He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 33 Kyogre was beaten violently and was stunned: Why can you, the God of the Earth, fly? ? ?

Chapter 33 Kyogre was beaten violently and was stunned: Why can you, the God of the Earth, fly? ? ? ?

More than half an hour later…

In the deepest part of the uninhabited ocean area in the Hoenn region.

A huge creature is dormant in the abyss of the sea.

Its whole body is blue, and it is larger than any whale. On its streamlined body, a pair of huge fins like wings float slowly with the sea currents, and its symmetrical red lines shine very conspicuously in the ocean. of light.

The moment you see it, it feels like you are facing the entire ocean, or in other words, it is the ocean itself!

Boom! ! !
Suddenly, the entire seabed began to tremble, and countless water Pokémon fled in panic.

As the God of the Ocean, Kyogre suddenly opened his eyes.

His pupils turned, staring in a certain direction.

The aura from its mortal enemy Groudon is spreading unscrupulously this way, affecting the bottom of the deep sea.

This is a naked provocation and declaration of war!
Being disturbed from his sweet dream, Kyogre looked sulky at the sight of this land reptile again.

It seems that the injuries caused by Rayquaza hundreds of years ago have been fully recovered.

If Rayquaza hadn't intervened in the battle, Groudon would have been defeated by it!

Since Groudon has taken the initiative to declare war, let's fight again!
Boom!swing! ! !
The fins of the fish hit the sea water, Kyogre's body burst into dazzling blue light, and the terrifying momentum was released, surging towards the sea surface!


The surface of the sea.

Countless amounts of scorching red magma flowed out, eroding the seawater and turning it into charred earth.

Groudon stepped on the new earth under his feet, his body glowed with red light, and magma continued to flow out and cover the sea surface. After being cooled, it continued to turn into a path forward.


Groudon stopped and stared straight ahead.

Boom! ! !
The next moment, a huge figure jumped out from under the sea, and the sky over the sea lowered and black clouds gathered.

Soon, huge raindrops began to fall, slapping the two bodies as huge as mountains.

Looking at Kyogre floating in the sky, Groudon grinned.

Sure enough, this guy is at the bottom of this ocean.

The sea and the land have been hostile to each other since their birth.

There were no pleasantries or words.

The moment they met each other, the momentum that shook the world was released from both sides at the same time.

The earth is sinking and the sea is surging.

The energy of red and blue turns into substance and collides with each other in the atmosphere.

It was as if the whole world was split in two.

Half is blue and half is red.

There was lightning and thunder in the dark sky, as if the end of the world was coming.


The collision of momentum came and went quickly.

The two sides exist as mortal enemies of each other in the world. They both understand that it is just a collision of momentum and cannot express the other half.

Roar! !

Kyogre roared like a whale, his body glowing with blue energy.

It seems to be integrated with the sea.

The water around Groudon was changing crazily, and finally turned into a terrifying whirlpool, trying to swallow Groudon!

Groudon was not afraid at all, the lava flowed, and he stirred the earth.

The skill is activated,
Boom! !
The sea surface tilted, and the whirlpool was shattered.

Then, the two continued to attack each other with energy moves.

Most of the seawater has evaporated, and the seabed is even exposed in higher areas.

Roar! ! !
Kyogre waved his fins, and the storm-like whirlpools of water gathered into a huge water column. An extremely pure source of power gathered in the air, forming countless dazzling blue-white lights.

Kyogre's exclusive trick: Root Wave! ! !At the same time, Groudon gathered the power of the earth, and a power more powerful than the power of a volcanic eruption formed a huge red sword, which seemed to be able to pierce the sky, and shot straight out from under the earth.

The same unique trick: Cliff Sword! !
Boom! ! !

Two completely opposite forces exploded, and the entire sea surface was exploded, creating a huge vacuum zone without a trace of sea water.

After a few seconds, the sea water slowly poured in.

Kyogre's huge body also fell heavily from the air to the water. An eye-catching scar appeared on the fins, and his eyes were staring at Groudon in disbelief.

When the two sides collided with the same full-strength blow, it was actually injured by the Cliff Sword! !

Groudon's level... has broken through! ?
Kyogre's expression was a little dazed. They were all divine beasts and their abilities had been very powerful from the beginning, so it was even more difficult to break through their limits.

I don’t know how many years have passed since my last breakthrough.

Now, this guy Groudon has leveled up one step ahead of it...

But so what!
Groudon's biggest disadvantage is that he cannot fly.

As long as it is in the sea, with this little injury and gap, as long as it flies into the air, with its speed, it can be invincible!

In an instant, Kyogre flapped his wings and flew into the air again, preparing to completely defeat Groudon with air superiority.

But at this time, Groudon's figure on the ground had disappeared at some point.

Just as Kyogre was extremely alert, looking for Groudon on the ground.

Suddenly, a huge red claw wrapped in red energy appeared in mid-air, zoomed in front of it rapidly, and landed heavily on its head.

bang bang! ! !

The power that could easily overturn several mountain peaks blasted Kyogre into the sea, causing huge waves hundreds of meters high.

When it emerged from the sea and saw Groudon floating in the sky with a proud smile, the whole fish was stunned.

His mind was in a daze, and his pupils were wide open.

Groudon... Groudon... is flying! ?

As the God of the Earth, it... flew! ?

How is this possible? It is absolutely impossible for the owner of the authority of the earth to fly! !
Do I knock you!In this river? ?

Could it be that... I haven't woken up yet?
next second...

It was startled, because Groudon's claws came up again, hammering it directly into the sea.

The next scene... was Kyogre being unilaterally hammered by Groudon and beaten mercilessly.

After ten minutes...

Groudon, who looked relieved, threw Kyogre, who had a bruised nose and face, doubting his life, back into the sea, and wandered away.

This time the battle was not a law-level battle, and Kyogre's injury was only a superficial wound.

Groudon had no real intentions, nor did he intend to occupy Kyogre's ocean area.

Since joining the chat group, I have seen how powerful the group leader is and how vast the world is.

Fighting for territory has long been ignored by it.

The important thing now is to find a few stone tablets of Arceus and sell them in exchange for group points.


Time flies, and another three or four days have passed.

at the same time……

Above the sky of all heavens and worlds, the golden list of answering questions has been dim for a long time.

It trembled again, and countless golden lights bloomed.

It spreads out like a scroll and sweeps across the sky.

The question-answering list, which had been quiet for a long time, changed again!



(End of this chapter)

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