He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 34: The group members are gearing up and are not afraid of death. The gold medal list reappe

Chapter 34: The group members are gearing up and are not afraid of death. The gold medal list reappears!
All heavens and worlds…

Visions appeared on all the gold medal lists.

Then writing appeared.

[The second question answering begins]


The world of shadow assassins.

Wu Liuqi and Ji Dabao were standing in the shop. One was selling beef offal at the door of the shop, and the other was sitting on a chair to attract customers.

However, there were no guests around, so Ji Dabao started talking about various rumors about the gold medal list.

"I heard someone say that the picture of the gold medal list is from another world. Ah Qi, what do you think?"

"No way? Are there other worlds? This is too ridiculous."

Wu Liuqi shook his head. How could anyone believe such a rumor that was obviously a lie to children?

"And the gold medal list has been silent for many days. Could it be that it's broken?"

A burst of strong light came, and Ji Dabao subconsciously blocked the light with his wings: "Aqi, you idiot, can you save electricity? Don't turn on the lights in broad daylight. The electricity bill is very expensive!"

"I didn't turn on the light, it was the gold medal list that turned on again!"


Naruto World.

The light of the gold medal list attracted Black Zetsu who was collecting information in a hidden corner of Konoha Village.

On a tree in a hidden corner, Hei Jue's face emerged from the bark, staring at the gold medal list.

"As expected, did it appear again? Very good, so that we can continue to learn more about my mother's world."

In Hei Jue's opinion, this gold medal list may be the only way to know the information about his mother's world, and he must not miss it.

If he could find a way to counter them through these pictures, even if one day they suddenly crossed the border to arrest his mother, he would not be helpless.

A white Zetsu emerged from a tree trunk on one side.

White Zetsu who stayed with Madara?Did something happen to Madara?
Hei Jue stretched out his index finger, which turned into a vine and linked to the other person's eyebrows to obtain information.

"Ban can no longer maintain his health at all. Is he dead?"

"Indeed, it's about time. During these days, even his consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep. It's just the activity of the wood escape cells that keeps him alive.

"This can be considered the complete end of an era."

"The next step is to wait for Obito to cast his reincarnation and be resurrected in the future? Unfortunately, whether it is you or Obito, at best, it is just a part of the plan to realize the resurrection of the mother."


Death World.

Aizen, who was hiding in the secret monitoring room and peeping at the outside world, raised the flat mirror on the bridge of his nose and showed an excited smile.

"Has it finally appeared again? A mysterious existence outside the world."

These days, he has been collecting and testing Shen Shen's golden answer list.

In order to study why the gold medal list can show pictures of other worlds, he even tried to get close with an incomplete Bengyu.

But... the jade was shattered.

"Let me see what kind of picture you will show this time."

A smile appeared on Aizen's face. He felt that life was no longer boring. Sooner or later, he would figure out what this gold medal list was.


Pirate World…

After the gold medal list for answering questions bloomed with billions of brilliance.

The powerful men of the World Government, the Navy Headquarters, and the big forces on the sea all tensed up and looked nervous.

Is it finally here?A new round of quizzes is about to begin!

Naval Headquarters, Sengoku stood up.

"All members of the navy, be prepared! The answer this time must be answered correctly by members of the navy, and the reward must fall into the hands of our navy!"

After giving the order, Warring States' face was still very solemn, and the scene when the last time the gold medal list appeared in his mind came to mind.

Previously, the entire navy's top brass was in a state of doubt about the questions and rewards on the gold medal list.

Most of them believed that this might be the ability of an unknown fruit-ability user, or some kind of large-scale illusion.

Therefore, all their energy was focused on finding out who this fruit-ability user was. Almost no one believed that the gold medal list was real.until……

In recent days, the entire sea has almost undergone earth-shaking changes.

Marco, recognized as the weakest lieutenant among the four emperors, appeared in front of the world for the first time after finishing the quiz.

Marco led the team across the world, as if searching for something.

When he showed extremely terrifying domineering power, everyone was shocked to find that Marco, the weakest deputy of the emperor, had reached the level of strength equal to that of the four emperors without anyone noticing. degree!

What frightened them even more was that after that, Whitebeard, who led the Whitebeard fleet and appeared in the new world, actually lost his old state, rejuvenated, and returned to the peak of middle age!
The successive changes in the Whitebeard Pirates have made pirates and navies all over the world go crazy! !
Such a sudden change cannot happen suddenly, there must be some reason.

In an instant, everyone suddenly recalled the gold medal list that appeared more than ten days ago.

Marco answered both questions correctly at that time...

Plus the reward Marco gets for answering the question correctly for the second time is the ability to hold two different Devil Fruits.

In this regard, everyone in the navy is speculating that the reason why Whitebeard can rejuvenate is precisely because of the second unknown Devil Fruit that Marco ate, combined with the power of the Phoenix.

Judging from their route forward, the Navy Headquarters believes that the next target of the Whitebeard Pirates may be the major forces in the New World!
We absolutely cannot allow the Whitebeard Pirates to continue to grow, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!
The next question, no matter what it is, can only be answered by members of the World Government or the Navy! !


World Chat Group.

After the gold medal list started taking action, Annan also opened a meeting and asked everyone in the group to watch the gold medal list together, so that Dagu could also participate.

[Apprentice Death]: It’s coming, it’s coming!The guy finally started moving again.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Is it finally here, the golden list of answering questions!After such a long time, it finally appeared again!

[Little Broken Ball]: So is this what you call the gold medal list for answering questions?There are actually them in your world.

[The richest man in the world]: Hahaha, I want to see what kind of questions it will raise this time!
[Big Bones Boiled into Soup]: I would have never imagined that not only Phoenix, but also people from other worlds like us know the history and major events of the One Piece world.

[Ghost-killing Expert]: A second of silence for the gold medal list. We are really cruel.

That's right, in the past ten days or so, they have basically watched all the content of "One Piece".

Everyone is very confident. No matter what kind of questions the gold list asks, they can answer them immediately.

In the eyes of everyone who was looking forward to it, a golden light suddenly appeared on the answer list, and a powerful force enveloped all intelligent life in the world in an instant.

A loud rumbling sound roared in the distance, the whole world was shaking, and everyone could feel the different reactions of the movement.

coming soon!
At the front of the deck, Marco was gearing up and looking at the answer list, his fingers ready to answer at any time.

The moment the vision stopped, a line of writing also appeared on the scroll.

[Question: Payne, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, whose real name is _____?]

Suddenly, Marco, who was ready to answer the question immediately, blinked and looked at the question with a confused expression.

what's the situation?What does it mean?
In his world, is there still an organizational force with such a name?
[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?

[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! ? ?

[I can’t fly]:? ? ? ?
[Apprentice Shinigami]: Damn, why are the questions so out of line as soon as they come up?Is there such an organization in One Piece?Never seen it before!
Even Marco and the others looked confused, let alone the major forces in the pirate world. They all looked at each other in confusion, with big eyes staring at small eyes, as if they were seeking answers from their respective faces.

Akatsuki organization?Payne?

What the hell is this, they have never heard of it!

At least the questions before the gold medal list have familiar names and organizations.

Now it's completely blind, and I can't understand it at all.

Naval Headquarters.

Seeing this question, Zeng Guo, who had a headache, looked at several people in white suits beside him.

"Our navy has no information about the Akatsuki organization and Payne. Do you have any?"

These people in white suits are the highest organization in the CP organization - CP0.

It was specially sent by the World Government to assist the navy.

The cp organization is a spy organization of the Tianlong people, and it is pervasive.

And cp0 is the most powerful and core department in the cp organization.

But at this moment, facing this problem, cp0 also shook his head in confusion.

In the world... is there information in the world that we, CP0, don’t even know?

(End of this chapter)

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