He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 5: What the hell is a ray of light in the red envelope from the group leader? ?

Chapter 5: What the hell is a ray of light in the group leader’s red envelope? ?
Look at the announcement message on the chat group.

All the group members were stunned.

Lord! ! ! ? ? ? ?

The richest man in the world: What is going on? Is there an error in the system?
I am a phoenix, not a birdman: This is too sudden. What is the origin of this new group member, the Light of All Things?

Trainee Death: Does this chat group actually have a group leader?I thought the chat group itself was the manager of the entire group.

Almost all the group members' brains were a little down.

Ever since they got the Ten Thousand Realms chat group, they have been used to the absence of a group leader.

Now, the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group has proactively designated a group leader.

Dagu Ze was very confused. Did this Wanjie chat group never have a group leader before?
The speeches of others also helped him understand the situation.

Mr. Light of All Things seems to be a newcomer like him, but for some unknown reason, he became the leader of the group.

Big bones made into soup: Group leader?Have you ever had a group leader before?Is it difficult to become a group leader?
The world's richest man: Difficult?There's no way we can become group leaders, let alone group leaders. We don't even have administrators in this group! ! !

A normal chat group must have members responsible for management.

But even these rights are not given to them in this chat group.

What's more, this chat group can span all the worlds and communicate with people from different worlds. How can such a terrifying existence have a group leader? ? ?
When I first joined the group, I had no right to refuse. After the reminder of the chat group rang in my mind, I was directly pulled into the group.

I can't even find the button to leave the group.

This chat group is completely supreme.

Obtaining the qualifications of a group leader is equivalent to having the power to manage these people in various worlds.

The chat group leader does not just represent a title or a power.

It also represents the power to connect and manage people in all worlds.

A leader with such power and influence.

Now it is so easy to hand it over to a newcomer who has just joined the group, why? ? ?

I can’t fly: I am the God who created the earth! ! !I haven't even become the leader of the group, so where does this light of all things come from?
Trainee Shinigami: Okay, okay, I am still a Shinigami and a god, and there is no chat group where I am asked to become the group leader.

I am a phoenix, not a birdman: even us old group members can’t become group leaders. How can new people become group leaders as soon as they come in? How on earth can this be done! ? @The light of all things.

Ghost-killing expert: I’m curious too! Mr. @ the light of all things.

Light of All Things: The chat group asked me to be the group leader. 【picture】

Everyone looked at the screenshot on the picture.

[Dear Light of All Things, please be sure to become the group leader of the chat group. 】

Trainee Death:! ! !
The world's richest man:! ! !
I can't fly:! ! !
I am a phoenix, not a birdman:! ! !

Boil big bones into soup:! ! !

Ghost-killing expert:! ! !
Everyone was stunned that such an operation was possible! ?

What the hell! ! ?

you! ? ? ?

The chat group uses the honorific title to refer to "the light of all things"? ?

Trouble? ? ?be sure? ? ?
Everyone was dumbfounded. This was completely a piece of shit! !
They felt that the image of the supreme chat group in their minds had collapsed! !

Chat group! !You are not clean anymore! ! !

Annan in the hotel shrugged.

It seems that this chat group has realized that it has invaded the group.

But Annan never expected that it would hand over the authority of the group leader to him, which would be equivalent to taking over the life and death power of the entire group.

It's like the other party has put the life gate into his own hands.

After coming into contact with the chat group, Annan also knew what kind of existence it was.It is not a system, but a very special law that can travel freely among all the worlds and attract people into the group.

As a result, I met myself.

At the same time, a sentence suddenly popped up in the chat group.

————Ding, the existence of the group leader has been detected, and the rest of the chat group functions are officially enabled————

Seeing this piece of news, the other members were almost speechless.

Again?They also turned on other functions and worked on it for a long time. They had been using the castrated version before!

However, those who can join this group are not stupid people.

What kind of existence is the "Light of All Things" that even uses honorifics in chat groups! ! ?

Marvel world, in a luxurious villa.

Cold sweat broke out on Iron Man Tank's forehead: "I... I shouldn't have offended the "Light of All Things", right? "

He edited and entered a sentence in the group very carefully.

The richest man in the world: Congratulations to the group owner! !Our Ten Thousand Realms chat group finally has a wise creature and an incredibly handsome group leader to lead us!From now on, I will be the leader’s number one dog licker!
Kurosaki Ichigo and others despise him, he is really a shameless sycophant.

Trainee Shinigami: +1+1+1. When I entered the group, I knew that the group leader was special.

I am a phoenix, not a birdman: the group leader is awesome!
Groudon: The group leader can just call me Xiao Gu from now on.

In the bragging, Annan gradually lost himself.

Lean back with arms akimbo·jpg.

Light of All Things: Okay, okay, let me send you a red envelope. The red envelope function is also open.

Light of All Things: A red envelope is something that can be passed on to you through a red envelope. Only I can use it for the time being.

【Ding!The group leader sent a red envelope]

The Light of All Things: [Red Envelope]

On the screen of the chat group, a huge red envelope picture appeared.

Almost instantly, several other words were displayed on the red envelope.

[The red envelope has been collected]

[Congratulations! I am a phoenix, not a birdman, for receiving the red envelope. 】

The richest man in the world: Go ahead, your hands are too fast!Ahhhh! ! !A red envelope from the group leader! !I didn't get it.

Trainee Shinigami: Oh, if I had known I would have turned into a Shinigami in advance to grab red envelopes, the human body is not fast enough.

I can’t fly: Gan! !Claws are just not as easy to use as human fingers! ! !

At the same time, in the world of pirates.

On the Moby Dick, the lucky Marco grabbed the red envelope presented by Annan and was completely stunned by the huge surprise! !
Red envelope from the group leader! ! !
Being able to make everyone in the chat group fall to their knees, the red envelopes given out must be awesome!
He quickly checked what he had grabbed.

The whole person was stunned and confused.

A ray of light? ? ? ?
what the hell! ?
Can even something that cannot be captured like light be turned into a red envelope and given away?

"Hey, can I still withdraw cash?"

Marco was a little dumbfounded. Can light be extracted?He subconsciously clicked on extraction.

However, at the moment he pressed the extraction button.

Unprecedented roars and vibrations resounded throughout the Moby-Dick.

The world is spinning and the atmosphere is shaking!
An extremely terrifying and indescribable pressure spread from Marco's hands, spreading throughout the entire sea in an instant!

The entire sea felt this incredibly powerful force and became turbulent!

(End of this chapter)

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