

at the same time……

Annan, who was watching a movie in a luxury hotel, snapped his fingers.

Dagu found that his body was suddenly enveloped in a white light.

He felt as if his body had turned into light and was extremely warm.

Under the shroud of countless rays of light, Dagu's body continued to grow larger.
(End of this chapter)

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