He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 32: Excited Groudon: I can fly! ! !Who else dares to say that I can’t fly!

Chapter 32: Excited Groudon: I can fly! ! !Who else dares to say that I can’t fly!
The three-legged Golden Crow drawn out by the little broken ball made the mouths of others in the group feel like they were filled with lemons.

Sour sour!

At the same time, they were extremely excited about being able to draw such good things from the prize pool.

Quickly urge the little broken ball to conduct the second lottery to see what other unbelievable things will be drawn.

[Little Breaking Ball]:? ? ?Why is it me again?Shouldn't it be "I can't fly"?
[I can’t fly]: Huh?You have [-] points in your hand!
[Little Broken Ball]: How could I use up all the points at once!The reconstruction of Blue Star still requires a lot of resources. I have to save the [-] points to draw other prize pools to see if I can draw something that will help the recovery of the earth.

After hearing these words, Groudon was unable to refute.

[I can’t fly]: Okay, let me try the lottery this time, hoping that something that is not inferior to the three-legged Golden Crow will appear!

Originally, Groudon wanted to see if he could still find the Lord's slate, sell it, and accumulate enough [-] points to do a ten-game draw.

Because according to the rules of the points lottery, every time you draw ten consecutive rounds at once, you will get another one for free.


What Little Breaking Ball pulled out from the high-end turntable also moved him.

never mind!

No more saving. Anyway, Arceus has 19 slates. If you sell one, you will still get 18 yuan.

There is a chance to accumulate 10 points and have a ten-draw draw in a row.

Groudon took a deep breath and opened the advanced lottery interface.

In an extremely nervous mood, Groudon slowly stretched out his huge paw and pressed the lottery button.

After ten seconds...

Others in the group were waiting for the results of Groudon's lottery, while chatting and guessing what Groudon might draw.

Finally, Groudon appeared in the group, looking desperate.

[I can't fly]: ...I vomited and lost blood!My ten thousand points! ! !
[Little Broken Ball]: Loss of blood?Did you pick the wrong pool? I think it’s easy to sell.

[The richest man in the world]: Don’t believe it!He must be like Birdman, pretending to lose blood, but actually he wants to show off to us!
[Apprentice Death]: Don’t make preparations, don’t foreshadow things, the high-level lottery draws will definitely be good things, the best in the world!

【I can’t fly】:┻━┻︵ヽ(`Д)︵┻━┻, see for yourself!

After speaking, Groudon sent the screenshot to the group.

"Law of the Earth": One of the laws that constitutes the stability of the world. Only with the Law of the Earth can the existence of the earth exist.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! !
[Death Agent]:! ! !

【Big bones made into soup】:! ! ?

[Little Breaking Ball]: Damn it!The power of law! !

[The richest man in the world]: I knew you were definitely showing off!Damn it! !
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Is this considered a blood loss? ?Give me the rules you don’t want!

[I can’t fly]: You don’t know at all!I am originally the god of the earth, I have the authority to control the earth, and I sit on the laws of the earth.

[I Can’t Fly]: Now I have drawn out the same law, which is of no use to me at all!Even if you give me the water law of that smelly fish, it will be fine! ! !

[The richest man in the world]: Ah...ah! ?Feelings, you are really the God of the Earth! ?
[I can’t fly]: Do I need to lie to you?
[The richest man in the world]: Kneel down...kneel down...

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hiss, the god of the earth is so terrifying, it is equivalent to... I have eaten the phoenix fruit, and then eaten an eagle fruit?That's really miserable!
Pokémon World…

An uninhabited island far from land.

In the lava of a volcano that is still active, a red figure is soaked in the magma, looking at the sky speechlessly, with a look of despair.

It was Groudon who had just drawn the Law of the Earth.

At this time, the more and more it thought about it, the angrier it became. Ten thousand points were wasted like this. Blood loss, blood loss! ! !

The [-] points I got from selling Arceus's earth slab turned out to be something I already had in my hands.

What made him even more speechless was that all he extracted was the Law of the Earth.

According to the specific description, this represents the earth law of medium level and medium application.

This is even more useless!
As the God of the Earth, Groudon is extremely confident, and his mastery of the laws of the earth is at least top-notch.

It itself is equivalent to the incarnation of the law of the earth.

All land is created by it.

Except for Arceus, no one in the world knows the earth better than it does.

But no matter what, this is what I extracted.

While sighing, Groudon clicked on the withdrawal.

In an instant, a breath as thick as a planet merged into Groudon's body.

Groudon's eyes widened in disbelief.

This, how is this possible! ?
The mere intermediate level of Earth Law can actually make his strength begin to increase! ?

Not only that, while his own strength is rising steadily.There were countless more uses of the power of the Law of the Earth in his mind, and like an enlightenment, some obscure things suddenly became clear.

Boom boom boom! ! !
At this moment, the entire volcano's magma was boiling violently, like boiling water.

In an instant, with an uncontrollable roar, Groudon's momentum burst out of the embankment and soared into the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, the aura and power lingering on it are constantly getting stronger, and the entire land is trembling.

bang bang...

Volcanoes erupt, lava erupts.

The terrifying magma erupts from the crater, which is extremely spectacular.

The magma erupted by the volcano shot straight into the sky, nearly a thousand meters high, and then it was like a rain of magma and fire.

The rustling sound fell from the sky towards the surrounding sea area.

Chi Chi~!

The most horrifying scene appeared. The lava and fire rain fell into the sea, and the sea turned into land.

In less than a moment…

The island was surrounded by endless sea, which has turned into a small land.

Fortunately, this is an uninhabited volcanic desert island.

Otherwise, if humans were to see it, they might be shocked.

And this change lasted for more than half a minute before slowly stopping.

In the magma, Groudon opened his eyes after feeling the power overflowing throughout his body, and was extremely amazed.

There is actually such a way to use the power of the earth!


Only now does it know that its previous grasp and application of the laws of the earth are the lowest and most rubbish methods!
This intermediate law of the earth directly opens a path with infinite possibilities for Groudon!

Extremely excited, it immediately began to experiment with the insights it had just gained.

Under the influence of the power of law, Groudon's huge body and the earth produced opposite forces.

Like magnets that repel each other at the same level, Groudon's body was slowly lifted up, leaving the magma and floating in mid-air.

I...I can finally...finally be able to fly! !
Groudon was extremely excited that he could fly.

As a mythical beast, it cannot fly. Based on this, it has been ridiculed by that smelly fish for countless years!

Now who dares to laugh at themselves for not being able to fly! ?
In addition...my own strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before! !
Now, even if it encounters the damn 'mutated green caterpillar' "Raquaza" again, it can still defeat it!

Groudon felt itchy at the thought of the mutated green caterpillar.

Every time he and that smelly fish Kyogre fight for territory, the mutated green caterpillar always comes out to break up the fight!
Moreover, the method of breaking up the fight was pretty hard-core. It was not to stand between them and stop the two people's power, but to transform into a super-evolved state of primitive regression.

Rush over with the finishing touch on.

He hammered himself and Kyogre inhumanely.

According to what the bastard Green Caterpillar said: You like fighting and grabbing territory, right?

As long as I cripple you all, you won't be able to fight again for hundreds of years!
But that's not the most annoying thing. The most annoying thing is that he and Kyogre team up to fight together. Neither of them is a match for the mutated green caterpillar. After joining forces, the end will be even worse!

The reason why the green caterpillar is so strong is because it has authority from the sky.

Over the authority of the earth and sea.

It is only now that Groudon has fully recovered from the injury he suffered from Rayquaza hundreds of years ago.

Feeling the huge power within his body, Groudon grinned.

Sure enough, the product produced by the high-end prize pool must be a high-quality product.

The group leader is awesome! ! !
And just the intermediate law has caused such mysterious changes in itself, and its power has skyrocketed!
If you draw out the advanced laws of the earth, wouldn't you become more powerful! ?
No, you have to find someone to share this joy with!
Suddenly, Groudon's lips widened.

Hehe, that smelly fish's injuries were similar to his own, and he should have returned to his full strength.

He remembered that there was its lair not far from this sea area.

I just don’t know if it’s there or not.

never mind…

Go and have a look. If you are there, it would be a good time to share the joy of improving your strength.



(End of this chapter)

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