He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 4 Congratulations to the chat group member, Light of All Things, for becoming the leader of

Chapter 4 Congratulations to the chat group member, Light of All Things, for becoming the leader of the chat group of all realms!

At this time, the group was in a commotion because of the unexpected changes.

Trainee Death: How did the avatar whose bones were boiled into soup turn into a giant?

The richest man in the world: Those who bought it, come and see God.

Ghost Slayer Expert: Wow!Mr. Dagu, what’s wrong with him! ?

I Can’t Fly: Can humans in the new world also evolve? ? ? ?

I'm a phoenix, not a birdman: Damn it, it's bigger than the giants! !

Everyone discovered that Dagu's head had changed from a human form into a red and purple giant image.


Big bones boil into soup: Mr. Light of All Things’ words are really useful! ! ! !I seem to have merged with the giant. I feel that I have a lot more fighting instincts, which are like my innate instincts. And I can feel that my whole body is full of explosive power, and a punch seems to Blow up a mountain.

Big bones make soup: It looks like I'm going to fight two monsters. Everyone, see you soon. I'll go and resolve the battle first.


On the hotel's TV screen, the reporter riding in a helicopter to broadcast the live footage shouted with great passion.

"Look, everyone, it's a giant! It's a giant discovered from the mysterious pyramid! It seems that the members of the victory team have really awakened the giant."

"According to the news revealed by the victory team, they obtained a time machine from the ultra-ancient era, which is something left by ultra-ancient humans."

"According to the information revealed by the victory team, this giant is the patron saint of mankind and the nemesis of monsters."

In the TV screen, the desperate reporter pointed the shaky camera at the giant and the two monsters.

The camera can clearly capture that below, three behemoths collided together, and the violent collision echoed in the sky.

The terrifying size and the terrifying power contained caused the surrounding earth to shatter and the mountain peaks to break.

What excites all human beings is that the giant is actually fighting one against two without losing any ground.


"It looks like it's over soon."

Annan turned off the news, and then picked up the game console next to him, many of which were unprecedented in his previous life.

as predicted…

After half an hour...

Da Gu started to bubble up in the group again, and his avatar changed from red and purple to human again.

Big Bones Turned into Soup: I have successfully dealt with two monsters, but unfortunately one escaped.

Ghost-killing expert: Mr. Dagu, your avatar has changed again. Does that mean you have changed from a giant to a human again?
Boil big bones into soup: change avatar?
The Richest Man in the World: After the Light of All Things asked you to shout three times, your avatar turned into a giant, and now it has changed back.

Big bones make soup: I'm afraid, this avatar changes with our status. After I became a giant, the avatar also became a giant. After I turned back to a human, the avatar also changed back.

The richest man in the world: Have humans become giant-like creatures? This is too unscientific! !Big bones boil into soup: Is the existence of this chat group scientific? !Talk to you later, my teammates came to see me.

After solving the monster, the 'missing' Dagu was found by his teammates and returned to the victory team's base.

At this time, the scientists and members of the Ye Rui team on the victory team have analyzed the names of the giants who fought the monsters.

Ye Rui said to the others: "The giant's name is Tiga, Ultraman Tiga."

Dagu silently muttered in his heart: It turns out that the giant I became is called Tiga.

He felt for a strange stick-shaped object in his pocket.

As if he was born with it, the name of this thing popped into his mind: Divine Light Rod.

A medium that allows him to transform into Tiga.


Next, is the victory team’s summary of this incident and future plans.

"However, in this case, I want to praise the Dagu team."

When it was about to end, Captain Hui changed the topic and came to Dagu.

"If Team Dagu hadn't awakened the giant, those two monsters would still be wreaking havoc in the city."

Dagu smiled sheepishly: "It's just a coincidence. I'm lucky."

After the cover-up was over, the meeting ended and Dagu returned to his bedroom.

Of course, he has not forgotten the help Annan brought him.

If it weren't for Annan, I'm afraid both the giant and himself would have died at the feet of the monster.

Big bones made into soup: Mr. Light of All Things, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would be dead now.

Light of All Things: No need to thank you, it’s just a small matter.

The richest man in the world: But why on earth do you know that doing this can awaken the giant?Aren’t we all people from different worlds?

Ghost Slayer Expert: Curious.

Apprentice Death: +1
Kurosaki Ichigo and others were extremely curious as to why the Light of All Things knew the whereabouts of the pyramid and how to awaken the giant.

At this moment, a message from the system suddenly appeared in the chat room.

【Congratulations!The chat group member, the light of all things, became the leader of the chat group in all realms]

I can't fly:? ? ?
I am a phoenix, not a birdman:? ? ?

Ghost-killing expert:? ? ?
Trainee Death:? ? ?
The world's richest man:? ? ?
Big bones made into soup:? ? ?


(End of this chapter)

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